Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Truth and Reunion

Truth and Reunion


The Whisper of the Demons was the name of the first chapter to Eich's Seven Great Trials.


This future to come signaled the start of the Eternal War. With the assistance of the demons, the Ancient Elemental Gods, subordinates of the Goddess of Chaos, who had fought in the ancient wars would gradually break away from their seals and bring endless catastrophes upon the continent.

Following the awakening of the Elemental Gods, the Fire Elemental Warlords, the Wind Elemental Governors, the Water Elemental Monarch and similar elemental beasts gradually became the first boss-class opponents of the gamers.

Not long after, sensing the arrival of a new order, the ambitious and idealists started to make their move. Among them, the most dangerous of all were those who hoped to create an independent country, the cultists who welcomed the descent of the Malevolent Gods, the Underground Lords who hoped to return back to the surface gloriously and the undead kingdoms who craved for slaughter and destruction.

Of course, the words 'first chapter' was a hint that these troublesome things were just a start and even had the shadows of demons behind it. As the Elemental Gods descended one by one, even if it wasn't their real body but merely their avatars, the elemental tide would gradually increase and the might of elemental magic would become even more powerful, though at the same time the advancement to become an expert would become easier.

The continent of Eich would finally reach a magic era where Liches were everywhere and legends were like dogs. Under the increased elemental tide, the Eich continent and other dimensions became more connected, causing travel between dimensions to be easier, resulting in frequent arrivals of foreign guests.

As the young generations on the surface were heading towards prosperity and the countries were positive about their future and even harboring ambitious thoughts of expanding their land, they didn't expect that it was all a ploy of the demons and the Malevolent Gods of Chaos. As the magic tide arrived and opened the doors between dimensions, especially the one to the Abyss, hordes of demons would swarm to the mortal world. But before that, the world would have to survive through the waves of the Undead Calamity.

The Alliance amongst the Underground Lords to invade the surface should be the content of the second chapter "The Vulture of War", which was supposed to occur around 10 years from now. It was still a bit too early for it, but if we were to think about it, it was to be expected.

After all, the Underground World was still extremely chaotic right now and even if the Underground Autarchs were to reorganize the proud and aloof Underground Lords, it would take a massive amount of time. Now should be the period in which they reorganize their troops and destroy the nonconformists.

The Sulfur Mountain City which we reside in was an obvious obstacle in their path. After all we were strong enough to contend with any of the Underground Autarchs.

"It's said that the blood-related daughter of the Spider Queen, the High Priestess Kajah Lorci, has united all of the Dark Elves and their targets are the surface Elves…"

"The Dragon Empress Molly, the leader of Red Dragons and Black Dragons, the accepted Queen of the Dragon Tribe by seven Dragon Cities of the underground. Their goal is to return to the surface and if possible, get revenge on the Dragon God Bahamut who exiled them."

"Ainsterna Eduar, Black Mage, his race is arguably a human… His motives are unknown, his strength is unknown but he has command over 50 underground cities. If we just look at the size of a regular army, he isn't inferior to any of the human kingdoms. He possesses a superb ability in conducting warfare and is the future High Commander of the Underground Alliance in name."

"Shou Nuya, a Scorpion-tailed Lion Beastman. He is the head of the Nuya tribe and the elected sovereign of more than hundreds of underground Beastman. Although the Beastman tribes are full of internal strife, their aptitude towards fighting is astounding. The talents of the underground Beastman is much stronger compared to those of the surface Beastman. If we just look at the numbers of experts, they live up to the saying "Golds are like dogs, Legends are everywhere." Their motive… Surprisingly, it isn't to exact revenge on the surface tribes but to return to the home of the Beastman, the legendary Blanuya Plains. Though currently the plains belong to a strong empire of the humans, Saint Antonio, and it serves as their granary. That is to say, if they were to fight, it would be on a level of battle on which nations and tribes would get destroyed…"

As the authority these 4 possessed was on a tier above than that of other Underground Lords, they were acknowledged as the Underground Autarchs.

But everyone understands the story where one monk had water to drink, two monks had to fetch water to drink, and three monks didn't have enough water to drink. If there was only one Underground Autarch, they would have unified the entire underground world long ago and send troops to invade the surface. But at present, there were four Underground Autarchs who were keeping each other in check, causing the underground world to be even more chaotic.

