Otherworldly Evil Monarch

The Undercurrent in the Capital

The Undercurrent in the Capital

2Jun Moxie would rarely ever be serious. But, anything he'd ever say in a serious manner would stand to represent a commitment. And, Guan Qinghan had understood this fact clearly by this time. However, it was the understanding of this point that had left her to feel increasingly scared.     

Someone would've spat out a mouthful of saliva in contempt if he hadn't spoken those words with a serious look. However, no one could've done that in this instance!     

[No one can ever change his decision. He had similarly vowed to protect me when faced with the Xue Hun Manor's threat. So, I'm sure he means it this time as well.]     

"Everyone has always called me a licentious debauchee… they've said that I'm ignorant and useless…" Jun Moxie smiled bitterly. "However, I don't understand a woman's mind in reality… Nor do I know how to talk of love. Maybe I should carefully cajole you at this time… or convey gentle feelings with honey-laced words. You have done a lot for me. And, I'm not a heartless man. But, I can… I can… I genuinely don't know how to say these things…"     

"I have never talked about love! I have genuinely never talked about it! Yesterday's matter… ahem… it was my first time in this life. And, it was painful for me as well. I'm not lying to you. You weren't the only one who felt pain. I felt it too. In fact, I feel a little dizzy at this time. I can tell you this, but I felt very embarrassed at the thought of mentioning this to the others…" Jun Moxie's face seemed pained, and a little embarrassed.     

Guan Qinghan had wanted to laugh out for a brief second. She had been a maiden woman until then. So, this instance had been her first time as well. And, she too had felt a lot of pain. So, how could she have felt like laughing at this time? It was because she had heard these words from Jun Moxie's mouth…     

It was very hard to believe these words since they were coming from the mouth of a Young Master with such an ill and loathsome reputation. But, Guan Qinghan didn't laugh since she saw the expression on Jun Moxie's face. Jun Moxie's expression was strange and awkward, but Guan Qinghan could tell that those words weren't lies. In fact, they had seemingly come straight from his heart…     

[Is possible that this is true?!]     

[The legendary tyrant… the greatest debauchee of Heavenly Scent is a first-time in reality? It can't be, right? There would still be a little credibility to the words of a man who says that a few women in the Spirit Fog Lake are virgins. But, Jun Moxie…]     

However, Guan Qinghan hadn't listened properly. Jun Moxie had specifically said in "this life." Or maybe she had heard him clearly. However, she was unable to understand the meaning contained in those two specific words.     

Guan Qinghan's eyebrows skewed, and her face became cold once again.     

Jun Moxie waited for a moment. He noticed that Guan Qinghan's lustrous mouth had opened for a moment, but her complexion had eased to some extent. So, he couldn't help relax as he said, "In fact, last night… I had the medicine and my mind had spiraled into a chaos… I know that I had exerted the entire of my strength, but I didn't feel a thing… it's indeed a huge pity…"     

Guan Qinghan hadn't expected that the little brat would speak such words right when he was being serious. Consequently, her face became red with embarrassment.     

Jun Moxie's intention was to use those words to probe the situation. He had always noticed that Guan Qinghan would get enraged whenever he would say or do something foul and bold. In fact, he couldn't help but gather the courage to get up in order to hold her in his arms…     

However, Guan Qinghan was startled by this, and hastily took two steps back. She wiped the tears from her cheeks. And, her face became cold as she said, "We were helpless in today's matter. But, it was a mistake. I wanted to save you. I didn't do it for you alone, but also for the Jun Family's sole heir! We have made that mistake, but it doesn't mean that you can recklessly disrespect me! Jun Moxie, we can't make that mistake again! A mistake only adds to a mistake! You… are acting willful again!"     

Jun Moxie stopped his hand midair. His complexion changed a few time in a short while. Then, he eventually retracted his hand, and spoke-up, "You can't accept something at one moment, and… say something else later… you said… you are my woman! So, why would you run away now? Your status in the family will change after we return, and Third Uncle will take you as his adopted daughter. We'll have a huge banquet. And, all the respected individuals of the world will come to attend… So, I believe that things will slowly simmer down. And then, I can take you through the doorway of marriage."     

"Who… who said that I'll marry you?!" Guan Qinghan was embarrassed and angry. [I've never seen such a tyrant! He has spoken no sweet words to me yet, and he still wants to marry me…?     

"Whether you get married or not… is your business. And, me taking a wife or not… is my thing." Jun Moxie's eyebrows rose as he gave a nefarious smile and said, "Come, beautiful… you've had an exhausting day. I know you're tired. Hurry up, and I'll send to you to take rest…"     

Guan Qinghan's face instantly became red. And then, it became as white as ice. She looked at Jun Moxie, and enunciated every word she spoke, "You rest, Jun Moxie. Don't try those methods with me! Don't make me look down on you again! And, you can forget about what happened today. You go back to your grandfather, and tell him everything. He will settle the accounts. And, I will never stay here with you for the life of me…"     

Jun Moxie smiled and replied, "I said that I'll send you off to rest. I never said that I'll make you stay here. Elder Sister seems to be thinking crooked things…"     

Guan Qinghan's eyes opened wide as she pointed a shaky finger at him, "You… you lecher! You hoodlum! I will be your Elder Sister?!"     

Jun Moxie laughed out loud, "Let's look at this. You are Third Uncle's adopted daughter. So, does means you're my elder sister, right?"     

Guan Qinghan got extremely mad. She swung her sleeves, and turned to go. But, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her lower body the moment she took a step. Her forehead got covered with beads of cold sweat since she couldn't take another step!     

