Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Plan Determined! This is the Only Way!

Plan Determined! This is the Only Way!

2Mei Xueyan paced around with furrowed brows, considering how best to take advantage of this 'weakness'.     

One thing was for certain: if this weakness could be exploited well enough, it would definitely be able to deal the Outsiders a huge blow, or even completely eliminate the threat of the Stealth Kills technique!     

If the strategy was successful, and this battle went as they imagined, it would be enough to cause the Outsiders to not dare to use their Stealth Kills technique in future battles! As long as they did not use those damnable techniques, what did their side have to fear?!     

In the previous battles, the most difficult thing they had to deal with was those freaks who could disappear with no warnings.     

And it was exactly this that had caused the most damage to the Mystic Mystic Continent's forces throughout all the past wars!     

But although she had information about this key weakness, she couldn't figure out any good ways to use it.     

Just as Mei Xueyan was wrecking her brains in deep thought, Young Master Jun suddenly appeared.     

Right now, there seemed to be something about Jun Moxie's body.     

But as to what it was exactly, Mei Xueyan couldn't tell. It was too difficult to describe. She could just feel that the current Jun Moxie was very different from the past.     

The truth was, even Jun Moxie himself also had this weird feeling.     

After absorbing the lightning tribulation, Jun Moxie immediately returned to the Hongjun Pagoda to recuperate. At the same time, he roared a few times to vent the emotions in his heart. To his surprise, he'd discovered that the Hongjun Pagoda seemed to be different from before. It seemed as though a certain area was gurgling, it still hadn't reached the critical point…     

About this strangeness, Jun Moxie was also extremely curious.     

At the same time, he could feel that his cultivation realm seemed to have moved again, as if he was about to break through.     

The reason for this was not difficult to understand. This should be a transformation after the Hongjun Pagoda had absorbed so much lightning! Although it felt strange, it was definitely a progress towards a positive development!     

Could it be that absorbing large amounts of lightning energy can help me to breakthrough and increase my cultivation faster?     

Towards this point, Jun Moxie himself was also rather unsure.     

And it was because of this reason that he'd stayed longer in the Hongjun Pagoda: to investigate the matter.     

But he hadn't thought that in just this short period, not only had he failed to find the answers he sought, he'd instead become even more confused! Also, he'd missed meeting the number one expert of the Outsiders and the conversation between the peak experts of the three powers!     

Young Master Jun pounded his chest, feeling somewhat regretful. If he'd been here just now, he would never have let that fellow get away so simply. No matter what, that fellow should get some pounding on the bed before leaving, as per his namesake…     

Young Master Jun sighed, deeply regretting missing such a heaven sent opportunity.     

Others had already come here to get pounded, but he was absent to give the pounding…     

Of course, if it had really come to the pounding, Young Master Jun would have used Blood of Yellow Flame to do the pounding. It certainly wouldn't be… in that way…     

A heavy sigh rang out, distracting Mei Xueyan from her thoughts and causing her to furrow her brows with annoyance.     

The heavily sighing Young Master Jun only discovered that Mei Xueyan was troubled and hurriedly swallowed his sighs.     

After she finished recounting the problem, Jun Moxie's expression also grew heavy.     

If he could make use of this knowledge, it would undoubtedly be a formidable weapon!     

Although Eagle King had discovered this weakness, the forces they had were too little, and their adaptation ability was not high. Thirdly, the situation was too chaotic, and there was no time to spend time thinking over the matter.     

As for Bear King…     

En, if he could think of anything, he wouldn't be Bear King…     

"This is the knowledge that Little Eagle left for us before he died! It's the ultimate weapon to use against the Outsiders and destroy them! We definitely cannot put that knowledge to waste. This can be the key for us to turn the situation around on the Outsiders!" Mei Xueyan bit her lips and said with a trembling voice.     

Her brother had paid the price of his life in exchange for this information. So Mei Xueyan naturally valued it highly.     

"I know! And I understand how important this information is as well!" Jun Moxie nodded as he also started to pace around, furrowing his brows deeply in thought. All kinds of battle strategies that he'd seen in his past life, began to flash through his mind as he began to evaluate and compare them. He also began to think back to the experience he had while exchanging blows with those other assassins in his past life. As he ruminated, there seemed to be a path that'd opened up in front of his eyes, but when he looked up, it'd disappeared, turning hazy and difficult to understand.     

"In roughly what kind of situation would the Outsiders deploy large numbers of experts to battle?" Jun Moxie fell silent for a moment and asked.     

"A situation where the Outsiders would send out Enduring Ghosts, Enduring Earth, Enduring Heavens level experts?! That would only be when the battle had reached the decisive moment to determine victory and defeat. Only then will they send all their experts to make a full strength push, ending the war!     

