Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Revenge Begins!

Revenge Begins!

1Jun Moxie sighed softly and picked up the bodies of Ye Guhan and Murong Xiuxiu and gently placed them aside properly. His movements were so cautious and careful that he seemed afraid of disturbing the reunion of the two in the underworld.     

When he had settled their bodies, he looked back at Princess Ling Meng to check on her condition. He was surprised to find it very serious as well! The loss of people close to her and the excruciating pain caused her to faint. Her knees were completely shattered, showing how much impact she received when she fell down from horseback to catch her mother!     

Coupled with the humongous impulse that followed, she received secondary injuries, splitting her flesh and causing her bones to protrude out. Her veins and artilleries were exposed too. The blood red and purple colors were frightening. There was also a wound on her head. The blood that flowed out was clotted and was frozen onto the ground. But the wound was still slowly bleeding…     

The external injuries were extremely severe. In the ordinary sense, they were also incurable. But even if she could recover, she would definitely be disabled for life! It was fortunate that Jun Moxie was here and that his cultivation progressed tremendously lately, or else there would have been no hope and Jun Moxie would not be able to fulfill his promise to Ye Guhan!     

Jun Moxie dared not neglect his duty. He held Princess Ling Meng's small hand with his left hand. A stream of very pure Spirit Energy poured into her body, slowly restoring her physical energy. At this moment, consolidating the basis of her life energy was now thekey. Her life would be threatened from the massive blood loss if her vitality was not secured. If her life was in danger, the process of saving her would become very complicated. He did not keep his right hand free. Her hair stuck on the ground due to blood was severed by him. He then lifted her up by the waist.     

Jun Wuyi appeared at the site. He had been at the side for a while and watched his old friend Ye Guhan sacrifice himself for love and didn't stop try to stop him.     

Twenty years ago, Jun Wuyi was one of the few people who had witnessed Ye Guhan and Murong Xiuxiu falling in love. He had witnessed their vows and deep affections. He had also witnessed their separation, their helplessness, and their suffering. Finally, he had witnessed their death, and the eventual reunion after death…     

He was prepared to accept his old friend committing suicide, but he never tried to talk to him about it. He knew it would be meaningless. When Murong Xiuxiu died, how could Ye Guhan live alone?! In a sense, Ye Guhan had died eighteen years ago! The only thing that kept him alive was Murong Xiuxiu. She was still somewhere, and he didn't want her to be alone in this world. So he pulled through to keep her company.     

So when Murong Xiuxiu died, there was nothing else tying him to this world!     

Only in death did he finally break free! Truly break free!     

And only death ensured the continuity of their affection. It would remain forever!     

For his whole life, Ye Guhan did not experience any happiness except during his youth! What a depressing life! He was finally free to leave together with the one he loved!     

So when he killed himself, Jun Wuyi did not try to stop him despite feeling sad and sorrowful. Jun Wuyi even felt relieved for him.     

It was a journey to freedom that shocked the world and made everyone cry for him!     

Ye Guhan, from now on you will no longer feel lonely and cold during freezing winter nights…     

Now you have her forever!     

"Come on!" Jun Wuyi was sobbing. There were tears in his firm and determined eyes. "Take good care of Brother Ye's and Ms. Murong's bodies. Find man to produce the best large size coffin. Bury them together!"     

Jun Moxie walked back with Princess Ling Meng in his arms. He was thinking about how to settle with this poor girl. How was she going to accept the cruel reality when she woke up?     

Jun Wuyi caught up with him silently and asked softly, "Moxie, what are you going to do next?"     

"I will follow what Ye Guhan had wished." His eyes were cold. "I will find the best spot to bury them!" His eyes were like daggers.     

"I mean… what about the assassin?" Jun Wuyi was murderous.     

"We will set up a raised platform before the palace tomorrow. We will announce to the whole city and gather citizens to watch! We will strip the rebel and assassin Wen Cangyu naked and tie him up with fishnet and kill him by slowly cutting him! Nine days and nine nights, we will give him nine-hundred and ninety-nine cuts! If there is a one less cut or the executioner misses the clock, we will give him and his family the same punishment! Assassinating an empress; I'm sure this is not too extreme right?" Jun Moxie said calmly. He sounded like a venomous snake seeking revenge!     

