Reincarnation Of The Strongest Sword God

Tier 4 Upper-rank

Tier 4 Upper-rank

4Chapter 2784 - Tier 4 Upper-rank      1

Antimagic Mountain Range, Deep Valley:     

At the Antimagic Mountain Range's core area, the Mana was scorching hot. Individuals without 300 points in Fire Resistance would instantly die upon entering Deep Valley. In addition, plenty of Level 140 Great Lord ranked monsters occupied this place.     

Due to the environment, native Lord ranked monsters could exert power on the level of Great Lords, while Great Lord ranked monsters could exhibit combat power at the standard of Grand Lords. Let alone players, even Tier 4 NPCs of the same level wouldn't dare come here.     

However, a black shadow was currently flying through the flame-filled magma valley with over 100 Great Lord ranked Magma Colossi on its tail.     

All of these Magma Colossi were over ten meters tall. When over a century of them ran together, their footsteps shook the valley. The commotion continuously attracted Lord ranked monsters to join in the chase.     


[Magma Colossus] (Elemental Creature, Great Lord)     

Level 140     

HP 1,950,000,000     


It seems this is the most I can attract in this area. After a glance at the Magma Colossi and Magma Golems chasing after him, Shi Feng began chanting an incantation in midair.     

He had spent over a dozen minutes luring Magma Colossi. Despite his efforts, the group grew to just a little more than 100. Even the number of Lord ranked Magma Golems only hovered around 3,000. When he tried luring more, some of the ones chasing after him would lose interest and return to their original locations.     

It was evident that the Main God System did not want to allow Tier 4 players to slaughter these low-intellect Elemental Creatures freely. Hence, the system had granted them the instinct to remain in their respective territories.     

Meanwhile, as the Magma Colossi were about to get close enough to attack Shi Feng, he completed the incantation for Flame Domain and released it.     

Originally, Flame Domain was only an AOE Offensive Spell; its range and power weren't comparable to large-scale destruction Spells. Even so, it still possessed incredible power. However, Shi Feng's Mana Domain, Mana quality, and the environment here had buffed Flame Domain to the point where it rivaled Tier 4 large-scale destruction Spells.     

Even though the Magma Colossi and Magma Golems possessed high Elemental Resistance as Elemental Creatures, in front of absolute power, their HPs still fell rapidly. The monsters lost over 16 million HP every second. Moreover, the damage even increased by 20% every second.     

By the time Flame Domain's seven-second duration ended, the Magma Golems were already in tatters; they had clearly fallen into a heavily injured state. The Magma Colossi, though, fared much better, as they had lost only around a hundred million HP and nothing else.     

If only I had a Great Wizard here! Just one Tier 4 Curse would be enough to deal with the Lord ranked rabble. Afterward, all I would have to do is focus on dealing with the Great Lords. Shi Feng felt a little frustrated as he looked at the heavily injured Magma Golems.     

He had been grinding for six consecutive days now, and he had basically wiped out the monsters in the Antimagic Mountain Range's outer and inner areas. Now, he was left with only the monsters in the core area to grind for EXP. However, the majority of the monsters here were only at the Lord rank, and they awarded him with barely any EXP when killed. Moreover, they took the most time to kill due to their numbers.     

Fortunately, he had quite a few AOE Skills at his disposal. The Seven Luminaries Ring's Flame Domain was especially helpful. Without these Skills, he would've collapsed from exhaustion just dealing with the Lord ranked Magma Golems.     

The next moment, after casting Flame Domain, Shi Feng followed up with Lightning Edge.     

This Lightning Edge was completely different from the Lightning Edge he had used in the past. When he executed the Skill now, it looked as if he had summoned a raging river in the sky, one that covered 200 yards.     

When the raging river flowed across the crowd of monsters, the weakened Magma Golems were instantly killed. The power of the Skill was not the slightest bit weaker than that of Tier 4 Skills.     

Lightning Edge was capable of exhibiting such power now because Shi Feng had already upgraded it to the limits of Tier 3. The Skill's current power was worlds apart from when it was still at Tier 1 and Tier 2.     

Of course, the amount of EXP Shi Feng had to invest in the Skill was astronomical.     

This was also why despite having grinded for six consecutive days, Shi Feng had only reached 53% of Level 138. Otherwise, he would've long since shot past Level 140.     

However, Shi Feng didn't really care about losing so many levels.     

After reaching Tier 4, levels were no longer that important to players. For Tier 4 players, reaching Level 150 or even Level 200 was a simple task. After all, they could earn EXP many times faster than Tier 3 players.     

In front of a Tier 4 player, Great Lord ranked monsters that Tier 3 players had difficulty dealing with were no different from Common monsters. They merely had more HP and took more time to kill.     

Despite this being the case, during Shi Feng's previous life, one would often see Tier 4 players stuck at around Level 130, even though Tier 3 players had reached Level 145 already.     

The reason for this was simple. After reaching Tier 4, players would no longer gain significant improvements by relying on Epic Weapons and Equipment; only Fragmented Legendary Weapons and Equipment could help.     

Meanwhile, apart from obtaining Fragmented Legendary items, one other way Tier 4 players could improve their combat power by a large margin was through Tier 4 Skills and Spells.     

Hence, after reaching Tier 4, anyone with brains would search for Tier 4 Skill and Spell Books. This was especially true for Tier 4 magical classes. A Tier 4 Spell Book was more valuable than several pieces of top-tier Epic Weapons and Equipment.     

Of course, due to the rarity of Tier 4 Skill and Spell Books, not all Tier 4 players would be lucky enough to invest their EXP into nurturing their Skills to Tier 4. Instead, most Tier 4 players would have to spend Legacy Skill Points to learn Tier 4 Legacy Skills. Such players would be fortunate to have three or four Tier 4 Skills in their arsenal.     

