Otherworldly Evil Monarch

I Love Power, but I Love Beauties More!

I Love Power, but I Love Beauties More!

0"Jun Moxie has never been a good person! And is definitely not a gentleman! So please don't judge me based on the standards of a good person and a gentleman!      4

"I can't be bothered about the world! I have no feelings for common lives! What I want is merely freedom, strength, and to do things the way I want and not be restrained by anyone! Treating the world indifferently, viewing it beneath my foot! That is I, Jun Moxie!"     

"I can discard mountains of gold and silver and can view glory, splendor, wealth, and rank as rubbish! Even if it is the glory of being number one in all of history or being the supreme ruler of the world, I will not harp on it. When it is time to give up, I will give up without hesitation! There will be no hesitation or reluctance!     

"What I care about is my family! What I value are my close ones! What I cannot bear to abandon is my concern for them!"     

Jun Moxie said slowly. "To the majority of the men in this world, women are just a piece of clothing that can be thrown away anytime! They are born to be used and toyed with by men… but I do not acknowledge with this!     

"I love power, but I love beauties more!" Jun Moxie chuckled. "Compared to having an empire, I would rather have my beauty! If I have the company of beauties, how can power compare!"     

He laughed carefreely. "I admit that I am not a formidable person and not hero material! I'm not a talent at organizing, and am not a leader-like overlord! The power of a leader is merely a more exciting, challenging game to me. When I'm done playing, naturally I won't bother myself with it anymore."     

"But my women, the women that I approve of, I will bring along with me, no matter where I go! Every single one of them!" Jun Moxie slowly shook his head. "You will not understand or comprehend my way of thinking… Because the disparity in our way of thinking…"     

Jun Moxie let out a long sigh and looked at Miao Zhan and the rest with a look of grief. "Because the disparity in our thinking… is at least five thousand years apart… or even longer!     

"What I want is the completion of the heart, the blending of feelings." Jun Moxie let out a long sigh. "I'm a heartless person. But at the same time, I'm also one who is emotional!"     

"What Manor Lord Jun is saying is that you are a flirt?" An odd look appeared in Miao Dao's eyes.     

"No! I am not one who plays about! I only show my affections to women I approve of." Jun Moxie smiled. "Women who don't belong to me can be the greatest beauties, but to me, if they're a friend, it'll be a beautiful friendship. If they're the enemy, then they'll just be a pile of bones! There is no difference!"     

"Since you are so affectionate to your women, then you shouldn't have attracted so many women! You already have plenty of beauties as your wives and concubines; how can you dare to proclaim that your feelings are wholehearted?" Miao Jian said coldly. "Why do you use this sort of reason to praise yourself?"     

"Praise myself? Praising myself in front of you all?!" Jun Moxie cackled. "We are no strangers, so I'll make it clear that it is not that I'm underestimating you. But you guys are not worthy of making me flatter myself before you!"     

The trio's faces instantly changed.     

"I do not care about you, nor the Misty Illusory Manor. Because there is not much difference in whether I cooperate with you or turn into enemies! Similarly, I do not care about the three Holy Lands! To fight or not has always been up to me! If I wish to fight, I will not change my mind even if the Outsiders have already arrived! If I do not wish to fight, even if Senior Miao Qingcheng comes here personally, he can't do anything about me!"     

Jun Moxie smirked coldly. "I am the Evil Monarch. Even if I die and turn into ashes, they are still Jun Moxie's ashes! There will be no changes! That's all!     

"My feelings come from the attachment those women have to me! They have given me their true feelings, so I must respond to it, to love and protect them! I do have many women, but every single one of them is an individual before and after following me! I have never hindered them or interfered with their thinking. Women are naturally weak, so I naturally have to cherish them carefully!     

"I value all my women! I cherish every single one of them wholeheartedly! The empire, power, and the world cannot compare to them! Or rather to say, they can't even come close in comparison!     

"Before them, I am only a man, a man who belongs to them. And not that high and mighty Evil Monarch and not some Saint Venerable!"     

Jun Moxie smiled. "You'll get this logic if you get it. If you don't, you don't. Either way, I only care about my family and my women more than anything else! And Xiaomiao just happens to be one of the women I approve of, that's all!"     

Miao Zhan let out a long sigh. "I understand! You are truly different. You would do anything for your lovers! I thought that that was merely a figure that existed in legends, but I never imagined that such passionate man exists in the world!     

