Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Decided! Kill Jun Moxie and Obliterate Mei Xueyan!

Decided! Kill Jun Moxie and Obliterate Mei Xueyan!

4Xi Ruochen laughed coldly. "I'm not exaggerating. If we leave Jun Moxie as how he is, the demise of the three Holy Lands won't be far away! He won't be concerned with the War for Seizing the Heavens! The livelihood of everyone may become everyone's greatest concern, but definitely not his! So it's only a matter of time before he becomes aggressive toward us!"     

Huyan Aobo took back his barbaric expressions and commented solemnly. "He's a natural in all the despicable rules of the jungle! It can't be taught; normally one would have to learn lessons from continuous failures. But Jun Moxie seems to be born with those instincts, and appears more experienced than us hundreds-of-years olds!"     

"Precisely! We have to admit that in a few years time, he will be able to bring disaster upon us! We were not friendly to his woman many times! How could someone like him bear with it?"     

Mo Wudao opened his eyes wider and continued slowly, "He dared to face the Xue Hun Manor for Guan Qinghan, who was then still not his woman! It's the best illustration!"     

Although he said it slowly, Xi Ruochen and Huyan Aobo were feeling immense pressure.     

"Everyone has their weaknesses. Jun Moxie is not an exception. His weakness is his family and women! But it also happens to be the thing that triggers the most monstrous side of him!" Xi Ruochen sighed. "From various signs, we can deduce that his mysterious teacher is resident at the Jun Family's house! It's our biggest concern!     

"We don't even know who or how strong his teacher is!"     

Xi Ruochen smiled bitterly and continued. "All we know now is that he produced an apprentice who is fated to make history! That time when he was able to pressure ninety experts of ours clearly shows that we underestimated his true power!"     

"So, we can't be too audacious despite knowing where our threats are coming from! We are actually afraid…" Mo Wudao concluded.     

"In other words, we are now in a difficult situation in which we can't do anything?" Huyan Aobo frowned very hard. He wasn't happy. "Are we really receiving so much pressure from him?"     

"Although we don't want to admit it, it's a fact!" Mo Wudao and Xi Ruochen smiled bitterly at the same time.     

"Do you think that Jun Moxie's teacher might be from the Misty Illusory Manor?" Huyan Aobo suddenly asked carefully.     

"Maybe not! The strongest beings of the Misty Illusory Manor may reach that level, but they haven't revealed themselves for thousands of years. Even if he really is, he's probably an older one from the Misty Illusory Manor. Moreover, such rapid progress is also out of reach for the Misty Illusory Manor. From what I understand, only he can reach such rapid progress." Mo Wudao's eyes flashed.     

"Who is it?" The other two asked simultaneously.     

"Nine Nether… Fourteenth Young Master!" Mo Wudao said it word by word. There was great fear in his eyes! It was as if the name carried a magic that caused even the soul of the master of the Elusive World of Immortals to tremble.     

"Right!" Both Huyan Aobo and Xi Ruochen breathed in. "Only that monster can do it!"     

"But the Misty Illusory Manor and the Nine Nether Secret Sanctuary have been holding each other off for ten thousand years. Their conflicts are never revealed. Moreover, I doubt the Nine Nether Fourteenth… Young Master would have the patience to teach an apprentice." As if he had a toothache, Huyan Aobo had a hard time trying to enunciate the name.     

"Anything is possible!" Mo Wudao said worriedly. "Don't be too careless! A single mistake can cause an irreversible catastrophe, destroying the establishment of the three Holy Lands that has lasted for ten thousand years!"     

"But this is an opportunity for us! If we can make use of it properly, not only will Jun Moxie and Venerable Mei be obliterated, the one behind him will also be lured to reveal himself. I speculate that even the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master can't withstand a joint full blast from all the top experts of the three Holy Lands!" Xi Ruochen said slowly. He looked prepared for mutual destruction.     

The other two were silent. They only stared at his face.     

"Jun Moxie is heading to the Blizzard Silver City! I'm sure Venerable Mei will support him with an army of Mystic Beasts! There's no way the Blizzard Silver City can withstand it! With all their forces away, their hometown must be vulnerable."     

There was a flash of shrewdness and ruthlessness in his eyes as he continued coldly, "So, there's an opportunity at the peak of the Snowy Mountains, and there's another one in the Heavenly Scent City! If… hehehe"     

"You mean…" Mo Wudao looked enlightened before he continued to ponder. His frowns indicated his dilemma.     

"The Jun Family has completely severed their ties with the Heavenly Scent Imperial Family! Obviously a secular emperor can no longer threaten the Jun Family, but we can help them stir things up. We will each support a Prince and encourage all sorts of secular powers to pressure the Jun Family and cross their red line! We will see what they will do! We must stir things up to reveal the master behind the Jun Family after Jun Moxie and Venerable Mei are gone.     

"Even if it's not successful, we can pull out immediately. If we really triggered something, then we can gather our forces there to take down the one supporting his family. By then, Jun Moxie will no longer be a threat to us! But we must gather our strongest forces to give the most fatal and quickest blow! We can't allow mistakes!"     

Xi Ruochen raised his head and looked at Huyan Aobo and Mo Wudao as he said word by word. "We must send out someone at the level of a Saint this time! A Venerable would be too weak! If it really is the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master, even a Saint might not survive! We have to be prepared for such sacrifices!"     

Huyan Aobo and Mo Wudao simultaneously stood up in shock. "Are we…"     

"Yes! We, the Supreme Golden City, will send out three Saints to deliver the full blow!" Xi Ruochen made the calculation and knocked on the coffee table with his fingers thrice. It made three soft knocks, but it echoed throughout the surrounding mountains. He said solemnly, word by word. "The three Lordships!"     

Mo Wudao stood up and strolled around with a gloomy face. He finally looked up and breathed out before finally saying unwillingly. "Fine, to ensure the success, we will also send three Saints!"     

"The Illusory Blood Sea will send three too. The three Holy Lands will unite to face our common enemy." Comparatively, Huyan Aobo seemed more willing. But the twitching muscles on his face revealed that the decision wasn't easy!     

"We also need someone to manage the situation in Heavenly Scent City. His power is not important; he has to be very patient and strategic. It's very important, since a small mistake and all will be over!" Xi Ruochen said calmly. "I'm sure the two of you have some candidates in mind."     

"The Illusory Blood Sea will send Zi Jinghong. He's not very strong, but his brain work is top notch. Setting plots against others is his talent." Huyan Aobo snorted and said, "I will let him lead some experts. I'm sure it's enough to cause some trouble."     

"Ok. On our side, we will send Li Youran and a few experts. He's not only a native, but also a considerable leader despite his young age! I'm sure he will help." Xi Ruochen smiled.     

"I'll go back and discuss this. I won't mess the plan up, don't worry." Mo Wudao said gloomily. "We will kill Jun Moxie and obliterate Venerable Mei!     

"Besides that, we also need some competent men for the war in Blizzard Silver City! It's a crucial fight to destroy the core prowess of Heavenly Punishment Forest! If we miss this chance and allow them to retreat, god knows when we will find another similar opportunity!"     

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