Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅲ)

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅲ)

1the enemy's situation is unclear now, and there are demonic beasts all around. If we rush out rashly, we'll just be courting death.     1

Yang Yi explained, " besides, I have to know what you know and what you can help me with, right? "     

"I know how to repair magical equipment!"     

Looking at the debris that Yang Yi had collected, ding Lingdang's eyes were full of confidence and pride.  I've watched my father refine magical equipment since I was a child. All his toys are magical equipment and weapons. The common storm bolters, chainsaw swords, vibration sabers, and heat axes are nothing to me!     


Yang Yi's eyes lit up.     

In this hellish battlefield that was full of debris and debris, magical equipment maintenance was indeed a skill that could decide one's life and death.     

The facts proved that ding Lingdang was not lying.     

Ignoring the bloodstains, she dismantled every component of the damaged magical equipment with ease. After polishing and lubricating them carefully, she reassembled the intact components that belonged to different magical equipment, causing the attack runes on the explosive arrow spear to shine again, and the chainsaw sword to hum again. Even Yang Yi had to admit that the little girl in front of him could be called a qualified magical equipment mechanic.     

  that's amazing. What is your father's identity in the federal Army exactly? how did he raise you so well? do you want to be a master of refining like your father? "     

Yang Yi fiddled with the storm bolter that ding Lingdang had just repaired and asked casually.     

  not really. My dream is to become an invincible martial artist!     

Ding Lingdang waved her chubby little fists.     

Ding Lingdang's first kill     


Yang Yi found it difficult to understand her train of thought.     

  my mother is a teacher of the Grand desolate war institution's combat Department. She is also a female martial artist who has dominated the Grand desolate war institution. Her fist is bigger than my head, and she can kill a demon beast with one punch!     

Ding Lingdang's hands were repairing the magical equipment nonstop, and her mouth was not idle, either.  I've regarded my mother as my idol since I was a child. I dreamed of becoming an indomitable, invincible female warrior and heroine like her!     

"But my mother said that the path of martial arts is too hard and not suitable for girls. She also said that my personality is too flamboyant, and that I cause trouble all day long even if I don't practice martial arts. If I were to embark on martial arts, wouldn't I poke a hole in the sky?     

"So, not only did my mother refuse to teach me martial arts, she also forbade me from learning from the uncles and aunties in the combat Department. Instead, she forced me to learn the zither, chess, calligraphy, and painting all day long, trying to train me into a culture-type cultivator. This simply doesn't match the mouth of a horse, alright!     

  I didn't want to be a culture-type cultivator, but I didn't dare to go against my mother. After racking my brain, I finally came up with a good idea. I told my mother that I could stop learning martial arts, but I would never learn the four Arts, either. I wanted to be a refiner like my father!     

  although refining is dangerous, it's not as hard as martial arts. Also, seeing that I'm not cut out to be a literary-type cultivator, and that I've inherited my father's talent in refining, my mother could only pinch her nose and agree.     

"Hehe, mom didn't expect this to be my plan!     

"Although you can't practice martial arts directly, the principle of refining weapons, especially the combat magical equipment, is closely related to martial arts.     

  if I follow my father and Uncle Mo and aunt Yuan of our Grand desolate war institution's refining Department, I'll always have plenty of opportunities to see the elegant demeanor of all kinds of martial Dao powerhouses and secretly learn a move or two.     

  besides, if I can really become a refiner, I'll first build thirty to fifty divine weapons for myself and throw them out when I meet an enemy. They will crush me to death even if they can't be killed. This is the martial arts that I, ding Lingdang, want to walk on!     

The little girl's face was full of pride.     

When Yang Yi heard this, he could not help but burst out laughing.     

The life of escape and pursuit was both dangerous and boring.     

Whether it was the law-enforcement officers or the fugitives, they were in a state of high tension at all times.     

Over the years, both of them were on the verge of collapse.     

It had been a long time since Yang Yi had met such an interesting girl who could tell such an interesting joke.     

