Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅳ)

Side Story: city of trapped beasts (Ⅳ)

1No, not just fierce flame rats.     

There was also the black armored saber Mantis, a super-large crustacean-type demon beast with a body length of over two meters. It could easily tear apart the Federation Army's light armor by brandishing its two extremely sharp blade-like limbs.     

There was also the great-horned magic boar, which had thick skin and a huge body. Even with the explosive arrow gun's " extreme mode ", it would be difficult to kill it in one shot.     

The great-horned magic boars, on the other hand, were like barging cannonballs that could flip the crystal tanks of the federal Army 180 degrees with the huge horns on their foreheads that looked like battering rams.     

There were even more demons and ghosts who had heard the screams of the nether wolves before they died and the sounds of the continuous bombardment of the storm bolters. They all rushed over.     

Yang Yi and ding Lingdang had already exhausted their last crystal cells and their last bullet.     

Yang Yi silently cursed.     

Ding Lingdang, however, grabbed his arm and pulled herself up.     

"Uncle yang, help me up."     

  yes.  the little girl's voice was somewhat shaking, like a torch that was still burning stubbornly and unwilling to be extinguished in the cold wind.  mom said-said that we are proud human beings and that we must stand straight even if-even if we die!     

Yang Yi laughed bitterly. He didn't expect that he would end up like this.     

But he still held ding Lingdang tightly, and at the same time, he held the chain saw sword at his waist.     

In front of the two, the fierce flame rats and the black armored saber Mantis scattered in panic.     

Behind them, a magical horned boar that was even larger than a rhinoceros and covered in bone spikes and lumps had already charged!     

Facing the great-horned magic boar's high-speed charge, the chainsaw sword in Yang Yi's hand made a buzzing sound.     

Ding Lingdang also swallowed the last mouthful of saliva with difficulty. She used all her strength to clench her chubby little fist.     

At the critical moment, a saber aura surrounded by electric arcs whizzed past the two of them and hit the center of the great Horned magic Boar's Head!     

Breaking out of the encirclement     

With a cracking sound, the boar was cut in half from head to toe by the blade aura that was as thin as a cicada's wing, before it could even make a sound!     

Because of the fast speed of the blade, the great-horned magic pig ran for another seven or eight steps before it was split into two halves and fell to the ground. Literally, its liver and brain were scattered on the ground.     

At the same time, gunshots were heard.     

Behind Yang Yi and ding Lingdang, a Metal Storm with intertwining electric arcs and raging flames was raised.     

It fell on the heads of the fierce flame rats and the black armored saber Mantis like a heavy downpour.     

A cultivator in a crystal suit stepped on a storm and crashed into the beast tide like a falling meteorite!     

"It's reinforcements!"     

The light of hope gushed out of the eyes of Yang Yi and ding Lingdang at the same time.     

Judging from the flames of spiritual energy that were like volcanic eruptions, the cultivator was at least in the building foundation Stage.     

He was carrying an exaggeratedly huge saber on his shoulder. The tip of the saber had been broken, but it was still more than two meters long, thicker and wider than a heavy battleaxe. The blade, which had seven or eight cracks, had become dense saw-like teeth. Not only were electric arcs dancing in the middle of the saw-like teeth, but a lot of burnt flesh and blood of demon beasts were also attached to them.     

It was simply a giant blade that could even split the earth!     

The giant blade cultivator roared. The moment he landed on the ground, his saber rotated 360 degrees, sweeping up all the vicious flame rats and black armored saber Mantis within a dozen steps into the air, tearing them into pieces and burning them into ashes.     

"Who is ding Lingdang?"     

The giant blade cultivator turned around and said in a thunderous voice.     

Yang Yi and ding Lingdang's ears were buzzing.     

He was also shocked by the giant blade cultivator's appearance.     

It could be seen that the giant blade cultivator had been fighting in the beast tide for a long time.     

The crystal suit that had been translucent was now stained with blood and smoke.     

The vital parts of his body had been severely damaged, and there were criss-crossing cracks and traces of acid corrosion everywhere.     

There was a bowl-sized hole in his abdomen, as if he had been stabbed by demon beasts such as the big-horned demon boar.     

However, the most serious damage was on his helmet.     

Half of his helmet had cracked, revealing half of his bloody face. The flesh at the corner of his mouth had been torn apart, revealing his molar teeth and nerves.     

The remaining half seemed to have been melted by high temperatures and stuck to the charred flesh.     

Even so, his bloodshot eyes were still emitting a soul-stirring light, as if he could tear all the demon beasts in front of him into pieces with the light alone.     

