Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan Schemes Ahead, Feng Jiu Ge Faces Danger

Fang Yuan Schemes Ahead, Feng Jiu Ge Faces Danger

1Boom—!      1

With a loud explosion, another city in Black Hair Continent collapsed, countless hairy men died or got injured.     

"Feng Jiu Ge, you deserve death!" Lang Ya land spirit screamed manically, intense pain could be heard from his voice.     

Feng Jiu Ge smiled coldly, flying away again.     

The silver giant continued to pursue him under the land spirit's control. Profound lights were scattered before it left, the hairy men that were still alive in the city quickly healed after being bathed in this light, their lives were saved.     

But this was pointless for the overall fight.     

Both the silver giant and Feng Jiu Ge had rank eight battle strength, neither could stop the other party's assaults.     

Unless their battle strength differed greatly.     

"Fang Yuan has not responded yet?" Lang Ya land spirit's eyes were red, he shouted.     

The hairy man Gu Immortals in charge of contacting him shook their heads.     

"Damn it!" Lang Ya land spirit gritted his teeth, clenching his fists as he growled: "Uncontactable at the crucial moment! Is he trying to escape? No, he is not a person who lacks courage, as long as we join forces, these Central Continent Gu Immortals will die here. This means… he is being targeted by Heavenly Court now!"     

Even though Lang Ya land spirit was furious, he still had a clear head.     

"First supreme elder, what do we do? We cannot chase after Feng Jiu Ge like this!" Sixth Hair asked.     

The hairy man Gu Immortals were not Lang Ya land spirit, even though they were born and lived here, after becoming immortal, their mindsets had changed, mortals and immortals had different statuses.     

Even if all these mortal hairy men died, more could be nurtured as time passed. But if these Central Continent Gu Immortals were allowed to complete their formation, the entire Lang Ya blessed land would be in trouble.     

The hairy man Gu Immortals wanted to urge Lang Ya land spirit but they lacked courage, only Sixth Hair who was Spectral Soul's split soul could stand up now at this critical moment.     

But out of their expectations, Lang Ya land spirit listened to Sixth Hair's suggestion without rampaging or getting angry.     

He smiled sinisterly: "Don't worry! How can I forget about the Central Continent Gu Immortals? Even without Fang Yuan, we have reinforcements, hahaha! This Feng Jiu Ge thinks his scheme succeeded, but it is a futile struggle, these people will die, they will all die!!"     

"Don't tell me?" Sixth Hair's eyes shone when he heard this.     

The other hairy man Gu Immortals also reacted.     

"That's right, we are not alone."     

"Indeed, indeed! Our Lang Ya Sect is part of the four races alliance, Central Continent's Gu Immortals have reinforcements, but so do we!"     

In the past, Fang Yuan played a role in setting up the four races alliance, he had considered a situation like this.     

Fang Yuan knew the importance of Lang Ya blessed land, the alliance was a safety net for Lang Ya blessed land.     

Lang Ya land spirit and the hairy man Gu Immortals were all lured away by Feng Jiu Ge. Most of the blessed land's battle strength was inside the silver giant.     

The Central Continent Gu Immortals thought that they were safe and sound, but in reality, Lang Ya Sect had reinforcements.     

The truth was, the inkman, rockman, and snowman reinforcements had already arrived, they were just hidden.     

"Is it finally time for us to strike?" Rank seven rule path rockman Gu Immortal Shi Xiong received Lang Ya land spirit's transmission as he muttered.     

"Let's strike! What are we waiting for?" The rank seven snowman Gu Immortal Bing Feng could not wait any longer.     

"It is a shame that I cannot fight in this battle." The other rank seven close combat Gu Immortal Bing Zhuo said regretfully.     

"We have such a grand formation, why would we need to fight?" An inkman Gu Immortal from Inkman City laughed.     

Other than having four rank sevens here, there were also many rank six Gu Immortals.     

Lang Ya Sect was attacked, according to their alliance agreement, the other three races had to help them and unite as one to resist the enemy. If they violated it, the punishment would be severe.     

