Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Push? Or Not to Push?

Push? Or Not to Push?

3The moment this thought popped up, Jun Moxie instantly felt like he could no longer remain seated. He instructed the kitchen to prepare some dishes, then put it inside the Hongjun Pagoda along with some wine and slowly walked over to Mei Xueyan's room.     

Knock Knock Knock. Jun Moxie only knocked thrice when the door opened.     

Mei Xueyan held on the door with an ambiguous grin on her face, donned in pristine white robes, looking neat and tidy.     

"Why are you not asleep yet?" Jun Moxie was very surprised. Mei Xueyan looked as if she was intentionally waiting for him.     

"I predicted that you were coming tonight." Mei Xueyan replied, loosening her grip on the door as she turned around and walked back in. "Come in, close the door." Then she sat on the bed and said, "Coming over here today, what did you want to tell me?"     

Jun Moxie rubbed his nose, knowing that Mei Xueyan was feeling angry. He lowered his voice and said, "Um, cough, I haven't eaten with you in a long time, so I specially made a few dishes for you. Since we are both free today, we can also have a good drink."     

Then, he pulled the small table in the room over and brought out the dishes from the Hongjun Pagoda. Instantly, the aroma of the food filled the air, wetting appetites.     

"You came to find me so late at night, only for a drink?" Mei Xueyan felt angry but amused. She maintained an icy expression on her face as she said, "Then we can forget it, since it is nothing important, and it is already late, I am very tired and was planning to go to bed. You can hurry up and leave."     

Then, she blinked her eyes and said with a smile, "Or perhaps you can go and enjoy yourself a little with your Miss Miao?"     

Jun Moxie rubbed his nose and chuckled bitterly.     

As expected, Mei Xueyan was jealous.     

There was no way a woman was not a jealous existence.     

Acknowledging their fate was a matter, but being jealous… was another. There was no way they could be mentioned together.     

Mei Xueyan could help Jun Moxie do plenty of things and help him settle his harem and beauties, but this didn't mean that Mei Xueyan would not be jealous…     

Because ultimately, Mei Xueyan was also a woman!     

"Um, hehe, aren't I thinking of you now…" All of Young Master Jun's arrogance as the Evil Monarch instantly turned into boot-licking as he spoke submissively. "Look at my little Xueyan, she is so beautiful. Not seeing her for a few days made me miss her so much that my heart has been itching, and I cannot fall asleep ah…"     

"Do I still not know you? You are used to spouting all these lies! These pretty lies may still work on Xiaoyi, Yan Meng, or Ke'er, but do you think that I will believe it?" Mei Xueyan rolled her eyes and said icily. "Let's not even talk about other things, just these four dishes alone… you are even saying that you made it yourself? What great cooking, ah, I'm honoured, but please excuse me for not accepting it!"     

Jun Moxie opened his mouth very awkwardly as he shook his hands. FInally, he hung his head and said, "Isn't it because I didn't have the time…" There was a tinge of hidden bitterness in his tone, making him sound just like a daughter-in-law that was bullied.     

Mei Xueyan almost burst out laughing, but she knew that this fellow's wacky behavior was in an attempt to make her softhearted so she would let him off lightly. But how could she just let him off like this? "If you're really sincere then go and whip up some dishes on your own. The taste is not a big issue, as long as it is cooked by you personally, there's no harm in me accompanying you for a drink. If you aren't that sincere… then… Lord Jun, please go back, it is really late already." She said coldly.     

Jun Moxie quickly nodded his head aggressively. "No problem! Isn't it just a few dishes! Even if it's the Manchu Han Imperial Festival, it's an easy feat for this Young Master…"     

Then, he disappeared with a whoosh to whip up some dishes, leaving Mei Xueyan alone in the room, feeling puzzled. She knitted her brows and muttered, "What is Manchu Han Imperial Festival? What is that?!"     

It wasn't long when Young Master Jun reappeared inside Xueyan's room. With a turn of his hand, four new, piping hot dishes appeared. It didn't look too bad. Though it was incomparable to that of a chef, but it was truly not lacking in looks and fragrance.     

But Mei Xueyan still wore an icy expression as she quietly watched Jun Moxie's tricks. Perhaps if it were Dugu Xiaoyi or Han Yanmeng, they'd be subdued by Young Master Jun's 'miraculous' methods of bringing things out of thin air. But why would great beauty Mei Xueyan be bothered by it, especially when she was already used to and well-aware of it. Wasn't he just bringing the things he had placed in that space out now? It wasn't worth exclaiming about!     

Bringing out two wine cups, Jun Moxie filled it up with wine and sighed. "Fine times, beautiful sceneries, sitting face-to-face with a beautiful woman. and drinking together is one of the greatest pleasures of life. ah. Xueyan, what is wrong, why do you seem upset? Who has offended my precious Xueyan! Tell your husband, your husband, I will stand up for you!"     

Mei Xueyan continued to wear a stoic expression as she replied, "The wine is naturally good wine, after all, it is personally brewed by Lord Jun himself. But perhaps there is no need for a beautiful woman. Compared to all those other younger beauties, I am merely an ugly old woman. How important can the mood of an ugly woman get to warrant Lord Jun's concern? I'm overwhelmed by your Lordship's kindness ah…"     

Mei Xueyan may be saying that she was 'overwhelmed by the kindness', but her gorgeous face also turned colder and colder, making her even more alluring!     

