Reverend Insanity

Stars During Daytime

Stars During Daytime

3Heavenly Court.     3

Colorful lights filled the sky, a huge rank eight Immortal Gu House flew out from within.     

It had three floors of altars, grand and magnificent. There were multiple pillars holding each floor up, having white jade railings and shining aurora, it was eye-catching.     

"Calamity Luck Altar!" Qin Ding Ling watched with shrunken pupils, her expression was complex.     

She was looking at the Immortal Gu House that Giant Sun Immortal Venerable built personally, but the latter had passed away. Even if you were an Immortal Venerable, lifespan was limited.     

"Heavenly Court." On the other hand, Bing Sai Chuan in Calamity Luck Altar was trembling with excitement.     

At long last, he had finally attacked this place, commencing the great plan that Giant Sun Immortal Venerable had entrusted to him — to seize fate Gu and refine destiny Gu!     

"We really got in." The accompanying Five Elements Grandmaster was very shocked and surprised: "Is Heavenly Court's defense really this weak?"     

"Of course not." Bull Demon explained in a deep voice: "This is the arrangement of our Ancestor Giant Sun. Back then, Golden Hoop Great Immortal invited our ancestor to come to the Heavenly Court for a visit, ostensibly proclaiming that he wanted to invite Ancestor Giant Sun into Heavenly Court. At that time, Ancestor Giant Sun secretly set up this arrangement, leaving it for the future."     

Five Elements Grandmaster could not help but inwardly be astounded at the words, Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's strategy was planned so long ago but he actually managed to use it so far in the future!     

"Go! We'll use the route that Limitless Demon Venerable made when he previously attacked, we will attack Central Great Hall, ascend to Heaven Overseeing Tower, and seize fate Gu!" As soon as Bing Sai Chuan gave the order, the surrounding colored lights moved sharply.     

Calamity Luck Altar was actually carried by the colored lights and moved to a distant place.     

The qi wall left by Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable had already activated, it sealed Calamity Luck Altar within the qi wall.     

On the other side, Qin Ding Ling had a pale face as she fell to the ground.     

She had already done her best to make some minor modifications to Giant Sun Immortal Venerable's arrangements. The so-called trap against Northern Plains would naturally be most effective with the help of a venerable method.     

Primordial Origin Immortal Venerable left behind the killer move qi wall in Heavenly Court, it was everywhere. When the three Demon Venerables attacked Heavenly Court, they created three paths that had no qi wall along them. But all other areas were filled by the qi wall.     

Qin Ding Ling worked her hardest to relocate Calamity Luck Altar into the qi wall.     

At once, Calamity Luck Altar became immobilized, it faced a huge pressure from all directions.     

Fairy Zi Wei quickly helped Qin Ding Ling to stand up as she said in admiration: "Senior, it was all thanks to you!"     

Qin Ding Ling sighed and said with a solemn tone: "To think that even after I worked my hardest after waking up, I merely managed to move his method to a slight extent. Sigh…"     

Duke Long walked slowly with a calm expression: "Let's go, it is time to welcome our guests."     

"Damn it! Heavenly Court knew that we were going to attack, they made use of that to set up an ambush!" Bing Sai Chuan's expression changed, turning ashen.     

The surprise attack that he had anticipated for so long had just started, but he already lost control of the situation.     

He manipulated Calamity Luck Altar with all his strength but the killer move qi wall was too strong.     

Even though this rank eight Immortal Gu House could barely move now with a snail-like speed, the most despairing thing was that the qi wall had a strong self-recovery ability. As Calamity Luck Altar moved, the qi wall behind it healed and mended together.     

Just as Longevity Heaven's people suffered a setback, Eastern Sea's Gu Immortals arrived in Hidden Dragon Cave.     

"To think that Hidden Dragon Cave is here." Song Qi Yuan sighed deeply to himself.     

