Otherworldly Evil Monarch

The Lamb Delivers Itself into the Tiger's Den...

The Lamb Delivers Itself into the Tiger's Den...

3I'm really sorry, just wait for a while more, wait for me to have enough mental preparation…     

She was just thinking about it for a while, in a blink of an eye, all the girls were still seated, but Dugu Xiaoyi was already gone. Clearly, she had gone to 'call' Guan Qinghan.     

"Let's not wait for them, let us eat first." Mei Xueyan said ambiguously. "I reckon that Xiaoyi will not be able to return this time…"     

"Why? Could it be that Elder sister Qinghan is gravely ill? It'll infect Little sister Xiaoyi?!" Han Yanmeng widened her eyes naively.     

"Cough cough… Infect? It's not entirely wrong to say that…" Mei Xueyan's cheeks turned red as she said with great difficulty. "If I am not wrong , Moxie definitely spent the night in Little sister Qinghan's room yesterday night…"     

"Pu…" All the girls gawked as their expressions turned odd. In this moment, everyone sprouted the same thought: when we see Qinghan, we must ask her for some pointers properly, why is it that Moxie fancies her so much and only goes to her… what is going on…     

This was a pressing thought in Elder sister Mei's mind.     

Guan Qinghan's physique shouldn't be as strong as mine, but why is it that she is able to endure it?…     

This is truly a bizarre thing…     

After a quick breakfast, all the girls went off on their own businesses. As expected, Dugu Xiaoyi did not return.     

As to Mei Xueyan, she practically turned tail and ran.     

Elder sister Mei had never felt this frightened in her entire life…     

Dugu Xiaoyi skipped happily the entire way to Guan Qinghan's room, arriving quickly in a couple of turns. It wasn't that far away, but under the enforcement of Young Master Jun's Power of Earth, the sound proofing between each room is extremely good…     

She knocked heavily on the door, but there was no sound from the inside.     

"Don't tell me she's sleeping so deeply?" Dugu Xiaoyi chewed on her lip. Suddenly, a look of panic flashed across her eyes. "Don't tell me something happened?!" With this thought, she began to hammer away incessantly at the door.     

Young Master Jun was feeling extremely satisfied from his campaign last night. He only took a brief rest and already felt rejuvenated. It was morning right now, which was the time when the vitality of men was at its peak. But the beauty beside him was still sound asleep, occasionally letting out a soft snore…     

Looks like she was really worn out from last night…     

Guan Qinghan right now was definitely incapable of enduring anymore…     

A certain wolf who was yet to be satiated let out a helpless sigh, crossing his arms behind his head and propped it up as he lay like that… Just remain standing then, who asked you to be this strong?     

In his boredom and lack of choices, the sound of knocking on the door came ringing in.     

Jun Moxie scanned the outside with his spiritual sense to discover that it was Dugu Xiaoyi standing outside, knocking away at the door anxiously.     

Young Master Jun quickly activated the Yin Yang Escape and concealed himself. In this way, it only looked like Guan Qinghan was sleeping soundly on the bed…     

Then, with a beckoning of his hand, the door opened slightly ajar…     

Dugu Xiaoyi had been knocking away at the door, feeling more and more anxious. She decided to give it a push, thinking that if there was still no response, she'd break the door down and go in…     

But who knew that with that push, the door opened and she fell right through the door…     

The door is not closed…?     

Dugu Xiaoyi blinked her eyes in confusion, looking over towards the bed…     

Guan Qinghan was sleeping soundly at this instance.     

"She really didn't wake up yet." Dugu Xiaoyi mumbled to herself, quickly closing the door. If someone else had seen this, it wouldn't be good. She couldn't help but grumble internally: Elder sister Qinghan doesn't close her door when she sleeps… how careless!     

Then, she wrinkled her nose. "What is this smell? Why does it smell so weird? How smelly!"     

This lass is too innocent. She didn't even think of it much as walked over to the bed. "Elder sister Qinghan, what time is it already, why are you still sleeping ah, we are all waiting for you to eat breakfast…"     

Guan Qinghan didn't hear her as she continued to snore softly.     

Dugu Xiaoyi furrowed her brows and lifted the blankets as she yelled, "Elder sister Qinghan, wake up, it's time for breakfast…"     

Ah! Her eyes widened: Guan Qinghan was completely naked under the blankets…     

"Don't tell me there's a rapist?" The moment this horrifying thought appeared in her mind, Dugu Xiaoyi instantly paled. She glanced about in panic, ensuring that there was no one else in the room before walking to the door. She stuck her head out cautiously, checking the surroundings before shutting it tightly. Then, she still didn't feel safe and blocked it with a chair…     

After all, if Guan Qinghan was really humiliated by a rapist… this was definitely not something that others should know of… this… this matter was too severe… If it spread,s then how should Elder sister Qinghan continue living, ah, and Moxie, wouldn't he go crazy…     

It had to be said that the thoughts of this lass were truly… naive and innocent. It did not occur to her that amongst all the women living here, the ones with the lowest cultivation were at the level of a Saint. Which rapist would be bold enough to come and lay his hands around here? Even if he had the guts, he'd need that strength, ah!     

