Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Inverting Black and White

Inverting Black and White

3He was first agitated by Jun Moxie, then his killing intent was incited too. But because of Jun Moxie's heaven defying physique and shocking status, he couldn't do it, and thus, he could only forcefully retract it. But in this way, it was the equivalent of having a fierce battle within his own body. Although it was not enough to inflict an injury, his mental state had been greatly damaged and his vitality was greatly drained.      2

Yet Jun Moxie continued to relentlessly pressure him. Gu Feiyu who had a strength that was multiple folds of this 'Mo Junye' still ultimately did not dare to strike! So he felt very aggrieved. He felt as if he could crush Mo Junye with just his finger alone, but he did not dare to do it in fear of the dire consequences…     

And thus, Gu Feiyu's killing intent surged out and retracted again…     

He was forced to take seventeen steps back by Jun Moxie—seventeen steps! His killing aura had been circulating back and forth in his body seventeen times! If one used a battlefield to describe the body, it would have fiercely battled seventeen times!     

Especially when he was so angered that he could no longer control himself…     

Perhaps he could still put up some resistance when being invaded by another person's killing aura—at the very least, he could still be protected by his physical body even if he abandoned his consciousness…     

But being invaded by his own killing aura… was something that one had no defenses against…     

Under this sort of circumstance, how could he not be injured?     

How much could human's meridians endure? Not everyone's meridians were as perverse as Young Master Jun's!     

Even with Gu Feiyu's cultivation of a level three Spirit Mystic, it was still too much for him. If he started to circulate Mystic Qi to rest after he had retreated seventeen steps, he would just be severely ill and retrograde greatly in his Mystic skills, but there would be no danger to his life.     

But when his mentality broke down the seventeenth time, Jun Moxie's sudden retreat had created a temporary pause.     

This was a natural reaction, and anyone would react the same. One who was acting like an aggressive wolf suddenly turning into a vulnerable lamb… Even the strongest of mental fortitudes would be stunned at this sort of great disparity.     

Although this momentary pause was barely a tenth of the duration of the blink of an eye, it was enough for Jun Moxie to make use of that opportunity to activate his psychological manipulation!     

He took the opportunity in Gu Feiyu's pause to quickly control his mind. This was at the time where the killing aura was surging out, and all his Mystic Qi was on standby, ready to deal the fatal blow! All coursing in his meridians!     

In this way, both his killing aura and Mystic Qi lost control simultaneously, thoroughly dissolving the last bit of strength that was protecting his meridians. Both energies wreaked havoc within his meridians! Shattering and smashing all of Gu Feiyu's meridians into pieces…     

If this was merely a backlash from Mystic Qi, it wouldn't be this bad. If it was an inverted flow of killing aura, it would also not cause such an adverse effect! But because there were these two different types of energies clashing within, and especially when it was after they had been set off for seventeen whole steps, it had accidentally created the peculiar injuries that Gu Feiyu had right now!     

It was extremely odd! Truly extremely odd!     

An injury like this had never appeared in this world before… Because since ancient times until now… experts who were Spirit Mystic and above, who could have suffered grievances like Gu Feiyu had today?     

Gu Feiyu's 'achievement' today was truly something to be proud of! Because he had created something entirely new in the history of the world! This might not be a major reputation, but it was enough to allow his name to be recorded in the historical records of Mystic Injuries! His name would never be forgotten!     

Even Gu Yunyang, a third level Saint Emperor, could not figure out how his grandson's injuries came about!     

Actually, it was not just him. Even this other creator of this 'new creation', Young Master Jun, may not have thought that it would turn out like this!     

Ai, how did it turn out like this? I may have successfully created the beginning and the process, but I didn't think of the ending! How regrettable, ah!     

Gu Yunyang transfused his pure Mystic Qi with no reservations, but he discovered that the internal system within his grandson's body was still a mess. Even if he wished to keep him alive, it would require great effort. At the very least, he needed to thoroughly reorder and tidy up the meridians, coupling it with medicine in order to protect his life. This injury was too severe and too peculiar!     

But right now, this was not a good place for treatment.     

And even if he fully recovered, Gu Feiyu would be unable to advance beyond this for the rest of his life! And he may even begin to regress significantly, because his meridians were entirely tidied by an external force. This meant that the form would retain forever! He will never be able to improve! This successor which he harbored great expectations for was completely crippled!     

Old Master Gu carried his grandson's body up with one hand and slowly stood up. His face was dark and heavy. "This matter today, what exactly is going on?" When he said this sentence, he did not look at anyone, but everyone could sense that he was directing it to them!     

Gu Yunyang's aura surged out like torrent waves as he spoke!     