"Jun Moxie, although you cannot be devoted to one person, to be able to do this for your women, I am impressed." Miao Dao smiled slightly, a heartened look on his face. Clearly he was thankful that Miao Xiaomiao had indeed picked the right person to entrust her happiness to. But he continued to sigh afterwards. "Yet your way of thinking and attitude leaves us heartened, but also find it a pity…     

"Your capabilities are incomparable in the world! With your current advancement in Mystic cultivation, even the Nine Nether First Young Master from back then will sigh at his own inferiority! But you just…" Clearly he was reprimanding Jun Moxie for being too focused on love, which was a great waste.     

"I had already said earlier. I have never known what the greater good is. But I know that when a woman has chosen to trust me and entrusts the rest of her life to me, then as a man, it is my responsibility to give my woman happiness! Perhaps I am unable to give all my love to one person, but I will make all my women feel blissful and contented!"     

"To me, this is the most meaningful matter." Jun Moxie ended his speech resolutely.     

Just as he said: this was Jun Moxie, not a gentleman or a good person! But he was a devoted person to his family and lovers! He was not a hero and will not choose to sacrifice himself for the sake of the world, but he would risk everything for those he cared about!     

He may be reckless, stubborn, or even extreme. These were all weaknesses in his personality, but these weaknesses also enriched his life. That made this Evil Monarch who was known for being 'Evil' appear adorable.     

Miao Zhan, Miao Dao, and Miao Jian all remained silent for a long while, as if they were pondering over something.     

Just now, a lot of words that Jun Moxie said earlier was extremely disrespectful to them, with their statuses. But right now, they did not think of this, because Jun Moxie's words had stunned them.     

They were only pondering if what Jun Moxie had said was the truth!     

Could it really be… for Miao Xiaomiao?     

Is there really such a man in the world?     

One that has seven, eight gorgeous beauties, but is willing to risk everything for any single one of them!     

And would wholeheartedly do everything for any single one of them?     

Something like this still sounded absurd to them. At least, it was unbelievable…     

But they recalled the information gathered from before and began to believe it a little! They really couldn't help but believe it!     

Back then, for Guan Qinghan, Jun Moxie wrecked havoc in the Xue Hun Manor. With his mere cultivation of a Silver Mystic, he did not even fear one of the Eight Great Masters, Li Juetian.     

At that time, the Jun Family even had the formidable foe from the Blizzard Silver City, the Xiao Family! With the strength of the Jun Family back then, offending both the Xue Hun Manor and Blizzard Silver City, these two powerful forces in the secular world at the same time, anyone would have found it an extremely foolish thing to do!     

But Jun Moxie did it! With no hesitation!     

Then, also for Guan Qinghan, he washed Heavenly Scent City in blood!     

For a woman, he didn't care if he made enemies with the rest of the world! This was even more incomprehensible.     

But Jun Moxie still did it!     

Back then, for Mei Xueyan, with the status of a worldly family, he brazenly went against the three Holy Lands for his lover!     

This was something that no one would even dare to imagine!     

But Jun Moxie still did it, and he did it on such a large-scale that he annihilated almost half of the manpower of the three Holy Lands!     

This was an impressive feat that could be said to be insane!     

And today, for Miao Xiaomiao, he claimed that he was Mo Junye and revealed that he had another motive for entering the Misty Illusory Manor… Although it seemed incomprehensible, when you recalled the two previous instances, it became more acceptable!     

This Jun Moxie cannot be understood with logic!     

And most importantly, from start to end, Jun Moxie had not brought up any requests. He completely had no use for the Misty Illusory Manor.     

This was very obvious from Jun Moxie's attitude and manner of speaking. The Misty Illusory Manor was a force to be reckoned with, that even the three Holy Lands did not dare to provoke recklessly. But Jun Moxie didn't even have the smallest respect for them!     

The arrogance of this lad is really…     

The three of them felt a little gloomy at this point.     

"En… maybe you, Jun Moxie… is this sort of crazed existence!" Miao Zhan carefully pondered over his choice of words. "But it is not up to the three of us on how should this matter be resolved… Even if we promise you, it doesn't mean anything. We will still need to wait for the Manor Lord to decide after we return!"     

The Manor Lord had already hinted before we came, so he already knew. Then how should we deal with him? At the most, if it ultimately doesn't work out, then we can just forget about it… Besides, with strong assistance like the Evil Monarch Manor, it is good news for the Misty Illusory Manor. Especially when we do not have to pay any price for it, why not?     

And this is the son-in-law of the Miao Family, so that makes him half of the family…     

Miao Zhan had already approved of this marriage internally.     

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