Dragon King's Son-In-Law

Little White's Poop~

Little White's Poop~

0When Zhao Hongyu went back inside the house, she felt extremely relieved.      0

Dinner was already cooked, but it was postponed since Ciyun Dragon King came over.     

She told everyone to gather around the dinner table for the meal.     

"Auntie, I already had dinner," Xie Yujia said softly as she saw Zhao Hongyu bring out dishes from the kitchen.     

"It's ok. Come and eat a few bites!" Zhao Hongyu said as she put the last dish on the table. Then, she went over directly to Xie Yujia and pulled her over to the dinner table.     

"Ok. Thank you, Auntie." Xie Yujia couldn't reject Zhao Hongyu's enthusiastic invitation, so she smiled and sat down.     

"Yujia, Come." Zhao Hongyu put the utensils in front of Xie Yujia.     

Zhao Yanzi was sitting across from Xie Yujia, looking a bit angry.     

"Yanzi, go get the rice!" Zhao Hongyu told Zhao Yanzi.     

Zhao Yanzi pouted and stood up to fetch the rice in the kitchen.     

Hao Ren smiled; he understood what Zhao Yanzi was feeling. When Yue Yang and Hao Zhonghua paid more attention to Xie Yujia than him, he felt a bit jealous as well.     

"It's not the first time you've been over, Yujia. Make yourself at home." Zhao Hongyu smiled when she talked to Xie Yujia.     

Xie Yujia nodded, but she looked a bit shy. She held her chopsticks and started eating the dishes in front of her in little bites.     

"Eat some meat!" Zhao Hongyu picked up a piece of braised pork and put it in Xie Yujia's bowl.     

Zhao Hongyu was very hospitable toward Xie Yanzi, but that made Xie Yujia a little bit uncomfortable. However, Zhao Hongyu was better at cooking than Xie Yujia, so her braised pork was delicious.     


Zhao Yanzi couldn't stand it anymore, so she picked up a big piece of braised pork with her chopsticks and put it directly in Hao Ren's bowl, even though he was across the table.     

Hao Ren was silent, focusing his attention on eating. Therefore, he was shocked and thought why he was suddenly involved.     

"Eat some more!" Zhao Yanzi pouted and said to Hao Ren.     

"Ok…" Hao Ren just looked down and had a bite of the braised pork.     

The act of Zhao Yanzi picking up meat and putting it in Hao Ren's bowl was supposed to be something sweet, but Hao Ren smelled jealousy in the air.     

"Xie Yujia, try this." Zhao Hongyu stared at Zhao Yanzi. Then, she got a piece of steamed carp and put it in Xie Yujia's bowl.     

Since Xie Yujia wasn't actually a part of the East Ocean Dragon Clan, she didn't need to make pills for the dragon kings, especially not level 4 pills.     

Regardless of how long it took, making level 4 elixir pills was extremely energy consuming. Zhao Hongyu's kind acts were to show her gratefulness, but Zhao Yanzi started to get jealous.     

"Eat this!" Zhao Yanzi picked up a piece of fish from its tail and put it in Hao Ren's bowl.     

Hao Ren looked innocent and pure at this moment.     

In a short period of time, his bowl was piled with food.     

Tud! Tud!     

Zhao Guang tapped the table with his fingers.     

Zhao Yanzi wasn't entirely convinced but still took her arm back. She didn't feel comfortable about her mom being so lovely toward Xie Yujia!     

"The things I said weren't just to be polite. I like how you, Yujia, is so considerate and well mannered, so I do see you like half a daughter of mine," Zhao Hongyu said while looking at Xie Yujia.     

"Um…" Xie Yujia blushed a little.     

Even if the things that happened today didn't occur, Zhao Hongyu still treated Xie Yujia well in the past.     

Xie Yujia was gentle, unlike how crazy Zhao Yanzi was; that was why adults liked her.     

Also, Zhao Hongyu was an incredible motherly figure and was gentle in temperament.     

