Ancient Godly Monarch

Disregarding Everything

Disregarding Everything

2The geniuses here discussing the dao were all staring at Qin Wentian. Many radiated coldness, their killing intent intense.     

Brazen! This Saber-Sword Immortal King was too arrogant and brazen. He actually appeared before everyone just like that and was mocking them, asking them who wanted to kill him.     

Did he think that no one here could kill him?     

Although his combat prowess was unparalleled and was even strong enough to finish Zi Doalong, this place, was after all, filled with many experts, including many supreme peak-stage immortal kings. The Saber-Sword Immortal King was merely a mid-stage one. He was simply too audacious by standing here and disregarding everything.     

"You still dare to appear in the City of Ancient Emperors?" A cold voice rang out. After that, a very young-looking peak-stage immortal king stood up. His fists were clenched as his eyes stared straight at Qin Wentian.     

"Who the hell are you? Are you even worthy to speak to me?" Qin Wentian domineeringly replied. The aura of that peak-stage immortal king towered up into the sky, he coldly smiled, "Fine. I shall avenge Fairy Qingyao today."     

"His life, is mine." Another voice rang out. The person who spoke was none other than the aged immortal king from the Taihua Immortal Dynasty. His aura was majestic and vast, terrifying to the extreme.     

"It's the same no matter who kills him. Since he appeared here today, it's already fated that he would definitely die." The eyes of an immortal king from the Paragon Sword Sect gleamed with terrifying sharpness as he stared at Qin Wentian.     

"Which of us is going to be the one to kill the Saber-Sword Immortal King?" A supreme immortal king from the Nine-Emperors Immortal Empire coldly spoke. Back then, Qin Wentian killed five immortal kings from his empire. This matter was simply a humiliation to the Nine-Emperors Immortal Empire.     

Countless voices rang out, all of them wanting to kill the Saber-Sword Immortal King. This caused the crowd to all have expressions of interest on their faces. For those who came to the City of Ancient Emperors later, they were more excited about this. This fellow actually incurred so much hatred. But when they heard him speak earlier, it did seemed that the Saber-Sword Immortal King intentionally wanted to stir the anger of the masses.     

"Just these few? Earlier, didn't many of you say that I don't match up to my reputation and can easily kill me off? Right now, I'm standing right in front of everyone. Why are you people not talking now? Feel free to come at me." Qin Wentian swept his gaze over to the crowd, his gaze pausing momentarily on the immortal kings who said that they wanted to kill him earlier, including that female immortal king who was against Xu Qingyao.     

"Killing a filthy character like you would only dirty my hands." That female immortal king arrogantly replied, she was an extremely prideful character, exuding a transcendent aura, beautiful and elegant.     

"Filthy?" Qin Wentian's eyes gleamed sharply.     

"As an immortal king character, you have no shame and tainted Fairy Qingyao. Are you not filthy enough?" That immortal king had a cold look in her eyes. Even when disparaging Qin Wentian, she didn't forget to rub salt in Xu Qingyao's wounds.     

"Hahaha! Back then Xu Qingyao wanted this seat to spar with her and agreed to accompany me for seven days and nights, chatting about love if she lost. Many people can bear witness to this. After that, according to the agreement, I brought her away for seven days and nights, what's so filthy about it? Only those with filthy minds while retaining an appearance of innocence are the truly filthy ones." Qin Wentian sarcastically spoke, clearly referring to the female immortal king.     

"Insolent!" That female immortal king raged as she glared at Qin Wentian.     

"RUMBLE!" Qin Wentian's eyes suddenly turned incomparably sharp. In an instant, his sword intent surged forth in unending waves, his will capable enough to destroy everything. That female immortal king suddenly screamed as her eyes started to bleed. She covered her eyes with her hands as her body trembled in agony.     

"BOOM, BOOM, BOOM!" The experts in the surroundings all hurriedly retreated as they stared with shock at this scene. This female immortal king was a mid-stage immortal king expert, yet she was actually blinded by a single gaze from the Saber-Sword Immortal King?     

Wasn't this a little too terrifying? How strong is the Saber-Sword Immortal King exactly?     

"His gaze is capable of killing. What eye technique is this?" The hearts of everyone trembled as they stared at Qin Wentian.     

"I'm insolent?" Qin Wentian laughed loudly as he continued, "How many people here have grudges with me and wouldn't hesitate to kill me? Who the hell are you to even dare to sprout nonsense here, saying that I'm a defeated dog? For someone like you who loves to talk about others behind their backs, I blinded you just to teach you a lesson. You better reflect upon yourself after you return, or you might really be killed because of the nonsense you spoke. This is just a small price to pay."     

How tyrannical were Qin Wentian's words? He simply had no one in his eyes. After blinding the female immortal king, he still told her to scram and reflect upon herself?     

"ARGH!" That female immortal king let out a scream mixed with pain and misery. She cultivated to the mid-stage of the immortal king realm, only she herself knows how tough her path was. However, because of a few sentences she spoke, this Saber-Sword Immortal King actually did this to her. Right now, she didn't dare to respond to him. Although she was blinded, her strength was still there. As long as she still had this level of power, there would still be possibilities. If she continued talking nonsense, that Saber-Sword Immortal King might just decide to finish her off.     

"I curse you to die with the cuts of a million blades." That female immortal king cursed venomously in her heart. There were so many experts here who wanted to kill Qin Wentian. They must definitely not let him die so easily.     

"Is this who the Saber-Sword Immortal King really is? Seems like back then when he killed Zi Daolong and offended a large number of peak powers, he really did so. He is someone that lives up to his reputation, a truly frightening individual." The hearts of the crowd silently mused, still extremely shocked. Just a gaze from him blinded a mid-stage immortal king. This was simply too terrifying.     

