Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Infant Golden Dragon's Fall

Infant Golden Dragon's Fall

3Chapter 2791 - Infant Golden Dragon's Fall     

"Insignificant humans! Do you think you can insult me just because I am heavily injured?"     

When the Infant Golden Dragon saw Lionheart and the other Tier 4s charging toward it, anger flared in its amber pupils, and it let loose a deafening roar.     

A shockwave immediately spread from the Infant Dragon to its surroundings.     

Boom! Boom! Boom!     

A series of collisions echoed throughout the cavern as Lionheart and the others got hit by the shockwave. Aside from Lionheart and Solitary Nine, everyone else on the team went flying back several dozen meters, a stinging pain washing through their bodies. They also lost over two million HP from the attack.     

Lifeless Thorn and the others, who only had around six million HP, had basically lost one-third of their HPs to the shockwave.     

"It's still so strong even after getting injured?!"     

Everyone gasped when they saw their own HP bar.     

The Infant Golden Dragon was clearly extremely weakened right now, yet it still managed to inflict so much damage with only its roar. Its strength was simply terrifying!     

At this time, even Shi Feng was stunned by this situation.     

In addition to its heavy injuries, the Infant Dragon was also suffering from the Heavenly Dragon's Breath's suppression. Otherwise, everyone would've most likely lost over half of their HP from the shockwave.     

"Tier 3 healers, keep up! Restore the damage dealers' HP with everything you've got! Don't stop even for a moment!" Shi Feng, who was currently incapacitated due to the backlash from forcibly canceling the Demon Summoning, hurriedly issued commands across the distance. "Yu Luo and Fated Fern, you two prioritize healing Lionheart and Nine! Make sure their HPs are full at all times!"     

At Shi Feng's command, Fated Fern, a Tier 4 Oracle, swung her staff and double-cast two Tier 3 Curses.     

Tier 3 Defensive Curse, Contract Barrier!     

Tier 3 Strengthening Curse, Heavenly God's Prayer!     

Immediately, a translucent barrier formed around the bodies of Lionheart and Solitary Nine. Simultaneously, divine runes appeared on the bodies of everyone on the team, doubling everyone's Resistances and Defense and increasing everyone's physique by 20% for 20 minutes.     

She even has a Tier 3 AOE Strengthening Curse? Shi Feng was surprised as he looked at Fated Fern.     

Strengthening Spells were incredibly rare in God's Domain. In fact, they were ten times rarer than ordinary Curses of the same tier. This was especially true for AOE Strengthening Spells. The value of such a Spell was practically equivalent to a Fragmented Legendary item.     

In his previous life, any player who wielded Strengthening Spells would receive the VIP treatment from the various superpowers.     

This was because, unlike Berserk Skills, Strengthening Spells had short Cooldowns and long durations. An AOE Strengthening Spell could elevate a team's combat power to a whole other level.     

In the past, one of the reasons Violet Cloud was recognized as one of the Ten Great Cleric Gods was her possession of many AOE Strengthening Spells. This prompted the various superpowers to desperately seek her.     

As far as Shi Feng knew, nobody in the modern God's Domain had gained a Strengthening Spell even now. Yet, not only did Fated Fern possess a Strengthening Spell, but it was even of the AOE variety. How could he not be surprised by this situation?     

Meanwhile, after Fated Fern cast Heavenly God's Prayer, the team's overall combat power evidently rose by a slight margin.     

"Good! Let's continue!"     

After seeing the barrier protecting his body, Lionheart charged forward once more.     

This time, the Infant Dragon no longer attacked with its roar. Instead, it swept its tail at the approaching players.     

However, despite seeing the tail that shattered even space itself bearing down on him, Lionheart did not back away. Instead, he raised his shield and stood his ground. He then activated the Tier 3 Defensive Skill, Blood Cloud.     

A crimson barrier appeared before his body, one capable of absorbing six attacks. Although the barrier could fully nullify only attacks at the Tier 4 standard and below, it could still diminish the damage of Tier 5 attacks.     


