Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich



2"Foolish apes, how dare you despise my existence, I am the omniscient magic mirror."      1

"Is that so? What's the answer for 1692321 x 768392, answer that in 3 seconds!"     

"10.000065917832 trillion. Impressed, kid? You thought that my almighty creator would forget to equip me with a calculator?"     

After hearing that, the silver-haired muscular guy was stunned, but he did not answer, he was still counting.     

"... Let's assume that you are correct, let me tell you, it's not because I can't calculate it out, father taught me multiplications before."     

Just from the looks, this good looking muscular guy was behaving like a living hero from a classic mythology, he was tall and fit, thickly built and had delicate features on the face… Well, this may be contradictory, but isn't there something strange known as Lee Gou Dan[1] in this world?     

"Now, the next question, besides my dad who is the most beautiful in this world."     

"Of course it is you, our honourable Lord Omar, your beauty comes only after Lord Roland."     

"Haha, you are really very honest, I kinda like you now. Have you eaten lunch yet? Want to have it together later?"     

"Haha, although you are exceptionally handsome, seems like there is something wrong with your head. I am a mirror, how am I going to eat?"     

Looking at the half naked thick built guy who was counting his fingers, while making various bodybuilding posture facing the mirror caused Lionheart to feel nauseous even though he did not possess a stomach anymore.     

"... This… is just a perfect match. I'm impressed of His Highness Roland, just a small present and he managed to tame this stubborn Omar."     

That muscular body shone with an oily gloss, but then the face had the delicate features of a cute girl, furthermore, it was 70% alike to Roland, in a sense, Omar's existence was the dark past of Roland.     

Yes, the "Lee Gou Dan" before the eyes was Pride of the Seven Deadly Sins. It couldn't be blamed that he looked like this.     

Roland used the standard template of Undeads to create his Seven Deadly Sins. Envy and Gluttony were made using sewed-up abominations as a base, while Pride from the Seven Deadly Sins was the same as Greed, a mutated spirit based on a Banshee.     

According to the initial design, he was an artificial soul who had no face, body nor gender, but as he grew, surprisingly he selected this as his appearance. Actually, it was caused by Roland who talked nonsense during his birth.     

"As a man, only a muscular body is the true beauty."     

Well, as a result, the muddled Pride viewed it as his gospel. And as the instinct of every life sees the mother as the most beautiful existence, without any doubt he used the face of Roland, and as everyone knew, Roland died too young, and the portraits he left were mainly from him being 11 to 12 years old. And in the end, this was how a child with aesthetic deviation was born.     

Originally, if there were some slight misunderstandings, it was still possible to rectify, but in those years Roland was too busy (busy to start a war), Omar would not listen to others, and as a result it got worse and worse, and finally ended up being the most beautiful form of himself.     

Parents understood them more than the children themselves. Nobody understood Omar more than Roland, that was why by customising a flattery magic mirror, he could easily manipulate the few year old child.     

Yes, only a few years old, merely a few years after his birth he got sealed for rebelling, and during the sealed period he did not age. When he was released, his temper was just the same as at time before he was sealed.     

While the civil war of Xiluo ended, as the only victor, it seemed that Omar would be in control of this country very soon, and with his ability, he would bring this country and himself to greatness.     

The ability of Pride, Omar? Actually, it would be very complicated to explain that, it was actually a very peculiar ability system, not only a sole ability.     

"Pride" originated from different levels, based on the understanding of Roland, as a superior that dominated the life and death of the inferior, they often did not reason with the inferiors, thinking that they can look down on the inferior like ants from above, this was the root cause of how Pride became one of the Seven Deadly Sins.     

There were ranks for Undeads too. If so, wasn't it possible to create an innate ruler of the dead who was born with the ability to rule over the immortal Undeads?     

Undoubtedly this was a queer topic, but Roland got his inspiration from the natural domination of queen bees and queen ants. They used a peculiar pheromone to build a network and used an intriguing method to take control of the whole group, causing the group to be dedicated to sacrifice themselves for their queen, even until death.     

And the reason of selecting banshees as the standard template was because banshee were the few rare spirits which did not have low levels of existence, and the fact that they were composed by pure spirits was also very suitable to create a spiritual network.     

In the end, the final result of the research was Omar, he was the only one that Roland did not use any additional materials, a Undead entirely created by Roland himself, in a sense, calling Roland as father was not wrong at all.     

"The Highest Authority of the Dark Prince", this was what the combination ability of Omar was called. He could use the Undeads under him to construct a spiritual network to exchange information constantly, and as the supreme power of the network administrator, he could control every Undead under him.     

This is the only ability of Omar, it did not sound so powerful, but it was unexpectedly powerful when used.     

Low level Undeads did not have any intelligence, while he could grant them fake intelligence, in a battlefield, he was like an invisible hand of command, which could even command the Undead under him to perform minor movements, such as moving the fingers slightly. To gain consciousness, a normal Undead had to be at least Silver-ranked, while he could let countless Undeads possess fake consciousness, it could be said that under his control, the battle power of low level Undeads which was only capable to be used as cannon fodder could at least be tripled.     