Qin Wentian's sharp eyes swept over. Those who insulted Qin Wentian before all averted their gazes, not daring to match eyes with him. It was like they were all afraid of Qin Wentian taking revenge.     

"Earlier, didn't many of you feel that I'm like a defeated dog, and had fled from the City of Ancient Emperors? Didn't you guys say that it would be effortless to kill me? Right now, why is no one standing out?" Qin Wentian arrogantly spoke, disregarding everything. His eyes glanced towards a young-looking immortal king. This immortal king appeared young but he had actually cultivated for many years, and his cultivation base was very terrifying, at the peak-stage of the immortal king realm. This man was one of Xu Qingyao's admirers. Earlier, he was the one who said that Qin Wentian was a defeated dog and he would definitely kill him if he encountered Qin Wentian in the city.     

That immortal king saw Qin Wentian glancing at him and knew that there was no way he would be able to avoid this battle. However, when he personally saw Qin Wentian displaying his power, as well as that unexcelled arrogance, he was already no longer as confident as before.     

"Everyone, the Saber-Sword Immortal King simply doesn't put us in his eyes. Let's act and kill him together. For such a despicable scum, the heroes of the City of Ancient Emperors should all work together and kill him." That young-looking immortal king brought up the suggestion, wanting the other experts here to work together with him.     

"HAHAHA, what a shameless fellow. Earlier, your words were filled with arrogance, as though I would die for sure in front of you. But now, you are actually persuading the immortal kings here to gang up on me? And you even spoke in such a righteous manner. Do you even know shame?" Qin Wentian laughed maniacally. He stepped out, his movements akin to lightning as he moved towards that peak-stage immortal king.     

His eyes were like sharp swords, capable of piercing through everything. In the center of his brows, a third eye appeared. He smiled as he spoke, "I shall make you experience this seat's swordeye domain.     

As the sound of his voice faded, his eyes gleamed with terrifying sword light. That peak-stage immortal king only felt a wave of sword intent shooting towards him. He explosively retreated, but in the next moment, his surroundings all turned into a swordeye law domain. Inside here, sword vortexes spun rapidly, terrifying to the extreme.     

"BOOM!" That peak-stage immortal king unleashed his law domain. His body of laws was extremely powerful but there was fear in his heart. Qin Wentian could manifest his law domain with a single gaze, trapping him inside just like that. The terrifying attacks inside this domain also kept attacking him unceasingly.     

"Can you block them all?" Qin Wentian coldly smiled. Within the swordeye law domain, the destructive sword might was sent forth in waves after waves. All of a sudden, Qin Wentian's eyes gleamed with a bright light and the sword-type holy will instantly drilled into his opponent's mind. That peak-stage immortal king only felt an unblockable invincible sword slashing over to him.     

"Trash!" Qin Wentian roared. Within his law domain, that peak-stage immortal king was directly killed, his body riddled with a thousand holes as he died miserably.     

"This…" Everyone stared in terror at that magnificent figure. Qin Wentian had his arms crossed in front of his chest. The saber and sword were still strapped to his back and weren't unsheathed. With just the strength of his law domain, he directly killed a peak-stage immortal king. He was like a god of war that descended to the earth.     

At the immortal king level, all the characters that reached this would naturally have pride and arrogance in their hearts. They wouldn't easily think that they were inferior to others. Although rumors about the Saber-Sword Immortal King spread wildly, there were still many powerful immortal kings that weren't convinced. They felt that many of the rumors were too exaggerated.     

But now, when the Saber-Sword Immortal King really appeared, they discovered to their shock that the rumors weren't exaggerated at all. In fact, the rumors didn't even clearly tell of the Saber-Sword Immortal King's strength and indicate how terrifying he really is. The Saber-Sword Immortal King that appeared before their eyes was much stronger compared to their imaginations.     

No wonder he dared to show up alone and was incomparably arrogant despite facing so many immortal kings, having no one in his eyes.     

Those who wanted to kill Qin Wentian earlier all had a heavy expression on their faces. Seems like the person they wanted to kill is much more terrifying than what the rumors claimed. The Saber-Sword Immortal King was absolutely unrestrained, directly engaging in slaughter. Was this because of the confidence he had in himself? Experts of the Paragon Sword Sect, Nine-Emperors Immortal Empire and the other peak powers were all disregarded by him.     

Xu Qingyao stared at Qin Wentian as waves arose in her heart. Although her background was extraordinary and she has encountered countless geniuses before, she had never met someone as brazen as the Saber-Sword Immortal King. A mid-stage immortal king rushed into the crowd and directly killing peak-stage immortal kings. One had to know that there were over ten experts gathered here whom all wanted to kill him.     

This man was simply lawless, having nothing in his eyes. No wonder he dared to abduct her back then.     

Right now, those immortal kings who wanted to kill him didn't act immediately. They were silently conversing with each other on how they should kill Qin Wentian.     

The strength of this Saber-Sword Immortal King was simply too terrifying. He was able to kill Zi Daolong and easily finish off initial-phase peak-stage immortal kings. His combat prowess should be equal to ordinary late-phase peak-stage immortal kings. If it was a one versus one fight, no immortal king was confident that they would be able to kill the Saber-Sword Immortal King.     

"You guys are still not acting? Are you all discussing how best to kill me?" Qin Wentian coldly laughed when he saw those immortal kings remaining silent. "There's no need to care about face, just come at me together. Who doesn't know how shameless you guys can be? Why is there a need to discuss so long?"     

"Everyone, since he wants to die so badly, let's act together to kill him. We shouldn't waste time and it wouldn't be worth it if he moves to kill one of us before we act." Right now, an immortal king finally suggested openly.     

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