Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Zhan Yushu

Zhan Yushu

0Just at this timing, the onlookers from the crowd finally cried out in shock. "Someone died, Somebody has been killed!"      2

It was hard to tell if the one who cried this was scared or excited or laughing at the misfortune. But all in all, after this cry, all the owners and workers of the shops on both sides turned pale and hurriedly closed for the day in a frenzy…     

Beating a City's Official to death ah, how big of a deal was this…     

Whoever wanted to be implicated could continue to show their own faces…     

A few youths riding on horses came from the other side of the long street. The one right in front smirked upon looking at the scene before him, bemused by it. "Ya, aren't these the two great envoys under Saint Emperor Cao? What's wrong? You're in great spirits today! To be interested in killing a few City's Officials for sport? A cultivation level of a Spirit Mystic, killing the City's Officials, who are mere ordinary folks, truly mighty and impressive ah…"     

The two bodyguard's faces instantly darkened.     

They turned around to look for Jun Moxie, only to find that this fellow had already disappeared. Then, it suddenly occurred to them that the loud voice that cried out, 'Somebody has been killed!'… seemed to belong to this fellow… No wonder he was so excited…     

"The two of us brothers offer our greetings before Young Master Zhan." The other party may be young, but he had an influential background, and the two bodyguards knew that they could not afford to offend him, so naturally they did not behave rashly.     

As it happens, this handsome, tall young master before them was the first person Cao Guofeng had nagged at Young Master Jun to not offend.     

Zhan Family—Zhan Yushu!     

Even the other youths behind Young Master Zhan were all the descendants of the few big families in Misty Illusory Manor. These two brothers could not afford to offend any one of them.     

Cao Guofeng,and the forces around him did not fear them, but they would also not try to have any clashes with these families. Everyone had a mutual understanding to maintain harmony on the surface.     

For example, if Young Master Jun had met with these few young masters of the worldly families, Cao Guofeng would naturally stand up for him and would be willing to even fight against them, but if these two bodyguards offended these few young masters, Cao Guofeng would definitely not stand up for them and would even punish them severely. Chasing them out of the Manor and ridding them of their skills was also possible. This was a matter they could not do anything abou. They were all the same—humans—but they had different lives!     

"Wang Neng, Li Jie; I heard that… the two of you have a new young master now?" Zhan Yushu narrowed his eyes as he looked at them contemptuously, as if he were looking at ants. "I heard that… he's some Free and Natural Physique? I heard that… he is really powerful? Is it?"     

He had used 'I heard' thrice in a row and intentionally dragged his tone out, not hiding a tiny bit of his contempt and disdain. The few youths behind him broke out in uncontrollable laughter.     

One of them opened their mouth and said, "What Free and Natural Physique; it's probably a country bumpkin only. Probably a bastard that was picked up from god knows where, compared to our Big Bro, he's just a pile of feces!"     

Another person added, "Calling him a pile of feces is already lifting his status. This young master has read numerous books, and although I do not dare to claim that I know everything in the world, I have never heard of some peculiar physique called the Free and Natural Physique. A bastardly thing that wormed out of nowhere, trying to make us bow to him with something that has never been seen before, he is really retarded! With Big Bro Zhan around, which young man in Misty Illusory Manor dares to proclaim himself first! A frog that lived at the bottom of the well, overestimating his own capabilities, an arrogant barbarian that comes from the filthy mortal world!"     

Zhan Yushu maintained his smile, a proud look on his handsome face. But if one looked more closely, it could be noticed that in the darkest parts of his eye, there was a calmness that was focused on the faces of the two before him, not letting go. He was also observing the bunch of people following behind him through the corners of his eyes.     

If Jun Moxie was present, he would definitely be able to tell that this legendary Young Master Zhan was no idiot! But it was a pity that he had already slipped off elsewhere.     

"Young Master Zhan is right. Saint Emperor Cao has indeed taken in a disciple with the Free and Natural Physique. The reason why we are here is to accompany Young Master Mo to visit Heart Fantasy City." Wang Neng said, his face turning slightly green.     

Zhan Yushu carefully caught the change in color on Wang Neng's face, chuckling with his eyes narrowed. "In this way? Didn't all the eighty years the two of you spend waiting bitterly go up in smoke? Pity ah pity, it is really a pity!" He was speaking of pity, but his tone was full of mockery at their misfortune.     

The moment he said this, Wang Neng and Li Jie's faces changed instantly.     

But Zhan Yushu continued to ramble on, continuing in an extremely haughty tone. "Haha, thinking of all the open and covert fighting the two of you did all these years to achieve the position of Saint Emperor Cao's successor, yet all of that has gone to waste now. This Young Master can't help but laugh; it's too hilarious! Hahaha, all those decades of hard work, yet everything went to someone else. I believe both of you are feeling extremely comfortable internally?"     

