Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Ascending the Snowy Sword Peak Alone!

Ascending the Snowy Sword Peak Alone!

4Chu Qihun knew that he had not done anything at all, yet he kept on becoming Jun Moxie's scapegoat. How could the aggrievement in his heart be small? Although he was incomparably furious about the other matters in the past, he wasn't there when it happened, so he couldn't do anything about it. But today, having seen with his own eyes and heard with his own ears, his lungs nearly burst with anger!      2

The other guy had even denied it flatly before you, but you still insisted so resolutely on putting the crime on me… I, I… Do I f*cking look like an innocent lamb? You wretched three Holy Lands… are truly too despicable!     

The authentic Chu Qihun is right above you, watching and listening, and the imposter was also energetically denying. But you still can't distinguish such an obvious matter and so perfectly placed the chamber pot on this daddy's head!     

Chu Qihun finally understood how he became such an infamous scapegoat. But this bit of revelation caused him to feel even more infuriated! These bastards of the three Holy Lands— they only opened their mouths and whatever name came out of it would be true. Denying was useless, and explaining was even more of a waste of time! From the looks of it, this was the same for the previous times as well. It was no wonder the number of his crimes had increased so steadily. With these bunch of retards involved, it was difficult to not become a scapegoat…     

But one still needs to look at who they're bullying! Do they really take this daddy to be a soft persimmon? To be kneaded as they pleased? I won't accept it! This time, I'll be hard for you all to see!     

Thus, Chu Qihun's rage rose to the air! So when he saw Wei Kongqun rush out blindly with his back completely open, his temptation reached an extreme level. Such an enjoyable matter; Chu Qihun naturally would not be pretentious and refrain from stabbing out with his sword! With that, he had completely ended the last bit of vital Mystic Qi that Wei Kongqun had forcefully roused!     

A decisive strike and then he escaped immediately!     

That trouble-making ancestor had already disappeared completely long ago. I'm definitely not going to stay behind and continue being his scapegoat…     

By the time Mo Xiaoyao caught Wei Kongqun's body, Chu Qihun's figure had already disappeared to hundreds of feet away. Only his sharp voice remained behind, reverberating over and over, as if slowly giving vent to his anger. This daddy is the real Chu Qihun… Qihun… Qihun… Hun…     

Mo Xiaoyao only felt a surge of hot blood flooding up his chest. His eyes were dazed, and he took an unsteady step before he finally managed to forcefully hold his body. A mouthful of blood burst out of his mouth, and his eyes almost bulged out of his sockets in rage…     

At the same time, a new question blossomed in his heart. If the guy who had appeared later was Chu Qihun, then who was the other assassin in the great hall?     

His eyes trembled as he thought to himself. At that moment, he did not even dare to look at Wei Kongqun who was in his arms!     

Because, he truly could not bear to look!     

Just at this time, Wei Kongqun suddenly moved and opened his eyes. He actually smiled and spat, "Put me down!" This Venerable of Life and Death was truly a hardy person. After being mortally wounded, he received a stab and kick from Chu Qihun. Yet, he was still able to forcefully stay alive. Truly remarkable!     

Mo Xiaoyao's hand slacked and he slowly lowered Wei Kongqun. Wei Kongqun forcefully relied on Mo Xiaoyao's support, allowing the blood on his front and back to flow freely. Finally, with a tremble, he stood up again with his own strength and forced his eyes open lethargically to look at the 500 kilometers of silver before him and the 5000 kilometers of mountains and rivers. Then, he sighed sadly as he gazed forward with pleasant remembrances and endless yearning…!     

"Brother Wei… You…" Mo Xiaoyao looked at him with heartache. He only felt a sour feeling in his heart, but he didn't know what to say. His cultivation was similar to Wei Kongqun's and their age was similar as well. In that moment, he could understand the sentiments of the latter!     

An anguished smile appeared on Wei Kongqun's face, and his eyes turned calm and peaceful in an instant. "I'm truly not going to make it this time… keke, to think that I've lived so a domineering life, but I'm going to be buried in this desolate land of ice…"     

"Brother Wei, you must be strong! You… there might still be hope!" Mo Xiaoyao's voice trembled as he uttered words that even he didn't believe. With his cultivation level, he could easily see that Wei Kongqun was surely dead without a doubt. Even if a heavenly immortal came down from the heavens to save him, it would be useless!     

Even if Jun Moxie suddenly changed his mind and decided to turn back to save Wei Kongqun, it would still be meaningless!     

Wei Kongqun sighed longly, not replying to Mo Xiaoyao's words. Instead, he spoke forlornly, as if to himself. "This old man has experienced 393 springs and autumns throughout my life. My cultivation has also reached the peak in this life! With the War for Seizing the Heavens right before my eyes, I thought that I would get to have a roaring battle with the Outsiders. Even if this bag of bones and flesh were to be crushed atop the Pillar of Heavens Mountain, it would still be a glorious matter that one could boast about in hell! But who would have thought that… this would be the result!     

