God Of Slaughter



0Outside the stone castle, the beasts were aggressively showing their fangs and claws. They let out terrifying roars, gathered next to Shi Yan’s group, and were ready to rush over at any moment.      0

The Three Gravitational Fields flew around in front of the stone castle. Golden Silks emitted golden lights and spun like sharp blades inside the Gravitational Fields.     

Ten Green Armored Scale Falcons and three Single-horned Dragon Pythons seemed to know that the Gravitational Fields were not easy to deal with, as they ruthlessly stared at ShiYan’s group but didn’t dare to move toward the Fields to attack. They could only stay outside the Gravitational Fields without scattering, seeming to wait for something. When Zuo Shi, Zuo Xu, and Chi Xiao entered Shi Yan’s stone castle, they also dragged along nine beasts. These beasts were the giant sixth level Three-headed Crocodiles and giant seventh level Eight-horn Giant Spiders.     

There were three giant Eight-horn Giant Spiders, each of which was as big as a millstone. Their legs were shining with brilliant icy lights. They were very flexible and active in the air, letting out strange ear-splitting sounds.     

One Gravitational Field strangled a Three-headed Crocodile and hung it in the direction where Zuo Shi and the other two were coming from. The Three-headed Crocodile died instantly, which prevented the remaining Three-headed Crocodiles and the Eight-horn Giant Spider from acting recklessly, as they were afraid of following in the footsteps of that dead Three-headed Crocodile. They could only keep a distance from the Gravitational Field and stare at their original three targets.     

As Shi Yan’s group was approaching, Zuo Xu could immediately sense Shi Yan’s cultivation base only with a glance. His face was shocked while he subconsciously cried out in fear.     

Chi Xiao and Zuo Shi were exceedingly astonished as well, looking at Shi Yan with eyes of disbelief. They didn’t know what he had done in just a few years to be able to reach the Third Sky of Nirvana Realm.     

"Let’s talk later. Now is not a good time to reminisce." Shi Yan’s face was solemn as he concentrated on controlling the Gravitational Fields, constantly moving them to prevent those beasts from having a chance to get closer.     

The stone castle was one hundred meters high, but Shi Yan’s group was only about thirty meters from the ground.     

This distance was not out of the beasts' reach. Even if they couldn’t fly, using a violent force was enough for them to be able to leap up. Without the Gravitational Fields, those beasts would certainly sprint up and invade the castle.     

A Single-horn Dragon Python and three Green Armored Scale Falcons that had come before were staring at them, waiting for an opportunity behind the stone fortress.     

When the nine beasts, which had been following Zuo Xu, all came together, they quickly blocked all directions without leaving any gap for Shi Yan’s people to escape.     

Ai Ya and Cai Yi coldly looked at Zuo Shi with annoyed faces.     

Chi Xiao was at the Second Sky of Sky Realm. Meanwhile, Zuo Shi was just in the Earth Realm, and Zuo Xu was only at the Third Sky of Nirvana Realm. To Ai Ya and Cai Yi, that kind of ability was only cumbersome for them.     

If it were Ai Ya calling the shots, even if she knew Shi Yan, she would not hesitate to kick them out and let them fend for themselves.     

However, Shi Yan had used his strength to prove his position in the team. Even though Ai Ya and Cai Yi were not happy, they didn’t want to have any conflicts with him, and could only accept his arrangement.     

"Zuo Shi, you should not move. Hide behind us. The rest of us should be ready to cope with the beast’s sneaky attacks." Shi Yan coldly looked at Ai Ya and Cai Yi and said with a cold face, "These three are my friends. If you two dare to cause any mischief, don’t blame me for not having mercy."     

Ai Ya’s and Cai Yi’s beautiful faces changed. They grunted but did not refuse.     

On hearing Shi Yan’s words, the three people of Chi Xiao’s group shuddered in their hearts. They were secretly vigilant and prepared to guard against Ai Ya and Cai Yi.     

Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu were old foxes. Through Shi Yan’s words, they could see that Ai Ya, Cai Yi, and Shi Yan were not really intimate.     

Facing the rampant beasts in the ancient city, everyone felt insecure. At this point in time, the scariest thing was people’s wicked hearts.     

The three of them who came here from the Merchant Union had gone through many hardships, and encountered a lot of warriors who had wanted to kill them. They soon knew that there wasn’t any good person in the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist, and that they had to rely on themselves to snatch the privilege of having 'eternal' life.     

"Little Shi, don’t worry about the beasts. Listen to Shi Yan. Protect yourself." Chi Xiao whispered.     

Zuo Shi blinked and nodded obediently. Her pretty eyes brightened, looking at Shi Yan.     

Beasts were wandering around in every direction. Shi Yan was standing in front of the stone fortress with a cold face and resolute eyes. He looked like a ten-thousand-year-old rock which seemed unwavering, while emitting a mighty temperament that only a man could possess.     

At this moment, Shi Yan undoubtedly carried a mesmerizing male charm.     

After not seeing him for ages, she unexpectedly ran into Shi Yan in her most dangerous time, who had gone missing for a long while. Zuo Shi’s heart was involuntarily agitated a little bit. She subconsciously wondered if this was God’s predestined will or not.     

