Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Everlasting Love!

Everlasting Love!

1"Mother… Mum… Ah!" Princess Ling Meng screamed fanatically at the skies.     2

That man! He's not worthy to be my mother's man! I don't want all the status he gave me! I don't want it!!     

The freezing night was like ice, and her heart was like the night.     


As soon as the lively family feast was over, Jun Mo Xie returned to his own courtyard. Although it was an exceptionally peaceful period of time, the Young Master Jun still had to find time to produce pills and train. There couldn't be any breaks in this work!     

It was undeniable that the Young Master Jun was very popular recently. Just before he left, Dongfang Wenxin looked at him with a gaze full of love and reluctance. Dugu Xiaoyi pouted at him and did not want to let him go. She almost followed him to the courtyard. Guan Qinghan also glanced at him, but did not say anything because of the presence of the elders. Although it was only a quick glance, Jun Moxie could not help overreading it. 'Why are you looking at me? Are you… very eager to…?'     

And there was the little princess Han Yanmeng, who had finished her meal with embarrassment but refused to leave until the end of the meal. She gave Jun Moxie a stare and made a scary face as if threatening him. But with only a few words, Jun Moxie made her run away in fright. "Am I too handsome? Are you obsessed with my looks? If so, I welcome you to warm my bed tonight. It will eventually happen, won't it?"     

The little girl was completely beaten, and she immediately disappeared..     

As he made it to the doors, Jun Moxie suddenly felt something was wrong.     

Why didn't I hear Ye Guhan's furious growls today?     

Ever since Leng Ao brought Tian Can, Di Que, and Baili Luoyun back, they had always been training their sword techniques with Ye Guhan.     

It was not exactly accurate to say that they were learning sword techniques. The sword techniques Young Master Jun could teach them had more variety and were better than what Ye Guhan could offer. What they were learning from Ye Guhan was experience from an actual battle.     

The most important was that although Jun Moxie was very talented, he was not a disabled person. The details had to be taught by Ye Guhan, who lost an arm but was still strong.     

Whenever they trained, Ye Guhan would appear to teach them. Their sword techniques were inherited from Jun Moxie and were beyond Ye Guhan's comprehension, but with his experiences wandering the continent, he was exceptionally experienced in battling! He could always spot the kids' mistakes at a glance. Then he would scold fiercely. The kids were resilient. They never tried to deny their mistakes and practiced repeatedly until their techniques were correct, smooth, and perfect!     

In order to further beef up the kids' cultivation, Jun Moxie flushed the kids' meridians with his pure Spirit Energy. Therefore, the kids improved tremendously with aids from all aspects these few days.     

Moreover, they were very delighted when they learned ventriloquism because they had not spoken for many years. They were not born mute and lost their speaking abilities because their tongues were cut. Therefore, they could not quit talking now that they could converse again. It was just that the scene of them talking was rather spooky even to Jun Moxie. He would see kids facing each other, and then hear voices suddenly pop up from nowhere while their mouths was never moved. It was ghost-like!     

Lately, the one-armed sword technique Ye Guhan had newly developed was roughly complete. Although Ye Guhan could not smoothly perform the technique to reach its full power due to his lackluster Mystic Qi, he clearly knew that the new sword technique he developed on the basis of Jun Moxie's one-armed saber technique was much more powerful than the latter.     

It was because this technique contained too much of his tragedy and lifelessness!     

The main feature of the technique was its extreme sharpness. Furthermore, it was a one-armed technique, so the angles at which the sword was brandished was unpredictable and almost impossible to an ordinary eye. Therefore, he would be greatly advantaged if he faced equally matched opponents, especially if it was their first encounter. It could even disrupt an expert of higher levels significantly.     

He was very proud of himself to have produced such sword technique!     

But tonight, he did not observe the kids' training. His desolate figure stood beneath the tree and he frowned occasionally. He was agitated and in a bad mood. This sort of negativity had not visited him for long, so it was extraordinary to feel it tonight.     

During Ye Guhan's stay at the Jun Family, he had been demoralized when he lost his Mystic cultivation but regained the will to live when he encountered the one-armed saber technique. As he recovered, he was always reticent. He always made an indifferent face and he rarely interacted with other people beside the kids. Even when Jun Wuyi talked to him, the conversation could not last. But luckily, he didn't sound as hopeless as he did when he was just injured.     

But today, the lifelessness returned.     