When Fang Yuan set the alliance agreement, he had emphasized on the speediness of reinforcements, he did not leave any loopholes behind.     

But these three races did not come forcefully, they willingly came. These variant humans naturally did not favor humans, their only concern was the lives of their Gu Immortals.     

But Lang Ya blessed land had a hidden immortal formation that completely alleviated their worries.     

Ever since the rank eight Immortal Gu House Refinement Cauldron was destroyed by Shadow Sect and had its core Immortal Gu taken, Lang Ya blessed land could only sustain an incomplete Refinement Cauldron.     

Lang Ya blessed land's defenses were greatly weakened, with Fang Yuan's wisdom, he had already noticed it. Thus, long ago, he exchanged a lot of inheritances with Lang Ya land spirit, there were a lot of formations inside that could replace Refinement Cauldron to defend the blessed land.     

Lang Ya blessed land did not lack Immortal Gu, Fang Yuan, who had sufficient attainment level, modified some immortal formations, secretly setting up a super Gu formation encompassing the entire blessed land. It was hidden normally, but when enemies attacked, the Gu Immortals could use it to unleash great power!     

Fang Yuan did this purposely.     

He had deeply considered the hairy man Gu Immortals' battle strength, as well as the reinforcements' mindsets, this immortal formation was the most suitable.     

And there was one more thing, this immortal formation could not be moved after it was created. Even though Lang Ya blessed land was strong, if something happened in the future and the sect turned on Fang Yuan, this immortal formation would be useless. In fact, within the immortal formation, Fang Yuan had already set a few back-doors…     

After these variant human Gu Immortals arrived, Lang Ya land spirit sent them into the immortal formation. After getting familiar with the formation, they worked together, instilling immortal essence as this super Gu formation activated.     

"What is going on?!"     

"There, there is a hidden super Gu formation?"     

"Impossible, how can Lang Ya still have manpower?"     

The immortal formation activated with tremendous force, it was unstoppable, the immortal formation that the Central Continent Gu Immortals created broke apart at once, many of the immortals were heavily injured.     

Bing Zhuo and the rest used the chance to target them without holding back, the formless force of the immortal formation was like a huge grindstone, under its pressure, two Central Continent Gu Immortals died.     

Feng Jiu Ge's expression changed.     

"Lang Ya land spirit, I actually fell for your scheme!"     

The cruel truth was like a slap on Feng Jiu Ge's face.     

This legendary person of the current era showed anger on his face.     

In this situation, Feng Jiu Ge could no longer continue his tactic, he had to return and save the rest of the Central Continent Gu Immortals.     

But the silver giant did not let him go, the entire blessed land still had another super Gu formation that exerted pressure on him.     

Even though Feng Jiu Ge tried his best, he could only watch as the final Central Continent Gu Immortal died in vain.     

"Our intel is severely lacking! Lang Ya blessed land has such a huge force, this is unbelievable!" Feng Jiu Ge had a grim expression, he was attacked by the silver giant and the super Gu formation.     

Immortal killer move — Green Jade Song!     

In this situation, Feng Jiu Ge, who was left alone, finally went all out, he started to use his signature methods.     

Green jade song was clear and crisp, sounding like countless pearls landing on a jade plate.     

The music spread out as a layer of green color appeared on the silver giant, before rapidly turning into solid jade.     

As the music continued, wherever it spread, white clouds, yellow soil, and flowing water all turned into jade. As everything got converted, the surrounding hundred li became a frozen world made of jade.     

Even the silver giant was frozen into a jade statue.     

"This green jade song is truly extraordinary." Within the jade statue, Lang Ya land spirit spoke.     

Crack crack, the jade statue started to surface with cracks all over, the silver giant broke free as the jade was flung away, it attacked Feng Jiu Ge again.     

Feng Jiu Ge was not surprised, this green jade song had rank eight power, but against the silver giant, it could only temporarily obstruct it.     

But he had already obtained enough time for his second immortal killer move — Submission Song!     