"She is ding Lingdang!"     

Yang Yi hurriedly said, "I'm yang Yi, a Hunter police officer. I'm under orders to protect her!     

  alright. Leave this place to us. You retreat with ding Lingdang immediately!     

The cultivator with the giant blade didn't waste any time and said in a deep voice, "someone will take you to the south of the city. We've gathered hundreds of survivors there and are ready to break out of the city!     

Before he could finish his words, the crumbling walls not far away completely collapsed.     

Thousands of demonic beasts gathered into a terrifying Black Tide. They roared, roared, squirmed, twisted, and danced wildly as they charged forward!     

"Stop these bastards and cover the survivors!"     

The flames of war around the giant blade cultivator instantly brightened to a higher level.     

He was like a bomb that could explode at any moment as he strode towards the beast tide.     

More cultivators and soldiers of the federal Army appeared from behind the burning ruins. They bypassed Yang Yi and ding Lingdang and followed the cultivators with the giant blades, forming an iron wall that rumbled forward.     

Most of them were like the cultivators with the giant blade, with broken magical treasures and wounds all over their bodies. Even their armor had been melted with their flesh and blood.     

But like the cultivators with the giant blades, they were determined and determined, like breakwaters that would not move in the face of stormy waves!     

"This way, let's go!"     

Only a disabled soldier, whose body was covered in bandages, retreated with Yang Yi and ding Lingdang.     

The dazzling light emitted from the body of the cultivator with the giant blade was deeply imprinted in ding Lingdang's eyes.     

The little girl was deeply attracted by this scene. Her legs were like roots, and she was unwilling to leave.     

"They ... They're ..."     

Ding Lingdang breathed hard, and tears were rolling in her eyes.     

"Let's go!"     

Yang Yi grabbed ding Lingdang and escaped with the disabled soldiers before the beast tide completely devoured the area.     

"They ... They came here just to save me?"     

It was not until they had passed two blocks and heard the still loud battle roars, the roaring of guns, and the sounds of sabers chopping the bones of demon beasts that ding Lingdang finally came back to her senses. She stammered, " w-why? "     

  because we are cultivators and soldiers of the federal Army, and you are a child after all.     

Yang Yi thought for a moment and said seriously, " the child is the Federation's hope. He is worth saving at all costs.     

Ding Lingdang was not satisfied with the answer.     

But there was no time for her to think and worry.     

More Federal soldiers, cultivators, and surviving ordinary citizens appeared in front of them.     

And heavy equipment, including crystal suits and crystal tanks.     

This was one of the last organized resistance forces in the leizhe city after the beast tide outbreak.     

Other than the small area they were defending, the city in a larger area had been occupied by raging flames and expanding darkness.     

  break out of the encirclement, break out of the encirclement towards the south of the city, and try to escape into the thunderstorm area!     

A major of the federal Army, whose uniform was riddled with holes and whose left arm had been cut off from the shoulder, stood on the turret of a crystal tank and shouted, " there is still a chance of survival if you run into the thunderstorm area. If you stay here, you will definitely die!     

Leizhe city was an emerging mining city at the forefront of the wasteland.     

The number of Federal soldiers and cultivators stationed there was already greater than that of the cities on the continent.     

The ordinary citizens who dared to settle here were also bold adventurers and gold diggers. Their physical fitness, combat experience, and spiritual root development had all reached above the standard.     

Many of them were retired soldiers who received regular military training.     

Even though the city was attacked by the beast tide and destroyed, the city was still in a state of chaos.     

In the process of breaking out of the encirclement, the survivors were still in an orderly manner, maintaining the basic formation and order.     

Many cultivators and soldiers of the federal Army were even venturing deep into the streets where demon beasts were rampant, hoping to rescue more survivors and break out of the siege together.     

What was strange was that many cultivators and soldiers of the federal Army seemed to know ding Lingdang.     

At least, they knew who ding Lingdang's parents were.     

"You're ding Lingdang, ding Qin, and Jin Shenglan's daughter?"     

Along the way, many cultivators and soldiers of the federal Army, who did not know each other, sized her up in a weird way after hearing who the strong-looking little girl was.     

Then, even if their faces were covered in blood and wounds, they would often squeeze out the most brilliant smiles and wave their fists at the little girl.  don't worry, ding Lingdang. We will definitely make it out!     

Such special treatment made ding Lingdang's hair stand on end, no matter how thick-headed she was.     

"It seems that your parents must be great people."     

Yang Yi said meaningfully.     

  no, my father is just a very ordinary refiner in the federal Army.     