Even Ye Guhan himself felt abnormal and uncomfortable. He wondered what was happening. It's New Year's Eve and supposedly a time to relax, but why am I so agitated? I can't concentrate no matter what I do. I can't even talk coherently and keep forgetting what I want to say many times after pausing…     

But one thing was certain. He felt that he could picture Murong Xiuxiu more clearly. Usually, he could suppress his feelings, but tonight, it was struggling within, trying to break free!     

In the misty night, it seemed as if Murong Xiuxiu was walking toward him with a faint smile. Her face was as delicate as a painting and her smile was so sweet. She appeared as lively and pure as eighteen years ago. But when Ye Guhan wanted to hug her with his single arm, she would immediately drift away, leaving him behind in desolation and helplessness. It was as if she were pleading for something…     

"Xiu Xiu… What's happening to you? Is it you? What… what are you trying to say?" Ye Guhan held his head in pain and shook his body around, extraordinarily agitated. It was as if a fire was burning within and a knife was digging his flesh. He seemed to feel something, but it soon disappeared. There seemed to be a premonition, but Ye Guhan simply could not break through the layer of fog before him…     

Jun Moxie strolled to the courtyard and saw Ye Guhan in this state. He was puzzled and wondered, what's wrong with his affectionate dude?     

At this very moment, Ye Guhan couldn't resist anymore and walked over. There was a glimpse of madness in his eyes. "Jun Moxie, can you take me to the Palace?"     

It was a request, but there was also an indescribable temper within!     

He felt like killing someone and he was so annoyed. If there was an enemy before him, he might even eat the enemy alive!     

"Palace? What are you doing? Today's New Year's Eve; isn't it inconvenient?" Jun Moxie frowned. He looked at Ye Guhan strangely. Is this guy going crazy from his one-sided love? Going to the Palace now? Is he trying to shame himself?     

And it was this very moment that Jun Moxie's expression became serious. He looked particularly heavy!     

He clearly felt that a strong but obscure atmosphere was sweeping rapidly from the direction of the palace right toward the Jun Family! There was also a rapid sound of hooves coming in the distance…     

Is there really something wrong? Jun Moxie left Ye Guhan behind and zapped up to the top of the tower and gazed into the distance. As he reached the top of the tower, a sharp screeching sound resonated in the night sky!     

It was near the doors of the Jun Family!     

Jun Moxie was startled. He used his Yin Yang Escape and at the next moment, he was at the site of the incident. He saw a hurricane-like figure attacking a procession.     

Jun Moxie immediately recognized that the carriage belonged to the Empress. The empress had been a frequent visitor to the Jun Family. Although she stopped coming, the procession was unique and easily identifiable. As for the fuzzy figure, Jun Moxie knew him as well. It was Mr. Wen!     

The carriage appeared to be heading for the Jun Family! And the Emperor's best friend was using all his might to assassinate the Empress! What did this mean?     

It was obvious! This time, the Empress brought with her something that would disadvantage the Emperor, or he would not have resulted in such extreme action!     

If it was disadvantageous to the Emperor, and the Empress was heading toward the Jun Family, then…     

It must be advantageous to them! Or why would the Emperor arrange the assassination?     

It was just a glance, Jun Moxie had understood what was happening…     

He immediately sprang into action. But before he approached, Mr. Wen pushed out his palm!     

Although Jun Mo Xie tried hard to block, it was too far and too late. He could only intercept most of the force. The remaining thirty percent of the pure Mystic Qi inevitably bombarded the Empress' back! Although it was only thirty percent, Mr. Wen was a Supreme. Even an Heaven Mystic expert could not withstand it.     

Jun Moxie was furious!     

He hollered, "Wen Cangyu! Are you trying to seek death?"     

His body zapped out together with the sound!     

Mr. Wen was retreating as he completed his task!     

There was nothing else he could do as Jun Moxie had arrived, and the thirty percent had done its work! From now on, he would be roaming freely and nothing mattered to him anymore.     

But right now, he could no longer escape!     

Jun Moxie rushed over like an eagle. Before Jun Moxie arrived, a pressing atmosphere had been suffocating him!     

Mr. Wen was shocked. He brandished his sword and the cold sword flash swiped at Jun Moxie. Simultaneously, Mr. Wen's body quickly pulled back. He then wielded his sword fanatically, chopping off two gigantic trees at the side of the street and sent them flying. The canopy covered in heavy snow dragged the massive trunk and flew straight at Jun Moxie! The snow was like a natural barrier that blocked everyone's view!     

With blocking him slightly, Mr. Wen had the confidence to break free!     

