Otherworldly Evil Monarch

What a Letter of Challenge!

What a Letter of Challenge!

4Mo Xiaoyao took a look at the silk and was furious, rage and fury evident in his eyes.     

This was a letter of challenge, but the contents of it were enough to make someone explode from rage! More than a letter of challenge, it was clearly a letter of insults!     

Tomorrow, at dawn, at the foot of the Sword Peak, let's settle all our scores in a single battle!     

After that, I will kill Mo Xiaoyao, step on Jia Qingyun, punch the hell out of Xiao Tianya, and kill Qu Wu Qing with a single fart! Hypocrites of the Elusive World of Immortals, villians of the Supreme Golden City, and useless bums of the Illusory Blood Sea shall all turn into ashes tomorrow!     

The decline of the Three "Remainder" Lands shall begin at dawn tomorrow!     

I treat the world as beneath me and flaunt my arrogance.     

I, Moxie, am the only supreme in the universe!     

The three "remainder" lands shall become laughing stocks,     

and mighty Heavenly Punishment will last forever!     

Venerables, Saints shall became a pile of white bones,     

No country clowns shall be spared!     

Bast*rd Xiao Yao, do you dare come forth and fight?     

Descendent of rats Qing Yun, do you have the balls?     

Either way, death awaits you. Don't say that I had not warned you! I'm going to turn your filthy bodies into fertilizer to fertilize this earth; I will make your pathetic souls into a puff of green smoke and shoot you up into the sky with a single fart! Aa wooo Aa woo…     

If you do not dare come, you can go straight home to drink milk, let your mummies feed you milk till you grow a pair. Aaa woo aa woo…     

P.S. This is a battle between Heavenly Punishment, the Jun Family, and the Three "Remainder" Lands. If the Three "Remainder" Lands are too afraid to come alone, feel free to get aid from Blizzard Silver City! Asking them for help to retrieve your corpses is also a good idea. I'm a person with a gracious and big heart, handsome and charitable, kind and benevolent, especially extremely benevolent toward those who are about to die, so I shall allow this! Hahaha!…     

If you're afraid, you may also commit suicide and spare me the trouble of educating you sons of a b*tch!     

Ha ha ha…     

At the end of the letter, was a whole line of "Hahaha", arrogance and haughtiness brimming from those lines.     

The contents of this letter of challenge not only outrightly insulted Mo Xiaoyao and the rest, even the 'Holy' in Three Holy Lands was changed to "Remainder"!     

This was unacceptable, but they had to endure it!     

Outright challenging the limits of their endurance!     

Mo Xiaoyao's eyeballs looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets. When faced with such imperious taunting, he would be a saint if he could take it lying down.     

"Fine! A battle we shall! It's too early to see who will emerge victorious! Next year, tomorrow at dawn shall be a taboo date for the Jun Family and the Mystic Beasts of Heavenly Punishment!" Mo Xiaoyao's face was red with anger, and slamming his palm, he shredded the letter of challenge into powder.     

"As Brother Mo sees it, if there is a direct clash between the two sides, what are the chances of us winning? How should we arrange our formation so that we have a greater chance of victory?" Jia Qingyun asked with a solemn expression and a frown, but the more he calculated, the lesser confidence he had.     

"Our forces currently number 543 people, amongst which you and I are the most highly-skilled, so naturally we will be the best choices for the main forces. Each of us can take a route, but regarding the third route… A pity that Brother Wei has left us, so now we're short of a commander for one route. That Xiao Tianya has already broken through the third level, so we can have him lead the third party of people for the third route."     

Mo Xiaoyao pondered for a moment, and added, "And Qu Wu Qing can help us out amidst the battle."     

He paused for a moment before a look of realization took over his face, "Our forces have been weakened greatly due to the series of events. We are still beneath Heavenly Punishment in terms of our abilities. With the current unfavourable circumstances, a tangled battle is of no benefit to us if we want to win the enemy!"     

Mo Xiaoyao sighed, "The enemy has the military prodigy Blood General Jun Wuyi on their base, and the Mystic Beasts are simple-minded so they're easy to command. The previous battle Xiao Tianya and the rest were in is the best proof! If we can avoid a tangled battle, we must try our best to avoid it."     

"A tangled battle evidently will put us at a disadvantage, then the best solution we have is to fight one-on-one!" Jia Qingyun said. "They have the upper hand in numbers and combined forces, but we have highly skilled experts on our side. If we can force them into engaging in melees, we will have the upper hand! Even if they have that King of Assassins helping their battle, as long as we don't have to face his sneak attacks, I believe we still have quite a big chance of winning!"     

"We shall see; if we are unable to create a situation where it's a one-on-one battle, we shall trigger the tangled battle first! Catch Jun Wuyi by surprise, then in this short window created, the four of us shall join forces to become the strongest killing force, killing Venerable Mei then find a way to kill Chu Qihun!"     

A sinister look appeared across Mo Xiaoyao's face as he continued, "Jun Moxie is still not a cause of concern for now; we need to strike at the same time, as long as we get rid of those two people, then we can regather our forces to deal with that mysterious King of Assassins!"     

