Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Must Have a Clear Conscience

Must Have a Clear Conscience

1The two people who were present inside the tent were almost… intimate. One look at the scene, and it was evident that Jun Moxie was using force since Dugu Xiaoyi wasn't willing. It was an 'embarrassing' scene to look at…     2

Dugu Xiaoyi and Guan Qinghan had been sitting together some time ago. Dugu Xiaoyi had sneakily taken out her musical pipe, and had asked if Guan Qinghan would take a closer look it. The art of playing musical pipes had been one of the greatest interests of Guan Qinghan's life. And so, she had gleefully agreed, and had taken that so that she could take assess it.     

However, Guan Qinghan hadn't begun to inspect it when Dugu Xiaoyi suddenly clutched her stomach. And, she then said that she needed to leave. She had hurriedly fled the tent after that. Guan Qinghan obviously hadn't suspected her of anything at that time. In addition, Dugu Xiaoyi had reddened all over, and it had genuinely seemed that she was at her limit. Moreover, she had also made a strange sound. Therefore, Guan Qinghan let her go, and started to inspect the musical pipe instead. She looked through the slender hole, and tested the sound for a while. And then, she started to wait for the little girl to return.     

However, she didn't return in the first minute… or the second one. There was no trace of the little girl in the third or fourth minute either. So, Guan Qinghan couldn't help but become anxious. She then finally went out to look for Dugu Xiaoyi, and asked the soldiers if they had seen the Young Lady Dugu. The soldiers merely pointed their fingers in the direction she had fled to…     

She followed their directions, and asked along. And, she got to know that Dugu Xiaoyi had gone to Jun Moxie's tent. She found this rather amusing. But, she also felt another indescribable sensation in heart…     

[I had suggested that the two of us would go together to meet that guy. But, I never anticipated that Dugu Xiaoyi would use such a trick to ditch me, and would run away to his tent alone…]     

Jun Moxie was already there. So, there would presumably be no danger to Dugu Xiaoyi. Therefore, Guan Qinghan had hesitated outside the entrance, and had decided to go back. However, she suddenly heard something strange at that moment—Dugu Xiaoyi had shouted for help…     

[This can't be good…?] Guan Qung Han suddenly remembered that Jun Moxie had acted like a complete debauchee until a few months back. So, she became nervous as she thought… [Could it be?]     

Dugu Xiaoyi's shouts became increasingly shrill, and had soon turned into weeping. Therefore, Guan Qinghan finally made up her mind, and rushed in.     

She knew she had to rush in, but she had never expected to witness such an awkward scene inside the tent…     

Guan Qinghan felt her heart break, and became extremely disheartened. In fact, she became teary-eyed as she spoke, "You've really disappointed me, Jun Moxie!"     

However, it didn't matter how Guan Qinghan felt. Jun Moxie had lost his mind by now. He couldn't hear what she was saying. In fact, he wouldn't have cared or understood even if he had heard it in his present state of mind…     

"Hurry up and save me sister Guan! Boo hoo…" Dugu Xiaoyi cried as she implored. Her tear-stained face was grief-stricken, and looked very pitiful.     

Guan Qinghan became extremely angry, "You beast! You still haven't release her!" she spoke those words, and rushed forward. She then started to push Jun Moxie on his side. But, she couldn't move him despite having used the entirety of her strength.     

Dugu Xiaoyi somehow managed to bend her legs from underneath Jun Moxie's body. And, she exerted with every ounce of force she had inside her body. And, she was somehow able to push away Jun Moxie to the side with Guan Qinghan's help. What was revealed thereafter… was that the translucent white skin of Dugu Xiaoyi's top half. In fact, it seemed as if her skin was blooming with flowers. However, the fact was that… Jun Moxie had wreaked havoc on Dugu Xiaoyi's tender skin, and had covered it with love bites…     

Jun Moxie was confused and muddleheaded in this moment, and couldn't use any skills because of that. Otherwise, even ten Guan Qinghans would've been of no help.     

Dugu Xiaoyi was terrified. She felt ashamed. She used this opportunity to crawl away with difficulty. Then, she threw herself into Guan Qinghan's embrace, and burst into tears.     

"What's going on?" Guan Qinghan grabbed the side of Jun Moxie's fallen robe, and covered Dugu Xiaoyi's body with it.     

However, Dugu Xiaoyi hadn't even had the time to reply when Jun Moxie pounced at them from behind like an evil wolf.     

The Young Lady Dugu cried out in fear. She was frightened out of her wits. She wrapped the cloak tighter, and tried to escape in a frantic manner. Dugu Xiaoyi had gotten very frightened…     

Jun Moxie's condition was like that of an arrow which had been shot from a bow… but had lost its target. What could the arrow do? The arrow obviously didn't realize that its original target had been replaced with a different person. Therefore, he pounced like a tiger, and grabbed the new target.     

Guan Qinghan's delicate body shuddered as she shouted sternly, "Jun Moxie! You've gone mad! You still think I…" she hadn't finished speaking when she suddenly saw Jun Moxie's reddened face, his red eyes, and his confused expression. It was very unlike the calm and collected appearance of the past. It was evident that he had lost his sense of reason. She couldn't help but become shocked at realizing this…     

[What's going on?!]     

Guan Qinghan was a maiden herself. But, she was older than Dugu Xiaoyi. And, her knowledge was much more profound than the little girl's. She hadn't noticed this when she had stepped in. But, she had seen the anomaly now, and could guess what had happened to Jun Moxie.     


[Moreover, it looks like a very fierce dose! Things wouldn't have turned out like this otherwise!]     