Jun Moxie snorted coldly and kickstarted the power of wood. His body passed through the canopy of the first tree without any resistance and his trajectory did not alter slightly. He went through the entire tree, leaving behind a huge hole in it. Jun Moxie was already facing the next tree!     

And the trunk of the tree behind cracked open with a loud bang!     

The tree before him also split into pieces like dry bamboo being hit by a hammer. Jun Moxie's body had passed the second tree and was right in front of Mr. Wen.     

Mr. Wen was astounded. He could not have imagined that Jun Moxie was not slightly slowed. But he was a Supreme expert, so his movements were not disrupted. He bellowed and poked with his sword. But just as the sword flash appeared, Jun Moxie had already arrived at him like wind!     

With a poof, Mr. Wen received two blows on his chest. Immediately after, he experienced an excruciating pain on his arm. With a clang, the long sword slipped out of his hand. It was flung away like a shooting star and dropped to somewhere unknown. His shoulders were then hit by a palm chop and his abdomen and dantian received two blows from Jun Moxie's knees!     

Mr. Wen felt the sky was spinning. He coughed out a mouthful of blood. His internal organs were on fire and his Mystic Qi was wreaking havoc in his body! He could not utilize his extremely pure Mystic Qi anymore!     

In less than one-tenth of the time needed to blink an eye, Mr. Wen had fallen from a complete advantage against the Empress' procession into an endless hell!     

And Jun Moxie, who was in front of him, disappeared suddenly. He suddenly felt strangled. He was being lifted. The wind whistled in his ear. Then with a bang, and Mr. Wen's body was smashed onto the ground!     

Jun Moxie had appeared before Princess Ling Meng. He had heard her desperate cry!     

Immediately, Jun Moxie's finger pressed against the Empress' vein. A stream of pure Spirit Energy flowed in.     

Both of her smashed knees and the wound on the back of her head were severe. Although there was blood all over her, she seemed not to feel any pain. She still knelt there on the freezing ground and tightly hugged her mother. She looked pleadingly at Jun Moxie and asked for help softly. "Jun… save my mother…" She had very little strength left and was in so much despair.     

As Jun Moxie's hand touched the Empress' veins, his heart sank!     

His face darkened!     

He didn't expect it to be so serious!     

All her internal organs were shattered!     

No cure!     

Jun Moxie could do nothing with this sort of wound with his limited mastery over the Hongjun Pagoda right now! Although The Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune had the potential to defy nature, Jun Moxie's cultivation was limited. If it weren't for Jun Moxie's Spirit Qi that extended the Empress' life energy, she would have already been dead!     

Although Supremes appear so weak to Jun Moxie and Mei Xueyan, it was only because the two of them were too strong!     

In fact, the Supremes were the ones standing at the top of the Mystic Mystic Continent. Although there still existed beings stronger than them, by normal definition, they were already extremely strong!     

A blow from a Supreme, even if only partially connected, was fatally to a weak lady like the Empress who didn't even reach Silver Mystic!     

Jun Moxie sighed. The pure Spirit Energy flowed furiously into the Empress' body. It enclosed her shattered internal organs and severed their connection from the rest of the body so as to sustain her final bit of life energy.     

This couldn't save her, but could sustain her life for a while. A short while… as long as it takes for water to boil…     

Jun Moxie did this without considering anything. At this moment, the Jun Family and the reason for the Empress' journey here did not matter to him. He was only thinking of Ye Guhan, that guy who was still crazily in love… Jun Moxie felt that he had the duty to ensure that they could meet each other one last time!     

No wonder Ye Guhan was acting abnormally!     

Is this really telepathy unique to couples?     

How much did they have to love each other to acquire such sensory?     

Eighteen years, and they were still thinking about each other without regret! Eighteen years of separation and their hearts never budged!     

Jun Moxie felt he could not be indifferent to this love story!     

At this moment, his abnormal stubbornness took over. He didn't care who this woman before him was. He only knew that Murong Xiuxiu and Ye Guhan were a couple and he had to do what he must! Identity, etiquette, and morals did not matter to him! And he didn't think about it at all!     

After his temporary treatment, he yelled into the sky, "YE GU HAN!" He controlled his voice as much as he could so that its volume exploded only after the sound waves had passed Murong Xiuxiu, lest the shock wave hurt Murong Xiuxiu again.     