However, in the next second, his smile froze with his blood.     

Yang Yi looked over ding Lingdang's head and saw a hell Wolf that was as thin as a skeleton on the ruins behind them. It seemed to have crawled out of a space gap silently and was observing them quietly with its head tilted.     

In an instant, the air seemed to have frozen.     

In the next moment, Yang Yi's movements were as swift as lightning.     

Whoosh! Whoosh!     

Without even aiming, he raised his hand and fired. A burst of rune bullets surrounded by electric arcs turned into a sharp blade that could cut through iron as if it were mud, cutting off half of the nether wolf's head.     

However, the life force of a demonic beast was a hundred times stronger than that of an ordinary wild beast.     

Even though only half of its head was left, and The Green Brain tissue was directly exposed to the burning air, the hell wolves that were struggling on the brink of death still let out shrill howls with their incomplete, bloody mouths.     


Nether wolves were used to living in groups and hunting in groups.     

Every howl could summon a dozen or twenty wolves within half a minute.     

Yang Yi's expression changed.     

"Help me load and change the crystal cell!"     

Having no time to comfort ding Lingdang, Yang Yi picked up the second storm bolter that the little girl had just repaired with the tip of his foot. With his spiritual energy surging, he adjusted the storm bolter to the 'extreme mode', which was the most powerful and could fire continuously.     

Sure enough, as soon as he picked up his guns, seven or eight wolf howls sounded from all around him.     

What was even more miserable and Swift than the wolf howls were the shadows that had already reached the top of their heads!     

Yang Yi fired from the left and right, going all out.     

Seven to eight nether wolves exploded in the air almost at the same time, blooming seven to eight stinky flowers of blood.     

More hell wolves followed the howls of their own kind and the pungent smell of blood, and continuously surrounded them.     

And after Yang Yi continuously fired for a few seconds, the temperature and recoil of the two explosive riflers continued to rise.     

Finally, after a few seconds, a cracking sound was heard from the inside of one of the storm bolters. Some unknown component had completely shattered.     

Driven by spiritual energy, the high-speed metal Storm stopped abruptly.     

Only smoke came out of the muzzle.     

Yang Yi spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva.     

He knew that he couldn't blame ding Lingdang for not fixing it.     

The 'thunderclap-1' spiritual energy explosive arrow gun of the federal Army was the cheapest, most popular, and cheapest mass-produced magical equipment in the first place.     

The current mainstream theory in the circle of refiners in the Federation was to walk the path of the elite.     

With deep sea University's refining Department as the head, the mainstream refiners loved to help high-level cultivators above the core formation stage refine godly weapons.     

They believed that the war between the heaven's origin sector and the blood demon sector would be decided by the unparalleled experts and their marvelous weapons.     

As for the low-level cultivators in the refinement stage and the federal Army made of a large number of ordinary people, they were only used to fill the Battlefront and play a supporting role.     

There was no need to spend too much effort on the equipment of these 'low-level troops'.     

With such a dominant idea, the "thunderclap-I" explosive arrow gun produced at the lowest cost naturally had a high failure rate. At most, it would have to choose between "power" and "stability ".     

In order to achieve the effect of a one-hit kill, Yang Yi adjusted the explosive arrow spear to the "extreme mode" of overload.     

The price was that it could malfunction or even explode at any time.     

"Change guns!"     

Without even looking at it, Yang Yi threw the faulty explosive arrow gun to ding Lingdang.     

At the same time, ding Lingdang also threw over another storm bolter that had been repaired.     

He didn't have the time to be surprised at the little girl's hand speed, and more hell wolves appeared.     

Yang Yi's mind was highly focused, and all that was left in his vision was the violent Wolf Pack and the burning bullet screen.     

He had no idea how many times he had changed his gun, how many bullets and crystal cells he had used, or how many hell wolves he had shot.     

Until there were no more living things in front of him, the two explosive boltguns in his hands were completely scrapped, and his palms were also charred black.     

