Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Imminent Turmoil in Heavenly Scent City

Imminent Turmoil in Heavenly Scent City

2In Heavenly Scent City, the three Princes received dream-like surprises!     

Recently, they witnessed their great and wise father being humiliated, causing him to become more depressed with each passing day. They also witnessed the imperial family on the verge of collapse and the position of the Emperor that they longed for years becoming a source of danger they couldn't handle…     

They felt helpless against Jun Moxie's arrogance and unscrupulous behavior.     

Just as they were completely lost, they received the greatest aid in their life; it was the greatest opportunity for their comeback!     

The three Holy Lands!     

It was especially a relief for the second prince. He had originally been unhealthy and he was shocked by Big Bear and Earth Cracker. His most supportive subordinates left him as they succumbed to the pressure of facing the rising Jun Family. Even Cheng Decao was killed… he was bitten to death… how could the Prince forget such an appalling reality?     

So for these few months, he had always been on the bed. When the guards reported that Li Youran was here, he was stunned for a while.     

"Welcome him! QUICK!" The second prince rolled off his bed barefooted. His whole face explicitly revealed his yearning for Li Youran! He had always wanted to win Li Youran over but failed!     

If Jun Moxie knew about this, would he relate this scene to that of Cao Cao welcoming Xu You bare-footed? No! How could such a useless guy be compared to the ruthless warlord?     

"Your highness, how are you doing lately?" Li Youran came in, standing upright. He didn't greet the Prince properly On his face was still the usual elegant simile that was comforting to anyone.     

Behind him were five old men. All of them bore the aura of an expert. Beside them were three middle-aged men in linen who looked as ordinary as one could imagine. The only difference was their exceptionally bright eyes.     

"You Ran… I've been missing you so much!" The second prince held Li Youran's hand ardently. "So much that even my meals tasted awkward recently… who are they?"     

A flash of disgust zapped across Li Youran's eyes, still well hidden by his gentle smile. "Your Highness, they are great people. Let me introduce you to them. This is Elder Ma… This is Elder Lü… Elder Niu… Elder Zhu… Elder Yang… Your Highness, they are all SUPREME EXPERTS!"     

As he reached the end, Li Youran emphasized each word with a solemn tone. "They are my seniors in the Supreme Golden City—five Supremes! We're here to assist you in getting the throne!"     

"Supremes…?! The throne….?!" The second prince immediately trembled. He looked like a swaying noodle as he suddenly burst into tears. "I… I… I, Yang Dan, can be so successful?…"     

The heavens feel sorry for me! After so many years, I have finally found strong support to fulfill my dreams! They are Supremes! They are the top of the world! Didn't Jun Moxie become so arrogant after he struck up a relationship with Solitary Eagle?     

But now… hehehe I have five when you only have two counting in Feng Juanyun! Hahaha…     

He had been hopeful, then hopeless. But now, it was restored!     

The second prince felt that his life wasn't easy. So many ups and downs. So thrilling.     

Seeing how excited the second prince was, the five old men all showed contempt in their eyes.     

Isn't it just a secular throne? How many years can you survive even if you really made it? Why so excited? How absurd! With what you have, you're trying to deal with Jun Moxie? Are you nuts? Even the five of us would run away immediately from him if not for the support from the Supreme Golden City…     

The five Supremes simply nodded coolly in response to the second prince's flattering.     

The second prince greeted each of them with a big grin. As he reached Elder Yang, he said, "Elder Yang, hehe. Didn't expect that we've got the same ancestry."     

Elder Yang was a bit anxious. It wasn't because of the second prince; it was because of the three Saints behind him. Why can't he stop talking rubbish? How long am I going to let the three Saints behind me act as servants? I don't want to make them mad… Upon hearing what the prince had said, he replied without even thinking, "No! We don't have the same ancestry. Your Yang is the Yang for the poplar tree; it's the dead Yang. Mine is the Yang for sheep that go baa; it's the moving Yang…"     

"Ahem!" The three Saints behind him couldn't help coughing.     

