Otherworldly Evil Monarch




Even though the energy flow felt delicate, it was actually extremely tough. However, Jun Moxie was still discontented as this amount of energy could only be considered the starting stage. It was hardly useful. Indeed, it could be useful when he was gambling, but would it be useful in a life and death battle with a sword user? This level of energy was simply not enough!


Even if it's the divine silkworm's silk whose single thread can hold up to two hundred jin, a highly praiseworthy capacity, Jun Moxie wanted more. He wanted a hundred or a thousand of those threads to come together and become his source of internal energy!

His desire to strengthen the energy flow to fill up his meridians, caused Jun Moxie to feel like there was still a long way to go.

However, Jin Moxie held a huge advantage - which was his capability of using sneak attacks which were truly incomprehensible and indiscernible! Jun Moxie closed his eyes as he thought of ways of using the energy flow in his body. Slowly, he entered a meditative state…

Backed by a huge group of men, Tang Wanli rushed aggressively towards the Li's Residence but felt as though he had instead run into soft cotton. The Li Residence's Head, Li Youran received him in a warm, affectionate and hospitable manner, causing Tang Wanli to feel a little uncomfortable, as he was not able to find any faults to argue about.

Although he had been determined to throw a fit, when faced against Li Youran's affable and calm smile, he found himself unable to do so. However, the act of keeping his pent-up anger was hard to bear. After drinking a cup of tea, he slammed the teacup down, resulting in the shattering of the cup.

"Come, quickly prepare another cup of tea for the old Duke." Li Youran continued his gentle smile as he said but then, his voice turned heavy. "I was too careless earlier. Quickly fetch the top-grade Han Yan tea in my grandfather's room which I now recall, my grandfather had once stated that it is Duke Tang's favourite tea."

After instructing the servants, he lowered his voice again and looking apologetically at Tang Wanli, spoke. "Senior Duke, I hope you do not mind that this junior had failed to instruct my men properly earlier. At the same time, if this junior had made a mistake, then please point it out. I will immediately get the servants to fix it for you."

Like a dog that had eaten dirt, Tang Wanli stared with his mouth wide open, He was simply unable to utter a single sound. After a time of silence, he finally demanded. "Get Li Feng, Li Zhen, those two little beasts, out here now. This senior has something to ask of them."

Li Youran showed an obviously reluctant expression. "It is certainly a blessing for those juniors to be able to receive pointers from the Senior Duke. However, Senior Duke's timing is a little off as those two had just committed a mistake and are currently undergoing disciplinary punishment. I hope that Senior Duke can show some kindness and wait a while for both of them to serve their punishment before coming to receive your pointers…"

When the Tang family members heard this, they became startled and started heading into the Li Residence's disciplinary hall. Seeing Li Feng and Li Zhen being beaten to a bloody pulp, Tang Wanli found his overflowing fury dissipating by half. He settled for only asking a few questions. Hearing that the cause of this matter was from the Meng Family's, Meng Hai Zou, who had actually sought after Tang Yuan's fiancée for a long time and as Li Zhen, and Li Feng, they had already been punished for their involvement in this matter. Hearing all this, Grandfather Tang's fury towards the Li Family had mostly been dissipated but now his rage against the Meng Family soared to booming heights.

After quickly saying his goodbyes, Tang Wanli immediately led his men back up the horses while Li Youran personally accompanied them out, his face showing a sorry expression as he kept apologizing for being a bad host. He earnestly bid them farewell as he watched Grandfather Tang lead his group of men away and speed towards the Meng Family.

Li Youran's face revealed a trace of an elegant smile. In his eyes, a strange chill appeared for the briefest moments before disappearing. Lifting his robes and straightening himself. He entered the residence, his actions both leisurely and relaxed, not showing any trace of anger…

As the sky slowly became darker. Thunder broke out and the rain started falling. As the rain fell harder and harder, it seemed as though both Heaven and Earth had become one. Li Youran suddenly stopped walking. Raising his head, he observed the thick rain; he shook his head and laughed lightly as he whispered. "It seems that Duke Tang's stay at the Meng's Residence will have to be extended… Hahahaha…"

Little Ke sat on the window, her eyes moist as her hands held onto the incense pot while staring at the heavy rain.

After his training had been done, Jun Moxie straightened himself and walked up behind Little Ke. He gently asked. "Little Ke, what are you thinking about?"

Little Ke screamed out in shock, turning around, she was momentarily at a loss before straightening herself and bowed. "Young Master."

Jun Moxie went to the side and sat down on a chair and by habit, he raised his leg up. "What are you thinking about?" Observing the little girl before him, she was both tender and likeable which made Jun Moxie unable to stop himself from teasing her. That was also why he felt concerned after seeing her in deep thoughts.

"I… I was just thinking… In a few days' time, the autumn festival will arrive…" Little Ke's seemed to be on the brink of tears. "I still remember that three years ago, during the autumn festival, I was nine, I went with my father and mother. Back then… I was so cheerful… so happy… father, mother…" She was no longer able to continue her sentence as two drops of tears rolled down, falling onto the ground.

"Then where is your father now?" Just as Jun Moxie asked this question, he recalled that Little Ke's father was once a squad leader serving the Jun Family. He had followed Jun Moxie's big brother, Jun Moyou, for an expedition, never to return.

Little Ke's mother eventually died of illness due to sorrow and overwork but before she died, she had sent Little Ke to the Jun Residence, beseeching the Jun Family to take care of her daughter. Due to these events, Little Ke was currently an orphan with no parents!

Thinking back, Little Ke had always endured quietly even when that old brat, Jun Moxie, kept treating her badly, even cursing at her all the time. Jun Moxie could not help but pity her. Sighing lightly, he reached out and stroked her head, but remained silent. Jun Moxie's heart suddenly felt sour as he heard the words Autumn Festival, he realized that the Mid-Autumn Festival will soon be upon them.

It looks like I will have to celebrate this traditional Chinese festival all by myself in this world.

Little Ke felt Jun Moxie lightly stroking her hair, his movement surprisingly gentle, even if he did not speak a word, she could feel Jun Moxie's pity and sincerity. As though she had been a little sister who had left home and had suddenly bumped into her big brother, a burst of warmth suddenly enveloped her. Her heart was washed with a soft and warm feeling and she suddenly felt that this debauchee who had always cursed at her had, at this moment, become the closest person to her.

Although this change in feeling was unexpected and bizarre, she could not help but lean her small body closer to his. Feeling the warmth of his body, she felt unconcerned about the heavy rain outside.

After a long time had passed, Jun Moxie stroked Little Ke's hair again and said. "Get a good rest. It's better if you go get some sleep. I am going out for a bit."

"Young Master, it's raining heavily right now. Where are you going? What if you fall sick from the rain? I will go prepare the raining gear for you!" Little Ke felt confused and quickly became concerned.

Jun Moxie smiled faintly his face painted with an indifferent expression and simply stated "I will be fine." before grabbing a bamboo hat and placing it on his head and opening the doors, with a straight stature, he headed out into the heavy rain.

Little Ke's face was filled with worry as she could sense that the Young Master was suffering from an unspeakable pain and torment…

As if sensing Jun Moxie's perturbed feelings, the Hongjun Pagoda within his sea of consciousness rose up and began exuding the white mist. The white mist then flowed through Jun Moxie's blood and qi as it made a cycle through Jun Moxie's meridians, as though trying to disperse Jun Moxie's current state of melancholy.

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