"Perhaps only then, would the Outsiders truly mobilize large amounts of experts who could change the whole results of the war!" Mei Xueyan said with furrowed brows.     

"But if we wait until that time, most of our battle strength will have also already been shaved away! Although everyone's strengths have risen greatly again, in terms of numbers, we are still at an absolute disadvantage. Our enemies might outnumber us by 30 times, 50 times, even 100 times! If they use the 'human sea' strategy, aiming to drain our forces as quickly as possible, then even if we manage to barely hold on, what will we use to deal with the later part of the battle?" Jun Moxie became even more troubled.     

"That's right! This is indeed very difficult to maneuver. If it isn't handled properly, it would instead turn on our heads, allowing them to win with one stroke. At that time, it would be a disaster!" Mei Xueyan's forehead was creased with worry.     

They knew the lethal weakness of the Outsiders, but they simply could not come up with a proper way to exploit it.     

This kind of feeling was too maddening!     

"There will most likely not be many experts at the beginning of the fight. Even if there are some Enduring Earths and Enduring Heavens mixed in there, it won't be too much."     

Jun Moxie said with a slight nod. "So, once the battle opens up, we only need to tell the men to be careful. I trust that they should be able to minimize the damage that the Stealth Kills technique can deal. So, in a normal fight, there's no ways to utilize this flaw!"     

"Yes." A pained look flashed in Mei Xueyan's eyes.     

No matter what war one went to, injuries and death were unavoidable!     

"As for the decisive battle… the decisive battle…" Jun Moxie's eyes grew brighter and brighter and he suddenly slapped his hands. "I got it! We can do that."     

"Do that?" Mei Xueyan opened her mouth and looked at him.     

"It's like this. We'll gather all our Saint Venerable experts together, then at the most opportune moment, insert them into the foremost position between the two armies. Then, we will lock on to the experts on the enemy's side. There's no need to use our spiritual sense to thoroughly lock on to them. Everyone only needs to remember a few faces. Then, the instant any of those faces are discovered to have disappeared, it would mean that the Outsiders are preparing to mobilize their experts, and many invisible enemies will be killing their way over. This shouldn't be wrong, right?" Jun Moxie said with a slight smile.     

"That is indeed a logical understanding. When multiple experts from the enemy's side disappear, they would naturally be charging towards us. Is there any need to mention it?" Mei Xueyan was somewhat confused.     

"Don't be in a hurry, let me continue. At that time, our troops will be split into four groups. The first group will focus entirely on defense, stopping the attacks of the enemy. The second group will begin attacking the space thirty feet above and in front of the first group. The third group will attack 60 feet around the first and second group. The fourth group will continue enlarging the attack range to 100 feet!"     

As Jun Moxie spoke, he picked up a stone and began to draw the plan out on the ground. "Just like that, after the attacks of the three groups at the back are completed, everyone will immediately begin to charge into the midst of the Outsiders' ranks, deploying the most chaotic melee fight, causing those freaks to not be able to utilize their Stealth Kills techniques!     

"My guess is, at least half of the Outsiders' experts will be caught and killed in such a manner!" Jun Moxie threw the stone away and shrugged. "This can be said to be the best solution in a situation with no solutions. It's also the dumbest and most direct way of dealing with them. However, it's simple and easy to execute, and also the most effective strategy we have right now!"     

Mei Xueyan squatted down and carefully examined the battle strategy that Jun Moxie had drawn out. After a long time, she nodded slowly. "You're right. At this moment, this is the only and most effective method we have to kill and injure a large number of the Outsiders experts."     

"Remember, the most crucial point of this strategy, lies in… the Heaven Reversal Pills!" Jun Moxie's eyes flashed. "All the soldiers must not swallow the pill yet, no matter how injured they are! They must endure until the enemy sees that our army is falling apart and summons their experts to end the battle. At that time, they can all consume the Heaven Reversal Pills together! By this plan, we can deal the greatest damage to the enemy!"     

"Yes!" Mei Xueyan's eyes lit up. "However, if we do that, there will undoubtedly be sacrifices!"     

Jun Moxie nodded heavily. "Or perhaps, that is the price we must pay!"     

Mei Xueyan sighed, her heart seemingly choked up by something, causing her to feel extremely uncomfortable.     

"That is the only way!" Jun Moxie raised his head and began to think over the details of this plan again. Sighing heavily, he said, "Right now is not the time to hesitate and be emotional! I too wish to let our brothers return safe and sound. However… that is obviously impossible!"     

"Hm, perhaps, there is another point that we can take advantage of." Mei Xueyan suddenly looked up and said.     

"What is that?" Jun Moxie asked hurriedly.     

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