Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Untamable Chu Qihun!

Untamable Chu Qihun!

4He was indeed very rebellious and often liked to break conventions and challenge authority. The stronger the opponent, the more thrilling it felt and the more joy it brought. But this sort of personality in this world where strength and power determined your fate was definitely not somewhere he could survive for long. Perhaps as he enjoyed himself today, he would be killed by an expert tomorrow.     

His personality didn't distinguish between good or evil, only taking into consideration his own preferences.     

All that selfless, righteousness of doing things for the greater picture was not even in his eyes. If he did not gradually turn stronger and ultimately climb where he was now, he would have probably turned into a pile of bones by now. The only trace he left in the historical records was as a teaching material as a bad example!     

Yes, Jun Moxie was someone like this.     

He had already seen himself clearly. Jun Moxie was also human, so he had countless flaws like any other ordinary human, be it in his personality or habits. He was not a perfect person and can be said to be evil in certain aspects.     

But there was only one difference between him and others. He had great power that allowed him to disregard all these weaknesses. Or perhaps to say, he was lucky to have a cheating device like the Hongjun Pagoda and all the knowledge from his previous life. The wisdom of two lifetimes. All these were not something everyone had.     

While Jun Moxie had met with these! So his personality became his character, his flaws no longer flaws. And with his unwavering perseverance and the magical Hongjun Pagoda, his entire life became that of a legend!     

A legend was actually an exciting record of ordinary person, or perhaps someone with many flaws!     

When the monarchs of past dynasties ultimately succeeded, who cared if he had stolen chickens from his neighbor as a child? If he had peeped at maidens showering? Or robbed somebody?     

Even if they knew, it became an example of a successful man for encouraging others, and not evidence to incriminate him!     

There were countless little hoodlums in all of history, but the only one who was really famous was Liu Bang. There were also countless people who were forced to crawl between someone's legs as humiliation, but the most prominent was only Han Xin. Millions of people sold fake flowers, but only Li Ka-shing made it big!     

It had always been the case of achievement over what was right or wrong and never the other way around. This was the most bizarre phenomenon of human society.     

Everyone would attack and resist this sort of behavior, disapproving of many things. But we use the flaws of famous people in the past to educate and encourage ourselves.     

A small hoodlum will be chased by the masses and cursed at for stealing a chicken, and everyone speaks of him disdainfully. But everyone will only laugh when they speak of the Emperor having stolen chickens in the past.     

Then, they would sigh with sorrow that heroes also had times when they were left without a choice! And approve of it very understandingly: when you are in that state, that is the only thing you can do…     

Both of them stole chickens, but why was the former criticized while the latter wasn't? And even pitied and approved of?!     

What was this logic?     

It was very simple; there was only one difference.     

The latter had succeeded!     

Only success!     

As long as you succeed, then your flaws will also be lauded!     

These was not scare talk, this was the truth!     

No matter how ridiculous it seemed, it was a fact!     

A sound of cloth flapping in the wind could be heard from outside. A cold, indifferent voice rang out. "Fighting the Outsiders, how could I, Chu Qihun, miss out on something as grand as this?"     

Whoosh. A man donned in white appeared outside the tent, standing as straight as a spear. His eagle-like eyes looked at Jun Moxie.     

"Chu Qihun! You've come!" Jun Moxie cried in surprise.     

Who else could it be other than the King of Assassins!     

The number one assassin of Mystic Mystic, the Supreme Assassin Chu Qihun!     

Chu Qihun smiled and walked in slowly.     

Chu Qihun's current cultivation was merely a third level Venerable. It was no surprise that any random person in the tent was much stronger than him. But when faced with so many powerful experts, Chu Qihun's expression remained unchanged. His entire body was like a sword that had been unsheathed!     

A sharp sword can break, but it definitely would not bend!     

"How did you come so quickly?" Jun Moxie was really frustrated about this. News of the collapse of the Pillar of Heavens Mountains and impending invasion of the Outsiders had not been released for long. Not a single super family had arrived yet. But how did this Chu Qihun, who always operated alone and should be getting the news last, arrive first?     

"I accepted a deal for thirty thousand silver, but this scoundrel fled all the way and ultimately slipped to somewhere not far from here."     

Chu Qihun laughed, but his facial muscles remained stiff, as if they were carved out of ice. Although he was genuinely laughing, in the eyes of everyone else, they still felt that this King of Assassins was cold and eerie. Even though they know that his strength was not enough to pose a threat, they still felt shivers!     