The Blood Cloud instantly exploded upon coming into contact with the Infant Dragon's tail. However, thanks to the Blood Cloud dampening the blow, Lionheart only stumbled two steps backward and lost a little over six million HP. For Lionheart, who had already reached Level 137 and possessed 17.2 million HP, this amount of damage was still tolerable.     

Upon seeing that Lionheart could take on the Infant Dragon's attacks, everyone else on the team breathed out a sigh of relief and began assaulting the Infant Dragon.     

Blood Blade used his Tier 4 Legacy Skill Storm Dance!     

Lifeless Thorn also used his Tier 4 Legacy Skill Lightning Serpent!     


Tier 4 Skills and Spells bombarded the Infant Dragon's body one after another, every one of them dealing over 50 million damage, with some even doing over 100 million critical damage.     

However, compared to the Infant Dragon's remaining 60 billion HP, this amount of damage appeared minuscule.     

Is the damage still not enough?     

Shi Feng frowned when he saw the result of the frenzied barrage.     

Apart from Lionheart, the five other Tier 4 players fighting were currently attacking the Infant Dragon with everything they had. Yet, the damage they caused just barely exceeded the Infant Dragon's battle recovery. Moreover, this was with the Infant Dragon's battle recovery halved due to its heavy injuries.     

The Tier 3 healers healing from a distance also couldn't help growing anxious in this situation.     

At this rate, their team would need more than an hour to finish the battle. Meanwhile, one hour was definitely more than enough for the Infant Golden Dragon to recover from its injuries. If that happened, they would be doomed.     

Lionheart and the others were also aware of the situation. However, this was already the best they could do.     

Although they could activate their Berserk Skills to raise their damage output temporarily, doing so would be meaningless—and would prompt the Infant Dragon to enter its berserk phase earlier. At that time, without their Berserk Skills, they would be utterly incapable of defending against the Infant Dragon's attacks.     

"Do any of you have Combat Resurrection?" Shi Feng asked the 12 Tier 3 healers behind him.     

In the ancient God's Domain, ordinary resurrection methods couldn't resurrect players on the spot. One special type of resurrection method could. However, the player resurrected through this method would suffer a higher death penalty.     

"I do!"     

Eight of the Tier 3 healers responded to Shi Feng's question.     

"Good! Go and resurrect the eight players with the highest Strength!" Shi Feng breathed out a sigh of relief when he saw how many responses he received.     

The next moment, the eight healers with Combat Resurrection resurrected eight of Skyflare's fallen members.     

"Take these spears and divide them among yourselves." After looking at the eight resurrected players, Shi Feng took out the 600-plus Thunder Spears stored in his bag. "Drink a Master Strength Potion and activate your Berserk Skills. Afterward, use everything you have to throw these spears at the Infant Dragon! It's best if you can use up all these spears before your Berserk Skills run out! Don't hold back!"     

"Yes, sir!" The eight players nodded, fully understanding Shi Feng's intentions.     

As Tier 3 melee players, they couldn't even be considered cannon fodder in front of the Tier 4 Infant Dragon. After all, if they tried moving up close to the Dragon, they would instantly die to any random roar. The only way they could contribute to the raid was by relying on external items. Only then would they have a chance of dealing damage to the Infant Dragon.     

The eight players consumed the Master Strength Potions they had prepared beforehand, which increased their Strength Attribute by 70% for three minutes. They then activated their respective Berserk Skills, further improving their Basic Attributes. In terms of Strength, the eight of them could already rival Mythic monsters of the same level.     

After seeing the Infant Dragon swing its tail, exposing its back, Shi Feng ordered, "Attack! Aim at the Dragon's injuries or the reverse scale on its back!"     

At Shi Feng's command, the eight melee players promptly threw the Thunder Spears they held with all their might.     

Whoosh… Whoosh… Whoosh…     

The next moment, eight lightning arcs cut through space and landed on the Infant Dragon's injuries and reverse scale.     