"If only our Yanzi is half as good as Yujia, I wouldn't have to worry about her so much." Zhao Hongyu said.     

"Mom…" Zhao Yanzi said sounding slightly discontent.     

Beside her was Zhao Guang, who had on a serious face. That was why she didn't dare to shout at the dinner table.     

"Yanzi is very cute and energetic." Xie Yujia said.     

"Hehe." Zhao Hongyu smiled. She thought it would probably be impossible for Zhao Yanzi to learn how to be like Xie Yujia.     

She didn't mind taking in another daughter, but it was up to Xie Yujia.     

When Zhao Yanzi turned into a human cultivator, the Soul Formation Real cultivator helped her build the foundation, and Xie Yujia had taught Zhao Yanzi the specific cultivation techniques.     

According to the rules of the cultivation sects, Xie Yujia was Zhao Yanzi's senior, while the Soul Formation Real cultivator was her teacher. Overall, Xie Yujia treated Zhao Yanzi fairly well.     

If it weren't for Hao Ren, Zhao Yanzi wouldn't be so hostile to Xie Yujia. Zhao Hongyu knew this point well.     

She turned around and looked at Hao Ren as he just focused on his food, pretending not to see Zhao Yanzi's angry face across the table.     

"Ren also has it tough…" Zhao Hongyu thought as she shook her head.     

Dinner went by slowly.     

Zhao Guang asked how the exams were in the middle of dinner, and Zhao Yanzi turned speechless.     

Zhao Yanzi scratched her head and had no more aggressiveness. Her grades were her weaknesses. Since she didn't study hard enough, her status wasn't that high on the dinner table.     

After dinner, Xie Yujia volunteered to help tidy up, and Zhao Hongyu didn't decline her offer.     

When she saw how well her mom and Xie Yujia worked together, Zhao Yanzi wrinkled her nose, and her two little, pointed 'fangs' showed.     

She looked as if she was ready to bite someone.     

Hao Ren was sitting on the sofa which was far from Zhao Yanzi. He was scared that he would become a sacrificial lamb when she exploded from her anger.     

"Auntie. Thanks for having me over today." Xie Yujia cleaned the table as she said and bowed slightly at Zhao Hongyu.     

"We're pleased to have you over! I haven't even thanked you for the Beauty Pill from last time," Zhao Hongyu said with a smile.     

"It's no big deal." Xie Yujia smiled sweetly.     

"Ok. Ask Hao Ren to bring you home, and come over and eat dinner with us when you have time. Hao Ren helps out at my studio on the weekends, so you can come over and take a look as well," Zhao Hongyu said amiably.     

 "Ok. Thank you, Auntie!" Xie Yujia nodded slightly. She was extremely well mannered.     

Her parents were in the U.S. so that they couldn't take care of her. Yue Yang did pay attention to her, but she was a strong and independent female scientist, so she didn't have a gentle motherly temperament like Zhao Hongyu.     

That was why Zhao Hongyu's motherliness made Xie Yujia feel incredibly warm.     

 "Go home and rest early today. You have exams at the university next week, so you should study well." Zhao Hongyu nagged a bit and said, "Ren, you should go back earlier too!"     

Hao Ren jumped up from the sofa and hurried to the door. He was extremely cautious of the angered Zhao Yanzi as she was ready to bite someone.     

The Ferrari that was parked outside could bring Hao Ren and Xie Yujia home.     

"Mom… I want... I want…" Zhao Yanzi stood up and mumbled.     

Zhao Hongyu had raised Zhao Yanzi for tens of years, so she knew what Zhao Yanzi was planning in her little head very clearly.     

She smiled and said, "You can go to Ren's place. Exams are over anyway."     

When Zhao Yanzi heard this, she jumped up and ran over to the door happily. After all, Zhao Hongyu cared about her, and she didn't care what expression was on Hao Ren's face.     