And this was just the beginning, Omar's powers were not that simple.     

Spirit is power, the spirit of low level and high level Undeads will be connected to the Undead network, and how would someone such as him, who controls other Undead spirits, be weak?     

Granting fake consciousness will not increase his burden, on the contrary, this lets him extract spiritual power to strengthen himself further.     

With 300 low level Undeads under him, Omar would have around Bronze-rank battle power, with 3000 Undeads, Omar would be able to match Silver-rank warriors, with 30,000 Undeads, he could crush Gold-ranked humans easily… When there is a Undead Empire, his strength would be immeasurable, even for his creator Roland himself.     

From this, one could tell that Omar's power was leaning towards army battles, from the beginning, "Pride" Omar was designed as the commander of the Undead army, the effort Roland spent was also a few times more compared to the other Seven Deadly Sins, his expected design did not fail, and the reason it had some issues was affected more by the problem of his personality.     

"I was born to be the at top amongst those under father, why should I be listening to you old folks? How is that dumb mutt qualified to sit in my place, and command the army which I should have controlled?! I'm gonna take back my Undead army and build a nation that belongs to Undeads. This is the duty I was born for, and it is also father's expectations. We were born to be kings!"     

Well, to a Undead formed from grudge, the crankier the soul the, greater the potential. But if the personality was too extreme, naturally there would be no way to discipline them, and in the end, it will end up as be the rebellion of naughty brats.     

But in a sense, in those years Roland did not leave any room for manoeuvres, therefore it was still possible to communicate.     

Only the Seven Deadly Sins and Roland himself understood the true power of Omar, the other Undead Lords only thought that he had very powerful undead control ability. The Xiluo civil war was guaranteed to happen the moment Feyman, who underestimated him, handed him the Undead army.     

He could not even accept his own brother Bastian to have a higher ranking than him, for Omar who was arrogant, how could he accept an old Lich above himself, hence as predicted by Roland, when Omar was released by Feyman, the 2nd Senator of Xiluo, it was as if they had set a time bomb for their own destruction.     

Apparently, as the Civil War in Xiluo came to this extent, a choice needed to be made.     

So, Roland made a choice in advance, letting Omar ascend the throne, and send Feyman into the Undead plane.     

At this moment, it was time for Omar to repay him.     

"I understand father's intentions. And I love his present. After I reorganize, I will fulfil my promise, and send armies to the northern lands to help father with the war."     

Originally it was Roland who had sealed Omar, Lionheart thought that this would be hard to deal with, but surprisingly it seemed to be going smoothly.     

Hearing this, Lionheart hesitated instead, he was worried if Omar will plot something.     

It seemed like Omar sensed Lionheart's hesitation, so he added.     

"When I was sealed, I had time to think, and maybe I went too far indeed, in those years. And for father, who was all along unforgiving towards traitors to spare me, I should appreciate that."     

Spare him? Didn't King Roland say that with the special ability of Omar, he can only be sealed, but couldn't be killed? Lionheart was filled with doubt.     

"Can only be sealed but cannot be killed? Hehe, for the almighty father there is no such thing. The Seven Deadly Sins were all created by him, he would have left something up his sleeve. At least being unable to control other Seven Deadly Sins is one of my weakness. And…"     

Although speaking of his own weakness, but the smug look on face was as if he received blessings, and suddenly Le Gou Dan… Ahem, Omar turned shy.     

With a big muscular body, but blushing like a girl, the pretty face showed some mysterious blush.     

"... And, I also require father's help, to create another of my kind. I just entered puberty stage this year, and I also want to fall in love!"     

Furthermore, while speaking, Lee Gou Dan shook his body vigorously, twisting his huge body, with the blushing face, and started daydreaming while closing his eyes, as though he had thought of something embarrassing.     

"My request is not much at all, as long as they are not short like dwarves, if they are as tall and strong and pretty like me, that would be enough, yes, they can be stronger than me by all means, but their looks mustn't fall too far, a thickly built body plus a pretty face would be lovely!"     


At that moment, Lionheart was so envious of the weak humans, at least they had the ability to die from spitting blood, while he could only endure the rolling thunder before his eyes.     

"Although feeling shy, but now that I'm the king, having a few more choices seem to be fair. I had dreamed of organizing the "I'm proud, I have posture," competition under the moonlight. Ahhh, to say this out makes me really shy."     

For a moment, Lionheart extremely regretted his outstanding imagination, he imagined that if this request is granted, every day, there will be a bunch of pretty muscular brothers making bodybuilding postures under the moonlight, Lionheart had an urge to bang the wall to death.     


An understandable nausea and the colleagues behind who were starting to fall to the ground retching proved that even for Undeads, there were thresholds for disgust!     

"I… I will inform the king. And, kindly stay away from me, Lord Omar!! I have no interest in muscles!"     

[1] 李狗蛋 (lee gou dan) is also 哪吒 (Ne Zha) in a chinese anime, featuring a cute girl with muscular body.     

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