This time, just as how the history of the game walkthrough recorded, the Black Mage Ainsterna and the underground Beastman Sovereign Shou, having sensed the opportunities from the arrival of a new era, had formed an alliance and they intended to send an invitation to Kajah and Molly, offering them great incentives to solidify the Underground Alliance. By gathering over 40% of the Underground Lords in the underground world, they would have created the greatest alliance army in history.

But I knew that things weren't that simple. According to the 'history' in the game walkthrough, there was a third party interfering at the back of the Beastman Sovereign and Black Mage… The figureheads behind the Black Mage were the cunning Devils and behind the Beastmen stood the chaotic and bloodthirsty Demons. Both of them intended to use their proxy as way to interfere and cause both of them to fall out. This was also the only way for the formation of the strong alliance army to fail.

Of course, the Spider Queen Lorci and the Black Dragons weren't innocent and kind people either. They were also furthering their own motives.

"My head hurts. This isn't a problem of quantity anymore."

The signing of the Underground Alliance pact and the formation of the Alliance Army should be something recent. Even if I had the heart to interfere, I didn't have the influence to alter the situation. The invasion of the Alliance Army to the surface was already fixed in stone.

"Those pigs on the surface can enjoy the warm sunlight and clean night breeze without doing anything. In comparison, if we don't do anything, we can't even differentiate day from night. We can only use the cold lingering light of the luminescent algae, drink the underground water, which has a strong sulfuric taste, live in fear of earthquakes and stampedes… a life without day or night, a life that isn't even fit for dogs and pigs. Tell me, my brethren from the underground, do you all intend for your grandchildren and descendants to also live this kind of hellish lifestyle? We, the ones who had been exiled, why should we be inferior to others? Why do we have to bear the sins of our ancestors? Everyone should have the right to live under the sun, we are only getting back what that should belong to us in the first place."

Three years ago, this powerful inciting speech was shouted out by Ainsterna and very soon, it spread throughout the entire underground world.

Now, the invasion of the underground world back to the surface to enjoy true sunlight was the craving of every single life here. It was destined to be recorded in history. (The underground world had no sun, but the ceiling of the rocks had many luminescent algae that provided some light)

Even I had not intentions to block such a strong tide with my weak arms. The Underground Alliance which was formed by countless underground cities could not be stopped, but the internal betrayal of Sulfur Mountain City as a result of the movement could not be spared either.

"Councilor Welter, Councilor Kern…" These foolish councilors, they actually intended to bypass Sulfur Mountain City's Internal Affairs Bureau and directly liaise with the other underground cities to form a pact and join in the future crusade against the surface.

Though the current City Lord Adam of Sulfur Mountain City was hailed as a hero by the humans on the surface, despite not knowing why he had decided to live here for the past hundred years, from the start, the big figures from the surface 'Hero' Adam and 'Saint' Margaret were regarded as enemies by the Underground Alliance.

Following the progress of the Alliance, the Dark Elf-owned Morsblight city willingly served as the underling of the Spider Queen's Supreme Priest Kajah, while the Gray Dwarves and underground Beastman's Chrome City joined the Beastman Sovereign Shou.

Sulfur Mountain City had been a pacifist all along, so it was impossible for them to wage a world war against the surface. So from the start, Sulfur Mountain City had been a thorn in the eye for the Alliance.

But not everyone was unambitious like us… At least, quite a few 'big figures' in Sulfur Mountain City expressed interest in the land of the surface. Sulfur Mountain City might not have had any nobles, but the surface and other underground cities had them…

Thus, when the two cities started exerting pressure on those foolish Councilors and offered them land on the surface, a portion of the self-interested people started forming some factions, creating the 'Alliance Faction'. Coincidentally, Adam was intending to pass on the seat of the City Lord, thus providing them a good opportunity.

The diplomatic team that came to Sulfur City, officially they came to talk over the terms of trade, something that no one took for real, while in the shadows, their true motive was to help these Councilors solidify their power. Those merchants, who were assassinated, excluding those unlucky fellows who were used to pull wool over our eyes, most of them had a seat on the Council. As the obstacles were rooted one by one, the Alliance Faction was gradually gaining traction.

