Release That Witch

The Road to Development

The Road to Development

1Sipping some tea, Roland said, "In addition, I plan to carry out basic education in Longsong Stronghold. It's a test of whether you can continue to manage the stronghold."      1

Petrov paid very serious attention when he heard the word 'test'. He asked, "Basic education?"     

"Yes." Roland nodded with a smile. Now that the local church was destroyed and the high priest killed, the church's power had been weakened by more than half. It was a good time to fight for the superior ideological position. He did not expect that all believers could be transformed into potentially qualified workers. It was fine as long as they could further eliminate influence from the church. If Holy City wanted to once again encroach on Longsong Stronghold, he had numerous ways to shut them out, let alone allowing them to build new churches.     

"Basic education should be available for all the residents in Longsong Stronghold under the age of 40, regardless of gender. The content includes reading, writing, simple calculation, natural knowledge, and ideological education." Roland waved his hand, stopping Petrov's questions. "Don't worry. The cost will be deducted from the tax paid to Border Town. From this month, you only need to pay 20% of the taxes and the remaining should be regarded as the cost of education. You can recruit several scholars from the king's city, or hire local knight squires and sorehead nobles, but these people wouldn't spend much money. 10% of the tax is at least 1,000 gold royals. What you have to do is far more than that."     

Petrov considered this momentarily. "Your Highness, do you mean this money can be used to encourage the residents to receive an education?"     

This guy was really smart, Roland mused. He laughed and said, "Yes. Except for children, most people have to make a living during the day, so their education should start at night. But after a busy day when they can finally rest, no one would like to listen to some other people nagging or doing any learning that consumes brain power."     

"So you can use your ways to encourage them to learn, like providing dinner with meat or giving monetary rewards to those who do well in their studies. Of course, a bright and spacious classroom is also essential." Roland paused and continued, "In short, you must spare no effort to turn this plan into reality for everyone in Longsong Stronghold. As what I told you earlier, it's also a test for you. A year later, I want more than half the people in Longsong Stronghold to be literate."     

"But Your Highness..." said Petrov hesitantly, "whether it's the scholars or the nobles, they don't have the teaching experience necessary to spread literacy, let alone popularizing natural knowledge and ideological education." He read the few strange words. "In fact, not even I understand any of the stuff. If we let these people teach, I'm afraid that you can't achieve your goal."     

"I've taken it into account," said Roland, "don't worry. I'll send a number of City Hall officials to assist you in implementing this work. Border Town will provide all the books necessary for the education here. The officials are experienced, so they can train the staff before starting their teaching work. You'll understand after talking to them. They can handle all the specific matters."     

The prince thought that as long as Petrov wanted to continue his control over Longsong Stronghold, he would surely need the staff. This way, news from Longsong Stronghold could be delivered to Border Town at once by the officials from the Ministry of Education.     

Noticing no objections from Petrov, he continued, "There's a third thing. I plan to build a road between Longsong Stronghold and Border Town, to shorten the traveling time for pedestrians and caravans."     

"Your Highness, isn't there already a road?" said Petrov, confused.     

Roland shook his head. How could they call a muddy trail carved out from people's stamping a proper road? It was less than two meters wide and was full of muddy potholes on rainy days. It was completely unsuitable for high-speed carriages. "The road I want to build can support at least two carriages side by side. I need the road to be flat and straight. I don't want there to be pounding even on rainy days, just like the streets of Border Town."     

"Do you mean a gravel road?" This temporary mayor looked surprised. "It's not cheap to build such a road. We need the masons to dig the gravel and pick out the right-sized stones that can be used together. If we build a gravel road to Border Town, we'll be spending at least 5,000 gold royals. Your Highness, to be honest, I'm afraid we can't get so much money if we don't raise taxes in Longsong Stronghold."     

"The Longsong Stronghold only needs to provide the manpower," Prince said frankly, "post a recruitment notice in every domain in the Western Region, including Longsong Stronghold and the domains of the major families. Pay the workers with a salary of six silver royals per month. The construction period is one year. I believe many will sign up."     

"It's pretty a high salary for a handyman to earn six silver royals." Petrov nodded. "How many people do you need?"     

"At least 2,000," Roland replied.     

The monthly cost of hiring handymen would be large. In addition to that, they still have to pay for the masons. From the perspective of other people, it was a steep cost. Few lords would be willing to spend their money to build these things without any rewards. This could be seen from Petrov's facial expression. But the people of Border Town could now sell steam engines. Their income and expenditure could be basically balanced. Roland did not plan to leave his gold royals in warehouses. There was a saying that if you wanted to be rich, build the road first. Pouring his remaining money into infrastructure was undoubtedly the best choice.     

The construction of a high-quality road connecting the stronghold and Border Town was of great significance. Not only could it facilitate future businesses and connections between the two places, but it could also be the base for the rapid deployment of the corps platoon. If they did not have a proper transportation route, it would take them at least three days even if they received the news of Longsong Stronghold being attacked. The enemy's flag would be flying from top of the city wall by then.     

"I see," said Petrov.     

"That's what you have to do now. I'll immediately return to Border Town. Do a good job, my 'representative'. Don't let me down."     

'Your Highness, how should we deal with those who're imprisoned?" Petrov asked just as Roland was about to leave.     

It was the first time when Rolland did not answer immediately. He was silent for a moment. "Keep them. They won't live long."     


Boarding the Littletown, the prince embarked on his way home.     

'You seem to be in a bad mood." Nightingale appeared beside him. "Is it because of those civilians?"     

"They were all forced by Timothy." Roland sighed. "If they didn't take those pills and get manipulated, they wouldn't be his accomplices and die in a foreign land."     

"It's not your fault." Nightingale reached out to hold his arm.     

"Of course not," said Roland, without any hesitation. "If I didn't stop them, the town will be Timothy's victim in his pursuit of power. And of course, the main culprit is the church that produced the pills."     

"You'll destroy the Church and end the dispute, so people no longer have to kill each other for such unnecessary reasons, right?" Nightingale smiled. "Whether it's the ordinary people or witches, we can all live happily under your rule."     

Roland looked into her shiny eyes and nodded. "I promise."     

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