Pondering deeply, Mo Xiaoyao said, "That person, we will have to deal with extra caution! Only then will we have a high chance of victory. That person is too terrifying; even if I were to face him in a fair battle, I have no confidence of winning!"     

"However if we were to do this, what if the King of Assassins strikes while we are dealing with Venerable Mei and Chu Qihun? That person's agility is too peculiar." Jia Qingyun worried.     

"Activate the human-sea strategy; use the lives of our troops to hold him back by pushing them to him!" A sinister look appeared on Mo Xiaoyao's face, a cold, ruthless gleam in his eyes, "Even if they all die, they must hold him back! Until we have the time to deal with him."     

Jia Qingyun took a deep breath and replied, "If that's the case… we will be making a huge sacrifice!"     

"This is the pugilistic world!" Mo Xiaoyao said coldly, "Even you and I are risking our lives in this battle; what less of them? We must not lose this battle, and even if we lose, they also won't have much meaning in surviving this battle!"     

Jia Qingyun slowly nodded his head, agreeing with Mo Xiaoyao.     

"If that's the case, do we still need Blizzard Silver City to join us?" Jia Qingyun finally asked after much consideration.     

Mo Xiaoyao stood up and paced around, he slowly uttered, "The letter of challenge stated clearly that if people from Blizzard Silver City were to appear at the battleground, the enemy won't take us seriously! But Blizzard Silver City cannot be sitting out of this battle completely; send ten Venerable level experts to keep an eye on them, and once we begin the tangled warfare, let them launch a sneak attack from the back of the Jun Family and Heavenly Punishment's troops. They may be unable to be a useful force in this battle, but they can definitely help create a mess on the battleground!"     

He grinned maliciously, "Planning to sit out of this battle? How could it be so easy! All the more to drag them into this whirlpool! If the Han Family does not wish to render its strength in this battle, we don't have the time to banter with them, as long as they don't attempt to backstab us!"     

Mo Xiaoyao continued and his eyes suddenly brightened, "Also, we need to work on the Xiao Family. Gather all the Earth Mystic forces of the Xiao Family. They are dead enemies of the Jun Family; I'm sure they will give their everything to aid us! Besides, we must give them hope! Promise them that if they are able to contribute greatly to this battle, we can ensure that the Xiao Family will not perish! As long as we can eradicate the Jun Family and Heavenly Punishment Alliance, we promise that they will forever enjoy the ownership of Blizzard Silver City!"     

"If we do so, there will most likely be issues from the Han Family, they are the owners of this place after all… If we were to.." Jia Qingyun said.     

"If the Jun Family is defeated, what comeback could the Han Family create? If the Jun Family wins, the Xiao Family is bound to perish. We are only letting them have a glimpse of hope in their despair; furthermore, after this battle is over, how many of the Xiao Family could be left?" Mo Xiaoyao said sinisterly.     

"Excellent plot! All is good like this!" Jia Qingyun nodded his head in agreement, obviously impressed.     

"Xiao Tianya, bring a few men with you; with aid from the Xiao Family, go down to the battle site and see if there are any suitable spots for ambushes and hide a portion of our forces to utilize during the actual battle!" Mo Xiaoyao commanded coldly.     

Xiao Tianya obeyed, and with a wave, a few experts who were better in speed and agility followed him and drifted out of the hall.     

Mo Xiaoyao looked outside coldly and raised a palm, he stood there, unmoving. After a while, he spoke. "Brother Wei, Brother Hua, your brave souls have not left us too far yet; we shall seek revenge for you tomorrow! We shall use the fresh blood of the Jun Family to water your graves; I'm sure you will be smiling in the netherworld!"     

Unlimited killing intent seeped out of him and rose upward. A few birds at the snowy peak were shocked by this spine-shivering atmosphere and let out a few cries before flying away.     

Mo Xiaoyao could only feel the blood in his veins boiling; his fingers slowly clenched into a fist, and his joints popped out prominently. The desire to battle that had never appeared for hundreds of years began to pour out of his heart. This moment, he felt like the heavens and earth were beneath him, he was the only supreme ruler in this world!     

"Hahaha! Fight! Vengeance of life and death shall be settled in a battle tomorrow!" The Venerable Mo Xiaoyao shouted. This one shout had all his Mystic cultivation instilled in it; it was thunderous as it shook the surrounding mountains. Even the accumulated snow on a faraway mountain began to fall off in chunks, and the rumbling sound was shocking! He actually created a small scale avalanche that only stopped after a long long time!     

A battle cry of this level raised the originally low spirits of the experts of Three Holy Lands in an instant! They chanted in unison: "Vengeance of life and death shall be settled in a battle tomorrow!"     

The shouts of the crowd echoed between the mountains, back and forth. While their voices were full of vigour and spirit, echoing around the mountains made it sound a little tragic and pathetic…     

Jun Moxie was already at the foot of the sword peak! To be more exact, he was almost ten feet underground!     

Jun Moxie stood in the soil quietly, his face full of concentration. When he felt that the energy was right, he made a sharp turn and faced the thick, soil wall. Spreading his palms outward slowly, as if he were pushing something of incredible mass, a small glow of yellow light appeared on his palm and spread all over his body, enshrouding his entire body in holy light.     

He chanted: "Five Elements! Power of the Earth! Out you go!"     

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