Ancient Godly Monarch

Holy Maiden of the Blackmetal Emperor Sect

Holy Maiden of the Blackmetal Emperor Sect

0The Eastern Tomb Immortal City was a grand city in the Central Regions. Although this place had no peak powers, it still had several emperor-ranked powers within.     

Also, the Eastern Tomb Immortal City wasn't under the control of any power in the Central Regions. They need not answer to any of the peak powers, the emperor-ranked powers here were the kings.     

From the jade map, Qin Wentian could see that the Eastern Tomb Immortal City was heavily marked out, with a lot of information written on the map. From ancient times, the entirety of the Eastern Tomb Immortal City can be considered an extremely strong power among the peak powers of the Central Regions. There were once supremely strong experts who left traces of their Dao in the city. The power those supreme experts formed was known as the Eastern Tomb Holy Temple. It ruled over several other areas and was extremely mighty.     

However, as time passed by, the Eastern Tomb Holy Temple slowly disintegrated. This caused the overall power level of the Eastern Tomb Immortal City to weaken a lot. Ever since then, the city was no longer considered among the peak powers but because of its long and glorious history, this immortal city was still considered one of the grand cities of the Central Regions.     

In the eastern area of the Eastern Tomb Immortal City, the ruins of the Eastern Tomb Holy Temple still existed. It was rumored that there are many wondrous things within, and there's a possibility that the ruins might be opened to the public.     

There were also rumors saying that the current emperor-ranked powers of the city were all created by the descendants of the Eastern Tomb Holy Temple of the past. They still stationed themselves here, waiting for the ruins to open up, so as to regain their glory of the past era.     

The Blackmetal Emperor Sect is located within the Eastern Tomb Holy Temple, and was one of the emperor-ranked powers here. They were famed for weapon creation and have a very long history. In fact, there were many peak powers of the central regions who wanted to take the Blackmetal Emperor Sect under their control, making the Blackmetal Emperor Sect the sole supplier of their divine weapons, but none had ever succeeded. Despite so, the Blackmetal Emperor Sect still maintained good relationships with the peak powers, and if there were disciples from the peak powers coming to them to request the creation of divine weapons, the Blackmetal Emperor Sect would definitely agree to the order. By maintaining this unique relationship of balance and serving all peak powers equally, they managed to survive and didn't end up being swallowed as a part of a singular peak power of the central regions.     

At this moment, outside the Blackmetal Emperor Sect, Qin Wentian and the young man he met in the forest regions of the demon emperor's empire earlier, have finally arrived here. Staring at this ancient and majestic sect that seemed akin to a small city by itself, Qin Wentian felt some awe in his heart.     

"The Blackmetal Emperor Sect. Just the gate to the sect itself is made up of extraordinary weapon forging materials. Truly impressive to the extreme." Qin Wentian praised in a low voice.     

"Brother Qin is praising us too much. Powerful formations of divine inscriptions can be found everywhere within, strengthening the sect. Many of the buildings by themselves, can also be considered divine weapons. If enemies were to attack us, the buildings can directly unleash attacks." The young man smiled. His name was Feng Zhu and was also a weaponsmith. However, he placed more effort in his cultivation and his attainments in the field of weaponsmithing wasn't that high.     

Qin Wentian nodded lightly. The group of them then entered the sect. In the immortal realms, the vast majority of people here pursued personal strength. There were only a few that were willing to devote the time and effort needed in order to achieve proficiency in weaponsmithing. Hence, major powers that focused on weapon creation were very little in comparison.     

"There seems to be plenty of visitors from the other sects as well." Behind them, a young immortal king spoke in a light voice. Feng Zhu turned his stare about as his immortal sense extended outwards. Truly, there were visitors from quite a few major powers here today. He couldn't help but to feel slightly bewildered at the influx of visitors.     

"I'll go look for Qianxue." Feng Zhu spoke. After that, he walked in a certain direction and not too long after, he came to the outside of a palace in pristine white. Over here, there are many powerful characters guarding the entrance, including quite a few experts at the immortal-king level.     

"Is the holy maiden in today?" Feng Zhu landed and asked a female immortal king.     

