Otherworldly Evil Monarch

To Die! To Return to Heaven!

To Die! To Return to Heaven!

4"As long as I am alive, you will definitely not die! Even if I am dead, you will not die! Forget you? Leave this sentence for your next life! No, you shall not say such things even in your next life! You are not allowed to say it for eternity!"     

There was a loud clap of thunder. The Condor King flew over from afar and landed beside them in an instant, his body shaking. Looking at Mei Xueyan's pitiful form, he couldn't help but fall to his knees, crying out, "Sis…. You really…. Why were you so silly…."     

"Condor King, go back first." Jun Moxie didn't turn his head. "Tell the rest that your sis will be fine. I will get her treated."     

Condor King perked up and looked at him in surprise. "For real? Sis used…."     

But he only saw Jun Moxie nod his head firmly.     

This time, he already made up his resolution! Even if the Hongjun Pagoda was destroyed, he must save Mei Xueyan!     

I! Cannot! Live! Without! Her!     

Condor King looked at the both of them, reluctant to part, but he finally spread his wings and flew off. He knew that no matter the outcome, this time and space right now was for his brother-in-law and sister only. It was not apt for him to stay behind! He was also not willing to interrupt these two lovers, so he decided to fly away. Even though his heart was hurting, even though he really wished to stay behind and take care of his boss….     

"Moxie…" Mei Xueyan smiled gently. "My husband! Thank you; I also wish to spend the rest of eternity holding your hand…."     

Jun Moxie trembled. This was the first time Mei Xueyan had addressed him as "husband"! And she was the first woman in this world to address him as such!     

"Xueyan… My beloved wife….We will definitely grow old together, with our children!" Tears began to stream down Jun Moxie's eyes. He pressed his face against her face gently, feeling as if his heart was about to explode. He couldn't breath and felt like he was suffocating…     

"In a while… Just leave me here… and go off on your own." Mei Xueyan begged, her body still convulsing. She could feel the last bit of her life leaving her, but she still indulgently inhaled the manly scent on Jun Moxie's body. With a weak voice, she said, "I don't wish for you to see… my other appearance…. I beg of you…."     

"No matter how you look later, you will still be my wife!" Jun Moxie said tyrannically, leaving no room for discussion.     

A glimpse of satisfaction flashed in Mei Xueyan's eyes. "I…. am content… I really am content…. Moxie… Put me down, please, I beg you…. I don't want you to see me like that…. Don't make me hate you! Please!"     

Jun Moxie hugged her firmly. "No way! No way! No way! You can give up on trying to get me to let go of you! This life, next life, forever!"     

Mei Xueyan blushed. She sighed meekly and mustered the last of her energy to nudge Jun Moxie's chest with her head. Suddenly, tears started to fall uncontrollably from her as her entire body shivered. Choking with sobs, she said, "Moxie…. I hope you will remember Mei Xueyan, not me… Don't let them see me… Please…. I beg you…"     

Then, the last shred of violent strength left her body, bringing her last bit of life energy along with it.     

In this instant, Mei Xueyan felt enlightened and finally understood the meaning behind one statement. She laughed bitterly and said, "Heavenly Punishment won't find what it seeks. The Beast Kings will die. Heavenly Punishment's millions will depend on the success of failure of one person… So this is what it means…."     

Then she turned silent. She looked lovingly into Jun Moxie's eyes, her look turning to that of shame and guilt. Finally, she stopped moving….     

Her body suddenly began to shrink in Jun Moxie's arms, transforming into a small beast covered in snowy white fur, unconscious and on the verge of dying. Rings of invisible energy disappeared from her body. For every ring that faded away, her cultivation level dropped by a level….     

The terrifying backlash from the Saint King Pills had finally reached its most crucial stage!     

The tribulation clouds were gone, but the skies remained dark. Strong winds howled as the sky darkened.     

Was it going to rain?!     

Jun Moxie sighed tenderly, looking at the trembling form of Mei Xueyan in his arms lovingly. "So… It was you… I should've known…"     

At this moment, a lot of things clicked in place for Jun Moxie. Why Mei Xueyan kept picking on him, making things difficult for him since they were in Heavenly Punishment Forest, constantly making fun of him. Jun Moxie had always been confused as to how he offended her, but now everything made sense!     

So… Mei Xueyan…. was that little beast he had met in Heavenly Punishment Forest… That snow ferret that he had behaved indecently to…     

So that's why!     

No wonder Mei Xueyan said "I hope you will remember Mei Xueyan, not me.."     

So that's how it is…     

Jun Moxie finally understood why Mei Xueyan had that look of shame and guilt even when her life was on the verge of ending… Because she was afraid, afraid that he would look down upon her real form… because she… would always be a Mystic Beast…. never a human….     

"You silly girl," Jun Moxie gently kissed her mouth and said. "I knew you were not human from the start… Why are you so bothered by this… Don't worry, before you recover I will not let anyone see you. You are you. You will forever be my beautiful beloved in my heart…"     

Jun Moxie waited silently. Waiting for that moment when the energy from the backlash thoroughly vanished from Mei Xueyan's body. Only when it was all over, when Mei Xueyan fell to the lowest tier, could the Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi be of use!     

Before that happened, he absolutely could not try to save her.     

If he was slightly reckless, then it would lead to Mei Xueyan completely disappearing from this world….     

He frowned deeply, the desire to commit murder showing on his face. "Nine Nether First Young Master! It is not that I am not giving you face… but now that things have become like this, if I do not wipe the existence of three Holy Lands from this world, how can I be worthy of my beloved wife? How can I even call myself a man?!"     

He had whispered this sentence. No one else other than himself heard it. Only Heaven and Earth could hear it.     

