Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Trap and Kill!

Trap and Kill!

2Power of Earth!      4

Jun Moxie's Power of the Five Elements was finally utilized in this crucial moment!     

Usually, even if a crater ten times bigger was to appear, they would be able to jump past without even blinking. But now, they were too focused on escaping.     

The fact that Xiao Tianya passed through without any problem also played a role in giving them a false sense of security that there was nothing wrong with the ground before them. So when they stepped over, the earth beneath crumbled unexpectedly, and they fell for it!     

Xiao Tianya in front of them suddenly stopped as he roared and untied his belt with his right hand. He threw one end out and successfully tied Qu Wu Qing's body. With a pull, Qu Wu Qing's body drifted out of the crater. However, a large team of Mystic Beasts immediately filled the space between them and the crater!     

Before Du Jue and Zhen Cibei even reached the floor, they had already blasted their Qi downwards and raised themselves up. But they went head straight into numerous roaring beasts that pounced down at them and there was nowhere to dodge!     

The two were clear that if they were pressed back into the crater, they would have no way of surviving, especially with Mei Xueyan up there still waiting for them! So it was their only chance to escape the crater!     

As the Heartless Venerable, Du Jue immediately said the most suiting thing, "You're already injured. Lift me up, I will avenge you!" He quickly made the most heartless decision of securing the person that had more power left to fight because there was obviously no hope for both of them to escape together!     

Zhen Cibei was the most severely injured among the five Venerables. He might not even escape if he made his way out of the crater!     

Zhen Cibei laughed tragically. "Fine!"     

He was also a decisive person. He used all his remaining strength to give Du Jue a push from below. Du Jue's body immediately shot up at twice the speed!     

On the other hand, Zhen Cibei's body began to fall back down as the reactive force. He shouted with all his might, "Kill Jun Moxie for me!"     

Just as he finished, countless Mystic Beasts pounced upon him and smashed him right back to the bottom of the crater!     

Zhen Cibei was very clear of his own situation, so he decided to agree and assist Du Jue! If they were to argue about who should live, then neither of them would be able to! As a Venerable who had lived for hundreds of years, he no longer treasured his life as much. So he easily accepted Du Jue's heartless but very rational proposal!     

The two of them, one from the Elusive World of Immortals and the other Supreme Golden City, had so many conflicts their entire life, but in this final moment, they decided to cooperate!     

If he were a commoner, he would have been too afraid to think by now, but Zhen Cibei wasn't.     

He was indeed worthy to be called a Venerable!     

Du Jue screamed and shot up like a missile with the aid from Zhen Cibei. He simply drilled through the body of the beast king that was right above his head. The internal organs of the beast king decorated his body…     

"I'll avenge you!" Du Jue yelled. His upward momentum hardly depreciated and continued up like a flash of lightning. Qu Wu Qing and Xiao Tianya were right in front of him. He would soon be safe!     

"You're going to stay, Du Jue!" Mei Xueyan shouted and suddenly appeared above Du Jue with her palm chopping right down! Du Jue had no way to evade: the palm hit him with a bang and he uncontrollably sprayed out blood from his mouth. But he turned the impact force around, only to accelerate himself further to facilitate the escaping effort!     

"Watch out! Behind you!" Xiao Tianya turned around and blasted at two Mystic Beasts that were pouncing upon Du Jue from behind.     

Du Jue was shocked. He immediately turned around. With a tearing sound and a cold sensation, a sword pierced through his shoulder. As Du Jue was still moving forward, the sword was naturally pulled out of his body. Du Jue spat out more blood as he yelled madly.     

Behind him was Jun Moxie with his sword who had suddenly appeared from thin air. He looked disappointed… he suddenly vanished again.     

Jun Moxie used the Yin Yang Escape Art, coupled with a fatal killing technique. It would have instantly killed Du Jue, but he survived with Xiao Tianya's reminder.     

