Super Gene

Bully Annie

Bully Annie

1"What do you want?" Annie thought Han Sen wanted her to suppress her strength to fight him.      2

Annie did not mind that. Even if she had to lower her strength, she believed she could beat Han Sen completely.     

"Let's go to the training room," Han Sen said and walked toward the training room.     

"Now is not the time," Annie said coldly, not moving.     

"What? Are you afraid?" Han Sen looked at her skeptically.     

Annie ignored it and said, "I still have to work. I will see you at the training room in three hours."     

"Okay, I will wait for you." Han Sen appreciated this quality about her very much. She was indeed a good soldier, loyal to her duties.     

Han Sen returned to his room and caught the unicorn beetle which was roaming around everywhere. It wasn't eating or drinking, but it still didn't starve.     

Han Sen had tried to feed it different things, but it was not interested in any food. Han Sen wondered how it kept itself alive.     

At the agreed time, when Han Sen reached the training room, he saw that Annie had changed from her uniform into a white combat suit.     

"Let's begin," she said coldly, seeing Han Sen coming in.     

"What do you want?" Han Sen stood outside and did not enter.     

"Don't you want me to suppress my strength to fight you? Are you afraid now?" Annie said with contempt.     

"Sister, when have I said that? I am no idiot. Even if you suppress your own strength, your eyesight and reflexes are not something that can be reduced. I am not foolish, so why would I ask for that?" Han Sen curled his lips.     

"Then what do you want?" Annie frowned.     

"We have both learned military boxing, right?" Han Sen said.     

"What if I have?" Annie asked.     

"If you have learned it, that's easy. Let's do it the civilized way. I name a move and then you can name a move. We will both use the techniques from voter boxing only. Is that fair?" Han Sen said.     

"The way of combat is focused on reflex and flexibility. If we are talking about the moves, how can we decide who is the winner? Moving lips is no fun," said Annie frowning.     

"Just tell me if you dare to do it. If you do not, you can leave now and stay out of my way in the future," Han Sen said contemptuously.     

"Okay, I will see what tricks you have up your sleeves." Annie did not believe that Han Sen could beat her in military boxing.     

"Ladies first. You go." Han Sen felt relaxed, as he was fully confident.     

Talking about the moves, he would definitely win. All other elements were ruled out and only the moves matter. It was like playing checkers. The pieces were the same, so only strategy mattered.     

The strategy was key, and it was also what Han Sen was good at. Strength, speed, and reflexes were less important.     

Although Annie was a surpasser, a civilized fight like this one wiped clean all her advantages. On the other hand, Han Sen who was good at calculation had an advantage.     

"Head punch!" Annie thought about it and said a move of attack.     

"Sideways punches, left of your ribs," Han Sen answered quickly.     

"Backward elbow, turning to the left to attack your neck." Annie felt slightly uncomfortable. She had never tried to make the move mentally and had to think for a while before she said anything.     

The two of them exchanged thirty moves and then Annie felt something was wrong. She found herself trapped in a dangerous situation.     

Although the moves were all the same, Annie suddenly found it hard to attack. When fourteen moves were exchanged, she could no longer think of a way to dodge Han Sen's attacks.     

"You lost," Han Sen said contentedly.     

"This is just talking. If it were a real fight, you could never have done that," Annie said, unwilling to accept her failure.     

"That is okay. We can act out what we just said. However, this time, neither of us shall use force. We will just act out what we said," Han Sen said, walking up to Annie.     

"Okay." Annie did not believe that.     

However, when they sparred like Han Sen had suggested, Annie did not have anywhere to dodge when it came to the 39th move. Unless she used speed and strength beyond Han Sen's capabilities, she would lose for sure.     

"How about that? Are you convinced?" Han Sen said, glancing at Annie.     

"This is the first time that I have done this. You're all talk, anyway; I'm not." Annie was not convinced. She didn't believe that she could be inferior to Han Sen.     

"That's fine. We can do it again. I will beat you until you are convinced," Han Sen said, curling his lips.     

"Okay, but we will both speak and act out this time." Annie thought she had lost to Han Sen because she wasn't good at imagination.     

"Okay," Han Sen said, smiling. Acting out the moves wasn't the important part. Even if no strength was involved, Annie still wouldn't be inferior to him.     

After all, everyone had a specialty, and Han Sen's was calculation. Annie seemed to be the type that was good at violent action.     

The fight began again. However, the result was no different than the last time. This time, she lost even faster. She could no longer continue after the 35th move.     

"Are you convinced?" Han Sen asked again.     

"No…" Annie bit her lips, unable to accept the fact that she was inferior to Han Sen. There was no way that a man who lived off a woman was more than her match.     

"Then let's do it again," Han Sen said, grinning. Annie had gone looking for trouble, so he had no reason not to give it to her.     

Annie was stubborn. They fought more than thirty times and she didn't win even once. Lost, lost, and lost—she didn't even make it to the fortieth move once.     

Although she didn't use strength and her energy wasn't consumed, her forehead became pale and sweaty. She didn't understand why she would lose to Han Sen again and again using the same moves only in different order, not to mention in such a miserable way. Initially, she thought as long as she was familiar with this way of fighting, she could turn the situation around. All her previous losses were just because she was not used to it. However, the facts were cruel. No matter how well she knew the way of fighting well, she lost equally.     

Annie found that she was weak in front of Han Sen just based on the moves of martial arts. This man who she despised seemed to be exceptionally good in this regard. Now Annie understood that she was no match for Han Sen in this respect.     

"Do we need to continue?" Han Sen smiled at Annie.     

"It is no wonder that you want to, because you have studied these trivial matters. However, if it were a real fight, there is no way you could beat me." Annie knew that she had lost, but she wouldn't admit it.     

"Then let's fight for real," Han Sen said abruptly.     

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