God Of Slaughter




Shi Yan lied down on his back with his limbs spread out. His face was dark red, as if he was bleeding. He was panting heavily and his body was twitching every now and then.


Looking at the sparkling stars in the sky, Shi Yan could feel every cell of his body trembling. As his body twitched, his muscles, veins, and bones were all expanding and contracting regularly.

Without using his Profound Qi, he slowly closed his eyes, and began to feel the fantastic changes in his body, the amazing quivers in the muscles and ribs, the destruction and reconstruction of cells, and the slow recovery of his strength...

As a wild fanatic of extreme sports, Shi Yan knew that reaching his limit this time was merely the beginning of a next adventure.

The limit of a human body could always be broken, and surpassed time and time again. The potential of a human body was infinite.

Those extreme sports experiences had taught him that only by breaking the limit could he obtain rapid progress.

With his eyes closed and without operating his Profound Qi, he could clearly sense the changes happening in his muscle fibres.

Sensing it carefully, Shi Yan found the Immortal Martial Spirit beginning to work. It was repairing his body in an incomprehensible way, reconstructing and strengthening his torn muscles, and making them stronger!

Rigorous training under increased gravity enhanced one's explosive force. Only when the muscles get torn under these extreme conditions could they become bigger, more powerful, and more explosive after reconstruction.

As a fanatic for extreme sports, Shi Yan was also aware of this, which had been verified by his repeated practices. He knew the fastest way to strengthen his muscles.

Shi Yan struggled to sit up while feeling the effects of his Immortal Martial Spirit beginning to reduce the pain in all of his muscle fibers. Delighted with his progress, he took the food out of his bag and began wolfing it down.

Intensive exercise consumed too much of his energy. He had to eat a lot of food to recover quickly, improve his power, and strengthen his body.

The dry meat was eaten, and it was quickly digested in his stomach providing nutrition to his body.

In a very short time, he had consumed five people's worth of food.

As he felt the changes in his body, his smile became even broader. After stretching his limbs for a while, he closed his eyes and began to circulate his Profound Qi quietly.

As the Profound Qi moved, Shi Yan felt a slight quiver in his body.

Just as he had expected!

The Profound Qi flowing in his meridians became virtually 30% faster than normal.


His body became more sensitive after the extreme stress and likewise, his meridians became abnormally dynamic. His weak meridians seemed to be absorbing Profound Qi flowing through them, which in turn made his meridians expand and became firmer!

Shi Yan had presumed long ago, that body strengthening was just as important as training Profound Qi; the two were complementary.

Once the body was strong enough, the Profound Qi would condense faster. The stronger the body, the more beneficial it was to operate and condense Profound Qi. So maybe, the two Martial Spirits hidden in his body would enhance as well.

This attempt had finally verified Shi Yan's hypothesis, so he was grinning from ear to ear.


In the thick grass far away.

"Die, why are you here? You should rest if you want to recover your martial spirit." Luo Hao had noticed Mu Yu Die when he was training Shi Yan with his gravitational field. As Shi Yan was sprawled on the ground exhausted, Luo Hao secretly came to Mu Yu Die's side and scolded her.

"I couldn't fall asleep, so I am just walking around. I just happened to see you guys training." Mu Yu Die smiled gently, obviously not afraid of him.

She paused, and said with a strange expression, "Uncle Luo, wasn't that... too much for him? I remember that when you trained Zhao Xin, you just tripled the gravity. That time, Zhao Xin was at the Second Sky of the Nascent Realm and had already experienced body strengthening. Why did you increased the gravity five times for this guy?"

Wearing a bitter smile, Luo Hao shook his head and sighed, "I used five times gravity at the very beginning to stop him from wasting energy and make him quit. Who would have known that he was insane! I was shocked too in the end! I tried to stop numerous times but he wouldn't agree!"

"You mean, you originally tried to scare him off in the beginning? So he won't ask you to train him later on?" Mu Yu Die rolled her eyes and felt quite speechless.

"Yup." Luo Hao sighed again. "You know, controlling gravity does consume some Profound Qi, and during that time, I can't be distracted. I didn't want to waste my own Profound Qi, or for him to be paralyzed tomorrow, which would slow our journey. Who would have known that he is a lunatic."

