Otherworldly Evil Monarch

My Husband is Better than Yours!

My Husband is Better than Yours!

4"Aiya, little sister Xiaomiao, what are you being so polite about? We're all sisters of the same family; besides, you will be giving that fellow face by eating it. Quick, hurry up and eat." Dugu Xiaoyi urged. This lass had already swallowed her share in one gulp…     4

"It's not anything rare, just a little piece of lotus root. What's there to reject?" Jun Moxie looked at Miao Xiaomiao and said in a gentle voice. "Everyone has already eaten theirs, so you should hurry and eat it as well. Otherwise, if too much time passes, this lotus root will simply dissipate into the air. That would really be considered wasting a heavenly treasure…"     

Miao Xiaomiao's heart shivered, and she looked at the Exquisite Lotus in her hand. Indeed, the corners were already showing signs of melting apart…     

In that moment, she could not help but feel exceedingly conflicted in her heart. If I insist on not eating it, with his status, he will definitely not take the gift back. In that case, this thing would just melt and disappear, truly wasting it… From the looks of it, she had no choice but to owe this favor…     

Thinking here, she could not help but sigh lightly in her heart. This person was truly too overbearing… to not even allow others to reject the gifts he handed out… Left with no options, she could only put the lotus root in her mouth and bite down upon it. In that instant, she could feel an ice cool energy flow through her throat, and her entire body felt invigorated in an instant..     

A copious amount of energy surged through her meridians… at the same time, everyone felt like their meridians had been expanded substantially. Furthermore, the flexibility and sturdiness of their meridians had been strengthened greatly after the ice cool energy flowed through…     

Following that, the powerful energy flowed into their dantian and settled down.     

But everyone understood that this energy would not simply disappear like that. Instead, it would continue to protect their bodies. Even without the Seven Colored Holy Fruits to activate the energy, the medicinal energy would persist and seep into every part of the body. But if the Seven Colored Holy Fruits came into the picture, this energy would instantly be transformed into over a thousand years worth of pure energy!     

It was sufficient to let their cultivations improve greatly!     

After some time, Mei Xueyan had also returned.     

"Everyone only consumed the Exquisite Lotus this time, but I suggest that you don't use the Seven Colored Holy Fruit to activate the energy after you return. Instead, you should let it remain in your body to flow naturally, allowing it to transform your physique slowly… After waiting for around a year, the energy will truly become a part of you. If you consume the Seven Colored Holy Fruits at that time, it would not affect these effects! This energy will even become something that would be slowly beneficial that could be felt throughout your life."     

Jun Moxie said seriously.     

And all the girls nodded rapidly.     

At this time, Miao Xiaomiao suddenly remembered Dugu Xiaoyi's words: 'We're all sisters of the same family; besides, you will be giving that fellow face by eating it…' Sisters of the same family?     

What were the meaning of those words?     

Could it be… Jun Moxie had some thoughts towards her?     

Those were very thoughtful words, ah!     

As she thought here, Miao Xiaomiao felt a huge shock through her heart! At the same time, a strong sense of repulsion rose in her heart!     

If she knew about this in advance, she would rather have let the Exquisite Lotus Root be wasted than to eat it…     

"This Xiaomiao is extremely grateful to Lord Evil Monarch for the gift of the spirit herb. If there's a chance, I will come here with my husband to offer our thanks to Manor Lord Jun." Miao Xiaomiao bowed deeply and said to Jun Moxie.     

These words were naturally not to express her thanks, but to clarify a point. I'm already married; if you have any designs on me, it's better to dismiss the thought early.     

"So it turns out that little sister Miao already has a person in your heart? And you're already married?" Mei Xueyan looked at Miao Xiaomiao with a strange look in her eyes. An exceedingly queer look also hung on her face… it was as if she wanted to laugh, but she forcefully controlled herself…     

Hearing this question, Miao Xiaomiao suddenly began to think of her Mo Junye again. Her face beaming with happiness, she nodded. "Yes, my husband is extremely good to me! I'm the person he loves and cares for the most in this world."     

"Ah… little sister Miao, that husband of yours… how does he look?" Dugu Xiaoyi was exceptionally curious about what kind of look Jun Moxie had used in the Misty Illusory Manor, and she excitedly leapt forward to ask.     

Miao Xiaomiao was somewhat at a loss for words.     

This lass was obviously much younger than her and was probably at least two, three years younger. However, she could still thicken her face and call her little sister…     

Who knew where that form of address came from?     

"My husband goes by the surname Mo…" Miao Xiaomiao smiled and closed her eyes slightly, seemingly able to see her Mo Junye standing in front of her and smiling at her…     

"His figure is actually rather similar to Manor Lord Jun, but his looks are far from comparable. He could be said to look rather ordinary and slightly dark, not standing out…" Miao Xiaomiao described with a smile. Her face was filled with a deep level of contentedness.     

"So that fellow had pretended to be an ugy person…" Dugu Xiaoyi thought in her heart. "To pretend to be an ugly person and still manage to woo the top beauty of the Misty Illusory Manor.. truly formidable…"     

"Although my husband is not particularly handsome, his personality and heart is exceptionally great! Furthermore, he's completely devoted to me…" Miao Xiaomiao said in a happy voice. "He's well learned and talented, and I even wonder if there's anything in this world that he doesn't have have knowledge about… He's also a gentle and thoughtful person…"     

As she spoke to here, Miao Xiaomiao suddenly felt that the atmosphere had become somewhat strange. Looking up, she realized that this Evil Monarch had lowered his head and was rubbing his nose with a somewhat ugly expression on his face…     

There were even a thick look of… jealousy? … On the other girls' faces.     

