Dragon King's Son-In-Law

Strange Things Happen Every Year

Strange Things Happen Every Year


The bus came shortly. Hao Ren got on the bus, opened the window, and tried to slowly sort out the things that had happened recently while feeling the city's wind on his face.


The current situation was that he had a fiancée that he didn't know much about, and he got himself into a circle that he has never heard about. Moreover, he was assigned to some extra work and had an extra identity.

However, he forgot to ask Zhao Guang about their circle or anything about the cultivation techniques. He just met the other two people in Zhao Yanzi's family as their "son-in-law".

Zhao Yanzi's father seemed quite cold but was probably also someone very righteous. Zhao Yanzi's mother was a very kind and intelligent woman... that was the only impression Hao Ren had on them.

"Don't tell me from now on I have to go to their home for dinner every day." Hao Ren felt a bit distracted. After thinking about the situation for a while, he got off the bus three stops ahead.

At the Xinhua Bookstore, Hao Ren carefully browsed around in the middle school study guide area and finally bought some books such as [Middle School English Test Bank] and [Grade Eight English Knowledge Collection].

Walking out of the bookstore with a couple of heavy books in hand and looking back at the countless amount of study guides on the shelves, Hao Ren was already covered with sweat. He had to felt pity for the mid-schoolers who were under a lot of pressure.

Hao Ren suddenly realized that the news about him being picked up by the Lincoln Stretch Limousine at noon in front of the dorm area had to have been widely spread among his classmates by now. If he went back now, he wouldn't be able to get away from their endless questions. He was always trying to keep a low profile and didn't want to get too much attention from the others. Therefore, after thinking for a bit, he walked across the street and got on the bus that would take him home.

The bus was slightly bumpy, and the night slowly came. Hao Ren held a bunch of English study material in his arms, still feeling lost.

Beep beep beep beep... his phone suddenly rang.

"Ren, why aren't you back yet?!" After picking up the phone, he heard Zhao Jiayi's yelling tone.

"I'm going home today, what's the matter?" Hao Ren asked even though he knew why.

"Dude, had a great time today? What on earth was going on during the day? we were all shocked by you," Zhao Jiayi asked over the phone.

"Em, nothing really. It was the relative from last time, asking me to have a meal at their home," Hao Ren answered casually.

"Are you still lying to us? What's with the fiancée situation?" Zhao Jiayi asked loudly on the other side of the line.

Hao Ren's ear almost went deaf from Zhao Jiayi's yelling. He had to move the phone away from his ear. Although Zhao Jiayi was yelling at him, it was quite touching as Hao Ren understood that the three buddies in the dorm were really worried about him and that was why they called. After all, what kind of relatives would bring two bodyguards dressed in black when they invited someone over for a meal?

"Just some minor things. I'll tell you guys when I come back on Sunday," Hao Ren said. He was actually speechless about what Zhao Yanzi's family did today. They wished that he could keep their circle a secret. But on the other hand, the way they acted was so eye-catching that it drew so much attention.

"But who could ever imagine how strange their identities are? The greatest geniuses often lie to conceal. However, by keeping too much of a low and mysterious profile, it may draw in even more attention from others," Hao Ren continued to wonder.

"Fine, we will wait for you to come back and continue our investigation." Zhao Jiayi hung up the phone.

Not until this second did Hao Ren notice that there were many messages from his classmates like Zhao Jiayi as well as Class President Xie Yujia on his phone.

He sighed and then deleted all of the messages at once. He laid his head back down against the window and took a nap. It was very late at night when he got home. His grandma was surprised and glad to see her sweet grandson.

Seeing the extreme joy on his grandma's face, Hao Ren was debating if he should tell her about the 'future granddaughter-in-law'. However, he decided to hold back after struggling for a few minutes.

After spending the weekend peacefully with his grandma, he planned to go back to the university on Sunday evening so he could avoid the crazy gossips.

A big pile of snacks couldn't distract the interest of Zhao Jiayi and others. Hearing Hao Ren was back, even the guys from other dorm rooms flooded over.

"Hey man, you made such a big scene! Getting picked up by a Lincoln Stretch Limousine? I heard that even the super rich guy Chen Ke from the advanced class didn't get such a treatment," while continuously tapping Hao Ren's shoulder, Huang Jianfeng from the dorm room across the hall said with envy and jealousy.

"We heard about the fiancée. Tell us the truth," Yu Rong from the dorm room at the corner across also yelled.

"Even the girls were talking about you. They were saying that your family is actually very rich. Hehe, Wang Jia, the girl who used to look down on you, was even talking about you too."

"Don't tell me that you hired some people to put on a show in order to cause a sensation?"

"Oh, that little girl was cute, what's her name?"

"Dude, you seem quiet at the university, but you actually have lots of girls outside, don't you?"

They were starting to stretch the situation too far, Hao Ren could only remain speechless and helpless.

"Alright alright, stop making things up. It was a joke set up by one of my friends. It actually freaked me out too on Friday. I shouldn't have made such a big scene, How about we all go out to eat? I will pay!" He stood up trying to shut their mouths.

Those guys wouldn't refuse a free meal. They all rushed out of the dorm building while dragging Hao Ren with them.

Although most of them had eaten dinner already, they couldn't resist the kind invitation for hot pot from Hao Ren. Hao Ren had no choice but to spend some money to apologize to them for the drama in order to end it all.

After endless gluttony, Hao Ren roughly took care of them. What he heard from those close friends was that his behavior also drew the attention of some guys and girls in upper-years. Not only people in the second-year but also those from other years and majors had opinions about Hao Ren because of that.

Tall trees always catch a lot of wind. Hao Ren didn't expect that he would catch the attention of the influential students and also annoyed them. It was true that whoever showed off would get punished

Having dined and wined to satiety, all those close buddies from Hao Ren's dorm room and close dorm rooms went back while wrapping their arms around each other's shoulders.

They ran into the vice-principal Lu Qing and some other officials of the university who were inspecting the dorms.

Seeing the vice-principal coming, all the guys who were burping and singing songs instantly restrained themselves as it wasn't proper to go out and have drinks at night.

To everyone's surprise, Vice-Principal Lu Qing only smiled and waved at them even though he saw that they were all drunk.

Lu Qing walked by them with the other officials, leaving all the guys looked at each other in speechless despair.

"Did I just see the vice-principal wave at us?" Zhou Liren asked Zhao Jiayi in confusion after sobering up.

The other guys had no idea either about what had just happened.

They thought the vice-principal would scold them after knowing that they went out for drinks or at least came to ask which major and class they were from. As they were all too shocked to see the vice-principal and struggled to come up with an excuse, the vice-principal only kindly waved at them and then walked by like nothing happened.

"Strange things happen every year, but there are a lot more this year," releasing a sigh of relief, Zhou Liren uttered.

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