This sentence, that had gone unheard, had no curses, but Jun Moxie knew that it was the most vicious vow he had ever made in his two lifetimes!     

"So what if you are the Nine Nether First Young Master? So what if they are your disciples? So what about the safety of this continent? So what about all the lives in this world?!" Jun Moxie slowly raised his head and screamed. "So what if I have to bear the cost of all the sins in this world?!"     

This was a scream from his soul! But it also marked the return of the God of Death!     

The three Holy Lands…. I, Jun Moxie, will not rest until you! are! all! dead!     

Finally, the last ring of energy dissipated…     

In the moment that last ring faded from Mei Xueyan's body, Jun Moxie poured his Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi in…     

There was not a single gap in the timing….     

Mei Xueyan's flame, that was flickering out, was stabilized once again. Jun Moxie did not dare be too rough, pouring the qi in gently as he treated the external wounds on her. Mei Xueyan. right now, was worse off than the weakest of a beast's cubs. Any sort of roughness could have dire consequences….     

Mei Xueyan's shoulder was struck through by lightning, and her chest pierced through by a sword…. Although these injuries were fatal, they were not a big problem with Jun Moxie's Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi.     

The real problem was that all of Mei Xueyan's meridians were thoroughly shattered by that violent strength—not a single bit was still intact!     

It was in a complete mess! Aside from having her life forcefully salvaged by Jun Moxie, she was currently just a body that could not feel or sense anything!     

She was already unconscious!     

Plus, Jun Moxie had no idea what sort of martial arts Mei Xueyan had been practicing. This was a difficult problem!     

Jun Moxie frowned in distress…     

At this time, a stroke of lightning flashed across the sky, followed by thunderous claps. Raindrops began to fall from the sky!     

This was an ordinary rain—to Jun Moxie, it was nothing to be bothered by. But to the current Mei Xueyan, a single raindrop would be enough to cause her significant damage!     

We can't stay here!     

Jun Moxie looked at the sky and said, "As the owner of the Hongjun Pagoda, I request to bring someone in with me! If I am denied, I shall destroy the pagoda!"     

He had already made the decision to let Mei Xueyan cultivate and practice in the Hongjun Pagoda! If I cannot enter, then what use do I have for you? I might as well just break you back into two!     

Do you think I cherish you that much?     

If you don't fufill my wish, then I don't need you!     

Compared to my beloved, you really are nothing!     

Jun Moxie was irritated and decisive on this!     

Gritting his teeth, he even decided how he was going to handle this fellow if he got rejected!     

But just as he had this thought, he disappeared from reality and appeared inside the misty interiors of the Hongjun Pagoda. Mei Xueyan was still in his arms!     

Jun Moxie was a little surprised. Thinking was one matter, and being decisive was another, but actually getting what he wanted was yet another! He had brought things inside the Hongjun Pagoda prior to this, but they had always been non-human things like herbs, rocks, etc… But this time, he had managed to bring in another person with no problem…     

Jun Moxie was a little not used to this sort of convenience…     

But he didn't know that the Hongjun Pagoda had never rejected other living things being brought in. Since it had recovered its pearls, it was already complete! Had Jun Moxie wished to bring in an army of ten thousand men inside, in theory, he could. But his cultivation level was not high enough to bring so many people in yet…     

But Young Master Jun was still unaware of this. He was still thinking gleefully that his threat was effective…. So this fellow is scared of harsh threats! Looks like I've been too gentle with you last time!     


Upon entering the Hongjun Pagoda, Jun Moxie began to heal Mei Xueyan's injuries. He didn't know how different the meridians of a Mystic Beast were from a human, nor does he know which circulation route does Mei Xueyan use. But after a long consideration, he decided: Since all of Mei Xueyan's meridians are already shattered, the regular circulation route no longer exists, the situation is already so bad it cannot get any worse!     

So I shall just rebuild something completely new from scratch! Directly using the purest Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi to reform the meridians! Mould it according to my own body's meridians, then use The Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune to activate the circulation routes for her to recover her cultivations!     

I don't believe that The Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune cannot be compared to the skills of the Heavenly Punishment Forest! That will be a huge joke!     

But Jun Moxie doesn't know that his decision has helped to really recreate Mei Xueyan! Because this near-death experience this time has really fulfilled the part on 'the Beast Kings will die'!     

The Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune comes from ancient times, the only divine skill in this world!     

This time, it has really allowed Mei Xueyan to return to Tathata!     

This was the beginning of Mei Xueyan's real powers!     

Furthermore, the powerful Heaven Earth Spiritual Qi in Hongjun Pagoda is denser than Heavenly Punishment Forest by ten thousand folds! How can training in Heavenly Punishment Forest compare to training here?     

Furthermore, the Spirit Energy cultivated in this place is innate and needs no further purification!     

Mei Xueyan's original skills always had a limit, although it is arts that were of apex level. Once her time is up, even a deity cannot save her!     

But now that it has been changed over to The Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune…. Things are different! She could achieve spending her lifetime with her husband, for eternity!     

To thrive after death, be rebuilt after being broken, to succeed after defeat!     

Of course, with such tremendous benefits, there would be numerous risks as well. The heavenly tribulation from Mei Xueyan practicing this skill as a Mystic Beast during her breakthroughs was impossible for her to bear! This was the same logic as demons in legends from Earth; it would be a hundred times harder for them compared to a human!     

But she would always have Jun Moxie beside her! And Jun Moxie's Hongjun Pagoda was not afraid of any lightning tribulations! So after Mei Xueyan recultivated her skills, there would be no obstructions before her!     

Naturally all this would be for a later time.     

Jun Moxie had spent three days and three nights in the Hongjun Pagoda recasting her meridians before it could be counted as successfully accomplished!     

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