Ye Guhan and Murong Xiuxiu's love story really touched his cold heart. He made the most crazy decision!     

He would not let them down!     

Jun Moxie would give them the most grand funeral, one that would leave the continent in awe!     

He would do it even if it was against social norms or might even bring long-lasting disaster!     

I never cared about the world and how everyone lived!     

But I will do anything I deem worthy!     

Whatever the evil monarch did was only true to his heart and disregarded all social rules!     

Ye Guhan! Murong Xiuxiu! I will not let your love story be forgotten! I will avenge you! I will compensate for your regrets! I will fulfill your dreams!     

I didn't like Ye Guhan and didn't know much about Murong Xiuxiu. But I can feel the love between you!     

Jun Wuyi gasped. "Before the palace? Everyone watching? Tied with a fishnet? Killing him slowly by cutting?"     

What a fanatic decision! It was even shocking for the Blood General Jun Wuyi!     

"Yes! I'm already merciful enough not to pursue his teacher and Golden City!" Jun Moxie raised his head. He looked so certain. "It's decided."     

"Ok… but what about the one who ordered it?" Jun Wuyi sighed. He knew that he could not stop his nephew. He thought for the correct word for a long time before saying it carefully.     

Murong Xiuxiu did not say who ordered her death. But it wasn't necessary. Who else could order Wen Cangyu in Heavenly Scent City?     

There was only one answer!     

"He? He can't die yet, at least for now! We won't let him die even if he wants to die!" Jun Moxie smiled and said malevolently. "Even if we don't count what he did to Ye Guhan and Murong Xiuxiu, there is still our hatred. Father, second uncle, and my brothers! If we let him die like this… it would be too easy for him! I will let him live in hell!"     

Jun Wuyi sighed deeply.     

After he had settled Princess Ling Meng that night, Jun Moxie did not hesitate to arrange the army!     

Jun Moxie, Jun Wuyi, Jun Zhantian, Solitary Eagle, Feng Juanyun, Hai Chenfeng, Baili Luoyun, Leng Ao, Song Shang, and the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer were all mobilized. Even Guan Qinghan and Dongfang Wenxin followed them out!     

The Blood Sword Hall!     

The force that was directly related to Jun Wuhui's death was in the three camps of the Royal Guards!     

They were great enemies of the Jun Family just like the Xiao Family!     

Exterminating the Blood Sword Hall; how could Dongfang Wenxin not be there?     

It was the hatred of killing her husband!     

She wanted to see with her own eyes how they were killed.     

No matter how bloody and cruel it was going to be!     

She would not hesitate to do anything to avenge her husband! Dongfang Wenxin had always insisted on this!     

It was the hatred of the whole Jun Family, so everyone had to be there!     

So that the souls of the perished heroes would finally be relieved!     

This New Year's Eve appeared normal at first, but after midnight, it would become the beginning of endless bloodshed. And it would be the first step to the Jun Family's revenge! Jun Moxie would not allow any foe to get away with it!     

So the family gathered their strongest forces.     

Blood still stained the long street and the three camps came within Jun Moxie's sight.     

Seeing this heavily guarded camp just beside the palace, Jun Moxie smiled coldly.     

The next moment, Jun Moxie, Jun Wuyi, Solitary Eagle, Feng Juanyun, Hai Chenfeng, Baili Luoyun, Leng Ao, and Song Shang sprang into action!     

They scattered silently in the air. All the guards were instantaneously killed without any sound! These ordinary soldiers were clearly no match for the group, in which even the weakest was at the Spirit Mystic level!     

Jun Zhantian led the rest of the men outside. There was endless sorrow as well as the satisfaction from revenge in his eyes! With the previously shocking incident, his attitude drastically changed. Since the Blood Sword Hall had suddenly become royal guards, there was no more doubt! 'The emperor is being ruthless to us; why should we still be loyal to him!'     

The fact that the Blood Sword Hall had become royal guards had really taken him aback!     

Dongfang Wenxin and Guan Qinghan were in white. They stared calmly and coldly at the darkness of the camp before them.     

Jun Moxie's white cloak flashed in the dark as he revealed himself. With a wave of hand, the three hundred men of the Heaven Destroyer and Spirit Devourer quietly rushed in. Some of them took the place of the killed guards. Others formed groups of three to guard all escape routes. The rest dashed into the camp…     

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