Granny Rong snickered: "This place is quite secluded indeed, but there is no such thing as absolutely hidden in this world."     

Yang Zi He added: "Back then, Di Zang Sheng wreaked havoc in Central Continent, Duke Long suppressed and sealed it here, it was a huge event. But because that was long ago in history, and because Heavenly Court wanted to exterminate the dragonman race, they were ruthless in eliminating the traces."     

"Hehehe. Speaking of which, Duke Long is very vicious, for the sake of Heavenly Court, he sacrificed all of his children and descendants." Shen Cong Sheng criticized with a tone of disdain.     

Eastern Sea's eight Gu Immortals arrived here.     

It was the same situation as the previous life.     

To achieve this goal, Fang Yuan had put in a lot of effort secretly. On one hand, he used his status as Qi Sea Ancestor to hint to Song Qi Yuan and Hua Cai Yun, on another hand, he contacted Shen Cong Sheng using his own identity, and finally, the four rank eight lone cultivators in Eastern Sea were all Dragon Palace Dragon Generals, they obeyed Fang Yuan's arrangements.     

Fang Yuan was not sure about Hidden Dragon Cave's location originally, but after getting Dragon Palace, he saw related records in it.     

Back then, when Duke Long suppressed Di Zang Sheng, the dragonman race had put in effort too.     

After getting this secret information, Fang Yuan spread it using the mouths of the Four Dragon Generals, influencing the decisions of all the different Eastern Sea Gu Immortals.     

These rank eight Gu Immortals from Eastern Sea were different from Southern Alliance and Longevity Heaven, they did not have any courageous spirit to take risks, in this life, they had no strong intention to gain Dragon Palace. Fang Yuan thus motivated them to release Di Zang Sheng from Hidden Dragon Cave and cause problems for Heavenly Court.     

Once Di Zang Sheng gets released, the entire world would shake, blood would flow into rivers, living beings would die. There would be no need for these Eastern Sea Gu Immortals to fight.     

Once Central Continent's attention was drawn and they sent Gu Immortals to deal with Di Zang Sheng, they would be weaker elsewhere, Eastern Sea's Gu Immortals would have a great opportunity.     

There was another advantage, Di Zang Sheng would target and attack Central Continent's mortals.     

The more people it killed, the more foundation Central Continent would lose.     

Eastern Sea's righteous path rank eights would not attack mortals with their status, it would ruin their reputation. Having Di Zang Sheng do the dirty work was best.     

At the fringe of Western Desert.     

The thin regional wall was in front them.     

"The five regions are indeed fusing. The regional walls that once restricted our movement are already so thin and weak." Fang Gong looked at the scene in front of him as he sighed.     

Fang Yuan's clone, Fang Di Chang, had a high status in Fang clan, he managed to convince Fang clan's first supreme elder and many Western Desert super forces to take action together.     

This was a much stronger group than in the previous life.     

But gathering so many Gu Immortals used a lot of time, they only managed to assemble now.     

"Oh no, that blood path demonic immortal is causing chaos in my clan." Right at this time, Sun clan reported bad news.     

"There is a brand new immemorial desolate beast attacking my clan's oasis." Mo clan's Gu Immortal also received bad news.     

"Everyone! This is likely Heavenly Court's scheme. They want to restrain us so that we cannot stop them from repairing fate Gu." Fang Di Chang analyzed.     

Even though he had no proof, in order to stabilize these Gu Immortals, lying was fine.     

"No, I need to get back."     

"I objected earlier when you asked us to move out. Our base is too weak now, I was right after all."     

"In my opinion, we should play safe. Western Desert's resources are all in the oases, if they are destroyed, our clans will lose our foundation without the support of resources."     

The Western Desert Gu Immortals discussed, they wanted to retreat.     

"Damn it, Fang clan took too long to develop, we do not have enough influence and authority." Fang Di Chang gritted his teeth, he watched as a portion of Sun clan and Mo clan left.     