"She's in, let me go and report your arrival." That female immortal king nodded. This caused Qin Wentian to be somewhat curious of Feng Zhu's status.     

"My younger sister, Feng Qianxue, is a holy maiden of the Blackmetal Emperor Sect, her status is much higher compared to mine." Feng Zhu gave a self-mocking laugh. Qin Wentian's eyes flashed before he smiled too. So this was the case.     

"In the Blackmetal Emperor Sect, my influence is far weaker compared to my sister's. I'll ask her for help to refer a grandmaster weaponsmith to Brother Qin."     

"Since this is the case, many thanks." Qin Wentian spoke.     

A few moments later, a lithe figure clad in white walked out. This maiden exuded an extraordinary aura and an elegant demeanor tinged with a feeling of pureness. Her looks were extremely beautiful. She glanced at Feng Zhu and asked, "Big brother, why are you here?'     

"Qianxue, let me introduce you to a friend of mine. This is brother Qin. Earlier, a group of us tried to hunt the golden crow but we weren't able to do so. However, Brother Qin easily captured it and gave the golden crow to us. Brother Qin also wishes to create a few divine weapons and I agreed to introduce a grandmaster weaponsmith to him." Feng Zhu stated.     

Feng Qianxue glanced at Qin Wentian as she nodded her head lightly, "Since Big Brother has obtained the golden crow, let me help you forge a defensive armor. As for Brother Qin, what grade of divine weapons do you want to forge?"     

"My cultivation base is at the mid-stage of the immortal king realm. It's fine as long as the weapons match my cultivation level." Qin Wentian spoke.     

"This is simple, I'm skilled in weapon forging. How about this, I'll create the weapons for you. What type of weapons do you want and are there any additional requests?" Feng Qianxue asked.     

"I wish to create quite a few divine equipments. For the first one, it will be a mask. The second one shall be a set of robes. Both of these have to have the ability to conceal and change my aura, blocking the probing of immortal senses. Next, I require a sword and a saber. If holy maiden is willing to help, I will naturally provide the remuneration required for the forging."     

"I understand. The first two items are for concealing your identity and the last two are for combat. I have no problems creating those. As for the remuneration, since you have helped my brother, I will just need you to provide the cost-price of the materials needed." Feng Qianxue nodded as she spoke. Feng Zhu glanced at Qin Wentian with puzzlement. The first two items were to conceal his identity. Seems like Qin Wentian must have a very powerful enemy.     

"Since this is the case, many thanks to the holy maiden."     

"Oh yeah, Qianxue, why are there so many experts from the other powers here at our sect. Did something happen?" Feng Zhu asked.     

"Most probably, it should be because of the Desolate Mountain Range that's located in the northern regions. If the greater demons continue to advance, they would come into our central regions sooner or laters. In addition, there are some experts who wish to head over to the northern regions to temper themselves by fighting against the demons. Be it to prepare themselves for the invasion or because they want to temper themselves by fighting demons. Hence, many people have come to our sect to request for the forging of divine weapons." Feng Qianxue spoke.     

Qin Wentian then asked, "Is the situation now very serious?"     

"It's a fact that the Demongod Mountain appeared and countless demonic beasts have evolved. They want to encroach upon human territory and the humans would naturally resist, causing a war to break out. In fact, the greater demons of the Desolate Mountain Range even said that their Desolate Mountains also want a territory in the immortal realms to call their own, establishing their presence in the world of humans." Feng Qianxue spoke. She then continued, "You might not know this but despite the alliance of several peak powers in the northern regions, they were still unable to force the greater demons back."     

"Seems like the immortal realms are soon going to undergo a period of chaos." Feng Zhu mumbled. In the past, the demarcation was very clear between the immortal realms and the Desolate Mountain Range. Each side would send their people to the other's territory to temper themselves, but none would infringe on the sovereignty of the other. There might be demonic major powers in the immortal realms but those are only a rare few like the Sky Roc Race and the White Tiger Race, located in the western regions.     

But now, the greater demons of the Desolate Mountain Range wanted to encroach on the lands of humans. A huge commotion would surely shake the entire immortal realms.     