"Elder sister Qinghan…" Dugu Xiaoyi sat along the bed, a look of worry and anguish on her face. "What's wrong Elder sister Qinghan…"     

She had barely finished saying her words when someone grabbed her by her waist. An evil laughter mocked. "Stop screaming… Your Elder sister Qinghan has been 'cooked' by me already…"     

Dugu Xiaoyi let out a yelp from shock. Her first response was to use the technique that Young Master Jun had imparted to her for self-defense. She was about to use it when she turned around to see Jun Moxie's irritating grin. She instantly relaxed. Since he is here, then he must be the one behind this!     

She patted her chest. "That scared me… I thought it was…"     

"What did you think it was?" Jun Moxie raised his brows.     

"Um, cough cough cough… everything is fine, all is good…" She laughed dryly. "Since there is nothing wrong, then I'll go back to eat breakfast. I haven't eaten, I was all focused on calling Elder sister Qinghan."     

Then, with her head hung low, as if she were slightly disappointed, she began to head out.     

"Why? Do you not wish to 'cook rice'?" Jun Moxie chuckled. He grabbed onto her shoulder from the back and blew a hot breath of air into her ear…     

"Ah? I wish ah, why would I not wish to ah. I even wish of it in my dreams." Her eyes instantly brightened up as she grinned, quickly spilling out the words in her heart. She turned around only to find Young Master Jun stark naked. Her face turned red as she said, "But you… you can't."     

She may not be fully aware of such matters, but she also knew that… after you had just… you can't do it afterwards…     

"I can't?! Who said I can't?" Young Master Jun's face darkened!     

This was the greatest provocation to a man! The biggest insult! The greatest humiliation! When someone said he can't! Especially when a woman said he was incapable in that area!     

Especially… when he was standing upright in his full vitality and vigor! Being said that 'he can't' by a woman? This was completely unacceptable and intolerable!     

He absolutely must prove himself!     

Proving it with actions!     

In a moment, the rage and fury consumed Young Master Jun's mind…     

He grabbed the little lass and said sinisterly, "Lass, didn't you want to cook rice? This Young Master will fulfill your wish today, just to show you whether I can or can't…" Then, he began to kiss her aggressively…     

Dugu Xiaoyi did not managed to cook her rice successfully the last time, and instead, allowed Guan Qinghan to pick up this advantage, feeling imbalanced. She had already chided herself for being too cowardly. Watching how all those who arrived later cook rice before herself…     

This lass could no longer bear it.     

Then looking at Miao Xiaomiao, the last to arrive, but to have finished cooking her rice the earliest, and seemingly, plenty of times… Xiaoyi was so jealous that her heart was about to explode! The first wife… It should belong to me… Boohoo…     

But now, with one wrong set, and many more, it had dragged until now! And her position had gradually slipped from first, to the awkward position of ranked third or fourth!     

This was unacceptable!     

Right now, seeing that there was a 'golden opportunity bestowed by heaven'. Dugu Xiaoyi felt elated, along the lines of 'I'm finally going to cook rice with him!' She did not even put up the slightest bit of resistance, even going along with the flow and facing it right on.     

She made up her mind secretly: no matter what, this time, I will no longer escape! I will definitely cook the rice!     

The lass was really determined this time, and she was very bold.     

But she subsequently felt something amissed. "We're going to cook rice here, ah? Elder sister Qinghan is still here…" She had just thought of this issue when her clothes already left her body…     

"Don't worry… Your Elder sister Qinghan is asleep, she cannot see or hear anything, don't you see how sound asleep she is?" Jun Moxie cackled weirdly, his hands and mouth were completely kept busy. How could he not devour a beauty that delivered herself to his doorstep?     

"But… But…" Dugu Xiaoyi didn't manage to come up with any retort when her mouth was covered. Then, her entire brain exploded as a weird sensation filled her body… everything whirled as she became lightheaded… and she didn't know what was happening anymore…     


"Ah~~" Dugu Xiaoyi pushed at Jun Moxie with all her might, tears flowing out from her big, round eyes. "It hurts… hurry up and take it out… hurry… it hurts so much…"     

"Hush, it won't hurt, be good, just bear with it a little, it won't hurt anymore in a while, wait for a while, it'll feel pleasurable…" Jun Moxie quickly held his horses…     


After a long, long while, Dugu Xiaoyi went through her first time in a more pitiable state than Guan Qinghan…     

Although Young Master Jun did not managed to enjoy himself to his heart's concert, he could only spare her…     

Although he didn't, he was truly forceful ah!     

When Guan Qinghan woke up from her sleep, she only felt her entire body aching, an odd sensation covering her from head to toe, making her feel as if everything around her wasn't real…     

When she opened her eyes, she realized something was wrong.     

Why were there so many people gathered here… beside her… Um, why is Xiaoyi here too?     

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