Ding Lingdang was confused.  my mother is quite famous in the Grand desolate war institution, but it is impossible for so many people in leizhe city to know her!     

"Is that so?"     

Yang Yi's gaze was deep, but he did not comment.     

The two of them followed the main group and trudged through the broken city for half a day.     

During this period, hundreds of survivors joined their ranks.     

The total number of survivors exceeded a thousand, and the team became more and more bloated, causing more and more noise. Finally, as expected, they were discovered by the demon beasts patrolling in the air.     

When the Scorpion-tailed Gryphon hovering above their heads suddenly tore through the dark clouds and shrieked, all the survivors felt their scalps go numb and knew that things were not good.     

Fortunately, they had already broken through to the southern edge of the city, and victory was right in front of them!     

"We'll be able to escape out of Thunder City after crossing the ruins in front! Cultivators, Federal soldiers, flank guards, fire at will, escort the civilians, and speed up the breakout!"     

The one-armed officer Commanding the troops shouted with all his might.     

At the same time, the beast tide appeared on both sides of the group like a flood.     

Whether it was the fierce flame rats, nether wolves, black armored saber Mantis, or the big-horned magic boar, their numbers were dozens of times more than what Yang Yi and ding Lingdang had seen before.     

There were also a large number of strengthened mutated species like the "hell Wolf King" and "gold armored saber Mantis" mixed in. They led the charge, making their attacks even more Swift and fierce.     

Above everyone's heads, there were groups of Scorpion-tailed Gryphons, forming a killing formation in the air, constantly circling, diving, and attacking.     

The group that was trying to break out of the encirclement suddenly sped up as if they had been whipped by a burning Thorn Whip.     

Except for Yang Yi and a few other people who were seriously injured or on a mission, most of the cultivators and the federal Army charged forward without hesitation.     

They were either firing at full force, forming an impenetrable iron wall.     

Some of them charged into the beast tide while waving their chainsaw swords and vibration sabers, delaying the advancement of the beast tide with deafening roars and crazily burning flames of spiritual energy so that the ordinary citizens could have more time to escape.     

Ding Lingdang saw a soldier of the federal Army being surrounded by hundreds of fierce flame rats. The sparks from the high-speed rotation of the chainsaw sword ignited the grease on the fierce flame rats.     

The soldiers of the federal Army and hundreds of ferocious flame rats were instantly plunged into a rolling sea of fire.     

Even though he was on fire, the soldier did not back off.     

Even at the end of his life, the chainsaw sword continued to dance wildly.     

Another soldier of the federal Army was heavily surrounded by seven or eight black armored saber mantises. Dozens of deep wounds were cut on his body and face, revealing his bones. However, he pulled out a brilliant smile in the midst of the intense pain.     

Soon after, it unhurriedly detonated all the crystal bombs on its body, turning into a dazzling fireball together with the black armored saber Mantis.     

Another cultivator had a hole in his chest and abdomen from which his internal organs were spurting out.     

However, he did not even care about the intestines that were flowing all over the place. Instead, he burned his life crazily and broke the spine of the magical halberd pig by force. Then, he picked up this huge beast with thick skin and flesh, as if he was waving a huge meteor hammer.     

He threw out his internal organs and crashed all the way, crushing countless demon beasts. It was not until the last drop of blood in his body flowed onto the hot soil of the great wilderness that he knelt on one knee and died with his eyes wide open.     

Death trap     


Ding Lingdang felt that scorching flames were burning in her eyes, nose, and throat.     

She was pushed forward by the crowd and couldn't help but rush forward.     

His clenched fists, however, were even heavier than war hammers, as if he wanted to keep his master and fight side by side with the federal Army and the cultivators!     

Yang Yi could not care less about the little girl's emotions.     

He narrowed his eyes and scanned his surroundings warily. The aura was getting stranger and stranger.     

"Something's wrong!"     

Yang Yi suddenly stood still and pulled ding Lingdang out of the surging crowd.     

"Uncle yang, what's wrong?"     

The two of them were like reefs in the waves, constantly enduring the impact of the waves. Ding Lingdang could only cling onto Yang Yi tightly to prevent herself from being swept away by the tide of people.     

"I don't feel good."     

Yang Yi stared ahead with a gloomy expression.     

The high-rise buildings on both sides of the road ahead collapsed one after another, and the broken walls piled up into two tall ruins.     

In front of them was a tall building that had collapsed and was lying on the road.     

It was like a tree that had been deliberately cut off in a deep valley.     

Such a terrain made Yang Yi think of traps to catch beasts.     

"The demonic beasts" attack is too orderly."     

