Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Battle between Venerables!

Battle between Venerables!

3Liu Qiu only wanted to kill Jun Moxie. With Mei Xueyan blocking, he became more angry. He didn't wait before he blinked again and lashed out with his full strength without any hesitation!     

The venerables were astounded!     

All they wanted to do here was to say a few words and be bureaucratic.     

Asking Mei Xueyan to leave? That was nonsense. They had come so far; why would they leave? All the venerables wanted was for Mei Xueyan to disagree so they would have a proper reason to declare war on her.     

Venerables were Venerables, not children. They had stature and couldn't lose face. How could they start fighting? They were only here to see how powerful the enemy was…     

Who knew that the conflict would escalate so quickly? Who knew that Liu Qiu suddenly would not be able to suppress his perverted nature and say those inappropriate words that harmed his reputation and caused the battle right now?     

What a troublemaker!     

Zhen Cibei peered coldly at the Venerable of the Defected Saber, Qu Wu Qing. He was from the same place as the Pervert Venerable. They were from the Illusory Blood Sea.     

The Merciful Venerable, Zhen Cibei, and the Venerable of the Broken Sword, Hua Fengwen, were from the Elusive World of Immortals. The Heartless Venerable, Du Jue, and the Venerable of the Edge of the World, Xiao Tianya, were from the Supreme Golden City.     

Even Hua Fengwen and Xiao Tianya were unsatisfied with Liu Qiu!     

They felt that he really was a shame to them. No matter how perverted you are, you're still a Venerable! Why can't you suppress it? How many years have you not seen a woman??     

Looking at the snow and ice that the battle had flung up into the air, the other five venerables felt helpless. They couldn't disturb this kind of high level combat!     

Unless they didn't want their face anymore and decided to go against Mei Xueyan as a group… But they had two thousand top-ranked Mystic Beast and beasts that had transformed. How could the five of them match their great numbers despite being superior on an individual level? Furthermore, Mystic Beasts were known for their toughness. Normal wounds were nothing to them… With all of them coming at the six of them, they definitely wouldn't be able to handle it.     

And right now, the Beast Kings were closing in and all of them looked eager to battle. If Jun Moxie was to suddenly call for them, there would definitely be a tsunami of beasts!     

Then suddenly…     

With a slapping sound, Mei Xueyan's body drifted down. She grabbed onto Jun Moxie and the both of them retreated back.     


The hurricane mixed with ice rotated faster until it finally bursted. With a snort, a man's body was flung away from the center of the hurricane. As he landed, there was a huge sound as icy mud was thrown up into the air!     

Liu Qiu's body suddenly emerged from all the dust. His face was menacing. On his right chest were three red palm-shaped marks! As the cold wind blew, three pieces of cloth in the shape of the palm could be seen drifting around like butterflies.     

Liu Qiu's face was tomato red. He looked like he could turn into a cannibal anytime. He yelled in frustration again as his body zoomed over like a flash of lightning!     

With a single engagement, Mei Xueyan still looked elegant without any stain on her white clothes, but Liu Qiu looked very pathetic. It was very clear that the Pervert Venerable Liu Qiu was overwhelmed. Perhaps, he already had some internal injury.     

"Liu Qiu! Stop it! Do you still want your face?" Qu Wu Qing yelled at him, but it was met with deaf ears. Liu Qiu was still dashing for Mei Xueyan! He lost an encounter before so many people; he had to win it back!     

He was insulted by Jun Moxie, then beaten up by Mei Xueyan. He was a Venerable; how could he let it go at this point of time? If he did, how was he going to secure his stature as a top expert?     

Looking at the ugly face heading for her, Mei Xueyan was calm as usual except for her cold smile. She formed a cross with her palms and made a gesture that looked like an orchid slowly blooming. Suddenly, the air seemed to become viscous.     

Wind stopped blowing and the clouds were frozen to their spot!     

Even the falling muddy snow dust was hanging in midair!     

Mei Xueyan's eyes revealed her intention to kill!     

I didn't kill you because of your five comrades. But you are still trying to engage me.     