Guan Qinghan wanted to draw her sword to scare Jun Moxie away. But, she hesitated for a moment. She was anyway a step too late. Jun Moxie pounced like a predator, and caught hold of her. Then, he puckered his mouth to kiss her…     

Guan Qinghan was suspicious, embarrassed, and worried at that moment. She shoved and jostled with everything she had. But, how could her strength compare to that of a grown man like Jun Moxie? Moreover, she could obviously see the danger Jun Moxie was in. And, her heart couldn't endure the sight of that. So, she simply didn't know what she should do…     

[Just look at Jun Moxie's current condition… He may not be able to give vent to his urges if I leave… Would he be able to bear the effect of such a strong drug? His mind might shatter, and he might even lose his life…]     

Guan Qinghan had always carried herself in a frost-like cold manner. And, she hadn't regarded Jun Moxie in a good light either. But, he was her younger brother-in-law at the end of the day. And, he was also the last surviving member of the Jun Family's younger generation. Moreover, that image of him fiercely standing up to the world for the wrongs that had been done to her was still deeply engraved in her mind.     

The lonely heart of a twenty-year-old woman started to throb again. [This outstanding youngster has been so protective towards me! Will I just look-on as he goes through such torment? Also, he might suffer some grave consequences…]     

[Jun Moxie had dared to stand against the entire world by setting himself against the Xue Hun Manor for my sake. He didn't shrink back even once! Shouldn't I repay the affection of his friendship?]     

[The Jun Family didn't care that I didn't belong to their family. They still took action under those circumstances, and made every effort to protect me. So, how can I just look-on while the sole heir of the family suffers like this from an aphrodisiac?]     

[Even my foster father—Jun Wuyi—was humiliated in a hundred ways by the Xue Hun Manor these past few days in this Southern heaven City. He was even entrapped by them. And, all of that had happened because of me. He barely managed to escape with his life. But, he would've died in this battle if he wasn't lucky… and if someone hadn't secretly rendered aid.]     

[All of that was for my sake!]     

[And now… Jun Moxie has been poison to such a degree… can I really walk away from this…?]     

[Jun Moxie has had a favorable impression of me ever since I've come to the Jun Family. And, he had tried to express his feelings with his debaucheries and mockeries. However, I've now come to realize that he had deliberately disguised himself like that. But, why did he do that? Why did he confess at that time?]     

[Such kind of feelings are very rare to come by nowadays… can I remain indifferent to that?]     

[Rare gems are easy to find. But, a paramour is hard to come by.]     

[How could the so-called 'young talents' of the other aristocratic families compare to Jun Moxie's heavenly genius…? And, I have freedom over my body now. But…]     

The tide within Guan Qinghan was unexpectedly fluctuating in a crazed manner at this time.     

It had to be said that Jun Moxie's acts of 'deep friendship' were a misunderstanding on Guan Qinghan's part. Because… this wasn't the original Jun Moxie inside that body! Jun Moxie's body was the same. But, the soul inside had been exchanged with another person's. Therefore, everything related to the previous Young Master Jun had no relation to the current Jun Moxie.     

However, even the body appeared to be different at this time.     

It couldn't be said that Jun Moxie didn't have a certain degree of affection towards Guan Qinghan. However, the cold-blooded killer's feelings were somewhat distant. In fact, they were nothing close to those of red-hot passion. Moreover, they were distant-enough to negate the very thought of a marriage.     

The current Jun Moxie's nature was unruly and unrestrained. He was unscrupulous as well. But, he would never take initiative on his own to confess his feelings. In fact, he would stay unmarried if it weren't for the women chasing him… or his grandfather forcing marriage arrangements on him.     

This was because the current Jun Moxie's way of thinking was that of his previous life's King of Assassins'. And, getting married was an inconceivable luxury for an assassin!     

Guan Qinghan was lost in her own thoughts when she was alarmed by something. And then, she saw the fire of lust burning in Jun Moxie's eyes. But, a tender feeling arose within her…     

[Oh, oh…]     

[Let me use this life to repay the great kindness the Jun Family has bestowed upon me.] Guan Qinghan quietly closed her eyes, and beautiful tears flowed down her cheeks.     

She had already abandoned all resistance…     

The little girl had been scared out of her wits, and had escaped to her own tent like a wisp of smoke. She then quickly changed her clothes, and rested a bit since she was panic-stricken. Her entire upper body felt feverish, and awful… very awful…     

[My God!] Dugu Xiaoyi patted her stomach since a sense of fear still lingered over her psyche. She recalled the fierce appearance on Jun Moxie's face. It had looked like he would've eaten her… like he would've swallowed her whole…     

[Thank heavens for elder sister Qinghan…]     

[Ah! Elder Sister Guan!]     

Dugu Xiaoyi immediately stood up. Her beautiful eyes were opened to their limits. [How could I just escape and forget about elder sister Guan? Brother Moxie has been cooked since he took that medicine! What if he hurts elder sister Guan? How can I let Elder Sister suffer like that? And, that too because of my sins?]     

Dugu Xiaoyi became restless, and rushed out from her tent like a tornado. Nothing mattered at that time. She used her skills, and madly rushed towards Commander Jun Wuyi's tent.     

Jun Wuyi, Solitary Eagle, and the three Dongfang brothers were discussing the withdrawal of troops when they saw the tent flap open. Dugu Xiaoyi rushed in breathlessly, "Third Uncle Jun… ke ke… Brother Moxie has had an accident… in his tent… hurry up and go there… if you're late… it'll be bad for elder sister Guan…"     

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