God Of Slaughter

An extraordinary treasure

An extraordinary treasure

0The Sun Essence in the dune continuously shot out stronger sun energy. Some external force seemed to be drawing the chaotic Sun Flame towards a place.      0

Ten meters away from the Sun Essence stood a muscular body covered in furious flames as he was enduring the most horrible fight between the flaming power and the icy power.     

At this moment, the burning energy of the Sun Flame and the icy energy of the Ice Cold Flame were battling inside his body, leading his body into the fire and ice twofold situation. His body shifted from being freezing to uncomfortable burning just in a second.     

His Sea of Consciousness also became chaotic. A lot of negative feelings from his acupuncture points spread out uncontrollably.     

Shi Yan did not know what was going on. He could only passively suffer everything.     

The struggle between the Sun Flame and the Ice Cold Flame was still taking place inside his body. While these two powers continued attacking each other, his heart was still absorbing the sun powers from the Sun Essence.     

Shi Yan's Sea of Consciousness was fuzzy. His consciousness became hazy and gradually Shi Yan got lost, not knowing who he was.     

Meanwhile, the negative emotions also started to diffuse in his body. Different kinds of negative emotions became rebellious, stirring up in his head, making him almost lose himself.     


Under the tier of the red cloud.     

A majestic figure covered in fires was facing the sky and screeching with the red eyes as if he wanted to destroy the universe.     

Horrible scream hovered around the desert and could be heard from more than ten miles away.     

"Who's screaming?"     

In the desert, a line of warriors was strolling aimlessly. They all looked exhausted.     

A girl with an elegant body was leading this group. Her eyebrows suddenly slammed together while she quickly turned around and looked toward the general direction of the scream. After a while, she shouted out loud, "Gu xiao-mei, I think the guy who's screaming is your enemy." Cao Zhi Lan's beautiful face was bizarre.     

This group consisted Cao Zhi Lan, Pan Zhe, Gu Ling Long, and Qu Yan Qing. In the beginning, they had separated, but they had found each other again during the long time going around in this desert.     

After having seen each other again, they voluntarily gathered and stayed together in this desert to search for the Yang family's warriors. However, no matter how hard they had sought or how many times Cao Zhi Lan had used her Spirit God Martial Spirit, they were still like the blind walking through this desert. It seemed impossible to find a way out.     

Currently, even Cao Zhi Lan was somewhat confused.     

While they were all exhausted and didn't know what to do, they suddenly heard a terrifying scream. Cao Zhi Lan's sharp sensing power could immediately identify the person from that cry. They instantly became excited again.     

"Hahaha, we finally identified the target."     

Gu Ling Lung urged, "What are we waiting for then? We should kill him right away."     

Pan Zhe smiled, nodded then said, "We've been walking for a long time. We've been in this desert for almost half a year. Hmm, the sooner we kill the Yangs, the sooner we can get out of here."     

"Get out of here soon?" Cao Zhi Lan laughed and glanced at Pan Zhe. "I don't know what miraculous solution you have to get us out of here."     

"I think that guy is the key. He should be the first one who came here; he probably knows the way out." Pan Zhe scratched his head, embarrassedly said with a faint smile. "If it doesn't work, we still have Miss Cao here, right? I believe that with Miss Cao's Spirit God Martial Spirit, we will certainly find out the way to get out of this desert sooner or later."     

"I don't think so," Cao Zhi Lan shook her head, her face serious. "Shi Yan's direction leads to a scorching area. I don't think everyone can adapt to that hot temperature. If I want to go there, I have to use my secret treasure. You yourselves should carefully consider the next step."     

Everyone's face changed immediately.     

After a short pause, Gu Ling Lung and other people slightly nodded their heads and then turned around to remind their fellows to be careful and not to freely move forward to avoid being killed by the burning fires.     

After reassigning their fellows, Pan Zhe, Gu Ling Long, Qu Yan Qing caught up with Cao Zhi Lan and quickly moved towards Shi Yan's general direction.     

After a while, Cao Zhi Lan, Gu Ling Long, Qu Yan Qing, and Pan Zhe appeared at the distance of five hundred meters away from the Sun Essence. From five hundred meters away, because of the tremendous dazzling sunlight of the Sun Essence, the four of them could neither see Shi Yan nor know what was going on over there.     

The other warriors did not dare to follow them anymore.     

Under the scorching power of the sun, even some Third Sky of Earth Realm warriors could not stand the heat and stopped far away.     

The reason Cao Zhi Lan, Gu Ling Long, Qu Yan Qing, and Pan Zhe dared to come close was that they were the outstanding future Masters of the Endless Sea. Not only had they had cultivated the special martial techniques but they also had many secret treasures. Thanks to those secret treasures and the magical martial spirits, they were able to stand the heat at the distance of five hundred meters from the Sun Essence.     