Jun Moxie said in surprise. "Ah? If my precious little Xueyan is an ugly old woman, then all the beauties that everyone praises of must have 'the heavenly disposition of an ugly person, a woman of unmatched beauty of a faded old woman'. Xueyan, ah, it is not that I wish to criticize you, it is a virtue to be humble, but being too humble makes you a hypocrite, this is not good ah…"     

"What a glib tongue! Even a dead man will turn alive with your words!" Mei Xueyan finally burst into giggles as she said this, downing the wine in her cup. A faint flush of red tinged her face, making her appear even more charming.     

Young Master Jun heaved a long sigh of relief internally, finally managing to turn the situation.     

Then, the two of them took turns to drink, and it wasn't long before the entire jug of wine was finished.     

The night was long and silent, the gentle breeze blew past the moon, the candle light shines as the shadows flickered against the walls.     

Aside from exchanging some words of affections at the start, neither of them opened their mouths. It was not because they did not have anything to talk about, but because they were both indulged in the comfortable atmosphere right now, unwilling to break it. Just one look, one gesture, the other part will instantly be able to know what they wanted to say or do…     

This sort of mental bond was truly mesmerizing. The two of them began to enjoy this rare, drunken atmosphere.     

Mei Xueyan's expression became more and more gentle, redness on her porcelain white cheeks spreading further unknowingly. The look in her eyes was gentle, intoxicated and affectionate.     

Pa. Placing that empty wine jug on the ground, Jun Moxie grinned. "This drink tonight is enough to keep me drunk for my entire life! If it is a hundred years later, thousands of years later… the two of us are still able to sit like this and drink, then when that time comes, I believe it'll feel ten thousand times better than how it is right now."     

Mei Xueyan glanced over and smiled as she replied. "We definitely will. We will not be separated for eternity. Hundred years, a thousand years, it'll be like today." But she was thinking of the sentence Jun Moxie had just said: This drink tonight is enough to keep me drunk for my entire life.     

Indeed, the drunkenness of tonight, the feelings of tonight, the words exchanged tonight were enough to make her not forget for her entire life!     

Mei Xueyan smiled sweetly.     

Jun Moxie let out a long breath and said with the same kind of satisfaction, "The stars and winds tonight, with the company of Xueyan and our feelings merge; we are like a phoenix's body with its two bright wings, our hearts linked as one. Xueyan, you are really beautiful and great! To be able to have you in this life, it is truly the greatest fortune of mine!"     

Mei Xueyan looked at him fondly and said softly, "Isn't it my happiness to be your woman in this life… since we both know each other's hearts, what's the point in saying all this?"     

Jun Moxie heart throbbed and he couldn't help but stretch his hand out and grabbed her hand, stroking it gently, as if he were massaging some rare and precious treasure!     

Mei Xueyan's petite body jolted and she said, "Moxie, did you know? It is only at this moment that I am truly sure that you only have me in your heart!"     

Jun Moxie's heart also throbbed for no reason, aside from feeling his love for her strongly, his feelings of guilt and tenderness towards her also experienced a surge. He stretched his arm out and grabbed her waist, turning the gorgeous face of Mei Xueyan to face himself as he looked at her in the eyes. "Xueyan, I…"     

Just as he was about to open his mouth to speak, he was interrupted by two fingers pressed on his lips. Mei Xueyan looked at him gently and shook her head lightly. "I know what you want to say… but you don't need to say a single thing. I understand, in this life, we do not need to tell each other, I'm sorry. There is no need, there is really no need…"     

Jun Moxie's heart was stirred. He suddenly lowered his head and pressed a kiss on Mei Xueyan's petal-like lips.     

This time, Mei Xueyan did not put up any form of resistance. Instead, she closed her eyes and tilted her head, she even gently tip-toed and entrusted herself in the embrace of her lover, allowing him to take control. She also slowly brought her arms out and hugged Jun Moxie's neck gently…     

Mei Xueyan only felt as if her entire body became weightless, as if she were completely floating amongst the clouds, as if she had lost all her ability to think…     

She only felt a pair of big, warm hands moving around on her body gently. Wherever they went, that place would feel an indescribable heat, as if… it was another kind of feeling that made one lose their mind and turn completely weak…     

Jun Moxie held onto Mei Xueyan's body as if he were holding onto a treasure. He looked at her with a smoldering look; it was as if there was a flame in his eyes.     

This smoldering flame had left Mei Xueyan breathing heavily as she squeezed her eyes shut tightly.     

"Xueyan… I… can I?" Jun Moxie's breath as also hot, breathing on Mei Xueyan's delicate face.     

"Mmm…" Mei Xueyan let out a purr like a kitten, it was like a moan, as if a form of resistance…     

Mmm… what does this mean?     

Young Master Jun didn't know, but right now, he didn't need to know. He only needed to take action, and he was already taking actions!     

He leaned over and scooped Mei Xueyan into his arms. He looked down at her, their gaze still fixated on each other, as if they had already merged into one. Step by step, he made his way over to the bed.     

Mei Xueyan's breathing became more hurried, her dainty nose quivering as her face turned redder and redder. Her two watery eyes looked at Jun Moxie. She finally couldn't endure the embarrassment and shut her eyes, turning her face away…     

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