The Infant Dragon roared in pain at the attacks. Simultaneously, damages exceeding 50 million appeared above its head one after another. There was even one critical hit that dealt over 130 million damage. The eight melee players' attacks were not the slightest bit weaker than those of Lifeless Thorn and the other Tier 4 combatants; only the frequency of their attacks was slightly inferior.     

"Good! Next volley!"     

Seeing that the attacks were highly effective, Shi Feng promptly called for another attack.     

In response, the eight melee players each took out another Thunder Spear and hurled the weapons at the Infant Dragon. When the attacks connected, the Infant Dragon's HP bar finally shrank, albeit slightly.     

"As expected of the commander! We have a chance now!" Solitary Nine couldn't help growing excited when he saw the rate of the Infant Dragon's HP decrease accelerating.     

Crimson Billow, who was frantically attacking the Infant Dragon, looked toward Shi Feng in surprise despite herself.     

He still has a trump card?     

She never thought that Shi Feng could actually add eight more Tier 4 combatants to the fight. Now, with their damage output, killing the Infant Dragon within a short period was entirely possible.     

The Infant Golden Dragon's HP continuously decreased over time.     

60%… 40%… 30%…     

The speed at which the Infant Dragon lost HP was nothing like before. Only, in exchange for this boost in DPS, the supply of Thunder Spears declined rapidly. In just two minutes, the eight Tier 3 players had already used up more than 400 Thunder Spears.     

"Everyone, be careful! It's going berserk!" Shi Feng warned when he saw that the Infant Dragon's HP bar had fallen to a critical level.     

As soon as Shi Feng finished speaking, the Infant Dragon suddenly let out an angry roar. Simultaneously, the Dragon's body gave off a dazzling, golden glow, and its eyes turned bloodshot. It had evidently entered a berserk state.     

"Alright! Since Brother Black Flame has let us see his cards, let's show him ours as well!" Glancing at Fated Fern, Lionheart shouted, "Fern, it's your turn now!"     

"Leave it to me!" Fated Fern smiled. She then took out the Tier 5 Sealing Crystal from her bag and began chanting an incantation.     

Immediately, as if time had frozen, silence fell over the entire cavern. The only exception to this phenomenon was the gradually shattering crystal in Fated Fern's hand.     

Before the Infant Golden Dragon could smash its claw at Lionheart, a magic spear several hundred meters long suddenly appeared above the Infant Dragon and struck its head.     

Tier 5 Spell, Destruction Spear!     


The Infant Dragon's titanic body instantly collapsed to the ground, the impact creating a crater several dozen meters deep. The space surrounding the crater even turned into a dark void.     

The next moment, a damage value exceeding 10 billion appeared above the Infant Dragon's head. In addition, not only did the Infant Dragon's berserk state get interrupted, but the Infant Dragon was even powerless to push itself off the ground.     

The power of the Destruction Spear stupefied everyone present.     

Even Shi Feng never thought that the Sealing Crystal would hold such a powerful Spell. The Destruction Spear was just slightly inferior to the Great Demon King's attack from before.     

"Good! Everyone, attack with everything you've got!" Shi Feng shouted. Ignoring the fact that he was still in a weakened state, he activated Power of Darkness, which allowed him to move his body. He then charged straight at the incapacitated Infant Dragon.     

As for everyone else, they, too, activated their Berserk Skills at Shi Feng's command, instantly doubling their Basic Attributes.     

Damages exceeding 100 million appeared above the Infant Dragon's head one after another.     

10%… 6%… 3%…     

Just as the Infant Dragon was about to recover from its incapacitated state, Shi Feng activated Divine Providence before using his strongest trump card.     

Tier 3 Skill, Blade Awakening!     

Tier 4 Skill, Lightning Edge!     

The next moment, Shi Feng, who had entered a transcendent state, brandished the Abyssal Blade. A river of light then descended upon the Infant Golden Dragon's body.     





A series of damages exceeding 100 million appeared above the Infant Golden Dragon's head in rapid succession, the attack thoroughly plundering its remaining HP.     

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