Looking around, Yang Yi mumbled, " fierce flame rats, nether wolves, black armored saber Mantis, great-horned demon boars, and Scorpion-tailed Gryphons ... These demon beasts don't have much intelligence. They only follow their predatory instincts and devour everything in front of them. In theory, each other is included.     

  under normal circumstances, when so many different species of demon beasts appear on the same battlefield, especially in such a narrow and crowded environment, they will inevitably attack each other.     

  but right now, the different species of demon beasts are cooperating with each other like the multiple units of the federal Army. They are strictly disciplined and advance and retreat in an orderly manner.     

"There is only one possibility.     

"There's a commander whose strength far surpasses the demon beasts. He's probably a demon general or even a Demon King, and he's commanding all the demon beasts behind the scenes.     

"Here's the problem. If there were really demon generals or even demon kings, there was no reason for them not to discover our large-scale breakout team in advance. How could they have let us escape here smoothly?     

"And look, although the beast tide on both sides of the road is turbulent, it's only consuming our living strength and constantly pushing us forward. It doesn't rush in recklessly to cut off our troops, which is obviously not in line with the characteristics of a beast tide.     

"Unless ... Unless this is their goal!     

  they let us gather on purpose and broke out of the encirclement all the way here. However, they set up a fatal trap in front of us!     

"H-how is that possible?"     

Ding Lingdang was dumbfounded, her mind in a mess.     

No matter how talented she was, she was still a 12 - 13-year-old girl.     

The cruel scene around her had already suffocated her.     

Yang Yi's words were so firm that she didn't know what to do.     

Of course, Yang Yi was not counting on ding Lingdang.     

Gritting his teeth, his eyes glowed as he carefully scanned every possible escape route around him.     

At this moment, a loud boom came from the front.     

It turned out that a crystal tank leading the charge had blown a huge hole in the collapsed building in the middle of the road with its crystal cannon.     

  the escape route has been opened. Let's go, everyone, let's go!     

The one-armed officer's voice was exhausted.     

"Advance! Advance! As long as we can get out of leizhe city, we'll win!"     

The survivors increased their speed.     

However, when the dust raised by the crystal cannons settled and the horrifying scene behind the collapsed building was revealed, everybody gasped as if they had fallen into a bottomless ice pit.     

Dozens of meters in front of them, the place where they should have been running away was covered in a thick carpet of fungi.     

The purplish-red carpet of fungi was like the internal organs that poured out of the demon's body. It was deformed and constantly squirming, making "Puchi Puchi" sounds and spraying out a mist of spores that looked like yellow-brown smog.     

The carpet of fungi was covered with demonic plants of all shapes and sizes.     

It was a blood-sucking vine with thorns all over its body that moved without any wind.     

It was a man-eating flower with sharp edges and serrated petals.     

The corpse nettle was stinky, contained sticky acid, and accompanied by a large number of poisonous mosquitoes.     

The dense demonic plants formed a fatal trap, quietly waiting for the arrival of the humans.     

This scene made everyone's heart freeze into an ice block.     

It was a dead end ahead.     

After stepping into a creep that was even more terrifying than a swamp, a fully-armed man would be gnawed by demonic plants and venomous mosquitoes into broken bones after only fifty steps.     

However, the survivors could no longer turn back.     

On both sides of the ruins, there were ghostly figures baring their fangs and brandishing their claws.     

Behind them, in the burning city center, the roars of demon beasts were getting more and more intense.     

"Advance courageously, everyone's heart is United!"     

  cultivators, take the lead. The federal Army, protect the flanks. Charge out regardless of the cost. One of you will win!     

"It's him!"     

Ding Lingdang raised her head high, her eyes full of reverence.     

It was the cultivator with the giant blade who had just saved her and Yang Yi.     

She didn't expect him to still be alive.     

However, the giant blade cultivator's injuries were ten times more serious than half a day ago.     

The tip of his giant battle sword had already been broken, and now it was broken in half.     

The remaining half of the broken blade was covered with crisscrossing, shining red patterns.     

There was no telling whether it was his raging flames of spiritual energy or the burning Blood.     

His crystal suit was broken, and his helmet, shoulder guards, and breastplate were mostly gone.     

The remaining scraps of the crystal suit were more like searing iron deeply embedded into his flesh than being worn on his body.     

His four limbs and torso were covered in irregular curved wounds left behind by the fierce bites of the demon beasts.     

Half of his intestines were flowing out of his body, drifting along with the wind.     

Even just by looking at him, ding Lingdang could feel his pain from head to toe. It was as if her heart was in pain.     