Upon hearing the name, Murong Xiuxiu was suddenly hopeful. There was anticipation and yearning in her eyes…     

At this moment, with two whistling sounds, Solitary Eagle and Feng Juanyun flew over like they were riding clouds and landed beside Jun Moxie. Now the strength of these men were truly of Superior Supreme. They were both shocked seeing what was before them.     

Ye Guhan felt an ominous growling when he heard Jun Moxie's call!     

Without hesitation, he dashed out. His long hair danced in the wind. He was full of solitude.     

From afar, he saw Jun Moxie squatting there, seemingly holding something in his hands. Ye Guhan's rapid breath from running suddenly stopped. His lungs felt blocked and his heart blank. He finally realized something and he began running over, unaware of anything else.     

As he reached there, the whole world before him seemed to lose color!     

All he could see was a face and a pair of eyes!     

The face that was jotting up with difficulty and a pair of gentle eyes. Seeing Ye Guhan, the pair of eyes could no longer veil the true feelings. It became deeply affectionate and filled with attachment, reluctance, and endless guilt…     

"Han…" Murong Xiuxiu tried to keep her voice from trembling. She didn't dare to blink her eyes, as if she would forever lose the sight of this intimate and yet unfamiliar face if she did.     

"Xiu Xiu…" Ye Guhan's body shook as he paled and collapsed down with only half a step forward. Kneeling on the ground, he leaned toward Murong Xiuxiu's face as he looked at the face he had missed for eighteen years in pain. "Xiu Xiu… who is it? Who hurt you? You… You…"     

He felt sweetness at this throat before he could finish. Blood was rushing out, but he swallowed it back.     

He had witnessed so many deaths. How could he not tell?     

"Han… It's so good… to see you again." Murong Xiuxiu lovingly looked at his face and said gently. "Han… do you know… for all these years, I have been thinking about you everyday and every moment…"     

Tears were formulating in her eyes. But she used all her strength to force it back. She was afraid that she could no longer see his face clearly if she cried…     

Ye Guhan knelt there blankly. His eyes were blazing but gentle. He felt as if his heart was gone and could only say senselessly, "Xiu Xiu… it's fine… I'm with you…"     

Murong Xiuxiu smiled in satisfaction. Her expression looked like that little girl once again as she said adamantly, "Ya… with you here, I'll be fine… and I'm not scared…"     

Twenty years ago, Murong Xiuxiu was hurt during one of their adventures. These were the exact words they said then. Exact!     

Even if twenty years had passed, their feelings for each other never changed, it was as if it were still that very day…     

"Han…" Murong Xiuxiu wanted to touch his face with her hands, but she had no more strength. Ye Guhan carefully held her hand and pressed it against his face. Feeling her warmth, his tears rolled out uncontrollably and dampened the delicate hand…     

"Han… don't cry…" Murong Xiuxiu moved her finger with difficulty. She wanted to wipe his tears, but more rolled down.     

"Jun Moxie, I know I'm about to die. Before that I have to tell you…" Murong Xiuxiu said, as she continued staring at Ye Guhan's face. "The Blood Sword Hall is at the three camps of the Royal Guards…"     

Jun Moxie was in shock. He whispered, "Thank you!" His hand was still holding her right hand, delivering the Spirit Energy to sustain her for her last words with Ye Guhan. If he let go, she would die immediately.     

"Han… it's about time for me to go… help me… help me take care of Ling Meng." Murong Xiuxiu smiled sadly and reluctantly. "She's a good girl, but a poor girl…" Ye Guhan's eyes were blurred by tears. He didn't make any sound. He bit his lips so hard that blood was oozing out, but he was not aware…     

Murong Xiuxiu suddenly seemed to understand. She sighed and shifted her gaze. "Jun Moxie, please help take care of Ling Meng for me…" She begged softly, despite seeing the difficulty in Jun Moxie's eyes. "… Even if you are not marrying her… please take care of her… please…"     

She looked at Jun Moxie's face hopefully. Her eyes carried beseechment and eagerness without blinking. It was a mother's final efforts for her daughter before her death. It was also her only hope…     

Jun Moxie took a deep breath and again increased the inflow of Spirit Energy. He nodded silently. He could tell that Murong Xiuxiu's life energy was leaking away. Her meridians were shutting down and even the nature-defying Art of Unlocking Heaven's Fortune was having difficulty driving the Energy through…     

With a grateful and reassured smile, Murong Xiuxiu said sincerely, "Th… thank you…"     

She turned her eyes back and looked at Ye Guhan gently with endless love. She said nothing. She still had strength, but she said nothing. She knew she needn't say more. She only wanted to look at his face, remember it, and engrave it in her soul so that she would remember forever…     

Ye Guhan was also silent. He allowed tears to smudge his face. He only wanted to stare at the beautiful woman before him firmly. They looked at each other and the air was filled with romance…     

They stared into each other's eyes, as if their souls were entangled forever and would not break apart again!     

