Forty Millenniums of Cultivation



0"…You?"      4

Boss Gold Tooth pulled Bai Xiaolu up by the collar.     

For a moment, Bai Xiaolu felt that her heart was palpitating, fearing that her brother's secret would be exposed if her blouse was torn by his iron hands.     

However, the leader of the Citi Gang glanced at him casually and threw him to the side. His face was swollen.     

Bai Xiaolu's overestimation caused the residents of Tombstone to burst into laughter.     

The laughter, on the other hand, made the redness in the eyes of the leader of the Gold Teeth Brotherhood turn extremely cold. He scratched his beard and suddenly burst into laughter. "Alright. I didn't know that you didn't even have enough hair. You do have more guts than most people here. However, do you know how to play with a woman?"     


Bai Xiaolu blushed, not knowing how to respond.     

The gold-tooth leader laughed and waved his hands. "It doesn't matter whether or not you know how to play with women. What matters is whether or not you know how to play with guns. What's your name? Do you know how to play with guns?"     

"My name is Bai Xiaolu."     

Bai Xiaolu was smart enough to nod her head. "I know how to play with guns!"     

Most of the children in the Wasteland knew how to play with knives and guns.     

The thick-skinned automatic rifles could still kill people as long as they were close enough, even if they were rusted after decades of hardships.     

Even if the bullets were difficult to deal with and they had never actually fired a gun, they would still treat them as toys and carefully study their structure. Moreover, they would receive the teachings of the adults and learn how to aim simply—this was a common experience for all the Children of the Wasteland. It was to the extent that firearms were the only toy for them since childhood.     

As long as there were bullets, no child of the Wasteland would say that they could not play with guns.     

"Very good. As long as you know how to play with guns, you can play with women. Take down the 'New Gold Mountain'. There are a lot of women waiting for you to slowly practice and play with. You're quite lucky, kid. Once you're on the right path, you can play with real women!"     

Boss Gold Tooth did not seem to remember Bai Xiaolu's name, but it was not important at all. The gloomy redness flooded toward the residents of Tombstone Town. "I'm taking you in. Just follow me. You will get whatever I get. Who else?"     


Bai Xiaolu thought to herself, I've made a fool of myself. How can I run away when I'm with Boss Gold Tooth?     


The elder brother, on the other hand, said, "It's best to stay by Boss Gold Tooth's side. It's obvious that the Citi Gang has come to various towns to capture strong men. Everyone is Boss Gold Tooth's cannon fodder. I estimate that the first wave will be consumed. Only Boss Gold Tooth's side is safe."     

"We can figure out a way to run away later. If we can't even save our own lives, whatever we say will be useless.     

Maybe because of Bai Xiaolu's role model, Boss Gold Tooth shouted a few more times. Finally, almost a hundred residents of Tombstone responded.     

Just like Bai Xiaolu, everyone was issued with a rusted automatic rifle and more than ten very valuable magazines. Some of the guys with better arm strength even received two grenades.     

Although these pieces of equipment were very tempting, the remaining people were not willing to get involved in such muddy water. They bit their lips and stopped moving.     

The leader of the Gold Tooth Gang did not waste any time. He waved his hands, and the team of the Citigroup left Tombstone Town together with the newly recruited soldiers.     

Sitting in the back of a military truck, Bai Xiaolu felt that her head was dizzy and she was about to throw up. Suddenly, she heard a few intense explosions behind her. Together with everyone else, she opened the tent of the truck and looked out, only to discover that intense black smoke was burning in the direction of Tombstone Town.     

"See? I told you that Boss Gold Tooth wouldn't let go of the remaining guys so easily.     

The elder brother sighed in Bai Xiaolu's heart and said, "I'm afraid that the public recruitment just now was just a 'test'. Those who pass the test are barely considered 'recruits'. Those who fail the test are the shameless slave soldiers who are locked with remote-controlled bombs and the lowest cannon fodder who are forced to the front. It is inevitable."     

Bai Xiaolu looked at the burning Tombstone Town in silence for a long time.     

"What about the village? What about my sister?"     

Although he did not like the stink of Tombstone, it was his hometown after all. Black flames were raging in the lead clouds, making him feel lonely and insignificant for the first time.     

"The village is far away from Tombstone, and it is hidden in the hills. The Citibank might not be able to find it. Considering the urgency of the war, I don't think they will waste much of their time on a small village without any resources.     

His brother said, "As for the future… Just leave it to fate!"     


Bai Xiaolu could only resign herself to fate.     

Over the next few days, they went to a few other large towns nearby that boasted a large population. In the same way, they were 'recruited' at a high price before they were coerced by force. Even Bai Xiaolu, the 'little brat who hasn't even had her hair fully grown', was treated as a walking advertisement by Boss Gold Tooth to mock the timidness of the people. Just like that, a team of more than ten thousand people was gathered.     

After the incident with 'Master Snake', Bai Xiaolu had been traumatized. She was extremely scared and wary of the legendary brutal and notorious Boss Gold Tooth. But thankfully, he was probably not a fan of the arts. Besides, before the war, he had been occupied with military affairs and did not have much time to deal with Bai Xiaolu. Therefore, he had asked Bai Xiaolu to learn some basic operations on the battlefield from one of his guards and beat her brutally. In order to save her own life, Bai Xiaolu had learned a lot.     

However, one day, Boss Gold Tooth learned from the recruits of Tombstone Town that Bai Xiaolu had killed 'Master Snake', the big boss of the Heaven Wolves Casino. He was quite interested and asked Bai Xiaolu about it during dinner.     