It was hard to tell what kind of power was supporting the cultivator with the giant blade to straighten his back and stagger to this point.     

No, this was definitely not the end of the giant blade cultivator.     

While the word 'victory' was still echoing in the ears of all the survivors, the cultivator with the giant blade was like a burning meteorite, flying over the heads of the humans and the demon beasts and crashing into the fungi and demonized forests.     

The saber swept across, sweeping everything in its path!     

Every step the cultivator took left a burning bloody footprint on the creep!     

The blood-sucking vines, man-eating flowers, corpse nettles, and venomous mosquitoes, when touched by his furious Flames of War, would wither and turn into ashes in their exasperated screams!     

Ten steps!     

The cultivator with the giant blade took ten steps on the creep and the demonized forest!     

He had used his life to carve out a Shining Path of escape for the people who came later!     

It was not until the eleventh step that he finally could not hold on any longer. He fell forward on one knee, and his saber pierced through the creep and deeply into the ground.     

Then, he raised his head inch by inch and gazed into the distance. With a smile on his face, he exhaled the last breath from the depths of his chest.     

Just like that, the cultivator with the giant blade turned into a towering road sign, pointing out the direction for the people who came later.     

"Charge! Charge! We will use our lives to open up an escape route for the survivors!"     

  cultivators are the sabers of the civilization of mankind. Let's show these animals the pride of cultivators!     

  Federal Army, stand firm. Open fire and stop the beast tide!     


The giant blade cultivator pointed out the direction for everyone and unified their thinking.     

Indeed, it was impossible to turn back when the Army of thousands of people had come this far.     

Even if it was a dangerous place in front of them, the cultivators and the federal Army had to pave a way for the survivors with their own bodies.     

With the roars, the cultivators with broken or even no crystal suits jumped into the creep one after another.     

Against the scourge of the raging demonic plants, venomous mosquitoes, and spores, they made great strides forward on the foundation of the cultivators with giant blades.     

The federal Army, on the other hand, melted themselves with the storm bolters, the crystal cannons, and the crystal tanks with their burning fighting will, forming two indestructible breakwaters on the left and right of the team.     

Even the adults among the survivors volunteered to stand on the periphery, protecting the old, the weak, the women, and the children in the middle.     

Together, they rushed toward The Life Channel that the cultivators had created.     

The demonic beasts also realized that this was humanity's final struggle.     

The speed and intensity of the beast tide suddenly increased to a new level. It was like a raging wave trying to break the dam.     

However, no matter how ferocious the demon beasts were, how rampant the beast tide was, or how dense the demonized forest was, nothing could stop humans from advancing along the path that the heroes had opened up!     

"Everyone, everyone!"     

Ding Lingdang felt that lava was gushing out of her eyes, nose, and throat.     

Even though she was born in the vast wilderness, she had never experienced a beast tide besieging a city. She had never seen such a shocking scene.     

Ding Lingdang swallowed the lava with all her might. She felt that her internal organs, limbs, and bones were all filled with strength.     

"Uncle yang, let's go too!"     

Ding Lingdang pulled Yang Yi back.  march forward bravely, and everyone's heart is United!     

  don't be silly. Charging forward is suicide. No one can escape from here!     

Yang Yi's tone, however, was even gloomier than Dong Yu's.     

He grabbed ding Lingdang's arm with his iron-like hands.     

Then, he analyzed calmly and even coldly.  if there are really big demons here, the traps in front of us will not be as simple as the creep and the demonized forest. I'm certain that there are more ambushes behind the creep!     

Ding Lingdang's eyes widened.     

It was as if he didn't know her at all.     

"How, how can you say that?"     

The little girl stammered, "so what if there are more ambushes? Now that things have come to this, we can only risk our lives and move forward! Don't tell me that the main force can still return the way they came?"     

"Of course, the main force can't go back the way they came."     


Taking a deep breath, he carried ding Lingdang on his shoulder and, like a Loach that had been smeared with oil, went against the flow of the crowd.     

Saber lights, sword shadows, flames, black smoke, poisonous mist, collapses, and explosions were everywhere. The scene was a mess.     

Everyone and all the demon beasts were focused on the depths of the creep. No one noticed the Renegade, who was curled up and even crawling on the ground with all his limbs.     

Taking advantage of the second collapse of the three to five-story high ruins in front of them, dust was kicked up and blocked everyone's and demon beasts 'vision.     

Yang Yi found a manhole that he had just scanned. He lifted the cover and carried ding Lingdang in.     

Before everyone and the demonic beasts could react.     

He quietly closed the manhole cover.     

He stuffed himself and ding Lingdang into the complete darkness.     

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