Only then did he come back to his senses, gasping for breath. He realized that the one who was cooperating with him was not a veteran who had been through hundreds of battles, but a twelve-or thirteen-year-old child.     

"Xiao Ling, good job!"     

Yang Yi turned around and was about to give him a thumbs up.     

The last nether Wolf had somehow circled around ding Lingdang's back.     

"Be careful!"     

Yang Yi wanted to pounce forward, but he felt a piercing pain in his calf that had just been bitten by the hell Wolf.     

He staggered and fell to the ground. He could only shout out a warning.     

The nether Wolf pounced over, its fangs about to tear ding Lingdang's throat.     

The round little girl spun like a top, and the incomplete boltgun in her hand also turned 180 degrees, the muzzle just pointing in the direction of the nether wolves.     


Ding Lingdang pulled the trigger subconsciously.     

The flames from the muzzle of the gun shot into the hell Wolf's bloody mouth.     

This beast was like a balloon that had been blown up. It instantly expanded to its limit and then exploded.     

Ding Lingdang, on the other hand, was blown away by the recoil of the storm bolter the moment the spiritual energy roared. She rolled three times like a meat gourd before she fell into the debris on the roadside.     


Yang Yi's face turned pale as he hurried forward.     

Even the lowest-level "thunderclap-1" explosive arrow gun could not be easily used by ordinary people.     

When the spiritual energy surged and pushed the bullets, it would also cause a great shock to the internal organs and even the brain of the user.     

Even Yang Yi, who had reached the Qi refining stage, felt dizzy and had symptoms of a concussion after madly shooting from left to right.     

Let alone a ten-year-old girl?     

However, when Yang Yi pulled ding Lingdang out of the ruins, he discovered that the little girl's breathing and heartbeat were as stable and strong as ever, except for the minor scratches and shock.     

"Could Qianqian be a demonic beast in human skin?"     

Yang Yi was speechless. He could only attribute it to his extraordinary talent.     

"Xiaoling, are you alright?"     

He stretched out his hand and waved it in front of ding Lingdang's eyes.     

"No, no, no, I'm fine. I'm completely fine."     

Ding Lingdang's pale face was still stained with bits and pieces of wolf blood and the sticky tissues that burst out when the nether Wolf was torn apart.     

Her eyes were somewhat dull, and she mumbled, "I'm fine. I'm not scared. I'm the fearless ding Lingdang. I can't embarrass my father, my mother, the federal Army, the Grand desolate war institution, and the star Glory Federation.     

Yang Yi held ding Lingdang's shoulder.     

He could clearly feel the little girl's trembling and goosebumps.     

He realized that this was probably the first time that ding Lingdang had killed a demon beast.     

At such a close distance, in the form of a 'headshot', the shock of spiritual energy and the stimulation of the senses were extremely intense.     

And this seemingly fearless little girl was definitely not as brave and strong as she appeared to be.     

She was just like any twelve or thirteen-year-old girl who had been separated from her parents and faced a monstrous beast tide.     

She was scared, scared to death.     

However, some people would be consumed by fear, unable to walk or shoot.     

Some people would face their fear directly. Even if their faces were pale and their legs were trembling, they would still clench their teeth and face the difficulties.     

Ding Lingdang was the latter.     

"This girl has been talking non-stop to me since she just woke up. It seems that she's not a natural Chatterbox.     

  instead, I'm using this method to dispel the fear in my heart.     

Thinking of this, Yang Yi's gaze softened.     

But before he could do so, he thought of words to comfort the little girl.     

Ding Lingdang's round eyes reflected the firelight behind the two.     

Yang Yi's heart sank to the bottom.     

Those were fierce flame rats.     

Like the nether wolves, they were demon beasts from the blood demon sector.     

Although it was only the size of a palm, its teeth were sharp, and it was irascible. Its skin could also secrete special oily substances, which could produce sparks through the friction of its teeth and set itself on fire into a fireball that was flying everywhere.     

The most terrible thing was that there were so many of them that everywhere they went, there was a burning battlefield.     

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