"So, Uncle Luo, how many laps did you presume that he could have managed?"

"Four laps!"

Luo Hao lifted four fingers and said in a heavy voice, "Average warriors who have just stepped into the Nascent Realm without any systematic body training can only manage four laps in the five fold gravitational field, five laps may be the limit. That guy is small and thin, so I thought he would ask me to stop on the fourth lap."

"Uhh... but he finished eleven laps." Mu Yu Die had a weird expression on her face. She couldn't help but glance at Shi Yan from afar, who was sitting as firm as a mountain and actually started training again. "God! He, he actually managed to sit up again!"

"What? He can still move?" Luo Hao was stunned as he too glanced over at Shi Yan. He shook his head and said, "Lunatic! This guy is a complete lunatic! If he messes around like this, he probably won't even be able to move tomorrow! With this intensive training, his body would be hurting everywhere tomorrow. I bet we will have to adjust our plans."

"Aii, I guess that's the only thing we can do. What a reckless guy!" Mu Yu Die shook her head and smiled subtly.


The next morning, before the sun rose, there was heavy fog.

"Die, come down. It is time to set off." Under the ancient tree, Luo Hao called out to Mu Yu Die softly.

"I want to sleep more." Mu Yu Die murmured as if still dreaming, "Why so early today? Weren't you sure that he won't be able to move today..."

"He is already waiting for you." Luo Hao said in a low voice, as he tried to control his surprise.

Ten minutes ago, Shi Yan came to him asking for enough food for three people.

Right in front of them, Shi Yan wolfed down the food and patted his belly, sighing with satisfaction, telling him they can start going now. Luo Hao was totally astonished; he glared at Shi Yan with a chilling look in his eyes for a few minutes before he murmured to himself, "Psycho!"

"That guy is waiting for me too?" Mu Yu Die murmured, rubbing her eyes unwillingly.

"Yes, he is more energetic than anyone." He smiled wryly.

"What?" Mu Yu Die suddenly woke up. Astonished, she looked for Shi Yan under the tree, only to find him sitting straight like an arrow with bright eyes. Same as Luo Hao, she murmured, "Truly a psycho!"

Shi Yan checked his own wearing but found nothing strange. He frowned, "Uncle Luo, Miss Mu, which part of me looks like a psycho?"

"All of you!" Mu Yu Die chuckled in a joyful mood.

Her chuckle seemed to bring spring to this place, making the surrounding beautiful scenes in the Dark Forest dim in comparison.

Zhao Xin and Hu Long were intoxicated as they stared at her with goo-goo eyes; but they soon realised their misdemeanour, and lowered their heads to cover it up, not daring to look into Mu Yu Die's eyes directly.

Shi Yan narrowed his eyes and wandered his burning eyes on Mu Yu Die's beautiful face audaciously, "Miss Mu, if I were a psycho, I would put you down first. So be careful tonight, I might be unable to control myself. Women's crazy screams are my favorite, so you should scream too!"

"How dare you!" Di Yalan snorted.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot there is another pretty lady here. Maybe you are angry because I ignored you. Trust me, I will go for you too, don't be jealous now." Shi Yan pretended that he suddenly realized the truth, and regretfully patted his head, as if he had really forgotten something important.

"Haha! Hahaha!" Mu Yu Die held her stomach and burst into laughter in the tree, almost falling down. She pointed at Shi Yan and giggled, "You funny guy! Why are you so hilarious? Haha... "

Di Yalan was dumbstruck, and then chuckled too, feeling helpless when it came to Shi Yan.

Zhao Xin and Hu Long were taken over by confusion too, with a very strange facial expression on their faces.

They just couldn't understand how the two girls still scarcely smiled at them under their protection, even when they always acted extremely politely with them, so the two beauties wouldn't be offended.

While Shi Yan, with his giddy words, was not a tiny bit polite towards the girls, but they smiled at him a lot. What the f*ck was with that?

"Cough, cough!" Luo Hao glanced at Shi Yan strangely and smiled, "Well, stop it now, let's move."

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