The Mystic Qi didn't even manage to explode inside Du Jue's body due to his speed. Nevertheless, it wasn't going to be easy for Du Jue. It had broken Du Jue's shoulder blade!     

Xiao Tianya was embedded in bright white light as steam drifted away from his head. He had driven his Mystic Qi to the max! The normal Mystic Beasts could no longer even go near him. He extended his hand to hold Du Jue! Xiao Tianya could tell that if he didn't help, Du Jue might not make it!     

A shadowy figure appeared with a hardly detectable sword flash. Xiao Tianya was crossed. "How dare you little rascal!" He gave a full blast, but the figure was long gone, leaving behind only a white palm that seemed to connect to nothing and hit on Du Jue's back really hard!     

It was Jun Moxie again! Twice, he had badly injured Du Jue!     

Du Jue yelped in agony as blood flowed out from every single opening on his face. He could no longer hold on as his body fell down like a kite that suddenly could not capture any wind. Xiao Tianya reached him just in time to grab him. He carried him and shouted in indignation, "Let's go!" They continued escaping with all their might!     

"Where's Zhen Cibei?" Qu Wu Qing asked hurriedly.     

"He's dead… saving me…" Du Jue was in Xiao Tianya's arms, very weak. A drop of tears rolled down his face before he finally fainted. He was close to death as well!     

Qu Wu Qing roared and wanted to turn back to fight, but Xiao Tianya held on to him. At this very moment, a black object came flying over.     

It was Liu Qiu's head! Big Bear had kicked the head on the stiffening body of Liu Qiu very hard, tearing the head off the body and sending it all the way over like a meteor. "Fuck!" He had cursed.     

Qu Wu Qing screamed in grief as he took the head and disappeared into the snow. As they disappeared, it could be seen that Xiao Tianya, too, had spat out some blood…     

The injury from his collision with Mei Xueyan finally came to haunt him…     

The battle had created a very big loss for the three Holy Lands…     

The group of eagles tried to chase after them. Jun Wuyi waved his flag, and Mei Xueyan immediately ordered them back.     

"Don't chase anymore. They might have men ready to ambush." Jun Wuyi sighed and said, "What a pity, four of them managed to leave! I'm afraid we won't get another opportunity like this!" Six beast kings who were quite badly injured climbed out of the crate. Zhen Cibei was finished.     

When he was about to die, he initiated an explosion with the remaining Mystic Qi in his body, killing two beast kings with him. The other beast kings were also badly injured. But their recovery was hopeful with Jun Moxie's magical pills!     

"We have already done a good job! We killed two, severely injured one and hurt two others! It's not realistic to get them all!" Mei Xueyan looked at the beast kings that were killed in grief. "What a pity for them! They just transformed and haven't had time to enjoy the world yet…"     

"Boss, don't be too sad!" Big Bear and Long Crane tried to console her. But they looked down as well!     

"We haven't reached the Silver City yet, and there are casualties. I wonder what will happen when we eventually face the main army of the three Holy Lands." Mei Xueyan looked into the distance at the cloud covered summit of the Snowy Mountain.     

Everyone remained silent.     

The wind was especially cold.     

The night was particularly solemn.     

Mei Xueyan walked out from her tent to look up at the sky.     

Jun Moxie walked over, making some small noises. He didn't say anything and only sat down beside her.     

A long while passed…     

"Xueyan, what are you thinking about?" Jun Moxie finally asked softly. "You look very concerned!"     

"I'm thinking about the battle two days later…" Mei Xueyan was still looking at the sky. "We, Heavenly Punishment, now have an unprecedented army that's stronger than ever. And it's the first time we send out our army not for the War for Seizing the Heavens! I'm not sure how many of us will survive in the end…"     

"I'm thinking about it too. But what I'm thinking about is different." Jun Moxie smiled cruelly. "I'm thinking about how many experts from the three Holy Lands will be able to survive this time. And how many of those top experts like Zhen Cibei and Liu Qiu will be buried in the snow forever!"     

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