"I thought that I wasted too much time in pursuit this time and was feeling down about it; then, I met with the disaster and was almost buried in that barren place. But I would have never expected that I would meet with this sort of rare and grand affair!" Chu Qihun smiled. "I wonder if I'm late?"     

"Well, well, Old Chu, you've arrived just on time." Jun Moxie cackled, passionately bringing Chu Qihun in.     

"The Supreme Assassin?!" One of the Saints from the three Holy Lands scoffed coldly. "Someone who is merely a Venerable also came hurrying over. Is he in a hurry to court death?"     

Chu Qihun's eyes narrowed as he looked at the Saint that had spoken. "Compared to everyone else present, I am undoubtedly the weakest. Naturally, I'm unable to compare with all of you experts here, but even with my meagerly strength, I will hurry over to help in a big matter like resisting the Outsiders! Whether I'm courting death or not is my personal matter. I don't care about my own life, but I wonder what that has to do with you?"     

That Saint was so angry that his face turned purple. Slamming his chair, he was about to stand up and go on a rampage.     

"Furthermore, I hurried here not because you invited me here!" Chu Qihun scoffed coldly. "You're from the three Holy Lands right? Haha, if there was only the Holy Lands here, then this daddy wouldn't come to be involved in this muddy water even if you pointed a knife at my throat!"     

Chu Qihun stared at that Saint and coldly said, "This daddy may only have the cultivation of a Venerable, but I may not be unable to kill a Saint! If you have any doubts, feel free to try!"     

Chu Qihun may only have the cultivation of a Venerable, but he did not flinch the slightest or display the slightest cowardice speaking frankly before all these Saints and Saint Emperors! But he was not wrong in what he said. With his skills in assassination, if he wished to kill a Saint, it may not be something impossible!     

"How dare you!" That Saint yelled. The pride of a Saint did not tolerate such provocation from someone who was of a different level! Even if this person was the number one assassin in the entire Mystic Mystic Continent!     

"How dare you!" Jun Moxie yelled furiously. A chilling look in his eyes as he glanced over. "You are merely someone of a Saint cultivation; what rights do you have to behave this outrageously before this monarch?!"     

This Saint had criticized Chu Qihun's cultivation. And Jun Moxie used the same logic back at him. This was instant karma.     

To those that he admired, even if they were not of significant power, he did not allow any outsider to blaspheme them! Just like how it was for Tang Yuan in the past, and Chu Qihun now!     

That Saint was so angry that his face turned red, and his chest was about to explode. But he remained standing without saying a single statement.     

He may dare to criticize and act against Chu Qihun, but he didn't dare to speak up against the berating he received. Because the one doing it was Jun Moxie!     

Chu Qihun dared to retort against him, but he didn't dare to retort against Jun Moxie. The difference here was obvious.     

"Sit down!" Mo Wudao ordered, looking at that Saint angrily. "We've already come to this state, how can you still try to ostracize others? Are we trying to kill one another? No matter what enmity Chu Qihun had with the Holy Lands in the past, he has appeared here today with the intention to do his part for the continent! He is a hero! A good man! And our friend!"     

That Saint sat back in his seat; his face completely black. It'd be weird if his face didn't turn black from being berated by Young Master Jun then his own comrades!     

"Mo Wudao! Haha, well done! I had a few interactions with you before this, but only this instance makes me feel that there was logic in making you the Lord of the Elusive World of Immortals!"     

Jun Moxie praised.     

Mo Wudao gave a bitter smile but did not reply.     

Elusive World of Immortals? Was there still any more Elusive World of Immortals? There was only a pile of rubble crushed under rocks… and countless corpses remained buried in there, and those were their kin and friends…     

Everyone from the Elusive World of Immortals felt like their hearts were being sliced open just remembering it!     

It was a pity that this culprit Zhan Lunhui ultimately escaped. Although only his soul escaped, he was still alive…     

The continent is about to perish; we can no longer bother about our own private enmity. We will probably not have the opportunity to seek revenge with our own hands in this life! This was the common and greatest regret of everyone from the three Holy Lands!     

Jun Moxie held onto Chu Qihun's arm and walked in, scanning everyone coldly. "Everyone, from now on, there will still be large batches of people who will come to help the battle! Those that come may be Spirit Mystics, Heaven Mystics, Earth Mystics, and their cultivation may be worthless in your eyes! They may just be of an ant's existence to you! But please remember that those who arrive here are real men that want to do their part for this continent! They're all real iron-blooded men! Their hearts are redder than yours, and their blood is warmer than yours!     

"I absolutely do not allow anyone to insult them! Even if it's a word or a sentence! If anyone dares to say anything of this sort, there will only be one result: killed without mercy!"     

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