Super Gene

Hope in Despair

Hope in Despair

0It was almost impossible to see such bloody battles in First God's Sanctuary, so it would be hard for someone who had never experienced this to imagine the terrifying scenario of creatures attacking a shelter.     

Even Han Sen, who had witnessed lots of deaths, could not help shivering.     

All he needed right now was a strong bow and arrow. If he had them, he could shoot the royal spirit dead right away, which would lead the creatures to disband.     

However, he did not have any weapon he could use, let alone a bow and arrow.     

Thinking of weapons, Han Sen immediately took a look at his mind, which was his Sea of Soul. His newly gained Ghost-Pawed Ferret beast soul was lying there.     

Han Sen took a look at the Ghost-Pawed Ferret and became excited.     

Type of beast soul of sacred-blood Ghost-Pawed Ferret: weapon.     

His thoughts changed, and the weapon of the beast soul immediately appeared on his hand. Three purple claws, each about a foot long, suddenly appeared on Han Sen's right hand, gleaming with poison. It looked somewhat like the adamantium claws of Wolverine in X-Men.     

With these claws, Han Sen suddenly felt he had an opportunity. Approaching the battlefield, he observed the situation quietly.     

Lots of creatures were guarding the royal spirit, so he probably only had one opportunity if he wanted to launch a sneak attack on the royal spirit. Any tiny mistake would render his efforts pointless. No matter how fast Han Sen wanted to kill her, he had to first carefully examine the battlefield with patience, and calculate all the possibilities.     

Guan Tong rushed back to the shelter. However, as she stood atop the walls, she felt helpless watching the creatures attack the shelter like floods.     

Everyone guarding the shelter felt hopeless too. The creatures were endless, as if they could never be wiped out. Many people were already weary from the killing, but the creatures threw themselves at the humans nonstop.     


The creature taller than even the wall finally managed to break the wall open, and a large number of creatures rushed to enter.     

The people guarding the shelter became desperate and pale. Without the structure protecting them, it would be even harder for them to defend themselves from the creatures. It was almost certain that Starwheel Shelter would fall.     

"Retreat. Everyone teleport out of God's Sanctuary immediately," commanded Li Xinglun loudly as he fought the four sacred-blood creatures. Wielding his long sword with sudden ferocity, he moved forward and killed dozens of creatures in his path.     

Although no one was willing to give up on the shelter, they did not have any choice. It might be hard for them to teleport back to God's Sanctuary in the future, but survival was the first priority.     

People started to retreat from the shelter in an organized manner. They did not form a mob, which showed that their leader had done a good job.     

However, faced with the absolute strength of their enemy, no one had any solutions. The army of the royal spirit was so much stronger than them that no matter how strong Li Xinglun was, fighting four sacred-blood creatures and killing endless mutant and primitive creatures, he could not save the day.     

Helplessness, reluctance, anger, and depression—dark emotions weighed heavy on the hearts of every single person in Starwheel Shelter. People did not even want to speak. They slowly retreated to the teleport device inside the shelter, speechless. Even the evolvers who were in charge of protecting their retreat could not make a sound in the fight, as if their throats were closed.     

Speechless retreat. It was an ending that no one was willing to accept. Retreat meant failure, maybe even losing the shelter forever. After the shelter was occupied, unless someone else came to wipe out all the creatures in Starwheel Shelter, they would be committing suicide if they teleported back.     

"Kill!" Li Xinglun was gleaming like a piece of jade. His longsword danced like the wind, protecting half of the wall from the creatures, buying the others more time to retreat.     

Suddenly, a figure rushed quickly out from the foot of the mountain near the silver-haired spirit, giving rise to roars among the army of creatures she was hiding behind.     

"Someone is there?" Someone noticed the strange turbulence among the creatures and glanced that way. They saw a man throwing himself at the royal spirit in the back.     

"Ah! There is really a person there. How come he went there? That place is filled with creatures led by the spirit. Is he trying to get himself killed?"     

"Idiot, he is trying to kill the royal spirit."     

"How is that even possible? She holds control of the sacred-blood snake, and has thousands of other creatures guarding her. It would be impossible to approach her."     

"Possible or not, he has balls for going there. I admire him."     

People who had been feeling depressed couldn't help crying out loud, wishing they were right there with him.     

In a moment, that person had already rushed into the thousands of creatures surrounding the spirit, going towards her.     

Everyone's heart leapt. Even those who were retreating couldn't help slowing down. Although they did not believe there would be a miracle, they could not help wishing for one.     

"It is him!" Guan Tong said as she saw who it was. The man throwing himself at the royal spirit was the man she had saved from the snow.     

The shelter's inhabitants watched Han Sen enter the group of creatures with complex feelings.     

The moment Han Sen threw himself at the royal spirit, the silver-haired spirit had a strange look in her eyes. She waved the staff, and all of a sudden, the sacred-blood creatures attacking the shelter turned to attack Han Sen.     

"Stop them. We cannot let them go back." When he saw Han Sen risking his life, Li Xinglun became determined. He stopped the two-headed bird with his sword and then, like a madman, stood in the way of the other sacred-blood creatures that were going back.     

At Li Xinglun's command, the evolvers who were giving up on the shelter immediately joined the fight without even thinking. The other two strong evolvers went back to fighting the two sacred-blood creatures that were about to turn back.     


Li Xinglun took a hit from the unicorn beast with his bronze sword and fell, leaving a long furrow on the ground. However, he was still holding his sword tight, as blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.     

It was fine for him to battle four sacred-blood creatures when he was able to move around. At this point, he had to stand in their way and take all their attacks head on, and he could not bear it no matter how strong he was.     

"Whoever you are, kill the spirit for me please." Spitting blood, Li Xinglun slashed his sword to stop the red serpent that was trying to go back. On the other side, Han Sen was already deep in the sea of creatures.     

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