If she wanted to stay over at Hao Ren's place, there was nothing he could do to stop her. If he didn't let her, she would use Hao Ren's grandma as her ultimate weapon.     

"However, when grades come out, and you're not in the top three of your class, you can't go anywhere this summer break," Zhao Hongyu continued to say.     

Zhao Yanzi's footsteps suddenly became heavier.     

She dragged herself to Hao Ren and suddenly turned into a good girl. She realized that she still needed Hao Ren's support. If her grades didn't meet Zhao Hongyu's expectations, she couldn't get away from trouble even with Hao Ren's grandma on her side, unless Hao Ren helped her say a few kind words.     

"Let's go. Let's go."     

The Ferrari was still parked across the street, and this limited-edition Ferrari now exposed one of its biggest weak spots: it couldn't fit two beauties at the same time.     

"I can ride Little White back," Xie Yujia said.     

She made an energy sphere, and Little White that was by her feet turned into its snow lion form immediately.     

Ruff… Xie Yujia rode on Little White, and they soared into the sky.     

Ordinary cultivators couldn't fly in the city, but it was East Ocean City, the district under the surveillance of Hao Ren and Su Han.     

Xie Yujia was also the disciple of a Soul Formation Realm cultivator, so she was able to have special permission to fly in the city.     

Zhao Yanzi watched as the round sphere flew quickly toward the sea, and she pouted and sat in the car.     

Hong! Hong!     

Hao Ren started the Ferrari, and it turned into a beam of light.     

When he came home, Xie Yujia had already climbed back into her room through her window.     

Little White returned to its puppy form and was rolling around on the living room floor, eating a piece of apple from Grandma's hand.     

Grandma was extremely happy.     

"Gongzi!" Lu Linlin and Lu Lili suddenly appeared, startling Hao Ren.     

"These two poor girls... Their grandpa is out doing work, and they don't have a place to eat at," Grandma hugged Little White and said to Hao Ren.     

Lu Linlin and Lu Lili made innocent faces together.     

Hao Ren didn't have a choice but had to let them stay, although he didn't know whether Lu Qing was in East Ocean City or not.     

However, Lu Qing didn't know how to cook, so the Lu sisters did not have much to eat.     

"Grandma, I'll take Little White." Hao Ren held Little White by the neck, and he walked toward the stairs.     

This little beast discovered that the food Grandma fed it had the elixir pills Xie Yujia secretly put in, so it was nice to Grandma.     

"Gongzi…" Lu Linlin and Lu Lili raced up the stairs.     

"Grandma!" Zhao Yanzi walked in and said cutely to Grandma. Then, she followed Hao Ren up the stairs as well.     

Xie Yujia's room door was opened. She saw Hao Ren taking Little White up the stairs, so she smiled at Grandma and also followed him up.     

Grandma was sitting on the sofa quietly. When she saw four girls following Hao Ren up the stairs, she smiled with happiness.     

"Apparently, Little White's poop could act as a catalyst for the spirit herbs. We could try it today," Hao Ren said as he walked toward the balcony in his room.     

"Ok!" Xie Yujia's eyes brightened. She also wanted to confirm whether the writings on the rare technique was true or not. However, she was so busy studying recently that she didn't have time to test it.     

Both Hao Ren and she were engineer students, so they were willing to conduct experiments.     

Hao Ren grabbed a pot of cactus and put it under Little White's butt. Then, he knelt to observe Little White.     

Zhao Yanzi was blinking her big eyes curiously; she also knelt and stared at Little White.     

Lu Linlin and Lu Lili knelt with their elbows on their knees, and their hands supported their chins. They also surrounded Little White.     

Xie Yujia knelt next to Hao Ren as she stared at Little White's butt anxiously. It was very important to her as an elixir master to know whether Little White's poop was as potent as it was said to be.     

In the center, Little White's butt was on the cactus, and its two legs were shivering.     

"How can I poop when so many people are watching!" Little White thought as its eyes turned watery as if it were going to cry…     

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