Experimental Log of the Crazy Lich

Dragon-slaying Blade

Dragon-slaying Blade


That was a black-colored blade in front of him.


The blade, being as thick as the smallest finger, had black rust all over it and not even a sliver of light was reflected from it. Rather than a weapon, it seemed more like a rusty knife used for cutting vegetables.

However, considering it's rusty state, it was already an unusable lump of metal.

But I knew that this was only an illusion a God Equipment creates. As seen from how I accidentally split apart the frame of my bed and my pinky finger, the sharpness of this blade was unfathomable.

[Otherworldly God Equipment: Dragon-slaying Blade]

My system implied that this blade was a well-known dragon-slaying god equipment but it was a pity that what followed it was just a short explanation.

It has been created by the otherworldly precious material, Nine Heavens Dark Metal. It is exceptionally sharp

That's it. Just like that.

Yes, it was such a simple explanation. Even a normal fruit knife would at least had an Attack Power: 0-1 Durability: 1 Sharpness against fruits +1 kind of effect explanation, yet this obviously extraordinary otherworldly God Equipment merely had such a simple description.

In reality, the otherworldly God Equipments that I had obtained through the system's lottery system all shared this kind of problem. As they weren't considered an existing item from this world, the laws of the world were unable to analyse them and thus, my system naturally was unable to do anything to them.

If it could not be analyzed, it could not be used. In such a case no matter what kind of glorious history it may had had in the past, unless I was able to call out its true name, it could only serve as a slightly bigger fruit knife.

In other words, it was just plain useless…

Initially, these otherworldly God weapons were just a bunch of large toys that wasted my storage space but a fortunate accident provided me with a secret method to understand its real form.

"Incantation of Law: Obligatory Enforcement!"

As the gavel struck down, two silver-colored light rays encircled me and Elisa before the sigil of a scale symbolizing fairness appeared in the sky, which represented the establishment of the contract between the two of us.

Following which, the scale began to tilt towards one side. This represented me owing Elisa quite a bit of her wages.

Incantation of Law: Obligatory Enforcement

Effect: Forcefully enforces the terms of the contract made by both parties

Shylock: Praise the noble freedom of contracts. Foolish Antonio, now that you had broken your promise, then following what we agreed on, I shall cut away an entire pound of meat from your body as punishment!

This Incantation of Law was used to enforce a contract. If one party owed the other something but hadn't paid it back yet, it would forcefully carry out the contract and take away the possession of the other party to repay the debt.

As I owed Elisa quite a bit, all sorts of different items automatically flew from my body to her, thus becoming her possessions. Of course, this included this unnamed treasured blade.

But in this instant, a problem occurred.

My Incantation of Law was a power that was closest to the Origin of Order. The effects of the spell may had seemed simple but in fact, it was almost at the level of touching the rules of the world, a Legend-rank great magic.

The value of the bones on my body could be determined by the both of us and the Origin of Order could also come up with a value. But, how much this blade was worth was an unknown figure.

Mages had their own identification magic but that was only based on the records of the Origin of Order, so they were actually just identifying what was already known to this world. But, otherworldly items were innominate.

Thus, this spell was stuck…

The silver energy of order enveloped the treasured blade and tried to analyze its value but the otherworldly blade, as though a stubborn rock, wasn't revealing its true form.

"Unable to read its history nor being able to analyze its materials… I could almost hear the moaning of the Origin of Order. As expected, no matter how high tier something is, what 'The Origin of Countless Matter', 'The Nemesis of the Chaos', 'The Incarnation of the Goddess of Order', energy was still energy, it can be fooled and made use of."

The Origin of Order was the commonly recognized origin of power of the Order faction and also the superior concept of the Holy Light, as well as the superior concept of my Power of Law. The people of this world sung countless praises of it, as though as it was incomparably sacred but as the creator of the Power of Law myself, although I was using the Origin of Order, I could only see it as a brainless power storage.

"As it stands, it fulfills the rules of Order, so anyone should be able to harness it? Such lack of chastity, and you still dare to call it anything brainless? Rather than saying it is noble, why not say it is dumb. Then, if I were to grant a demon that believes in Chaos the physical body of a human, then shouldn't that demon able to harness Holy Light as well. Giving your own power to one's nemesis, you still dare to say it isn't idiotic?"

This was one of my debates with the Archbishop of the Holy Light. When the other party mentioned that as long as one believes in Holy Light, anyone would be able to harness the mystical powers of Holy Light, that was how I replied to him.

Well, the ending… It was just like teaching a devoted believer the historical materialism of Karl Marx, the old archbishop couldn't catch his breath and almost went directly to heaven to continue the worship of his Holy Light.

