Release That Witch



3Leaf would have never thought that she would have the opportunity to set foot in this real-world town. She could see many people hustling and bustling about.     

The cluster of brick bungalows unlocked old memories that came to her as she neared the boundary of Border Town. She had fled to the Impassable Mountain Range less than half a year ago, but the scene in front of her made her feel as if she were in a strange new world.     

The Months of Demons had just ended. The people had just lived through the winter lacking in food and clothes, and they should have been in bad mental and physical shape. Leaf remembered that the Witch Cooperation Association had once passed by the slum of Silver City, and it had been awash with dead bodies. Those who were still alive appeared to be like the dead, with numb faces and awkward movements.     

To her surprise, the people she saw here were full of energy. Some were airing dried fish in front of their doors, and some were repairing damaged tiles on their roofs. Many virile men were talking happily and moving towards the north of the town with hoes and hammers on their backs. Under such circumstances, Leaf would pull her cap brim down over her eyes and try not to look them.     

As the castle was located on the hillside in the southwest corner of the town, it was very easy to find. There were no plants camouflaging it, so it would be difficult to sneak into the castle. She considered hiding in a tree trunk to avoid her enemies. However, it would draw attention if the trees were to suddenly grow and send her in.     

She was not skilled at the art of invisibility. After thinking it over, Leaf decided to walk into the castle above rather than hiding herself from place to place.     

If she were to walk directly into the castle, she would still be safe as long as Nightingale had told the truth.     

Even if Nightingale had lied to her and the other witches in the Witch Cooperation Association, she felt confident that she could escape the chase of the two guards defending the gate.     

Of course, it would be worse because that would mean that Nightingale had betrayed all the witches, and worked for the prince by capturing her partners. If this was the case, it was likely that she would die here. As one of the most excellent combat witches, few people could escape from Nightingale. Even the formidable Cara had no confidence to defeat Nightingale.     

Anyhow, Leaf had prepared for the worst. Scroll would take over her position as supervisor and lead the rest of the witches to move on. No one knew where they would go or where their homes would be.     

She walked slowly to the hillside and got close to the gate of the castle. The guards soon noticed her. "This is the palace of the prince. Don't approach. Stand back!" They shouted. After pausing a moment, they added, "If you have something urgent to report, please walk along the road and turn left at the City Hall. You'll be received by the people there."     

Leaf took a deep breath and took off her cap. As expected, she saw a look of surprise on their faces. "I'm a witch," she said bluntly, without waiting for them to realize this.     

She was prepared to fight against the guards the moment she revealed her identity. However, the guards just looked at each other, and no disgust, which was commonly seen in the common people's eyes at the hearing of witches, was on their faces. One of the guards even asked Leaf with great interest, "Can I help you, witch?"     

Such reaction really shocked Leaf. She repressed the outburst of excitement and said as calmly as she could, "I want to meet with Nightingale. Or, Anna and Nana would be okay too."     

In Nightingale's tales, witches were regulars in the castle. His Highness did not restrain the freedom of the witches, and the guards defending the castle did not discourage them from entry at the behest of Prince Roland. If what Nightingale said was true, it would be impossible that the guards did not know about them.     

The guard, who had queried Leaf, clapped the shoulder of his partner and said, "You keep an eye on her, and I'll go to inform His Highness."     

Leaf saw him walk into the gate and vanish from sight.     

She wondered what would be waiting for her. Her sisters' greeting? Besieging from the guards? Or a backstage fight?     

She fell into self-contradiction. She wanted to believe Nightingale, but the closer she came to the truth, the more she was afraid that Nightingale would disappoint her. "Is it possible that Nightingale has changed her name here? Or Anna and Nana are just concocted names? Or..."     

She waited for her fate quietly. She had never felt time go by so slowly. It felt as if she were waiting for centuries.     

She was not sure how much time had passed when she heard Nightingale's voice. She thought there was something wrong with her ears.     

A familiar figure appeared from the doorway. It was Nightingale who rushed to embrace her and then took her into her warm arms.     

"Welcome home, Leaf!" said Nightingale.     


"These're my spare clothes, and you can wear them," Nightingale said, rummaging through her closet. "Here's a coat, shoes... Yes, you also need a night-robe and bath towel," she added.     

"Don't get so excited. She'll get settled when His Highness wakes up," Wendy said with a smile and shook her head.     

Leaf was deeply touched at the sight of Nightingale helping her to settle in. She sniffed and wiped at the tears that flowed out. She was afraid that she could not help crying once she spoke.     

Nightingale had not lied to her. There really was a prince who was kind to witches.     

"How about taking a hot shower? You must feel tired. It's a really long distance from the camp to the castle. His Highness is taking a nap. He'll be glad to see you when he wakes up. Have you found Holy Mountain? How about the other sisters?" Nightingale asked. She put the bath towel and other clothes around Leaf.     

Tears blurred Leaves' vision after this battery of questions. She could not help sobbing in Nightingale's arms to release the sadness burning deep within her heart.     

Leaf did not calm down until her tears had soaked Nightingale's clothes.     

Then, she told of their experiences after the three witches had left the Witch Cooperation Association. She could feel Nightingale clenching her fists when she heard about many witches dying in Barbarian Land.     

"I didn't expect Cara to bring the Witch Cooperation Association into an impasse. Only seven sisters survived among the 42 witches? I'm to blame for the matter. If I had stood firmly at Nightingale's side, they might still be..." said Wendy after Leaf told the whole experiences of the witches, with an extremely sad and serious look.     

"You're not to blame. No one could foresee the future, what's important now is what to do next," said Nightingale sadly. She looked at Leaves and asked, "Six sisters survived? Where are they?"     

"They're waiting for my message at the entrance to the canyon. We've made a plan that Scroll would lead them to leave for the southern horn or go across the straits if I weren’t be able to return."     

"We should take them back right now. I'm on my way. Wendy, please, take care of Leaf," said Nightingale.     

"But, what'll you do if they don't believe you? You should go with Leaf and Lightning, she's practicing flying in the western part of the town. You can ride on horses, so the sisters walk less." Wendy suggested carefully.     

"But isn't the prince sleeping? Shouldn't you ask him?" Leaf asked with confusion.     

"Take it easy! His Highness will be happier if he knows." Nightingale assured her.     

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