This move encompassed wisdom path, enslavement path, sound path, and soul path, it affected the mind. It was created by Feng Jiu Ge using five finger fist heart sword as inspiration. It could temporarily cause desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts to change sides, becoming subordinates of the singer.     

The song soon spread throughout Lang Ya blessed land.     

However, it was in vain!     

Lang Ya land spirit laughed: "Feng Jiu Ge, do you think we would not prepare against it? Fang Yuan had already given me information of your submission song. In the battle earlier, I had already sent all our desolate beasts and ancient desolate beasts into our immortals' immortal apertures."     

Know yourself and your enemy, and you will never be defeated.     

Heavenly Court tried to obtain intel about Lang Ya blessed land, Lang Ya land spirit naturally did the same thing. Fang Yuan had warned Lang Ya land spirit regarding Feng Jiu Ge, he was something to guard against!     

Feng Jiu Ge breathed in deeply, using immortal killer move heaven and earth song!     

The song was loud and clear, it resonated with heaven and earth, drawing out its might and was able to exert pressure on people's minds, it could weaken enemy attacks.     

But this move was even weaker here.     

This was the heaven and earth of Lang Ya blessed land, the base of Feng Jiu Ge's enemy carrying deep animosity against him, how could Feng Jiu Ge resonate and use its power?     

Immortal killer move — Separation Song!     

Feng Jiu Ge dodged left and right and unleashed his trump card.     

This song was extraordinary, it was the best method to break apart immortal formations and Immortal Gu Houses. Back then, against the rank eight Immortal Gu House Clear Jade Dripping Wind Tiny Bamboo Building, it had greatly shocked Wu Yong by nearly dismantling it!     

The silver giant was an ancient battle formation, Bing Zhuo and the rest were controlling an immortal Gu formation now, they were also affected.     

Once it was dismantled, these variant human Gu Immortals would need to fight individually, how could they be Feng Jiu Ge's match?     

Originally, Feng Jiu Ge could not move while using separation song. But after this period of time, he had improved greatly, he could move freely now while using separation song.     

Once this song started, it was very weak like a low murmur or like soft sleep-talking in a quiet night.     

Next, a sudden emotion emerged in all of the variant human Gu Immortals' hearts.     

The song gradually became louder, it was not an instant rise, but a gradual and gentle one, alternating between low and high pitch as it rose.     

The Gu Immortals felt sadness and pain in their hearts.     

The song suddenly dropped to a low pitch, an incomparable gloominess and sentimental feelings attacked the variant human Gu Immortals' hearts, making them have an urge to cry!     

The pain of separation, the sadness of separation, the gloominess of separation, and the reluctance of separation.     

Splitting up with your lover, never seeing your friends again, and the death of your loved ones.     

Separated, but the past remains the same.     

Separated, as old friends bid farewell.     

Separated, like the setting of the sun.     

Separated, like falling flowers that convey deep sadness.     

"I'll separate your mother!!" Suddenly, Lang Ya land spirit screamed in a thunderous tone, resounding in the entire blessed land.     

At this moment, his immortal killer move was ready.     

Immortal killer move — Complete Silence!     

The silver giant shone with boundless brilliance.     

The silver light was extremely glaring, like a fragment of the sun, wherever it shone, the song faded into silence.     

Feng Jiu Ge's face finally expressed shock.     

This move had rank eight power, it directly countered him!     

"Feng Jiu Ge, your death anniversary will be in exactly a year's time!" Lang Ya land spirit roared smugly, the silver giant stomped on Feng Jiu Ge.     

Feng Jiu Ge rapidly retreated, but he could only dodge for now.     

His gaze flickered, the battle strength of Lang Ya's forces greatly shocked him multiple times.     

This complete silence killer move was extremely effective, but Lang Ya land spirit had kept it in reserve until the end. This move was too crucial, it threw Feng Jiu Ge into an absolute disadvantage.     

This legendary figure of Central Continent finally felt the intense aura of death!     

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