"Only in this final moment, do I understand that this chaotic red dust, this enduring mortal world, actually still has so many incomprehensible, profound, and unabandable things! This old man is truly unresigned to just leave like this ah…"     

"In these years, I acted loftily and arrogantly in the Holy Land, becoming self-willed and obstinate, slowly turning pretentious and emotionless. The heroic spirit I once had before I joined the Holy Lands has actually turned so unbearably vulgar… It's a pity… I only understand that I had been wrong all these years right before my death. Truly, how sad it is to look back upon these things…"     

Wei Kongqun's expression turned peaceful as he spoke slowly. Fresh blood flowed continuously from his mouth, ears, and nose, dripping onto the ground. His voice was somewhat muffled, becoming harder and harder to distinguish…     

However, he still strove with all his might to speak, obstinately gazing forward with his increasingly fuzzy vision. In his trance, he seemed to feel himself flying up lightly, free as a bird. But when he looked around again, everything around him was boundless and indistinct, as if from ancient times till now, he was the only person upon this vast land. In that moment, a sense of loneliness rose in his heart, and he sighed lightly. "Really so lonely…"     

After that, this peak expert simply remained standing, but there were no more movements from him.     

Mo Xiaoyao turned his head and looked, only to see that Wei Kongqun's face was filled with an unspeakable loneliness and melancholy. It was the kind of loneliness as if he hadn't found a single person who knew him in his past and present life! His entire body did not have a single sign of life!     

"Brother Wei… Wei Kongqun…" Mo Xiaoyao called out twice with hope, his voice trembling. There was no response, and as he stretched out his hand and pushed lightly, Wei Kongqun began to tilt backward…     

His body fell down stiffly and slowly, but halfway through in midair, a pu sound rang out. A large hole had appeared on his chest! This was the exact spot where Jun Moxie's sword had passed through, and also the hole that he himself had created. Following that, countless pieces of crushed organs the size of beans flowed out of the hole along with a heavy flow of blood. Finally, when his body hit the ground, the white snow under Wei Kongqun's chest could be seen!     

Then, the hole began to fill with blood, until it was flushed with the same color as the rest of his body…     

In the moment that the Venerable of Life and Death, Wei Kongqun truly saw through life and death; he had regrettably also reached the end of his life!     

Mo Xiaoyao's body shook heavily as he slowly squatted down. His heart and mind were suddenly vacant and lost. The chilly winds howled and blew around him, and even with his deep cultivation, he actually felt a cold flow through his body. This was a coldness that rose from his heart and covered his entire body…     

When he thought back to Wei Kongqun's final words, Mo Xiaoyao sighed again.     

"In these years, I acted loftily and arrogantly in the Holy Land, becoming self-willed and obstinate, slowly turning pretentious and emotionless. The heroic spirit I once had before I joined the Holy Lands has actually turned so unbearably vulgar… It's a pity… I only understood that I had been wrong all these years right before my death. Truly, how sad it is to look back upon these things…     

"I had been wrong all these years… truly… was it wrong?"     

Jia Qingyun, Xiao Tianya, and Qu Wu Qing also slowly walked over. Their faces were also filled with unspeakable heaviness and pain. The Venerable of the Edge of the World, Xiao Tianya carried the still warm body of Venerable of the Broken Sword, Hua Fengwen. Everyone exchanged a look, seeing the pain in each other's eyes…     

The mountainous winds blew unabated, cold and somberless…     


Jun Moxie hid himself with the Yin Yang Escape Art, fully unleashing his speed and dashing all the way through toward his final target, the tall mountain peak that stood out like a heavenly sword in the distance.     

Collapse the snow covered sword peak!     

That was this mountain peak!     

The second half of the Dongfang Family's oath!     

That place was also the place where Han Yanyao had hidden herself!     

Jun Moxie actually had his own purpose for coming to look at his target in advance.     

The happiness of his Third Uncle was Jun Moxie's true objective!     

Thus, he insisted on observing for himself first.     

If Han Yanyao was not the way he imagined her to be or if she'd already turned her back on this relationship, Jun Moxie would not hesitate to kill her before she got to meet Jun Wuyi!     

To meet and disagree was worse than not meeting at all!     

This was not ruthlessness. It was for his Third Uncle! If things truly turned out badly, with Jun Wuyi's personality, he would definitely be unable to live! Whether it be the guilt or the hopelessness, either one would be enough to take his life!     

They were the source of all the bloodshed, ah!     

Regardless of whether it was for his Third Uncle, the family head, or the Jun Family, Jun Moxie would not mind carrying the sin of another person's blood on his back!     

He did not even feel anything after killing Wei Kongqun; neither surprise, nor joy. Since he had already killed, that was it. There was nothing to say about it. It didn't matter what kind of a man he was, or how domineering he was when he was alive. The moment Jun Moxie's sword pierced through his chest, he was nothing but a corpse!     

That was it!     

The only thing that caused Jun Moxie to feel pleasantly surprised was Chu Qihun!     

This Supreme Assassin had still come in the end! To honor his promise, he'd arrived early.     

The snowy sword peak stood tall, stabbing into the clouds. It was completely pencil straight from top to bottom. A few flights of stairs could vaguely be seen along its sides, after being worn down by the flow of the years and covered in a thick layer of ice. If one did not possess a high Mystic cultivation, attempting to scale the mountain would be no different from seeking death.     

The higher he went, the more Jun Moxie could feel the bone penetrating cold and the increasingly thin air… How did a tender aged girl stay here for 10 years?     

Jun Moxie's heart had already softened somewhat.     

When he had nearly scaled to the submit, a small black cave entrance finally appeared before his eyes. Standing in stark contrast to the swirling white snow around it, the cave was extremely conspicuous.     

Jun Moxie took a deep breath and flew in.     

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