Hmph, there's no use even if you are jealous, Junye belongs to me! As she thought here, a sense of pride grew in Miao Xiaomiao's heart.     

"My husband has a vast amount of talent, and he'd even written many poems to me… composing songs and writing lyrics as well…" Miao Xiaomiao were already beginning to show off…     

"What? Wrote poems for you? Composed songs? Wrote lyrics?" The girls' voices grew louder and louder, as if they were incomparably envious. At the same time, the smell of vinegar in the room had become even stronger!     

"That's right." The sense of pride in Miao Xiaomiao's words was growing stronger and stronger as she nodded with great satisfaction. "On the day that I was engaged with him, it was also the day I had my Heavenly Tribulation for the Venerable realm. When I was unable to bear the Heavenly Tribulation, it was my husband who disregarded his own life to accompany me. After that, he proposed to me on the spot with a poem. I still remember that poem to this day. Ai, I've spoken wrongly. Those words are the oath between us… I will never forget it in this lifetime…"     

"Oath? Poem? What poem?" The girls' eyes were blazing with fire at this point.     

Hmph! That fellow had also accompanied us to pass through the Heavenly Tribulation before ah… how come there were no poems? Why didn't he display his vast amounts of talents? Hmph! Over ten large white eyes instantly riveted on Jun Moxie's body.     

Young Master Jun felt the hairs on the back of his neck standing on its ends. Looking at Miao Xiaomiao, he cursed under his breath. My dearest great aunt, why are you still speaking? Are you trying to drown them in vinegar…?     

"At that time, he asked me: 'With the Heavens as our blanket, and the Earth as our bed, the wind as delicacies, rain as wine; the clouds will be our wedding decoration and the mist our witness; the thunder shall be our betrothal gifts, and the lightning the matchmaker… Miao Xiaomiao, are you willing to be my woman in this life?'..."     

Miao Xiaomiao naturally could not hear what Jun Moxie was saying in his heart, and she directly recounted the entire poem word for word, in a gentle and dreamy voice. "Do you know? My entire heart simply melted in that moment…"     

F*ck, if it were me, I would have melted as well!     

All the girls thought with jealousy. Just hearing that poem had already caused these girls to feel a warm and drunk feeling in their hearts…     

What kind of romantic situation was that ah…     

You may have melted, but our hearts are almost shattered!     

Wu wu… this heartless fellow!     

Young Master Jun's face turned a strange shade of green, and he was almost on the verge of collapsing. Miss Miao ah, please stop reminiscing, you need to leave some mercy with your tongue ah! Are you trying to take the little life of your dearest Junye?!     

Unfortunately for him, Miao Xiaomiao was not going to stop. She was originally saying this to stop him from having any ideas about her, so why would she stop now? If that fellow decided to go to the Misty Illusory Manor and stubbornly ask for her hand in marriage, using his status… and the more troubling part was, the Misty Illusory Manor might even agree…     

"We were in the middle of a Heavenly Tribulation, and lightning was streaking across the sky, and the earth was rumbling. The rain was falling heavily, and the winds were howling madly. Black clouds covered the entire sky… but even with that kind of weather, and the dangerous situation, I didn't feel anything, except bliss and a feeling of security…"     

Miao Xiaomiao had obviously returned back to the mood at that time as she smiled in a contented manner. "At that time, I thought that even if I were to die in that moment, it would be worth it… As a woman, to have a person who loves you stick by your side through life and death, especially a person who she loves as well… That kind of happiness is truly enough to last for a lifetime…"     

F*ck, if it were us… we would find it worth even if we died as well!     

The girls had become even more jealous now, and their eyes looked like they were ready to swallow Jun Moxie whole.     

Young Master Jun coughed hoarsely, and a layer of sweat formed on his forehead… I'm dead, I'm dead… this time, I'm really going to die for sure…     

Feeling the sharp gazes of everyone on him, Young Master Jun's heart shivered… My lovely Xiaomiao ah, you've killed your husband this time…     

"Who would have thought that we would actually come out alive after the tribulation… From then on, I swore to myself that I would spend life and death beside my husband for the rest of my life, never leaving or forsaking him!"     

Miao Xiaomiao sounded like she was swearing an oath…     

"En, if I may ask a little further, your husband… what is his cultivation level at?" Dugu Xiaoyi nodded and asked. Nobody knew what other strange ideas she was hatching this time.     

"Him? His current cultivation is not high, only at the Golden Mystic level." Miao Xiaomiao replied, her voice suddenly turned proud. "But it's because he didn't have a good teacher before this, and he began cultivating late. However, my husband has the rare Free and Natural Physique that had only appeared once in the past 10,000 years! Once he starts to rise, he would be unstoppable! Keke, the Nine Nether First Young Master had exactly this same Free and Natural Physique! In the history of the entire Misty Illusory Manor, there have only been two people with the Free and Natural Physique before! My husband, and the Nine Nether First Young Master! Even our Misty Illusory Manor has great hopes that Junye would be the next Nine Nether First Young Master, and also the only person in the past 10,000 years who has the chance to surpass the Nine Nether First Young Master!"     

Afraid that the rest would not know how amazing the Free and Natural Physique was, Miao Xiaomiao specially explained it for them.     

"Hm, so it's the Free and Natural Physique of the legends, ah!" Dugu Xiaoyi turned and glared fiercely at Jun Moxie.     

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