Naturally, Bai Xiaolu was not willing to tell her brother's secret. She simply said that she had taken the opportunity when 'Master Snake' was unprepared to draw the pistol from his waist and blow up his head. Then, she crawled out of the ventilation window with her thin body, but she did not mention the details.     

'Master Snake' was famous in the vicinity of Tombstone Town, but it was nothing in the ears of a brutal demon such as Boss Gold Tooth. He was too lazy to pursue the details and simply opened his hands and patted Bai Xiaolu's shoulder heavily. "Good boy. You've got guts. I knew that I was not wrong about you. After the battle, if you are still alive, I will chop off another five heads and let you join the Citibank Gang!"     

Bai Xiaolu grimaced because of the slap. Looking at Boss Gold Tooth's ugly face that was full of patches, she felt that it was not as scary as before, and the stinky smell on her body seemed to be much thinner.     


Three days later, they finally reached the top of the 'New Gold Mountain', the underground metropolis of the 'Alliance'.     

They were delayed for so many days because new teams of the demon race were joining them.     

As it turned out, the capability of the Citigroup was much higher than what Bai Xiaolu had seen in Tombstone Town. They had sent dozens of 'armed recruitment teams' to almost every populated town in the Furious Blood Wasteland and gathered countless 'recruits'.     

Dozens of bandit gangs, which were notorious for their crimes in the first place, had come to join them, too, hoping to break the 'New Gold Mountain' together with the Citigroup.     

It was not until Bai Xiaolu saw so many bizarre-shaped devils that she realized how vast the world was. There were so many distinctive towns and tribes in the entire Furious Blood Wasteland.     

Some of the gang members were wearing poisonous armor made of the shells of giant scorpions, which made them look like giant scorpions that were standing on their feet.     

Some tribes were covered in feathers from head to toe without leaving any gaps. It was said that the feathers could resist the severe radiation.     

There was another town where all the residents' right arms had deformed and expanded, taking up almost half of their body. It was extremely difficult for them to walk. However, Boss Gold Tooth had said that they were natural-born experts in grenade-throwing. It would be best if they could throw a bundle of grenades hundreds of meters away and attack the city.     

Of course, Bai Xiaolu also saw countless slaves who were forced to come.     

They were often dressed in ragged clothes and had sad faces. Their necks were tied with chains, and remote-controlled bombs were hanging next to the chains. Three to five of them were locked together. They could only move forward and not retreat. If they moved forward, there was still a chance of survival. If they retreated, their heads and those of their companions would fly into the air. They were simply a bunch of walking corpses.     

Some of them were residents of Tombstone Town.     

Even those who were lucky enough not to be killed were watching.     

Seeing their ending, Bai Xiaolu finally realized how wise her brother had been when he asked her to sign up. One mistake was the difference between heaven and hell.     

Even though this 'heaven' was just one level above hell.     

It took Boss Gold Tooth three days to march the main troops to the 'New Gold Mountain' despite his fame and leadership.     

This was the northeast part of the Furious Blood Wasteland. It was literally hell.     

The Furious Blood Wasteland was a death zone made of red deserts and deserts.     

After more than half a month of carpet bombing, the top of the mountain had been razed to the ground. The plants that had been struggling on the ground had all been blown to smithereens. The only thing left were shocking craters that were reflecting colorful lights to record the extreme temperature of the explosion.     

Dozens of black, bottomless oval craters were particularly eye-catching.     

Boss Gold Tooth told Bai Xiaolu that it was the damage caused by the underground bomb.     

In order to facilitate the charge of the infantry, the bombs did not fall to the ground vertically. Instead, they were hit into the ground at an oblique angle. Once they exploded, a natural slope would be formed, through which the soldiers of the demon race could rush in even with their bare feet.     




Every five minutes, there would be an earsplitting shriek in the air, followed by an earsplitting explosion. A fireball would gradually rise above 'New Gold Mountain' and turn into raging black clouds.     

It was a train cannon from very far away. It was said that a single cannon was hundreds of meters long and had a shooting range that could cover the entire Furious Blood Wasteland. It would be bombarded every five minutes. Although it wouldn't cause too much damage, it would cause the entire "New Gold Mountain" to feel an intense shock, greatly affecting the spirit of the defenders.     

This further proved his brother's judgement—Train cannons were definitely not something that the Citibank Gang could have. They must be standard equipment for the 'contract'.     

At two o'clock in the afternoon, everyone, including the slave soldiers, received a very suspicious pill, claiming that it could prevent venomous gas and radiation.     

Most of them swallowed the food. Bai Xiaolu, on the other hand, hid her tongue under her mouth and vomited it in secret when she went to the toilet. When she came back and looked at everybody again, she seemed to have lost her mind.     

At 2:30 p.m., after the last bombardment, the smoke turned crimson.     

It was the general attack command issued by the 'contract'.     

"Kill them all!"     

Standing on the armored vehicle, Boss Gold Tooth shouted desperately, "Take down 'New Gold Mountain', grab water, grab food, grab women!"     

* * *     

What was going on?     

I—I can't control my hands at all!     

For the first time, he discovered that the days when he was not writing were so empty and lonely. It was like an addictive withdrawal reaction!     

What do I do? I actually finished such a good novel like 40,000 Years of Cultivation. I won't be able to write it in the future. Oh heavens, oh earth, what should I do~~~     

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