You don't even have an idea of what should be done at the right time. What if you're a Venerable? Why can't I kill one?     

Anyone who tries to hurt Moxie will die!     

Seeing what was happening, Qu Wu Qing was terrified. He used all his Mystic Qi to propel himself forward at maximum speed. There was a flash between his arms as he produced his saber. He was trying to use his Mystic Qi to break through Mei Xueyan's blockage of free space to save Liu Qiu. He didn't forget to yell, "Venerable Mei, MERCY!"     

But it was too late!     

Mei Xueyan coldly said, "The World Cage!"     

The zooming figure of Liu Qiu was caught in midair. He couldn't even budge anymore! It was like he was being sandwiched by heaven and the earth!     

Although Liu Qiu had a despicable character, he had a high Mystic cultivation. He was now on the second tier of Venerable! But by now, Mei Xueyan had reached the third! So her World Cage could only be evaded by those equal or higher than the third tier of Venerable!     

It was a completely different World Cage than the one she had used in Heavenly Punishment Forest!     

Even Liu Qiu couldn't escape!     

The sudden occurrence caught Liu Qiu by surprise. He felt that his body was no longer under his control. He was like a fish in a pond that was completely frozen in a split of a second. He had lost his freedom!     

Immediately, Mei Xueyan shot up into the air. She extended her palms and the sound of numerous blows followed. She hit out thirty times in that short period of contact!     

And all of them landed solidly on Liu Qiu's body!     

If Mei Xueyan wasn't concerned about the incoming Qu Wu Qing, Liu Qiu would have received close to a thousand blows!     

Liu Qiu's body rolled down like a rubber ball! As he fell down in the air, he was like a withered leaf, or perhaps even an apple that was being knocked down by a strong gust of wind…     

Simultaneously, Mei Xueyan's body turned around in midair as she wielded her sleeves backward. With her stunning body shape, she was like a goddess performing a sacred dance. Her white sleeves were like the returning snow blown back by wind, but their speed matched that of lightning. They collided head-on with Qu Wu Qing's defected saber! Or rather, the brilliant flash of the saber!     

Until now, the defected saber that garnered Qu Wu Qing so much fame had yet to reveal its actual blade. Or more accurately, it was there all the time, but everyone's attention was drawn by the brilliant flash of it!     

There were no tricks or fake movements; it was a true head-on collision!     


Mei Xueyan's World Cage finally shattered under the immense pressure.     

Mei Xueyan's sleeves, which were filled with the purest Mystic Qi, didn't rupture at all as it contacted with the flash. Her body dropped back down, forming a beautiful trajectory. The next moment, she was already beside Jun Moxie, and her elegance and grace only multiplied. It was as if she had a refreshing stroll in the gardens.     

Qu Wu Qing flipped backward to land. He stumbled slightly before finally gaining back his balance. He was now bare-handed again and the glittering saber was nowhere to be found. No one saw what it really looked like.     

Qu Wu Qing looked at Mei Xueyan in awe. "The third tier? Congratulations, Venerable Mei!"     

Although he was verbally congratulating, his expression was a complicated mess of envy and unwillingness…     

The other venerables in the back were also left in awe by his words.     

Third tier of Venerable! It was a stark difference compared to the first and second tier!     

No wonder she wasn't afraid of facing the six of them!     

There were three tier ones and three tier twos among them. Before Mei Xueyan's recent breakthrough, it would have been easy to deal with her if the six of them combined forces; even if she was a higher rank in the second tier than all of them and despite her bodily build as a Mystic Beast, they were still stronger!     

But now, it was a completely different story. With her higher tier, compounded by her unique techniques and amazing speed, she could finish them off one by one!     

The six of them planned to show off their prowess to pressure the enemy, find an appropriate reason to declare war, and observe the true strength of their foe. They did the final job, but they obviously failed the first. They were being pressured in return…     

There was a booming sound in the distance, signalling that Liu Qiu's body had reached the ground. His body created a crater, sending bits of rock in the air. Again, Liu Qiu emerged from the dust, but now he was staggering and his ugly face was even scarier. Thick blood oozed down the corner of this mouth.     

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