Qin Wentian frowned. Right now, the situation of the eastern regions was already in a mess. In addition, the entire immortal realms seemed to be descending into a state of chaos. If this was the case, he had to raise his strength as fast as possible in order to handle whatever life might throw at him.     

"Let's ignore this first. Brother Qin, my younger sister's smithing abilities are the top-tier. Since she agreed to create the divine equipments for you, she will definitely be able to meet your request." Feng Zhu smiled. Actually, Qin Wentian could already roughly guess how high Feng Qianxue's status was when he saw the immortal kings guarding this place.     

"Holy Maiden Qianxue, I, Qin, might have a presumptuous request. If you find it inappropriate, you can just reject it directly. I won't mind." Qin Wentian stated.     

"Brother Qin, please speak."     

"Can I watch when you create the weapons?" Qin Wentian asked. He was skilled in divine inscriptions and had always believed that all things stemmed from the same source, connected to the Great Dao. By observing weapon creation, it might prove to be of help to his cultivation, allowing him to gain further insights."     

"Your request is too overbearing." A female immortal king guard coldly spoke. Qin Wentian was just someone they met once yet he actually made such a request. Every weaponsmith would have their own weapon creation technique. How could they easily allow others to watch them?     

Feng Zhu also felt somewhat awkward. Qin Wentian then replied, "I have overstepped my bounds, I apologize."     

"No worries, since Brother Qin is keen to watch, you can come along with me." Feng Qianxue didn't seem to mind it.     

"Holy Maiden." An immortal king at the side hurriedly spoke. After all, this is considered a great taboo. What if Qin Wentian was a spy sent here by the other major powers?     

Feng Qianxue waved her hand, causing that guard to fall into silence. This caused a strange light flash in Qin Wentian's eyes. Feng Qianxue does indeed have an extraordinary charisma.     

Just as they were conversing, a group of experts flew towards them, landing close to their location. These people all had extraordinary auras but seemed to be of two different sects. Their eyes all gleamed with sharpness as they looked over.     

"Qianxue." Only to see that right now, one of the old men standing at the front of the group called out. Qianxue lifted her head and asked, "Uncle-Master, is there anything I can do for you?"     

"Here are two weapon order listings, you can take a look first." The old man waved his hand as two lists floated towards Feng Qianxue. She glanced at them and frowned, "Uncle-master, you want me to create the weapons on these lists?"     

"Mhm, our sect has already accepted the orders. The two major powers also hoped that the weapons would be created by the most outstanding holy maiden in our sect. Qianxue, you are the most suitable person to create the weapons." That old man nodded.     

"Sure, but I need roughly six months worth of time." Feng Qianxue replied.     

"Six months is too long. Why don't you set aside all your current matters and focus on this, finishing the first order list within a month?" One of the experts in the group spoke. The experts in this group all radiated a sun-like aura, they must be from a sect that cultivates sun-type techniques.     

"For our order list, we also need the weapons to be finished within a month's time. We can't afford to wait any longer, we would have to trouble holy maiden for your help." The other group of experts then spoke. Although the tone was more polite, the intent behind the words was just as domineering.     

Feng Qianxue furrowed her brows, "I've already promised a friend to create weapons for him. I will need some time to do so. For the two groups, your order listings will have to be delayed. I won't be able to complete the orders even if I didn't sleep or rest for the entire time for the one month period."     

"Why don't you create the weapons for your friend after you finish our orders? Or you can request some other disciple to help your friend create his weapons." The leader of the first group of experts continued.     

"This isn't good, is it?" Feng Qianxue's voice turned slightly cold. These people actually wanted to push the priority of Qin Wentian's weapons back. They were just too overbearing.     

"Holy Maiden, there's no need to feel that you are in a difficult position. It's fine as long as your friend agrees, am I right?" The leader of the first group turned to Qin Wentian as he continued, "Sir, we are from the Sacred Sun Sect, we need the weapons urgently as we have to head towards the northern regions to combat the greater demons. Can you delay your request?"     

Qin Wentian inclined his head and stared at this group of people. No wonder he felt a few hints of familiarity. So, this first group of experts was actually from the Sacred Sun Sect.     

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