No one would be so foolish to start a head-on conflict with the SemiGod Adam. What they were waiting for as they accumulated power was for a mistake to happen in Sulfur Mountain City's inauguration of the new lord and an opportunity for them to strike the flames of rebellion to take over as the new ruler.

The Dark Elf Town Security might have been very efficient in dealing with criminals but due to their birth identity, they were condemned to the suspicion by a portion of the citizens. If they were pulled into such a scheme, the Alliance Faction could have found them an obstacle to their goals and they might have ended up as fodder for this conflict.

Just by pondering over it a bit, I could imagine dozens of dirty ways to destroy them, such as inciting the public will by claiming that they were the true culprits of the serial killings all along and they were only pushing the fault to the ambassador team. Then, they could force them to hand over 'the true culprit' and motivate the public to stand against them, blame them for theft and blaspheming the Holy Light. Afterwards, they could bring in the judgement by the church and force them to their death. Or, if they retaliated with force, hoho…

Cough, I should probably better rein myself in a little. Those Councilors may not be as 'wise' as me, but as experts in internal strife, while they may not be able to think of a dozen ways, but one or two should definitely not be a problem.

My reason for putting them out of the picture wasn't because I 'cherished' them as Elisa said, but my instinct to protect the weak.

Right, just protecting the weak… Who would like those silly lasses who always interfere with my work, like I would care about their deaths…

But they were now my underling's underling, they were member of my Sulfur Mountain City's legal system. If they were to be killed for no apparent reason with so much grievances, wouldn't that by a slap in my face.

Hearing the news that Elisa got out of Volk, it seemed as though all of the problems had been solved. However, I realized that there was still some things that weren't logical.

"… Why were they so fixated on Sulfur Mountain City. This city, compared to the proportion of the entire underground world, isn't even more than a dot."

I was unlike those boastful councilors that thought that the sky would fall without them. Even without Sulfur Mountain City joining in the alliance, the Underground Alliance would still retain the power to sweep the surface.

"I seem to have heard Volk saying that there was a very powerful magic thing sealed here, and the Dragon Empress seemed to be very interested in it. She even put up a very high price for it, that's why he came here to try his luck."

"Bullshit, I have been here for more than a hundred years. It was only a piece of barren land, what kind of strong magic thing would be sealed here…"

Suddenly, as I remembered something, I stopped in my tracks.

"A strong magic thing? Sealed? It can't be so coincidental… Were they referring to me, Lord Yongye? That shouldn't be, the news of me being here shouldn't have leaked without me noticing. After all, my true identity was only known by Adam, Margaret and Little Red and they aren't people who would leak secrets… No, there IS someone with a loose mouth… Has that lad Adam dug a hole to trip me, yet again?"

Propping up her gold-framed spectacles, Elisa seemingly nodded her head bitterly, but I could tell that she was secretly laughing.

"A year ago, the Councilors invited the City Lord to a party. They served the strongest Beastman Eviscerate Beer… After drinking too much, the City Lord spent 3 hours describing how he defeated the strong demon lord and how he sealed him in the depths of hell. He didn't specify which demon lord it was and most of the Councilors took it as a joke but apparently, someone took it for real."

"Lord Yongye, huh?" I seemed to have mumbled, but it was also a question just to see whether anyone would answer.

"It isn't Lord Yongye. Based on the analysis of the Dragon Empress, the SemiGod Undead Emperor isn't someone Adam could have dealt with then, needless to mention sealing him. It was more probable that he just got sick of fighting and left the continent."

The new test subject seemed to have acknowledged her situation and took the initiative to hand over valuable news that I wasn't aware of.

"Furthermore, if Lord Yongye was really sealed here, then it wouldn't be a target that we could take control of. In the eyes of all living beings, he is regarded as a dangerous fellow that shouldn't be released. Looking for Lord Yongye was just a false rumor that we created. Our true motive has been the Ancient Fire Elemental God Arolaweiss."

My lie-detector ring also authenticated that it was the truth. Thinking of the unique traits of the fire element, realization struck me.

This was Sulfur Mountain City, just behind us laid the endless sulfur mountains and a thing like sulfur was easily found in the surroundings of a volcano. For such a large sulfur mountain to exist, it was obvious that it wasn't a product a nature.