Previously, in the Merchant Union, Shi Yan had a special personality. He was cold and ruthless, and thus had left a deep impression in Zuo Shi’s heart. After he left the Merchant Union, Zuo Shi always thought of him. She couldn’t control her mind as she often compared Shi Yan with the so-called young outstanding talents of the Merchant Union and the Fire Empire.     

The more comparison she made, the more she felt that those outstanding youths of Merchant Union, the Fire Empire, and God-blessed Empire seemed to be much inferior to him. Regardless of their realm or their mindset, they were not as prominent as him.     

Shi Yan had been gone for a few years. Zuo Xu used to make arrangements for her to meet young men from different powerful forces of the Fire Empire and the God-blessed Empire. However, it was unknown why she had always been dissatisfied with those men, and had secretly compared them with Shi Yan. The more she compared, the more she felt that those people were not as good as him.     

Zuo Shi assumed that she would hardly see Shi Yan again. However, she now suddenly met him in the Dark Magnetic Noxious Mist. This unexpected encounter made her both happy and scared at the same time. Watching Shi Yan’s fearless manner while facing numerous beasts, the nervous tension she had been suffering from all along seemed to relax all of a sudden.     

"Elder Chi Xiao, you stand over there and be ready to deal with the giant Eight-horn Giant Spiders. Hmm, Zuo grandfather, you and Chi Xiao stay in one place to guard that side." Shi Yan pointed out a direction and then suddenly looked at Cai Yi and the two brothers, "You stay on the left. Be ready to cope with the Single-horn Dragon Pythons below. Ai Ya, you pay attention to our back."     

Under the beasts’ gaze, Shi Yan calmed down, coldly looked ahead, and said, "Once those beasts rush over, we must use our full power to kill them. We shouldn’t consume too much of our strength either. There are also flames, lightning, tornados, and ice outside the castle. Not only must we kill all of these beasts, but we shouldn’t allow ourselves to suffer a great loss." Ai Ya and the others nodded at the same time.     

Chi Xiao and Zuo Xu exchanged glances.     

In the Merchant Union, Shi Yan had only had Disaster Realm cultivation base. Although he had displayed an outstanding performance, he was just an arrogant young generation member of the Shi family. Compared to Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao’s status at that time, Shi Yan had apparently been far lower than them.     

With time, not only had Shi Yan reached the Third Sky of Nirvana Realm, but he could also instigate the two Sky Realm female warriors. Looking at these two girls’ attitudes, they seemed to actually listen to his orders.     

Witnessing it with their own eyes, Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao were secretly scared, and somehow could hardly accept this for a moment.     

After all, in the Merchant Union, when having dealt with the Bei Ming family, Shi Yan had to listen to their commands, show his respect towards them, and consider them his elders.     

Suddenly, the situation had changed significantly. They naturally felt a bit strange. Zuo Xu and Chi Xiao hesitated, but didn’t say anything. They just reluctantly let out a sigh and finally obeyed his commands as well.     

"Those beasts are waiting for flames and lightning to overflow from the Four Symbols mountains. They want to wait for those dangers to come and then take action together." Cai Yi was standing next to Shi Yan, carefully observing the changes at the edge of the ancient city. Her beautiful face slightly changed, and she then said with a terrified voice, "The flames, lightning, tornados, and ice don’t seem to be aimed at the beasts. Look!"     

After hearing that, everyone looked toward the outskirts of the ancient city.     

Indeed, those dangers from the four mountains gradually enveloped and began to ravage the ancient city.     

However, the beasts were still safe under those dangers. Those threats couldn’t severely injure any of the beasts.     

Those dangers couldn’t even shake the beasts’ bodies. On the contrary, they seemed to enhance their power.     

After some human warriors had been shrouded by the flames, lightning, tornados, and ice, they were either burned up by the flames or frozen by the ice, and then blown away by the storm.     

While the beasts were unharmed, human warriors seemed to be unable to bear those dangers. The human warriors let out ear-splitting screams and quickly avoided the severe weather in panic as those dangers were gradually approaching.     

Seeing the situation not going well, the warriors in the peripheral fortresses all ran out and rushed towards the center of the ancient city.     

The flames, tornados, lightning, and ice slowly approached the ancient city. The center of the city would be the last area to be affected. Thus, moving towards the center of the ancient city would allow them to encounter those disasters much later. Although they were not sure doing this would help them escape from this fatal incident or not, it still helped them delay the time of encountering those disasters and delay their deaths.     

Therefore, those warriors outside, who were under the chase and slaughter of the beasts, were desperately running towards the center of the ancient city.     

Hundreds of figures were speeding on the streets of the ancient city. They didn’t dare to fight against the beasts, and instead, quickly moved towards the center of the ancient city.     

The stone fortress that Shi Yan’s group was staying in was not in the center of the ancient city either. There was a big road between their fortress and the center. Those warriors flew over and thus dragged along the beasts that were chasing them. Those beasts were like surging tides running into the ancient city, getting closer and closer to Shi Yan’s group.     

"Not good. We need to get to the center of the ancient city. Otherwise, those beasts will exterminate us on their way."     

After Shi Yan thoroughly understood the situation, his face lost color while his hair rose up. He didn’t dare to waste a second, shouting out loud, "Rush out at once."     

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