Tempest of the Stellar War



0Wang Zheng and Lan Ling had stayed in the Pool Tribe for a month and had received the highest level of reception. However, it wasn't because of the Lan family, but Wang Zheng. The Tita giants felt that other than his small stature, Wang Zheng was just like the people of Tita. He had great strength, was direct and outspoken, brave and extremely interested in adventures.      2

Wang Zheng's injuries had fully recovered and he had benefited from the abundance of Yuan Qi. Although he wasn't able to achieve a breakthrough, he had managed to consolidate his cultivation technique and made a group of Tita friends. As for Rara Durai and Shan Meng, they were always around Wang Zheng no matter where he went. Shan Meng's strength was clearly a level above Rara Durai's. However, Rara Durai's ability to understand the techniques was a level above Shan Meng. This made the two of them similar in strength.     

The three of them had visited all of the more interesting and dangerous places surrounding the Pool Tribe and hunted various gigantic beasts. Disregarding how exciting it was, the world of the people of Tita was simple and filled with happiness. This was what many people had been pursuing. However, their source of happiness originated from their simple lifestyle, and this was something that humans could never achieve.     

Wang Zheng had finally decided to return with Lan Ling. Since he was not dead, he was still a student of Ares College and a member of the reserve forces. He had to face what he had to face.     

At the time of parting, Rara Durai and Shan Meng were both reluctant to be separated from Wang Zheng. If there weren't any rules, they would have wanted to follow Wang Zheng into the human cities. However, at this critical juncture, Elder Mu Sen had decisively stopped them.     

Mu Sen was also feeling a little emotional. He felt that Wang Zheng was a great guy, and he was able to develop a sophisticated relationship with the giants     

"The two of you must train well. I will be examining your progress the next time we meet. There might be an opportunity where we could conquer the Abyss together and fulfil the legend of the Titan!"     

Wang Zheng shouted as he waved his hands. The two giants were also waving. The giants from afar also let out huge roars to send their guest away.     

"The Abyss?" asked Lan Ling curiously. "I hear about it from the people of Tita occasionally. Is there really such a place?"     

"It seems to be a legend. It's the place where the devils live. The warriors of Tita must battle and win against the devils and obtain the mystical weapon before they can receive the title of 'Titan,' the king of the Titatitan Star," replied Wang Zheng.     

Lan Ling couldn't help but laugh. "I know about this. It is said that once you obtain the mystical weapon, you will be similar to a god and will be able to control lightning. This is something we can't achieve with the current human technologies. It is likely similar to shamanistic powers."     

"Lan Ling, I really want to thank you for this period of time. If you have the opportunity to visit Canyon City, you have to look for me." Wang Zheng sincerely thanked this kind-hearted and smart girl.     

"Even if you didn't say it, I would have gone too. At that time, please do not act as though you do not know this indigenous person," replied Lan Ling with a smile.     

The Lan family had people to provide guidance specifically for Wang Zheng. On the other hand, Lan Ling was able to achieve much more in this trip than in previous trips. Initially, the Lan family required additional information if they could extend the agreement with the people of Tita. This was extremely important to the Lan family. However, it was clear that the people of Tita had never been so friendly, and they were able to achieve further agreements with Lan Ling.     

The base for the Special Forces Team of the Milky Way Alliance was located on the Storm Plains in Canyon City.     

The Storm Plains covered an area of 900,000 square kilometers and it housed the most primitive forest of the Tita Star. The enormous Wet Wood forest had over 10,000 years of history. If one were to go slightly deep into the forest and chop any tree, its age would be at least a thousand, as could be deduced from counting the growth rings. The protection of the primitive forest was the strongest among the Milky Way Alliance. This was likely the result of the people of Tita worshipping nature and emphasised on being one with nature.     

Outside the forest were huge, fertile grasslands. The Ping Yuan River that started from the Wet Wood Forest flowed throughout the grasslands, nourishing the countless lives on the grasslands.     

Between these vast spaces was a road opened by humans. It cut through the primitive forest that no one dared to trespass, went across the plains, and was connected to the most southern part of the Storm Plains through the Gravel Canyon.     

Rumbling… Wang Zheng was on a long distance train that was travelling on this deserted road. One could see that the external area of the road was protected by huge electricity net. There would also be a military CCTV every few hundred meters. This piece of electricity net was what separated the road and wilderness, and was also the distance separating civilization and the wilderness. It was the result of countless people's hard work and funding and was a symbol of hard work of the early humans on the Tita Star.     

Maglev trains with tracks were already eliminated in some of the more developed places within the Milky Way Alliance. However, the trackless maglev trains were not suitable for the Tita Star. The maglev train was moving at a high speed, but the trip from Lan Kao City to Canyon City located at Gravel Canyon was a six-hour ride.     

"They should have upgraded the speed long ago. I heard that the Lan family has achieved new developments in this aspect. Our planet is a little unique and different from other places in the Milky Way Alliance. We still have to develop our own technology lines."     

"Yeah, the model of this train is too old. If we were anywhere else, one hour would be enough."     

The people who were travelling with Wang Zheng were chatting happily, while Wang Zheng was just listening.     

Canyon City was one of the five largest human cities on the Tita Star. The population was approximately 5 million. According to official statistics, the number of humans on Tita Star was several million. However, it had actually exceeded 10 million and was still increasing consistently. With more development, there would be a further influx of immigrants. This was truly a beautiful place, and it would have no problem supporting 1 billion humans. With the development of flight routes and excavation of resources, the prosperity of the Tita Star was just a matter of time.     