Wow… that's really funny!     

"You're Yang Dang?" One of the Saints couldn't hold on anymore and asked with great curiosity. Why did the emperor give his son this name? Yang Dan?! Wow… so talented!     

"Ah… yes, yes… I'm Prince Yang Dan. Who are you?" The second prince asked hopefully as he looked at the three middle-aged men. He hoped that they would also be Supremes, then he would have eight!     

With Supremes, I have everything in the world! Unify the world, I will be the only emperor!     

"Erm, they are my servants. From now on, can we live in your house?" Li Youran smiled gracefully with a tone that made him sound like the benefactor. It wasn't that he wanted to hide it, but for someone like the second prince, Supremes were the strongest. If the second prince was told that they were the much stronger Saints…     

Perhaps he would only be very confused…     

The second prince no longer cared whether Li Youran's tone sounded right or not. He was completely dazed by the ecstasy as he agreed. But he wasn't totally confused, as he asked, "I'm so delighted that I can have the elders from the Holy Land to assist me. But I know that I can't accept your kindness without doing anything. What do you want me to do?"     

He had made up his mind that no matter what it was or whether it could be done, he would do it! He would pay any price to make them stay with him!     

They were his only hope!     

"It's not very complicated." Li Youran laughed. "We just want some of your secular influences' assistance in what we are doing. So I want some authority!"     

"No problem! From now on, you can do anything you want with my power! You don't even have to ask me!" The second prince gritted his teeth for a while before he finally stomped on the floor and made the almost absurd decision!     

He completely let go!     

If one couldn't let go of his kid, he couldn't capture the wolf. If one couldn't let go of his wife, he couldn't catch the pervert!     

So, the second prince went all out today!     

One last shot!     

"Ok! That's a wise move, Your Highness!" Li Youran smiled comfortably as they shook their hands.     

"Now I want to give an order. Get me the information about everyone related to the Jun Family!" Li Youran said slowly while smiling.     

"No problem! I will tell them now!" The second prince agreed immediately and went out.     

At the same time, Zi Jinghong led five Supremes and three more ordinary looking men to settle in the house of the Third Prince Yang Zhe, and a similar group of men from the Elusive World of Immortals entered the house of the First Prince Yang Qiu…     

The three princes of Heavenly Scent had officially become the three biggest puppets in history. And the most willing puppets!     

An unprecedented turmoil was growing in Heavenly Scent City…     

The three princes, whom Jun Moxie called "Goat Ball", "Goat Egg", and "Goat Ji Ji", would finally have a chance to retaliate…     


"Heartless venerable Du Jue, venerable of the edge of the world Xiao Tianya, venerable of the broken sword Hua Fengwen, venerable of the defected saber Qu Wu Qing, and the pervert venerable Liu Qiu." Mei Xueyan looked at the six men and uttered their names as her face became more serious.     

Jun Moxie felt his palms wetting. My goodness. They really prioritize me as a problem… six Venerables…     

"Wonderful memories you have, Venerable Mei! You remember all of us! Impressive!" The venerable of the broken sword Hua Fengwen smiled and said in a tone that was similar to the reunion of long lost friends. His beard and white robe swayed with the wind.     

"All of you are venerables and top experts. How can I forget?" Mei Xueyan smiled faintly. She squinted her eyes to look at them with shrewdness. "What are you here for though?"     

"We are here to… hehe, negotiate." The venerable of the broken sword Hua Fengwen said casually with a gentle smile.     

"Negotiate what?" Mei Xueyan frowned as she exchanged a look with Jun Moxie.     

"Venerable Mei, the three holy and one ferocious lands always followed the rule of not getting involved in secular conflicts so as not to break the balance. For you to join in the conflict between the Jun Family and Blizzard Silver City, you're breaking the rule! I'm sure if the seniors of Heavenly Punishment knew about this, they wouldn't be happy. So we're here to ask you to leave and we will pretend nothing happened." Hua Fengwen was still smiling gracefully.     

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