Reverend Insanity

Walking Through The Seventh Layer Again

Walking Through The Seventh Layer Again

1Fang Yuan was dressed in a white robe, slowly descending to Crazed Demon Cave.      0

Two Gu Immortals were already waiting for a long time on the ground.     

One Gu Immortal had a pale face and black beard, he had long wide sleeves and eyes that were shining like stars, he had an extraordinary air. He was known as Not Immortal and he cultivated rule path.     

The other Gu Immortal was short, his height only reaching Fang Yuan's knee. His tiny eyes were shining brightly, he was Secret Schemer and he cultivated wisdom path.     

The current Fang Yuan could not be compared to the past, he had trampled on Heavenly Court in the battle of Lang Ya and two battles in the River of Time. He had even captured a large group of Southern Border immortals, which included two rank eights! Not long ago, there was even news from Eastern Sea's Gu Immortal world that Fang Yuan borrowed Qi Sea Ancestor's strength to block Duke Long, while he took away Immortal Gu House Dragon Palace.     

In terms of who was the strongest and most famous demonic path Gu Immortal of the current generation, no one fit better than Fang Yuan.     

"Friends, we meet again." After Fang Yuan landed, he greeted politely with a smile.     

Secret Schemer and Not Immortal returned the greeting hurriedly.     

Not Immortal smiled: "After the previous parting, when we heard of Brother Liu's true identity being Gu Yue Fang Yuan, we were truly surprised and joyous. Since you have come here this time, you must have a method to break through the current barrier, we have been waiting anxiously for a long time."     

Fang Yuan had undergone the Crazed Demon Agreement using Liu Guan Yi's identity, and had become a member of Crazed Demon Cave like Chu Du.     

Therefore, Not Immortal addressed Fang Yuan as Brother Liu.     

As far as the Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics were concerned, Fang Yuan's appearance had not changed because Liu Guan Yi's appearance was the original appearance of Fang Yuan's sovereign immortal body.     

"Why don't I see Pang Shan?" Fang Yuan asked.     

"He seemed to have gained some insight when he explored the seventh layer and is currently in closed cultivation." Secret Schemer replied.     

"So that's it." Fang Yuan smiled, understanding in his head.     

The Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics were taking precautions against him!     

Back then, when he went under the name of Liu Guan Yi, his strength was not high. The current Fang Yuan was progressing rapidly, the whole world acknowledged that Fang Yuan could battle rank eight despite being only at rank seven. The Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics were naturally concerned about Fang Yuan suddenly making a vicious move against them.     

After all, Fang Yuan was the biggest demon at present, his nature was vicious and cruel. Don't be fooled by his smiling expression, he was, in actuality, a ruthless murderer who killed without even blinking his eyes.     

Although the Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics had long secluded themselves inside Crazed Demon Cave and were only engrossed in cultivating, they were not fools. Especially the head of the three eccentrics, Secret Schemer, his performance in Fang Yuan's previous life was quite spectacular and made Heavenly Court suffer major losses.     

The Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics were wary of Fang Yuan, thus Pang Shan did not appear and was hiding somewhere.     

It was very likely that him being in closed cultivation was only an excuse just in case Fang Yuan went crazy and attacked them! As long as there was at least one eccentric left, they would not have the worry of Fang Yuan killing them all.     

"Not only this, the Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics might have some backup methods, which is why they are keeping a person outside." Fang Yuan deduced inwardly.     

Although Fang Yuan had undergone the Crazed Demon Agreement, he had already gotten rid of its restrictions.     

The Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics also had the killer move do not care, and could completely ignore the Crazed Demon Agreement.     

The Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics were wary of Fang Yuan and were on guard, but Fang Yuan did not actually want to attack them.     

At least, he did not want to attack now.     

"This is already the third time I am inside Crazed Demon Cave. I hope there will be some gains!" Fang Yuan's main target for this trip was still Limitless' true inheritance.     

Not long in the future, Heavenly Court would definitely hold the Central Continent Refinement Path Convention to restore fate Gu.     

At that time, there would definitely be a huge battle involving Gu Immortals of the five regions!     

In this battle, no matter how powerful Fang Yuan became, he could not control the situation. Any venerable methods could easily topple the situation.     

Fang Yuan had already realized this in the previous life.     

The best example was Duke Long.     

Duke Long was unmatched, but he was nothing against venerable methods. Limitless Demon Venerable bound him instantly and made him unable to even budge for a long time. It was because of Genesis Lotus Immortal Venerable's method that Duke Long got free from the bindings and regained his freedom.     

Fang Yuan's plan was that in this life, he would not only actively increase his strength but also gather some venerable true inheritances, if he could trigger venerable methods, it would be the perfect support in his plan to destroy fate Gu!     

And the most reliable clue was here — Crazed Demon Cave!     

Fang Yuan's timing was also perfect.     

His current strength had already risen a lot. Although he only had rank seven cultivation on the surface, he had already advanced to rank eight, even if the Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics went against him, he could quickly counterattack without any worry about his safety.     

Moreover, after some time, Longevity Heaven's Bing Sai Chuan would awaken. His awakening would have a huge influence on Longevity Heaven and the whole Northern Plains Gu Immortal world.     

