Otherworldly Evil Monarch

The Most Terrifying Person!

The Most Terrifying Person!

1It would be a big deal if Jun Moxie had merely taken a step back. But Gu Feiyu's senses which had already broken down were instantly set ablaze by Jun Moxie's words! He almost spat a whole mouthful of blood out. No deep set feud? You just scolded all eighteen generations of my family's ancestors, practically driving me insane, and now you are saying to 'laugh this off'?     2

Gu Feiyu panted angrily, his eyes practically bulging out. His handsome face looked like that of an angry demon from hell, and with his saliva flying, he yelled, "Mo Junye, there is no point to talk now that things have come to this! No matter how glib your tongue is! I must kill you today! Even if you have the almighty Free and Natural Physique, you are destined to not escape from this death today!"     

Jun Moxie laughed bitterly, he said with great indignance. "Young Master Gu, if you had not insulted my Master, Saint Emperor Cao, why would I dare to oppose you? I'd be shunning you if I could. Now, I've already expressed my willingness to back down. You already have the upper hand, so how can you still be so unforgiving… Could it be that there is no place to speak of justice in the Misty Illusory Manor?"     

Gu Feiyu had only said that in the Misty Illusory Manor, there were many existences that even Cao Guofeng could not afford to offend! But this was a fact and not any bragging. His attitude may be arrogant, but he actually really was not insulting Cao Guofeng!     

But Jun Moxie had completely slammed this accusation on his head the moment he opened his mouth. Because… those two auras had already drawn near…     

Right now, Gu Feiyu had lost half of his rational mind. Filled with rage, under Young Master Jun's intentional lead, he began to yell, "So what if I scolded Cao Guofeng? You're not pleased to hear it? Come! Come and fight it out with me! Aren't you very bold? Cao Guofeng that Old fry! B*stard! Old scoundrel… Why can't I scold him?"     

Under the guide of Young Master Jun, Gu Feiyu thought: Since I've already scolded him, what harm is there in scolding a few more times? If it can drive this little bastard mad and make him come and fight with me, I can just kill him!     

He was feeling spirited as he cursed, feeling like he had really finally vented some anger in doing so. You insulted my ancestors, so I'll insult you Master! F*cking hell, don't tell me this Young Master doesn't know how to scold people?     

Only Miao Xiaomiao looked at Gu Feiyu in shock, and then back at Jun Moxie. A look of amusement was in her eyes.     

Jun Moxie's face turned red as he argued angrily. "Young Master Gu, how can you be like this? It's alright if you scold me; I can ignore it, but why must you scold Saint Emperor Cao too? And to scold in such a horrid manner! Don't tell me the seven of them offended you? You're just a junior, so where is all this anger coming from? Is that how the seniors in your family taught you?"     

Yet another round of leading him about! Scold! Scold! Just scold all seven of them together…     

Gu Feiyu did not disappoint Jun Moxie, continuing to holler. "Pei! What can you do if this daddy is going to scold! Asshole! B*stard! So what about the seven of them? Are you going to outnumber me? Let me tell you, don't look at them seven Saint Emperors! They are not f*cking even worth a fart in the eyes of the Gu Family! They are all worse than farts!"     

Miao Xiaomiao facepalmed!     

Because two figures stood right behind Gu Feiyu's infuriated figure, a look of anger on their faces. No one knew when they had arrived; they'd probably been standing there for a while. Their powerful cultivation had concealed their aura, and although they were just standing there, if you did not turn your head around to look, no one would have detected that there were two people standing right there. At the very least, Gu Feiyu definitely would not be able to notice it.     

One of them had three locks of long hair floating before his chest! Who else could it be other than the third level Saint Emperor, Cao Guofeng!     

The other person had narrow eyes and his face was full of wrinkles. His black hair reached his lower abdomen. This person was Gu Feiyu's grandfather, Gu Yunyang!     

Right now, both of them were terribly incensed!     

Miao Xiaomiao and Jun Moxie saw these two people. Even Little Beansprout noticed them. Only Gu Feiyu remained with his back facing them, so he did not notice.     

Because Miao Xiaomiao had seen these two people, her heart was suddenly overwhelmed! She was an intelligent girl, so she instantly figured out why this Mo Junye, who had the upper hand, suddenly changed his tune.     

So he had actually expected all of this! He knew that he was no match for Gu Feiyu with his own strength, but he'd be humiliating himself by backing off. So he used his physique as leverage to suppress Gu Feiyu…     

But Gu Feiyu was ultimately of Spirit Mystic cultivation; if he could not be suppressed the entire time, the moment he snapped back to his senses, Mo Junye would be the one who ate the disadvantage. So he risked the safety of his life, pretended that he did not fear death, and kept pressuring him! That way, Gu Feiyu did not have any time to react. So under the condition of having a sword pointed at his throat, he still managed to force Gu Feiyu to retreat seventeen steps! What sort of guts was this!     

