Release That Witch

The Celebration (Part I)

The Celebration (Part I)

2For Border Town, this year was different from previous years.      3

In the past, after the Months of Demons ended, the refugees had to wait in the slum of Longsong Stronghold for one more month, until the snow had melted completely, before they could return to their home. What awaited them in Border Town was a mess. The houses that had been unattended for months would be in ruins. Sometimes fragile cabins would collapse from heavy snow. Demonic beasts often lingered in houses. Cabinets and tables had been bitten and broken into parts, and the pallets and rags had been moved to fill in the corners. Apparently, they used these shelters as their lairs. House owners had to spend a week repairing their houses and changing their mildewed furniture. And the rotten stench always lingered in the air. The residents had grown accustomed to it.     

This year, however, Border Town was renewed. After quickly cleaning the snow, people started to hang colorful paper flags on their doors. These had been granted by His Highness. From afar, with the flags of various colors mixed together, the dull and shabby, little town became vibrant, like a sea of flowers. All the people went around spreading the news that on the first day after the end of the Months of Demons, His Highness would hold a grand celebration party in the square! Everyone was allowed to attend it for free! It was told that there would also be a free meal!     

A party? In the past, these were only for the noble to attend. Most people simply heard about them from the knowledgeable businessmen who came from big cities. But even the experienced businessmen were not allowed to attend a party, and money could not buy them a ticket. Yet, to everyone's surprise, His Highness was allowing all of them to attend.     

"Your Highness, I'm afraid this is not a good idea." Chief Knight Carter tried to change his mind. "Without a band or a lead dancer, who'll control the pace of the party? Besides, in a remote place like this, the noble won't even dance. Your subjects will ruin everything."     

Carter had only been to one party in the capital, which had been held by a marquis for his daughter's birthday. The sounds of elegant strings and passionate drums had interlaced. Ladies had danced to melodious music while men drums, their steps fast and vigorous, and with rotating and tapping they combined the movements and the rhythm of drums. During the break, attendants would serve drinks and desserts among the people. Men looked for lovers and when the last song was played, they plucked up the courage to ask the object of their admiration for a dance. The one who won a lady's heart would continue his romantic night.     

Carter sighed. Though he had not won over the admired girl at the time, the elegant, romantic atmosphere of the party still left an impression on his mind. Now the prince intended to replace the graceful noble with peasants who dealt with stones and beasts every day? Goodness, he dared not imagine it.     

"The lead dancers? We have them." Roland had commanded the Militia to remove the stone sculpture and gallows in the square. "They're Iron Axe and the Militia."     

"The man from Sand Nation?" Carter asked in shock. He had accepted Iron Axe, who as the Captain of the Flintlock Squad, had performed very well during the Months of Demons, and did not call Iron Axe's foreign title anymore. Yet this did not change what Iron Axe was. How could a man from the Mojin Clan understand the manners of the kingdom?     

Roland laughed secretly. "This is not a usual party. You'll understand when you see it."     

There was not much preparation needed, except removing the obstacles in the square and piling up the firewood in the center for a barbecue. Yes, this was Roland's idea of a celebration party, a bonfire party and outdoor barbecue.     

Roland had been thinking about how to improve his people's identification with the place they lived. For the uneducated peasants who had spent their whole life serving their lords, the concept of nationalism was too deep to understand. What they really cared about was their properties and families. The further they fell behind, the more shortsighted they were. This was the law of developing civilization. It was written, "Civilization will eventually become as big as its mind." And Roland could not agree more.     

However, it did not mean that he should ignore constructing community spirit, and a victory celebration was the best way. He did not understand why there was currently no celebratory party after the end of the Months of Demons. The invasion of demonic beasts was like an annual natural disaster. There was no doubt that defeating the demons deserved to be written a great deal about.     

Therefore, he decided to name the first day after the Months of Demons Victory Day. On that day, all the people in his land would rest, and all kinds of celebrations would be held. Once this celebration was held for three or four years, it would become a tradition and pass on to future generations. As time went on, his subjects would recognize the difference between themselves and those people who were under other lords' governance.     

Though it was not yet noon, the square was filled with people. The members of the Militia stood in a circle keeping everyone away from the pile of firewood.     

It seemed to Roland that free food had a strong appeal to the residents. At least half of the town had attended the party. Everything was perfect, except that the square was a little too small. Apart from the clearing for the firewood, the rest of the square was barely enough to include a thousand people, who stood nearly shoulder to shoulder and had difficulty moving around. He noticed some children had climbed up to the nearest roof to have a better view of the center of the square.     

To Roland, it was acceptable for his first celebration party to have some defects. When the time came, he walked on stage to give his speech.     

This was his second speech in the square, and he was much more composed this time.     

"Good afternoon, my people. I'm Prince Roland Wimbledon of Kingdom of Graycastle." He started the same as he had with his last speech, but this time it produced a totally different result. People greeted his opening with enthusiastic cheers. "Long live Prince Roland!" "Long live Your Highness!"     

Roland was touched by the cheers. The spontaneous cheers were from the Militia and the crowds, not from the plants like he had arranged during the first speech. A sense of achievement and contentment filled his heart.     

When the cheers faded, he pressed his hands down to silence the audience. "The Months of Demons have ended. The Militia fought hard and bravely to keep the demonic beasts away from the city wall. We've achieved victory in the battle against the fearful enemies at a very low price. It proves that if only we pull together, we could live well, independent from Longsong Stronghold, who intended to threaten us with food and force us to yield to hunger and cold. The victory of today has told them that their schemes have failed and all that they've planned is a futile effort.     

"Exactly. I don't want to go back there anymore!"     

"We'll never suffer hunger again if we follow our prince."     

"His Highness has mercy! Finally, we don't have to put up with their extortion."     

While everyone was in an ebullient mood, Roland continued his speech. "Let us celebrate this glorious and honorable triumph. This is a day to remember! I hereby proclaim that from this day forward, the first day after the end of the Months of Demons will be named 'Victory Day'! This is the reason for our celebration! Enjoy it, my people! Now, let the party begin!     

A torch was tossed into the pile of firewood that had already been daubed with oil. The fire boomed and soared high, lighting the atmosphere of the whole square instantly.     

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