Were Fang Yuan to come to Northern Plains at that time and make a big commotion, he might have to face Longevity Heaven led by Bing Sai Chuan, which would be hard to deal with.     

Not Immortal guided the way ahead while Secret Schemer accompanied Fang Yuan and conversed with him.     

Fang Yuan followed the two eccentrics deep into Crazed Demon Cave.     

Crazed Demon Cave had nine layers.     

The first layer was the most external layer, it was also the scene Fang Yuan saw from high in the sky.     

The second layer was an incredibly hot land of burning rocks.     

The third layer was covered in white fog, ferocious beasts moved in the fog and there was also the Fog City. It was extremely dangerous.     


Every layer had completely different environments, demonic sounds spread from the deepest ninth layer to the whole of Crazed Demon Cave at every set interval of time.     

When the demonic sounds spread, all beings went crazy and would start killing each other, creating extreme chaos.     

The deeper one went, the stronger the demonic sounds became.     

But the method created by the Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics could defend against a portion of the demonic sounds' might.     

However, what Fang Yuan used was not this method. Before he came here, he had modified the previous method and the new method had extraordinary effects, it could be considered an advanced version.     

After all, his current rule path attainment level was at great grandmaster.     

While the demonic sound was active, the activation of immortal killer moves would be greatly affected. This was because the demonic sounds were chaotic dao marks, insanity was only the side effect.     

The three moved down the curved pathways before finally reaching the seventh layer, which was also the third lowest layer.     

Back then, Fang Yuan's endpoint had been this layer.     

The Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics similarly were stopped here for several hundreds of years. It was because they were stuck at this barrier without any breakthrough that they took in Chu Du and Fang Yuan.     

However, their gains were also a lot.     

The seven layers they explored had scattered traces of Limitless Demon Venerable's inheritance.     

The Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics researched these clues and were able to roughly deduce the scene at the final layer, although they had never been there.     

Fang Yuan's sight was filled with dazzling light.     

All sorts of colors emanated from the rocks, soil, and grass in this place.     

This was dao mark light.     

When the density of dao marks reached a certain level, they would let out this kind of brilliant radiance naturally.     

In this seventh layer, every grain of soil and every piece of rock was a quasi-rank nine immortal material! The extremely unfortunate thing was these dao marks were chaotic and could not be used.     

"Fang Yuan, after you." Secret Schemer gave way.     

"Ever since the previous failure, I have reflected on it and gained much insight." Fang Yuan laughed heartily as he walked in the front.     

Secret Schemer and Not Immortal glanced at each other before following Fang Yuan closely.     

In the recent period of time, Fang Yuan's reputation shook the world, but how much strength did he truly have?     

Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics were not sure, and this situation was the best chance to ascertain it. Secret Schemer and Not Immortal's attention were gathered on Fang Yuan.     

Fang Yuan walked leisurely.     

The first ten steps were like strolling in sunshine.     

Twenty steps, he was relaxed.     

Thirty steps, his expression started to become serious.     

Forty steps, he was beginning to pant.     

Fifty steps, he looked exhausted.     

Over sixty steps, Fang Yuan stopped for a breather.     

Secret Schemer looked at Not Immortal while Not Immortal also looked at Secret Schemer, both saw shock in each other's eyes.     

The countless conflicting dao marks needed to be overcome to move in this place. The three Crazed Demon Eccentrics' furthest limit had been over ten thousand steps, but they had rested again and again before continuing. If they were to move without resting like Fang Yuan, they would at most be able to walk forty-fifty steps.     

"The terrifying thing is that Fang Yuan walked over sixty steps but it is obvious he has not used all his strength and is still at ease!"     

"Just this alone has surpassed us three. But where do his limits lie?"     

Thoughts surged up and down in the minds of Not Immortal and Secret Schemer.     

But in fact, Fang Yuan had sovereign immortal body, he simply did not suffer any conflict from dao marks, so the exhaustion was only his disguise and act.     

Fang Yuan would rather put up a show because he wanted to awe the Three Crazed Demon Eccentrics while also hiding his abilities.     

Fang Yuan was a vigilant person who liked to keep his secrets hidden, if he could keep his cards under the table, he absolutely would not reveal them lightly.     

"As expected of Fang Yuan."     

"Right, such strength makes us three feel ashamed about ourselves."     

Fang Yuan narrowed his eyes: "You don't need to be modest, I have been reborn several times and have many memories. The three Crazed Demon Eccentrics have a famous reputation, you all have your own unique methods that even I have a high opinion of."     

Not Immortal and Secret Schemer were shaken inwardly.     

Fang Yuan's words had deep meaning, they could be taken as praise but also taken as a warning — I have been reborn, I am familiar with your methods, don't make an enemy of me!     

The three continued to walk forward.     

The deeper they moved, the harder it became, and the more the pressure increased.     

"We will save a lot of effort by relying on our respective path's dao marks on the upcoming paths, Fang Yuan, let's split up for now." Not Immortal said.     

He chose to walk towards the front-left where there were relatively more rule path dao marks, since he cultivated rule path.     

Not long later, Secret Schemer also bade farewell, he chose to walk the path with more wisdom path dao marks.     

Fang Yuan naturally could move in a straight line, but he did not do so, instead choosing to hide his skills. He carefully chose a path to walk.     

The two eccentrics saw this and had their own thoughts.     

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