Suddenly, Murong Xiuxiu's face reddened. She felt a sudden strength and she used it all to murmur, "I anticipate that… If we are still destined in our next life…" Suddenly her body trembled and stopped.     

Her face was really full of anticipation, gentleness, and deep affection. Her eyes showed endless love. But her life was long gone…     

The hand on Ye Guhan's face finally dropped down lifelessly…     

Tears were still flowing on Ye Guhan's face. But his expression suddenly became frighteningly calm. His eyes still fixed on the gentle and beautiful face in front of him. He slowly finished the poem. "… I would rather betray the heavens and not you! Xiu Xiu…"     

He still knelt there, eyes fixed on Murong Xiuxiu who looked like she was in a deep sleep. He said calmly, "Jun Moxie, there's a booklet containing the sword technique on the table beside my bed. It's for you. And Ling Meng… please take care of her, please…"     

Jun Moxie wanted to say something, but it was stuck in his throat and could not come out.     

Ye Guhan smiled calmly and said, "Lastly. Please bury us together! Write on the tombstone 'The tomb of Ye Guhan and Murong Xiuxiu, husband and wife.' She isn't the Empress. She never was! Please help me!"     

Jun Moxie sighed deeply and said, "Definitely! But, don't you want to seek revenge? The assassin and the person behind it, the one sitting in the palace. And Ling Meng… are you not taking care of her? Aren't you concerned?"     

"I believe in you! I am not concerned to hand Ling Meng over to you." Ye Guhan smiled with anticipation and eagerness. He stared at the dark sky as the freezing breeze blew up his hair. He said slowly, "I will leave the assassin to you. The paths to the underworld would be lonely. If he is now killed and Xiu Xiu meets him on the way, she would still be scared. So I will leave first to accompany her. As for Yang Huaiyu… he is not worthy for me to kill!     

"Xiu Xiu is waiting for me. Is there anything more important than our reunion? Hatred; it's fine to not vent it… If I missed my encounter with her in the next life, she would be disappointed and more sad… We have been separated for an entire life…"     

He then leaned down and pressed his face against Murong Xiuxiu's, which was still slightly warm. He whispered affectionately, "Xiu Xiu… it'll be fine. With me, you won't feel lonely…"     

His body suddenly trembled furiously. He then collapsed forward. His lone arm tightly embraced Murong Xiuxiu's body. Their faces were still next to each other, but there was no more breath…     

Ye Guhan used his remaining Mystic Qi to break his own heart veins and he stopped breathing immediately…     

They hugged together, and they had the same expression…     

As if they were already reunited!     

As if they had agreed to meet in their next lives…     

"Mother… Uncle Ye… AH…" Princess Ling Meng cried desperately. Blood flowed out from the corner of her mouth. Her eyes shut and she lost consciousness…     

The pain in her body peaked. Her beloved mother and Uncle Ye who she always relied on were both gone…     

How could she withstand all this? She had finally fainted…     

Two hours ago, they were still talking below the same lamp… but now, they were separated forever…     

How could she withstand this cruel reality?     

Jun Moxie silently bowed his head. Ever since Ye Guhan was saved, he was never happy. Tonight was the only time Jun Moxie ever saw his smile…     

And it was for the illusory next life!     

Seeing their bodies, Jun Moxie was deeply touched. From the love story between his parents to the everlasting love between Ye Guhan and Murong Xiuxiu, he finally felt something…     

What exactly is affection?     

A song suddenly sounded in his head from nowhere.     

… perhaps it's marriage in the past life;     

perhaps it's fate in the next life;     

The only mistake was meeting in this life,     

adding a piece of fruitless affection…     

Wait till everything becomes history,     

when the ocean becomes a berry field;     

We will then repay this love     

Repay this love…     

… perhaps it's marriage in the past life;     

perhaps it's fate in the next life;     

The only mistake was to be entangled in this life,     

adding an endless suffering     

Wait till everything will be history,     

when the ocean becomes a berry field;     

We will then repay this love     

Repay this love…     

Sad songs. Helpless love stories. They quietly flowed between heaven and the earth…     

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