However, achieving a balance between prosperity and preservation of the original ecology and maintaining a cordial relationship with the people of Tita was a difficult question for the Lan family and the Milky Way Alliance.     

The reason why everything seemed fine currently was because there weren't many interactions between humans and the people of Tita in their everyday lives. The humans were living in their cities, while the people of Tita were living in the vast nature.     

The five human cities on the Tita Star were just like five sesame seeds on the Tita Star.     

The train continued to move forward but started to decelerate as it passed by a Milky Way Alliance Outpost. Wang Zheng could see two mecha within the outpost.     

The surrounding human buildings had been increasing. There were buildings for military usage and factories for civilian usage. When the maglev train entered the underground pass, the train started to accelerate. After a few minutes, the train finally arrived at the train station within Canyon City.     

Wang Zheng followed the rest and lined up. He made his way out of the station and found that it was brimming with life. The shops along the pathways were booming. People were coming and going and business was very good.     

On the roads, the trucks never stopped but were moving in good order and leaving a broad pathway. The pathway was fully drawn with yellow warning lines. The pathway was specifically for mecha patrol. No vehicles, no matter what their reason might be, could use this path.     

Rumbling... three mecha and two infantry carrier vehicles sped past this pathway. The badges of the Milky Way Alliance on the mecha were extremely eye-catching.     

Wang Zheng walked to the side of the road and a for-rental car slowly approached and asked if he would need to use a car.     

Wang Zheng sat on it and gave the address of his destination. The driver was slightly stunned and said, "Ah, brat, are you a soldier?"     

Wang Zheng nodded. The driver's face was full of smiles and he said, "That's great! I will not charge for this trip. Just giving a testimony that I am supportive of the military would be enough for me!"     

Wang Zheng smiled. "Would it be okay if I haven't officially reported for duty?"     

"Of course! I could gain another point this year. Hehe. I intend to start my family in this place. Once I have earned enough points, I will apply for citizenship, property, and benefits in one go!"     

"Is it such a great place over here?" Wang Zheng was surprised. He had thought that no one would willingly want to be here. At least no one would want to start a family here, but the purpose of earning money would still be understandable.     

"Whether or not it will be great depends on individuals. Don't look at me as just a driver. My income here is at least 10x better than it was back home. I used to be from Norton. I can accumulate points in exchange for subsidies. The more points I accumulate, the better the subsidies..."     

Once the driver had started talking, he couldn't really hold back. There weren't many people here in the past. Therefore, the Milky Way Alliance had introduced several initiatives to encourage immigration. However, with the discovery of the super gravity energy ore, plus the various major infrastructure projects over these years, such as the building of 12 different flight routes to Tita, the Tita Star had become one of the top 10 planets for new immigrants. This had aroused the interests of many families who were interested in making money.     

A tree couldn't survive when it left its birthplace, but a human could. For a normal family, migrating could be an attractive option to change their current ordinary living conditions.     

It seemed that the Milky Way Alliance wasn't just here for the mineral ores, but truly wanted to turn the Tita Star into a prosperous planet. The "Immigration Plan" that the driver kept mentioning was a big move by them to attract new immigrants.     

When the car stopped, Wang Zheng left a testimonial that the driver was supportive of the military for the enthusiastic driver. "My name is Wang Zheng. If there is any problem with this testimonial, you are welcome to look for me any time over here."     

The most a**hole way to conquer a planet unwillingly by humans was to flood this place with a countless number of people!     

"Military area ahead! Do not approach!"     

Just when Wang Zheng arrived at the doorstep, he was stopped by two armed soldiers.     

Pa, Wang Zheng stood upright immediately and did a perfect salute with a strict face. "I'm Wang Zheng from the Solar System Federation. I have received an order to report to the base."     

"Wang Zheng from the Solar System Federation? Ah, you are still alive... Give me a moment."     

The two guards were stunned for a moment. One of them continued staring at Wang Zheng, while the other had quickly walked to the booth and established communication with his superiors.     

Soon, that guard was holding a portrait of Wang Zheng and walked towards Wang Zheng. After verifying with the photo on the paper, the guard nodded and said, "It really is you. Let's go. I will bring you to your reporting area."     

At the reporting area, a fat military officer who was as fat as a wine barrel received him. This was also the embassy of the Milky Way Alliance on the Tita Star.     

"Wang Zheng from the Solar System Federation?"     

"Yes, Sir!"     

The middle-aged second lieutenant looked at Wang Zheng lazily. "Hmm, on the records, the transport ship that you were taking was raided by unidentified robbers. How did you survive?     

"Reporting to the officer. I remained in my cabin and was not clear of what was happening. When the airship crashed, I found an escape pod. Although it was hit, it landed on a tree. I was lucky to be stuck between the trees. I suffered grave injuries but was rescued. I have come to report for duty since I have recovered," replied Wang Zheng. He did not mention the Lan family.     

"Hehe, it's great that you are fine. Verification of your identity is complete and you can return to your team." The second lieutenant waved his hand impatiently. He couldn't care less about the life of a small fry soldier. If he was sent to this forsaken planet, he had likely offended someone or was a useless person.     

Wang Zheng stamped his head and saluted. "I understand, sir!"     

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