Strongest Abandoned Son

The cultivator who tore open space

The cultivator who tore open space

1Ye Mo was confused because there was no rainbow spirit cloud to help him recover and consolidate his state. Also, he only had nine lightning arcs for divine damnation. Even a nascent soul state cultivator divine damnation had 36 lightning arcs.     

The thunderstorm calmed and the hail stopped. However, there were still some cold air remnants in the sky. The extreme grade spirit range shrunk down a lot.     

Regardless, Ye Mo was truth realisation state now.     

The terrifying power of truth realisation state cultivation essence surged, that easy manipulation of cultivation essence made Ye Mo realized how absurd it was that he could fight with truth realisation states as disaster transformation state. This also made him realise how naïve he was to think that truth realisation state was just so so.     

It wasn't that truth realisation states were weak but that his power and magic were too powerful. He even felt scared about fighting truth realisation state tertiary stage before. If a truth realisation state tertiary stage used all his means to stop him, he might not be able to get away.     

He believed that with his truth realisation state level one power, he could easily kill multiple versions of himself at disaster transformation state peak stage. The reason he could easily stop truth realisation state before was not only due to Three Birth Chant's power but also because he didn't encounter real masters. What if he encountered real powerful truth realisation state masters?     

But immediately, Ye Mo's confidence swelled up. No matter what happened before, he was now truth realisation state. With his current power, even if he encountered the most powerful truth realisation state, he wouldn't think he was no match.     

The only worry he had was cultivating in truth realisation state. Usually, after divine damnation, he would be able to reach level two of that state, devouring the divine damnation and the spirit cloud.     

But now, he could only stabilize his power to truth realisation state level one middle stage. This meant that he was a long way away from truth realisation state level one peak. Each level he progressed, the amount of spirit chi he needed would multiply. When he reached truth realisation state level nine, what would he use to cultivate?     

Just when Ye Mo wanted to put away the spirit range and check the blue sand ditch, he felt space ripples. Moments later, a red flying cultivation artifact landed before him.     

This was an extreme grade flying cultivation artifact.     

One man and woman got off the flying artifact. The man had a square face and distinguished features. He seemed very young seemed powerful but Ye Mo saw he was truth realisation state level four. He definitely wasn't young. The woman was body condensation state level three but what shook Ye Mo was not her power but her beauty. She was definitely the number one beauty he had seen in West Extreme State. She was even prettier than Len Ruofei. It wasn't that her face was better than Len Ruofei's, but her body was too good.     

It was so perfect than an extra centimeter more or less would feel imperfect. This made Ye Mo think of Qing Ru and Ao Qiandie. If it wasn't that her chi was chaotic, she would be on par with Ao Qiandie.     

"Brother Yang, we found an extreme grade spirit range…" the woman scanned Ye Mo's extreme grade spirit range and said excitedly.     

The square faced youth nodded. "That's right, we're lucky. Yu Er, go take it."     

The beautiful woman looked at Ye Mo with disgust. "Brother Yang, this trash is so annoying. He's so shabby and yet his dog eyes are staring at my body."     

The man gazed at Ye Mo and said, "This man isn't trash, he's at least a truth realisation state cultivator - but only level one."     

Ye Mo didn't hide his power after reaching truth realization.     

Hearing this, the woman was shook. Ye Mo didn't seem very old, even younger than her. How could he be truth realisation state level one?     

Ye Mo felt this square-faced man's power as soon as he came. That force was formed with long term confidence. It meant that this cultivator was able to kill people beyond his level like him.     

They clearly saw his spirit attraction formation and yet said the spirit range was found by them.     

Before the woman could take the spirit range, Ye Mo casually sent it inside his Golden Page World.     

The woman saw the empty sand before her and was dazed before looking sulkily at the male cultivator.     

The man glared coldly at Ye Mo. "Take out the spirit range and put it here, then piss off!"     

Ye Mo couldn't even be bothered speaking to this arrogant guy. He was ready to fight.     

Just when the man was about to attack Ye Mo, a powerful cultivation essence wave came through the air. Both Ye Mo and the man's attention was caught by this.     

After that, an extremely vibrant golden ray flashed. A middle aged man stumbled out of the ray. As soon as he did, he released his flying cultivation artifact, wanting to leave.     

Ye Mo was very familiar with this golden light, it was the space transmission rune. Meng Qi used this when she left. They were very rare and precious.     

This meant that the middle aged man came from another realm.     

He was truth realisation state level nine and yet he was so beaten. Clearly, he was escaping using the space transmission rune. Just what being was hunting him?     

Before the man could fully activate his flying cultivation artifact, the square-faced man stood before him.     

Ye Mo was confused, the square faced youth was powerful but he was only truth realisation state level four. He dared to stop a truth realisation state level nine. Was he bold or powerful?     

Seeing this, the truth realisation state level nine threw out a golden sword at the square-faced man.     

The man didn't even flinch and just smashed towards the sword with his fist.     


Cultivation essence splashed everywhere and space rattled. They each took a few steps back. The truth realisation state level nine didn't gain any advantage. His golden sword fell back in his hands but he was dazed. He didn't expect a mere truth realisation state level four could take his blow and not be injured.     

The youth looked at his fist in shock, there was a blood gash. He didn't expect this truth realisation state level nine from another realm to be this powerful.     

Ye Mo's eyes narrowed. This square-faced cultivator was so powerful. His cultivation essence was on par with Xie Zhengshi, maybe even higher. A truth realisation state level four had such power, Ye Mo was certain that if the two fought, Xie Zhengshi might not be a match. There was such a powerful master in West Extreme State!     

Moments later, in the space where the golden light came, a dark crevice opened up. It was very sudden. Ye Mo scanned with spirit sense inside. It was boundless and full of nothingness.     

Ye Mo immediately realized what was going on. This was a dimensional tear.     

This meant that a powerful being from another realm tore into the Luo Yue's realm and wanted to come here.     

Ye Mo had only heard of Chu Jiuyu being able to tear the dimension of a realm.     

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