Li Jie's face darkened, but he still dared not show his anger. He let out a bitter laugh. "Young Master Zhan must be joking. How could the two of us have our current achievements if not for Saint Emperor Cao's guidance back then. Saint Emperor Cao's greatest wish is to find a successor that he is pleased with, and now that he has found one, the both of us are extremely happy for him. There is only joy, nothing else; Young Master Mo's Free and Natural Physique makes him a divine talent. For 10,000 of years, only the Nine Nether First Young Master had this sort of extraordinary physique! So his physique can be said to be unrivaled throughout from ancient times till now. No matter how we may think otherwise, we are sincerely convinced and ready to concede! Young Master Zhan's last sentence was extremely right; the two of us do feel extremely comfortable internally!"     

Zhan Yushu chuckled coldly. This reply was humble and polite and put himself down, but there was an underlying meaning. And it was a rebuttal to what his own friend had talked about in terms of his physique! Mocking that his own physique was nowhere close to that person who came later! No matter how he flattered himself or worked hard, it was all useless. That was a fact, and he was only humiliating himself by arguing otherwise…     

Zhan Yushu's face instantly darkened after hearing Li Jie's words.     

"Is there a need to argue?! Two trashes that were casually tossed away by your own families, good-for-nothings who followed for decades only to become a replacement! Bullying ordinary people with your strength of the Supreme Golden City, culprits who brutally killed the Officials of Heart Fantasy City, and you dare to mock this Young Master?" Zhan Yushu's face was cold and sinister. "Men! Capture these two men! Hand them over to the prison to await sentencing!"     

The moment the order was given, the countless number of bodyguards rushed forward.     

Zhan Yushu had a cold and merciless look in his eyes like a vicious tyrant. He looked at Wang Neng and Li Jie disdainfully and said, "These two people have ignored the laws of the Misty Illusory Manor and challenged the lawmen, using cruel methods to kill eight innocent Officials on the streets, staining the ground with blood. They're heartless, cruel and vicious. All of us saw it and are eyewitnesses! Their crimes are undeniable, and in the name of righteousness, we law-abiding good people shall assist the prefectural magistracy of the Misty Illusory Manor to detain these two culprits before us! If there is any resistance, they'll be killed regardless! Anyone who kills them will be excused for their crimes for taking them down!"     

Wang Neng and Li Jie took a step back instantly, their faces green. "Young Master Zhan, we are all from the same family and all belong to Misty Illusory Manor. There is no need to be this ruthless, right?"     

Zhan Yushu scoffed. "Pei! You two scums actually dare think of associating with this Young Master? Let's not talk about how it's impossible, but so what even if you are able to? This Young Master is currently carrying out justice for heaven, ready to punish one's own family if justice demands it! The both of you blatantly ignored the laws, murdering so cruelly in the middle of the street, and the officials of the city at that!"     

The six Spirit Mystics behind Zhan Yushu approached them with a villainous grin. Wang Neng and Li Jie's face turned as pale as a sheet, instantly falling into utter despair. They were cursing at Jun Moxie mentally…     

"Young Master Zhan, the reason this happened is because these blind fools offended our Young Master. And the reason why the two of us intervened is because we were given orders. We have our own difficulties and had no choice! Young Master Zhan, we are all aware and clear; since someone has died, why don't we wait for the authorities to come and resolve this matter? Why must we take matters into our hands? Besides, it is only eight City's Officials who died… it's no big deal! Why must we blow the matter up and make things ugly for everyone!"     

"Your Young Master? That country bumpkin surnamed Mo? That person with the Free and Natural Physique? He is also here?" Zhan Yushu's mind instantly shifted to the location of Young Master Jun.     

Wang Neng instantly replied to him while thinking internally. We had just said we were accompanying him on this trip, and now you are pretending that you didn't know that…     

"Tell the law management of the City that this Young Master will temporarily intervene in this matter; tell them not to pursue it for now." A sharp glint appeared in Zhan Yushu's eyes. "Bring the two of them to Drifting Fragrance Lodge. Spread the word that Young Master Mo Junye is to come at midnight personally to Drifting Fragrance Lodge to collect them! If he doesn't arrive on time, then these people shall be handed over to the authorities and punished according to the law! Paying with their lives for murder!"     

A couple of people responded in acknowledgment. Wang Neng and Li Jie also heaved a sigh of relief. The few young masters behind Zhan Yushu also had a look of excitement, all thinking of how they should make things difficult after this Young Master Mo Junye arrived.     

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