Little Beansprout, who was slightly far away, began to tremble, her lips pale and colorless. Her lively eyes had instantly turned dull. Miao Xiaomiao's pale yellow garments swayed due to the aura. But her eyes remained calm and undisturbed.     

In a flash, Cao Guofeng was already standing before Jun Moxie, blocking the aura from invading his disciple. He coldly said, "Gu Yunyang, why, are you really not going to act like a senior and interrogate the younger generation with torture?"     

"I won't be using torture to interrogate, but I feel a need to find out the truth of the matter today! And the answer to this lies in these three people before me. I believe Old Cao won't deny this?" he laughed coldly.     

Although the Gu Family had plenty of descendants, in Gu Feiyu's generation, there were not many that were strong enough. And amongst those who were present in this room, Gu Feiyu's strength may not be first, but it was enough to be ranked second!     

To have an achievement of a level three Spirit Mystic at the age of twenty plus, it was impossible without relatively good physique, even if he had plenty of medicine and pills to aid him in his attainment!     

There were almost two thousand people in the Gu Family! They were one of the biggest families in the Misty Illusory Manor. And one of the most hopeful youths was crippled like this here!     

Gu Yunyang's anger could be imagined.     

"Gu Yunyang, you are a senior figure, yet this old man never imagined that you were someone like this!"     

Cao Guofeng sighed as he said with great heartache. "Forget the fact that you did not take the sworn agreement between us seriously, boasting of it before your sons and grandsons blatantly. If it is for the sake of boasting occasionally, I can still understand… But you allowed them to brazenly spread it out there and did not even restraint them!"     

Cao Guofeng looked at him with genuine disappointment. "… Forget it as well. When at our level, false reputation is nothing to be bothered about. I can allow you to enjoy all that reputation. What else can I do? But today, for the sake of your own grandson, you completely ignored the future of the entire Misty Illusory Manor, recklessly releasing your killing aura to force and coerce one that has the Free and Natural Physique and the granddaughter of the Palace Lord. Don't tell me that for the sake of your grandson, you are going to sacrifice the entire Gu Family?"     

Cao Guofeng's hair and beard were flying as he said the last line, staring harshly at Gu Yunyang's face.     

Gu Yunyang's expression faltered slightly. "Saint Emperor Cao has exaggerated. I only want to find out the truth of the matter. Is Saint Emperor Cao going to pin the accusation of raising a rebellion on this old man? If Young Lady Xiaomiao is willing to tell, great; if she isn't, then forget it. There are so many witnesses present today; it is impossible that the truth will not be revealed."     

Cao Guofeng scoffed coldly. "That's a nice way to put it."     

At this point in time, both parties had already begun to confront each other. Miao Xiaomiao sighed softly and wanted to open her mouth to speak. She did not wish for the current situation to become any worse, and if she explained everything clearly, all three parties would be able to get out of this situation.     

But Jun Moxie was more than glad to have the situation unfold like this, so how could he let her open her mouth to explain the situation? He quickly said, "Since Old Senior Gu seeks the truth, and this junior is also at a loss, why don't I be the one to explain the entire situation for Senior? The two young ladies shall listen; if what I say doesn't match what happened, they can point it out immediately."     

Gu Yunyang's eyes gleamed. "Fine! Speak!"     

Old Master Gu had already assumed that Miao Xiaomiao had done something, so naturally he was unwilling to listen to Young Lady Miao's description. Seeing Young Master Jun volunteer himself, naturally he would be more willing to listen to Jun Moxie recount the situation!     

This lad looks honest and simple; I believe he won't be lying…     

"It went like this. This junior had just recovered and came out for a stroll, wandering here unconsciously. This young lady came to invite me, saying that her mistress wished to invite me to meet her…" Jun Moxie glanced at Little Beansprout and began to recount.     

Cao Guofeng and Gu Yunyang instantly figured out what happened from this beginning: The reason behind the matter today was obvious: it must be that Miao Xiaomiao had initiated inviting Mo Junye, then Gu Yunyang who was tagging along became jealous. As a result, Mo Junye, who had just arrived at the Misty Illusory Manor, with a cultivation level that was barely near a Silver Mystic, entered the position of number one amongst all the youths of the Misty Illusory Manor! Gu Feiyu was definitely not willing to take it lying down, so coupled with other reasons, naturally, he wanted to take this opportunity to humiliate this Free and Natural Physique!     

"… I was extremely afraid then." Young Master Jun shrunk his shoulders, cowering as he looked at Gu Yunyang. "I had never seen much of the world since I was young, so how could I dare to argue with Young Master Gu. I wanted to evade it, but Young Master Gu said… In the Misty Illusory Manor, there are too many existences that even Saint Emperor Cao does not dare to offend and told me not to be too arrogant…"     

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