"In that game, all of the Ancient Elemental Gods that descended were defeated and exiled in the long battles to come, but the only exception was the Fire Elemental God. Now that I think about it, it isn't that he didn't descend, but that the Fire Elemental was in the underground world from the start. After all, what kind of place would be more suited for a fire elemental to live in other than the sulfur mountains."

"Underground? Within the sulfur mountains?"

"Yes. The Councilors in the Alliance Faction have already sold a portion of the rights to mine in the sulfur mines to us and our Gray Dwarves have found some remains that could very possibly be the altar heading to where the Elemental God resides. Now, the few obstacles that remained was the leakage of news. We had to attain the exclusive rights to mine in the entire sulfur mountain. Those who were against the sale were also on the assassination list this time. The second was its guardian… The Dragon Empress guessed that Adam built this Sulfur Mountain City to keep watch on Arolaweiss and if we were to touch the seal, the guardian would definitely be alerted. But, against the SemiGod Adam, we might not win even if the Dragon Empress were to go against him personally.

I slapped my forehead. I felt the urge to cry but no tears flowed out.

"Adam, you really ARE my nemesis, you tripped me 130 years ago and now you are tripping me again. If you didn't go around bragging, why would other people treat you as the guardian of the Elemental God, they also wouldn't view this city as a thorn in their eyes. Now you even dragged me into this problem. Can't you keep your mouth shut properly and stop causing me so much trouble every day."

"If this really is the land where the Elemental God has been sealed, then the demons may even interfere here personally. In that case I really have to start preparing!"

Closing my eyes and thinking deeply, many thoughts floated around my mind and just as I vaguely felt like I was onto something, the door was suddenly bashed open. A reminiscent figure and voice was heard which made me instinctively lower my upper body and huddle together… yet I was still a step late.

"Hi, Uncle Bones! Long time no see, Annie has come today to play with you."

Before flying out of the window, my final thoughts revolved about the flash of pink, then the continuously rotating world in my sight and the irrepressible wandering of my mind…

"She sure has grown, I could only fly 30 meters high then… Now, I can even see the 300-meter-high rock ceiling and the luminescent algae. Hey, mother vulture, you are here to hunt for food I see. Today's weather isn't bad, huh."

Although I was flying so high up, just as in the past, unexpectedly I wasn't angry at all. The reason? While flying up in the sky, my brain kept rewinding the scene I just saw, which was also the reason why weird thoughts kept popping up in my mind…

"Cough, it's pink color. I have to remind her that ladies shouldn't go around spreading their legs to kick other people, otherwise it would be very easy for them to flash. Girls sure are mystical creatures; they totally change when they mature. To think that in such a short period of time, she turned from a little brat to a tall and elegant beauty."

Yes, despite it being merely seven to eight years, but in that instant, I clearly saw that the brat that used to stir trouble had grown into a cute young lady.

A fleshy bum and beautiful curves, full of liveliness. The young and innocent face coupled with a good figure and good personality, she was my ideal type.

"Why don't I consider marriage after I revive? However, after rejecting Adam so many times, if I were to change my word now, isn't that a little shameful?"

Do I have such a thing as shame? Looks like I don't. Very quickly, I decided to test if Ann still remembered the Uncle Bones who doted on her, often played with her, and her promise of marriage that I exchanged with a lollipop.

But just as I enjoyed my imagination, a bunch of uninvited guests had arrived…

"Go away, you smelly bird. I am not your prey, I am the fearsome Lich. I am very scary, beware of my bite…"

A bunch of carnivorous vulture surrounded me. Bones seemed to be their favorite food…

"Go away, smelly birds!! I really will bite you. The touch of a Lich is scary. A Lich who only has its head remaining is also very powerful… Looks like before considering going through with the marriage, I have to first get rid of this bad habit of hers, teach her what can be kicked and what can't be kicked!!"


Terminology may not be clear before but the world of Eich consists of one main world, and also the biggest piece of land – the Eich continent, the Abyss (where demons and devils roam) and other dimensions which could be considered to be part of Eich as well. Travel through different dimensions are difficult in normal times.

The MC comes from a world that was not part of the world of Eich or any of their dimensions. (Thus outside of the system)

Goddess of Chaos refers particularly to Cynthia, while Gods of Chaos refers to the gods under Cynthia's faction.

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