However, even though they had brought some weapons, they could only watch from a distance because their bodies had not been tempered by the Heaven Flames. Shi Yan, on the contrary, could stand in the distance of one hundred meters from the Sun Essence, and he wasn't worried to be burnt by the Sun Refined Flame even without the support of the Ice Cold Flame's icy power.     

"I cannot open my eyes!" Gu Ling Long screamed out loud in fright. "What is that place after all? It's like a small dazzling sun. I can't see anything. I don't dare to look, either."     

"Don't open your eyes." Cao Zhi Lan couldn't help but shout. "This, this can only be the Sun Essence, the Sun Essence in the core of the sun. Naked eyes will be blind if looking at that sunlight."     

"The Sun Essence!" Pan Zhe panicked. "If the Three Gods Sect's people come here, will they be crazily excited to see the Sun Essence?"     

"Regretfully, the Three Gods Sect is busy fighting with the Dark Dwellers right now. They didn't join us to fight with the Yang family this time. Hmm, it's their mistake. If the Three Gods Sect's warriors came here with their Sun Martial Spirits, and they found the Sun Essence here, their Flaming Sun Martial Spirits would have reached the terrifying level." Qu Yan Qing slowly closed her eyes. She couldn't stand the heat anymore.     

Cao Zhi Lan did not utter a word. She just silently released her Spirit God Martial Spirit in an attempt to survey the situation over there.     

However, as soon as she released her Spirit God Martial Spirit, she immediately realized that the Sun Essence launched a strong flow of soul energy, forming a great soul attack on Cao Zhi Lan's Spirit God Martial Spirit. Then, it penetrated into her head.     

"Ptui." Cao Zhi Lan could help but spit a mouthful blood. Her beautiful body strenuously moved backward a few steps. She shouted with her red face, "Do not use any mental power to sense. Something strange is inside the Sun Essence."     



Pan Zhe and Gu Ling Long also spat out mouthful blood, staggeringly stepped backward, their face grimaced.     

Qu Yan Qing was panicked, retreating her power timely.     

Just one second late, Pan Zhe and Gu Ling Long already got severely injured. As soon as they had released her mental power, the strange thing inside the Sun Essence had instantly attacked them.     

"Be careful! Do not release any of your mental powers at all cost. Do not continuously open your eyes. Only peep at it and immediately close your eyes to avoid being dazzled by the sunlight!" Cao Zhi Lan hastened to remind them.     

"Not good!" Qu Yan Qing cried all of a sudden.     

"What's happened?" Pan Zhe asked quickly.     

"Shi… Shi Yan is coming!" Qu Yan Qing stepped backward with fear. "His body is full of burning flames as well as some strange icy power. What happened?"     

"What?" Cao Zhi Lan was terrified. She couldn't help but open her eyes.     

In their sight, the dazzling sunlight shone on a powerful and imposing figure who was quickly approaching them. That figure shot out two kinds of red fires and dark blue fires. The red burning fires were scalding while the dark blue burning fires were freezing. These two types of fires spread out all over the body. It looked like they were engaging in a drastic fight.     

However, he looked comfortable with those two kinds of fires lingering on his body. He was dashing towards other people like lightning. His speed was getting faster and faster.     

Nobody knew why a bunch of these Sun Flames seemed to be attracted to his body. Although he was lunging away from the center very quickly, these flames still closely followed him.     

The earth-shaking burning power came up as if it had to burn the whole world into ashes. Until the moment that her eyes were painful, Cao Zhi Lan realized she could not endure anymore. She quickly turned around without hesitation, fleeing away at the highest speed.     


Pan Zhe had been waiting for her to say something, but he realized Cao Zhi Lan had already disappeared in a blink.     

His handsome face slightly changed. He did not dare to say anything else and staggeringly followed Cao Zhi Lan, trying to escape this place.     

Qu Yan Qing and Gu Ling Long still wanted to stay and fight. However, after seeing Cao Zhi Lan who ranked at the top of the combat list running away, they felt unsafe and also quickly followed her and Pan Zhe.     


At the same time, a two-meter-long, half-meter-wide red sword like a burning flame suddenly flew out from the Sun Essence.     

The surface of this giant glowing red sword was full of ancient flame symbols on it. A single red eye opened on the blade. As soon as the sword flew out, the red eye quickly projected devilish red lights.     

A malicious soul fluctuation instantly spread out from the red sword. This brutal energy fluctuation was like a deadly tornado wiping out all the living things as if it wanted to deprive all lives.     

The silhouette of a muscular figure was crazily chasing after Cao Zhi Lan and Pan Zhe. When the sword spread out the malicious soul fluctuations, Shi Yan halted, his eyes bewildered.     

Then, it was unknown when the Blood Vein Ring on his finger had shot out the red light which matched the blood color of the light radiating from the sword. They were surprisingly alike!     

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