Guan Qinghan had just lost her virtue. In fact, she had endured hardships for the entire day. That had already been too much for her delicate body. And, adding oil to fire… Jun Moxie had been very rough.     

Jun Moxie saw this, and rushed forward. He stooped down, and his left hand went under her neck, while his right hand curved under her legs. He held her like one holds a baby, and brought her body up towards his chest. Young Master then stood up, smiled, and walked outside while carrying her in his arms. He smiled as he said in a lowered tone, "Don't worry. I'll take you back."     

Guan Qinghan was alarmed and ashamed by this. How could she live with pride if she was carried back by him in this manner? Therefore, she couldn't help but struggle in a vigorous manner.     

Jun Moxie controlled her body in a firm manner, and didn't allow her move. He then steadily walked out. Guan Qinghan felt so embarrassed and ashamed at this that she hid her head in his arms. The Young Lady didn't wish for anyone to see her, and didn't wish to see anyone herself either…     

However, they didn't hear even the slightest of sounds once they walked out. Not a single soul was in sight since it was already late at night by now. This made Guan Qinghan relax somewhat. But then, her shame and embarrassment welled-up again since she was being carried by Jun Moxie. Her ear was stuck to his chest. So, she could listen to his heartbeat. And, she couldn't help but become confused at hearing his palpitating heartbeat…     

Jun Moxie dropped her back, and was driven out of her tent after that. He smiled bitterly as he returned to his tent. Then, he started to circulate his aura through his body in order to recover his strength as quickly as possible. However, his skills had evolved, and his aura had become purer. Thus, he had managed to recover his strength in less than one hour…     

Young Master stood up, and moved-about a bit. He then stretched his limbs a bit, and murmured, "Today's events seem like a dream. I can't tell if this was a traceless illusion…" His body then suddenly disappeared from the tent.     

Jun Moxie hadn't forgotten that he still had a promise to fulfill.     

[One should never break a promise. And, one should never commit to a promise they will break!]     

[The Bear King—Big Bear, and Crane King—Long Crane did everything in their power to help deal with the Xue Hun Manor. So, I still have to complete my end of the agreement! And, tonight is my last chance to settle my debt!]     

Naturally, this was also an opportunity to enhance his personal influence as well!     

Jun Moxie didn't like owing a debt to anyone—irrespective of whether it was an emotional debt or a monetary one. And, he particularly didn't like being indebted to someone who had acted first and had done their best to accomplish their part.     

The matter had developed into a big one. In fact, it had gone beyond everyone's control. However, they had done this because they had made a commitment. So, Jun Moxie couldn't break his promise either.     

Moreover, the elimination of the Xue Hun Manor had come as the removal of a huge threat.     

Guan Qinghan was his woman now, and the Xue Hun Manor had been destroyed. This had obviously led Jun Moxie to feel more refreshed.     

[You dare try to snatch my woman?! You're fu*king dead!]     

Therefore, he had recovered his strength with full speed, and had then unleashed the Yin-Yang Escape to its full capacity to rush towards Heavenly Punishment.     

An alarmed voice sounded around one-hundred-and-fifty meters away as his shadow disappeared, "What's going on? How did that brat disappear so suddenly? His speed is so astonishingly quick that it surpassed my perception!"     

Then, another person spoke-up, "Why does Elder Sister care about it? So what if that brat's speed is exceedingly fast? Everyone from the Jun Family is still here. The monk can't run away from the temple. So, why fear that he will run away…?"     

The two voices chucked for a while, and became quiet again…     

The Capital—Heavenly Scent City…     

There had been many big changes since Jun Wuyi had led his army away. And, small changes had been pouring-in in a continuous and never-ending stream. There would be a conflict between two powerful families on one day. And, the Emperor would have to mediate matters. Then, there would be mediation between two families who were at loggerheads the next day. An announcement of an Imperial family suit would follow the day after…     

In short, the Imperial troops were being dispatched in an increasing frequency. Moreover, there had been changes in the official appointments, and his Majesty had been vigorously appointing many young scholars. However, these smaller changes had mostly gone unnoticed since he was using exquisite means to lubricate the entire structure, and had made the changes without making any noise in broad daylight. Consequently, no one had noticed the manner in which he had quietly infiltrated these young scholars into various departments through ordinary means. And then, some rotten officials… or elderly members of some powerful families who weren't at a very senior position were sent away… perhaps with the excuse that they could go back home and enjoy the rest of their years in peace…     

Not a drop of water had been spilled from this air-tight mechanism. It was a seamless and clever method.     

The number of people affected on an immediate basis weren't a lot. So, not a lot of people seemed to care about it. Three to five people were thrown out one day… then, five or six people would leave the next day… and the next… And, this had continued for the entirety of those two months. Thus, the Imperial polity had been turned on its head, and there had been massive changes…     

The higher positions of powers were originally held by members of the powerful families. And, most of them had still retained their positions. However, many of the people under their command had been replaced with new recruits… or members of other families.     

This entire thing happened in a very smooth manner. So, the powerful families were caught unaware. They may have wanted to take some countermeasures once they had realized this. However, it was already too late. Therefore, they had been rendered helpless in the face of it.     

They had been overwhelmed!     

Moreover, the internal conditions of the powerful families weren't that great either. And, that was because there were undercurrents surging inside these families. No one knew who had spread the rumor… but, it was said that the young masters who had been sent with Jun Wuyi to the battlefield had been handpicked to gain experience. And, it was further said that these young masters would become the choice for successors for their respective families' head-post as long as they would return safe and sound…     

This rumor had quickly given rise to huge waves!     

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