"The nature of these two clan's Gu Immortals is not so tough normally, I'm afraid Heavenly Court is involved with these two clans!" Fang Di Chang reacted at this time.     

With the departure of a portion of Sun clan and Mo clan, the other clans also wanted to leave, otherwise, their balance would be disrupted.     

Western Desert's Gu Immortal world had gone into chaos earlier because of the rise of Fang clan, their relationship was tense now and nobody trusted each other.     

There was another fundamental problem, in history, Western Desert had never experienced any large scale cooperation between super forces.     

Western Desert's Gu Immortal world did not have any domineering overlord in history, unlike Southern Border's Wu clan or Northern Plains' Longevity Heaven.     

After some discussion, a portion of Western Desert's Gu Immortals returned to their base. The rest of them still exceeded the numbers in the previous life, they passed the regional walls and arrived in Central Continent.     

Heavenly Court.     

Reports of battles were sent over rapidly.     

"Hidden Dragon Cave is attacked by Eastern Sea's rank eight Gu Immortals."     

"Gu Immortal elites have appeared at Western Desert's fringe, they are heading towards Emperor City."     

Fairy Zi Wei spoke.     

At this time, Duke Long slowly retreated from the front of the battlefield.     

Calamity Luck Altar was surrounded by the qi wall, there was a sizable area of movable space around it now, Heavenly Court's countless experts were attacking it from all directions.     

If Calamity Luck Altar retaliated, these Gu Immortals would retreat into the qi wall and hide themselves, staying safe.     

After several attempts, Bing Sai Chuan had to activate Calamity Luck Altar's defense as they pressed forward.     

Because of Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals' obstruction, Calamity Luck Altar could barely move forward slowly and with great difficulty.     

Duke Long had nothing much to do, the battlefield in Heavenly Court was already secured, Longevity Heaven was trapped and they would eventually fall.     

Duke Long heard Fairy Zi Wei's reports as he said calmly: "Qi Sea Ancestor and Fang Yuan, have they not made a move?"     

"Nothing at the moment." Fairy Zi Wei shook her head.     

The two people Duke Long was most wary of were these two. Qi Sea Ancestor had unparalleled strength, he rivaled Duke Long and was someone that Duke Long had to focus and keep his attention on.     

Meanwhile, even though Fang Yuan had rank seven cultivation level, he inherited Red Lotus Demon Venerable's true inheritance, he might have some powerful method, he needed to be guarded against.     

"Qi Sea Ancestor's attitude is unclear, meanwhile, ever since Fang Yuan snatched Southern Border's dream realms, he vanished. He has a lot of dream realms on his hands now." Fairy Zi Wei said slowly, she was going to analyze this further.     

"What plan do you have?" Duke Long interrupted her.     

Fairy Zi Wei said: "I plan to activate the formation and resist our external foes to force out Fang Yuan. There is also Qi Sea Ancestor who might possibly fight us, we need to force them to take action!"     

Duke Long pondered before nodding: "Alright, we need to take the initiative. If we can establish our dominance in this battle, the five regions chaotic war will be much easier to deal with."     

Fairy Zi Wei quickly left and sat down at the central area of a formation.     

She activated the formation and released Star Constellation Chessboard. The chessboard floated in the air and rotated on its own, innumerable starlight specks that resembled fireflies flew in the sky, entering the formation.     

Central Continent's people soon noticed a strange phenomenon.     

Many pointed at the sky and screamed: "Quickly look! There is starlight, there are actually stars in bright daylight."     

"What is going on?" Fang Di Chang had just crossed the regional wall when he saw such a scene.     

"Heavenly Court took action. This did not happen in my previous life." Fang Yuan also arrived in Central Continent, he looked at the sky silently while frowning.     

Heavenly Court had indeed prepared something new.     

At this moment, in the sky of Central Continent, bright lights shined, stars appeared during daytime, radiating heaven and earth!     

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