Super Gene

Stealing the Spirit

Stealing the Spirit

4In front of the group of porcupines, a nine foot tall giant covered in black iron armor and riding a huge boar charged into the army of humans. It held a tower shield in one hand and a double axe in the other. There was no one among the humans who could do anything to the giant.      3

A human evolver who looked quite fit and should have a fitness over a hundred was slashing a long broadsword at the giant. However, all the strikes were blocked by the tower shield, leaving the giant warrior unscathed.     

No one could stop the rampaging boar or the double axe in the giant's hand.     

Han Sen took a look at it and felt surprised. This seemed to be an aristocrat shelter, so the giant warrior should be an aristocrat spirit, the equivalent of a mutant creature.     

However, the defense of his armor and shield was so good that even the human evolver with more than a hundred in fitness index couldn't break his shield, which was astonishing.     

Coupled with the spikes coming from the porcupines, the humans could not go inside the shelter at all. Nor did they have any opportunity to destroy the spirit stone of the giant warrior.     

"What a nice meat shield spirit! I will not miss it." Han Sen was very motivated. That spirit was very strong and muscular. Together with the tower shield and armor, he had incredible defense. Although he was just an aristocrat spirit, he was no worse than some royal spirits in terms of defense.     

If he could get this spirit, it would be much easier for him to kill creatures in the future.     

Han Sen summoned the golden armor and rushed out of the ocean. He went directly towards the spirit shelter. There was no use in killing the spirit. He needed to grab the spirit stone as soon as possible.     

The injuries were heavy in the human army. As they were trying to decide whether they should retreat, they suddenly saw a golden figure rushing toward the spirit shelter at an incredible speed.     

The group of porcupines bristled and shot spikes at the golden figure. A rain of spikes flew toward him.     

Many people were nervous as they watched. They had suffered a lot from the spikes and knew how good they were. Even mutant armor could not fully block their penetration.     

There were at least a thousand spikes shooting at the golden figure. The man would very likely be killed in the end.     

However, the golden figure did not stop at all and rushed through the spikes. The spikes hit him like a storm, banging loudly into the armor. All the spikes that touched the golden figure were flicked away or broken, yet the golden figure was not hurt at all. He was still charging toward the spirit shelter at a high speed.     

Round after round of spikes failed to stop the golden figure, or even make him hesitate. The golden figure soon went into the porcupines. A second passed, and he had already killed several porcupines.     

The porcupines guarding the shelter suddenly became a mess, while the golden figure rushed into the spirit shelter.     

Everything happened so fast. When the golden figure disappeared into the shelter, the army of humans then realized what had happened. While the porcupines were still disorganized, the humans started to charge with all they had.     

The giant warrior spirit saw him entering the spirit shelter and became astonished. Riding on the giant boar, he ran into the shelter. Without the help of the giant warrior, the disorganized porcupines became even weaker in front of the army of humans. Shortly, humans had entered the shelter.     

Inside the shelter, they saw creature bodies lying everywhere. The golden figure rushed nonstop through the shelter. Even groups of creatures couldn't slow him down. Despite not having a weapon, he killed every creature in front of him and entered the most magnificent hall in the castle.     

The spirit warrior riding the boar chased after him like crazy, but it was too late. When the spirit warrior came to the hall, the golden figure was already walking out of the hall, with a glowing gem in his hand.     


When the spirit warrior came to the golden figure, it did not launch a suicidal attack toward the man as people expected. Surprisingly, it knelt in front of the golden figure.     

"Mad Shield is willing to give his master the purest soul, follow his master all his life, and never betray his master."     

Everyone felt astonished, seeing this incredible scene. It was so rare that a spirit would offer its allegiance. In addition, one had to beat the spirit before the spirit offered its allegiance.     

However, the golden figure did not even fight the spirit warrior, yet the spirit gave its allegiance already. The chance that this would happen was probably less than one in ten thousand.     

Seeing the golden figure placing the spirit stone on the forehead of the spirit, people were almost blinded by the strong light of the stone. Then, both the spirit and spirit stone disappeared. Obviously, they had been taken back by their master.     

After the spirit was gone, the creatures in the shelter became a mess. The giant boar which was the spirit's mount roared and charged the golden figure. However, the golden figure did not try to dodge at all.     

The moment when the giant boar came close to his face, his fist covered in golden armor hit the boar.     

Facing the giant creature that had rushed towards him like an armored vehicle, the golden figure simply pulled back his fist casually, while the giant boar suddenly had blood coming out of all the holes in its body. It died at the feet of the golden figure.     

"Strong, he's too strong…" Everybody gasped. Just now, when they were fighting outside, the humans had seen how strong the giant mount was. Even evolvers with a fitness index of more than a hundred could not face it head on. However, the creature was killed by the golden figure with one strike.     

"Dollar, he must be Dollar. Dollar is among us…" Someone suddenly exclaimed. The people listening felt a chill.     

"Yes, the golden armor, the invincible attitude, who else could it be other than Dollar?"     

"Dammit! It turns out Dollar is here."     

"Dollar is simply invincible, even in Second God's Sanctuary."     

"Dollar, I love you."     

"With Dollar here, we will never be afraid of the creatures."     

"That punch was so bad*ss."     


Han Sen did not stay after killing the boar. He jumped to the top of the palace and quickly left the shelter. He was basically stealing the other people's spirit, and he felt too ashamed to stay.     

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