So he is not someone who did not fear death; it is all part of his scheme… but… no! Even if it is like this, if no one arrives afterwards, wouldn't he be doomed?…     

Miao Xiaomiao frowned in deep thoughts. Suddenly, her frown vanished. Right! I see! To think that he had also included this area in his plans. Because of his Free and Natural Physique, the Misty Illusory Manor will definitely treat him as a treasure. They will definitely not be relaxed about him coming out on his own, so there will always be someone keeping an eye on him… As long as he blows this matter up big enough, there will immediately be someone who comes to resolve this! And he had been waiting for this person the whole time.     

Miao Xiaomiao felt extremely shaken. A youth, who looks a few years younger than me… how can he have this sort of profound thinking?     

And at the very end, Gu Feiyu's sudden breakdown… What happened there? He had been forcing him into a corner the whole way, but he wasn't too harsh about it. On the contrary, since from the moment the sword was at his neck, every step he took forward, Gu Feiyu had taken one big step back. When the distance between his throat and the sword became smaller and smaller… he still did not stop. But he ultimately did not put himself in danger. By right, Gu Feiyu should not have snapped, but he did. What is going on here?     

Right, it is because of me. Because I had taken a look at Gu Feiyu at that point in time. He was already on the verge of going crazy from the humiliation, and he cares a lot about me, so that one look from me caused him to completely break down!     

If I am not here, this Mo Junye would have continued to suppress like this till the last moment!     

He had not looked at me the entire time, but he had been paying attention to me. So from my one look just now, Mo Junye instantly knew that Gu Feiyu was about to lose it. So he took this time to really back off and get away from the danger! This Mo Junye clearly understands the temperament of Gu Feiyu and human nature! When to advance, when to retreat; he managed it clearly and meticulously! Truly impressive!     

My glance messed up his entire order, but just at this moment, Saint Emperor Can and Old Master Gu arrived. And this Mo Junye completely retreated and made use of this retreat to fan Gu Feiyu's anger and make him lose his rationality. Then, he used his words to lead him on and stir up a real contradiction, and in the eyes of others… he… is the most innocent and bullied part! Who would imagine that the one who was really trampled upon is the Gu Feiyu who is raining curses?     

En, since he has already fallen out with Gu Feiyu, there is no hope of making up, so he might as well offend him thoroughly! And now before the higher ups, he puts himself in the position of the victim… And Cao Guofeng and the rest have made a significant contribution in finding the Free and Natural Physique… Looks like the Gu Family is in trouble this time…     

Miao Xiaomiao heaved a sigh of relief after figuring this all out. She looked at Jun Moxie in horror. This person is a monster! He definitely must not be offended! Otherwise, I really will not know how I die…     

In such a complicated situation, he had instantly come up with his countermeasure and an appropriate response. He didn't even panic when his own strength was far beneath the opponent's. He turned the tables around with his own abilities and won without much of a fight…     

Miao Xiaomiao admitted that if she were put in Mo Junye's position, she definitely would not be able to handle it like him! The other party had instinctively chosen the most correct way to protect himself and fight back. While she, who had witnessed the entire process, had only surmised the entire situation at the very end!     

This was a disparity between heaven and earth!     

Gu Feiyu was done for, offending someone like this. Even the Gu Family will be unlucky. Miao Xiaomiao's expression turned cautious. Her beautiful eyes looked over to this Mo Junye, whose cultivation was nowhere near herself, full of revere and curiosity!     

What sort of person was this exactly? This sort of talent was more than enough to dominate the entire world ah! This person… is really too… terrifying!     

Looking at Gu Feiyu who was unaware of his own pathetic state, Miao Xiaomiao suddenly felt relieved. She was really sick of Gu Feiyu's pestering all these years… It may be a good thing for her to borrow the aid of this Mo Junye to get rid of Gu Feiyu…     

Miao Xiaomiao didn't know that although her speculation made sense, only a small portion of it was close to the truth. And the real truth of the matter was that Young Master Jun was a bold and daring person, and he had also added some traces of psychological manipulation…     

But the conclusion was the same: Gu Feiyu was undoubtedly pitiful and unlucky for offending Jun Moxie…     

And right now, the pitiful and unlucky Gu Feiyu was still facing Jun Moxie, having no clue of the people who had arrived behind him. He continued to yell irrationally. "… What big deal is Cao Guofeng? Is he worthy of being used to suppress me? F*cking hell, we are the Gu Family—the Gu Family! Lad, do you know of the Gu Family?! It is as easy as crushing an ant for the Old Master of the Gu Family to crush Cao Guofeng! To think that you use him as your support! Only country bumpkins like you with no experience in the world see him as a big deal! I'll tell you honestly; back then, my Grandfather and Cao Guofeng had a match, and Cao Guofeng was defeated to the point he was kneeling and begging on the ground! My Grandpa was finally merciful enough to spare his life and let him live until now! I bet you didn't know this? Hahaha… How hilarious! Country bumpkin, do you know what sort of deal your Master is now?"     

Behind him, the faces of Saint Emperor Cao Cao Guofeng and the old man in green turned completely black!     

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