This was also why most independent players who reached Tier 4 would possess high levels, while the various large Guilds' Tier 4 experts would have low levels. After all, the search for Tier 4 Skill Books required a lot of manpower. They were not items that could be found easily by relying on one person's strength.     

Lightning Edge was a Tier 4 Skill Shi Feng had obtained from the Titan Library. Previously, when he was still at Tier 3, he couldn't gain EXP rapidly. Hence, he had always left the Skill at Tier 2. Now that he had reached Tier 4, he naturally couldn't continue wasting the Skill's potential.     

After all, the Titan Library was a place players could enter only three times in their entire lifetimes. In other words, players could obtain three Skill Books, at most, from there. Most of the players that had visited the Titan Library had left with Tier 4 Skill Books because the Tier 5 and Tier 6 Skill Books were not things ordinary people could obtain.     

Even now, Shi Feng was not confident he could get his hands on a Tier 5 Skill Book. After all, the higher a player's tier was, the more challenging the trial they would face inside the Titan Library.     

Back then, he had managed to reach the library's central area because he was only at Tier 2. If he had visited the Titan Library when he was at Tier 3, he might not have reached the central area. Needless to say, now that he was at Tier 4, his chances of success were even lower.     

Hence, unless he spent his Legacy Skill Points, he wouldn't be able to learn new Tier 4 Skills for the foreseeable future. This fact remained true even though he was currently in the ancient God's Domain. Even during the ancient era, Tier 4 Skill Books were not common goods.     

Following this, Shi Feng spent around 20 minutes finishing off the remaining Magma Colossi. After he defeated all of the monsters chasing him, his experience bar had gone up from 53% to 66%. Unfortunately, while these monsters awarded a lot of EXP, it would be some time before they would respawn.     

Apart from the generous EXP, the core area's monsters also awarded much more lucrative loot. Just killing this group of monsters netted Shi Feng over 500 fire-attributed Magic Crystals, 4,000 ordinary Magic Crystals, and plenty of Epic materials.     

As for the rest of the items the monsters dropped, Shi Feng simply chucked them into his bag without checking. After all, it would take him a lot of time to inspect and organize all of the loot. To earn as much EXP as possible, he decided to ignore the items for now and have other people help him inspect the loot after he returned.     

He had to admit that the benefits of reaching Tier 4 and grinding in high-level maps ahead of others were truly wonderful, especially in the ancient God's Domain. Not only did he not have to worry about competition, but he could also earn resources by the truckload. Since he started grinding in the Antimagic Mountain Range until now, he had collected over 350,000 standard Magic Crystals and 43,000 fire-attributed Magic Crystals.     

Subsequently, Shi Feng continued clearing out close to half of the Magma Colossi in the core area. His level had finally reached Level 139 as a result.     

This was a level that even the ancient era's Tier 3 experts wouldn't dream of reaching at this point.     

With this much EXP, I should be able to upgrade Lightning Edge to Tier 4. After looking at Lightning Edge's Skill Window, Shi Feng promptly chose to upgrade it to Tier 4.     

Shi Feng's level dropped from 139 to 136. The Skill had instantly devoured three levels' worth of EXP.     

What a gluttonous fellow. Thank goodness I leveled up to 139 beforehand. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be at the average level of Tier 4 players right now. Shi Feng smiled bitterly as he looked at his own level.     

If he hadn't leveled up to Level 139, Lightning Edge's upgrade would've taken at least four levels' worth of EXP, dropping him to Level 135 or lower.     

However, the benefits he gained were correspondingly massive.     

With Lightning Edge at Tier 4, the Skill would finally blossom and reveal its true power.     


[Lightning Edge] (Action-type)     

Tier 4 Upper-rank (When Skill Completion Rate reaches 120%, the Skill can exhibit power at the Tier 4 Peak-rank.)     

Channeling time: 0.2 second     

Deals 1,200% physical and 1,500% lightning damage in a cone in front of the user. Initial coverage range is 500 yards.     

Duration: 7 seconds     

Cooldown: 10 minutes     


Amazing! As expected of a Tier 4 Skill from the Titan Library! Shi Feng was astonished when he read Lightning Edge's detailed introduction. It can already exhibit power at the Tier 4 Upper-rank standard even in its normal state. If I can execute it at 120% Completion Rate, combined with the Skill's range, it is practically comparable to a Tier 4 Taboo Skill.     

As a Swordsman, most of his Skills were single-targeted—a huge limitation when fighting large numbers of monsters. However, Lightning Edge could now make up for this weakness. The only downside was the Skill's relatively long Cooldown. Even so, it would be more than enough to inflict heavy injuries on monsters and Mythic Bosses.     

Just as Shi Feng was planning to continue grinding for levels, he suddenly received a message alert.     

The sender of the message was Solitary Nine, and the message's content was simple: Everyone has left their respective Legacy Lands already.     

That's quick of them. Shi Feng smiled when he saw Solitary Nine's message. Now that I've resolved the problem of my deficient Skills and level, it's time to head back.     

He activated the Seven Luminaries Ring's Space Movement, teleporting toward Meteorite City.     

As Return Scrolls did not exist in the ancient God's Domain, players had to rely on their own two feet to travel to NPC towns and cities, which was a great inconvenience. If not for him having reached Tier 4, which granted him the ability to fly freely, and the omnipotent Seven Luminaries Ring, returning to Meteorite City would take ages.     

However, perhaps that was why the ancient era's players did not surpass the modern era's players by too much in terms of levels despite the ancient era's advantages over the modern era.     

Twenty minutes later, Shi Feng arrived before Meteorite City's entrance. Just like before, he could still see a ton of people coming and going.     

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