The Origin of Order may be regarded as brainless, but as the ultimate origin of energy that built this world, it was exceptionally strong and soon, that thick blade began to look sharper and light started to reflect of it, as its shape continued to change.

The Power of Order rejects all chaos and everything, which was unknown, was chaos. Since its original properties could not be analyzed, then let's just grant it some new properties. Thus, the 'noble Power of Order' became my coolie and started to help me convert the weapon into a God Equipment that followed the rules of this world.

Very soon, when the Light of Order scattered, the solid wood-chopping blade disappeared and instead, a gigantic silver saber, tattooed with a dragon, appeared in front of me.

[God Equipment: Dragon Saber

Attack Power: 0-35 Tier: Epic

Special Ability The Unyielding Saber: 100% chance of directly destroying a weapon below Elite-tier. 50% chance of directly destroying an Elite-tier weapon. 30% chance of directly destroying an Epic-tier weapon. 1% chance of destroying any weapon below God-tier.

Special Ability The Life-robbing Radiance: Yes, it was not Sight-robbing radiance but Life-robbing radiance. Owning this sword, you would become the main character in everyone's eyes. Yup, the main character of a tragedy. The owner of this weapon would had his luck reduced by 10, Charisma increased by 10. If the owner is a golden-haired and golden-eyed man, an additional penalty of 10 luck would be imposed.

Special Ability Frenzy: 1% chance of falling into a frenzied state that recognizes no kin. In this state, you would first target and kill your own kin.]

There were some yellow inscriptions on the hilt of the saber: According to an ancient mantra, this used to be godly weapon that symbolizes status, 'The pinnacle of the world, the saber that slays the dragon.' But now, there was a brand-new interpretation… The saber that slays the dragon, like and get one free.

Looking at these figures, I was stunned.

In Eich, the different tiers of weapons were broadly known to be Normal, Superior, Elite, Epic then Legend. Back then, Adam's God weapon the Blessing of the Phoenix was merel a Legend-tier weapon and above that would be the SemiGod-tier and God-tier weapons that no man could create.

In reality, the difference between the weapons weren't too great as weapons were highly dependent on their users to exert to their full potential. The main difference between a high-tier weapon and a low-tier weapon lay in their special abilities.

Elite-tier normally had 2 special abilities, Epic-tier 3 to 4 while for Legend-tier, it could had between 4 to 6.

This Epic-tier weapon had 3 special abilities, though 2 of them were negative special abilities. While it could not be compared to the Blessing of the Phoenix which had 5 positive special abilities, its only positive special ability was exceptionally strong.

Special Ability The Unyielding Saber: 100% chance of directly destroying a weapon below Elite-tier. 50% chance of directly destroying an Elite-tier weapon. 30% chance of directly destroying an Epic-tier weapon. 1% chance of destroying any weapon below God-tier.

Normally, for a golden-ranked expert to possess an Elite-tier weapon was already quite an accomplishment. Epic-tier weapons, just as its name suggested, these were the weapons once wielded by masters, who left a trace in history and even an Epic-tier weapon would probably be destroyed by this Dragon Saber within 3 strikes.

That was to say, if it was a normal weapon, basically it would be broken in one or two slashes and in a heated fight, if a weapon suddenly broke… Just thinking about it made shivers go down one's spine.

"So this was the result of the Origin of Order converting the exceptional sharpness of this sword to fit in with the rules of this world, huh? I didn't expect that I would unexpectedly pick up a treasure. Although its attack power isn't too stable and its negative effects are troublesome to deal with. Just this weapon-breaking special ability is enough to destroy just about any opponent. Hmm? It comes in a duo set and its other part is also a weapon — Heaven Sword?"

The gray-color set attribute bonus hasn't been activated yet but just the name, Heaven Sword, made one's heart tremble. Looks like I must tried more of that otherworldly God Weapon lottery system.

"Boom!!" "Boom!!"

Just when I was delighted over the new god weapon that I obtained, a consecutive set of explosions made the entire house shake.



Alright, so the entire episode was centered around a Chinese show The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, which was some kind of god weapon and a status of prestige in the show. The Dragon Saber was wielded by Xie Xun known as the Golden-Haired Lion King. His family was killed by a man named Cheng Kun and in his fury, he went on a rampage, killing many people and blaming it on Cheng Kun. He was blinded by a daughter-like figure she threw a dart in self-defence when he went on an insanity rampage.

And if you haven't guessed it yet, he was golden-haired and golden-eyed.

  1. Merchants of Venice

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