Reverend Insanity

Fang Yuan Contributes a Plan

Fang Yuan Contributes a Plan

1The chestnut yak was slammed down by Fang Yuan's own paw, and did not dare to climb back up again.      1

No matter what methods Twelfth Hair used, he was unable to make this chestnut yak climb back up and fight again.     

"The desolate beast is weak, the Gu Immortal is also useless." Fang Yuan shook his head internally, and dispelled his immortal killer move.     

In moments, the giant flying bear turned into a ball of light.     

From within the ball, Fang Yuan's figure slowly walked out and descended to the ground.     

"I lost once again. Brother Fang is truly amazing!" Twelfth Hair tried for a long time but seeing no success, he could only cup his fists towards Fang Yuan, admitting defeat.     

He and Fang Yuan had sparred several times already.     

At first, after he lost, he did not admit defeat and remained obstinate. But after several times, he was already less affected, loss became normal and victory instead was the anomaly.     

"Twelfth brother, you should practice your immortal killer move more frequently. And this chestnut yak is weak and timid, it is better if you change to another desolate beast as soon as possible." Fang Yuan advised.     

Twelfth Hair repeatedly nodded his head and sighed: "This is all because treasure yellow heaven is closed! When it opens, I will immediately buy a desolate beast for combat. This yak already has none of its wild nature left, I already thought of throwing it away. But I need to bear the cost of buying a desolate beast myself, this is the rule created after the sect was established. Sigh, my beast enslavement Immortal Gu is also not mine, I still need to pay to use it. Enough talking, I need to hurry back to refine Gu and sell them to earn immortal essence stones."     

"See you." Fang Yuan nodded.     

Twelfth Hair took back the chestnut yak and hurriedly left.     

"Good, I have obtained twenty sect contribution points again." Fang Yuan gazed at the receding figure of Twelfth Hair, his mind rippling with some joy.     

Over these last few days, he had not only been sparring with Twelfth Hair, he also had similar contact with other hairy man Gu Immortals.     

Although the secret transactions between Fang Yuan and Sixth Hair had already finished, Sixth Hair repeatedly visiting Fang Yuan's cloud city during the process was a small flaw.     

Although Fang Yuan had joined Lang Ya Sect and become an external supreme elder, there had always been a barrier between him and the hairy man Gu Immortals.     

After all, the human race was powerful currently while hairy men were a type of variant human which suffered persecution from humans.     

Fang Yuan might be on their side, but the hairy man Gu Immortals kept away from him. Why would Sixth Hair suddenly pay visits to Fang Yuan on his own initiative? This would certainly incite doubts.     

To fix this flaw, after the transaction, Sixth Hair subtly revealed to the other hairy man Gu Immortals that he looked for Fang Yuan in order to raise his battle strength. Because the previous sudden invasion by Shadow Sect, along with the tribulations just now, had made him feel his battle strength was truly lacking, so he looked for the human Gu Immortal, Fang Yuan, to ask for advice.     

To increase the trustworthiness of his words, Sixth Hair sparred with the other hairy man Gu Immortals and defeated them.     

Sixth Hair was a spy, one of the split souls of Spectral Soul. He had deep combat proficiency and just using a little bit of it was enough for him to easily defeat them all.     

This event caused a commotion in the small circle of hairy man Gu Immortals, even Lang Ya land spirit heard about it and affirmed Sixth Hair's actions in front of everyone. He even encouraged other hairy man Gu Immortals to ask for guidance from Fang Yuan. After all, the extremely low battle strength of the hairy man Gu Immortals had all along been a worry for Lang Ya land spirit.     

After Sixth Hair, other hairy man Gu Immortals went to Fang Yuan for guidance. With just a little thinking, Fang Yuan realized Sixth Hair's intention and enthusiastically welcomed the other hairy man Gu Immortals.     

Because this was a profitable thing with no harm to Fang Yuan.     

First of all, he would be relying on Lang Ya Sect for a long period of time to cultivate more conveniently and be safer when undergoing tribulations. So having a good relationship with these hairy man Gu Immortals was a must.     

Second, like Sixth Hair's considerations, Fang Yuan had to cooperate as well to make up for the flaw created because of the transactions.     

Lastly, Fang Yuan needed sect contribution points.     

From now on, if he wanted Lang Ya land spirit's help to borrow the strength of Lang Ya Sect, he could not always negotiate deals with Lang Ya land spirit.     

Previously, he could make deals with Lang Ya land spirit because the land spirit had taken a fancy upon his Luo Po Valley, Dang Hun Mountain and wisdom Gu.     

But from now on, to make Lang Ya Sect help him, the main thing would be to use sect contribution points.     

This was Lang Ya Sect's rule. Even Lang Ya land spirit took the initiative to comply to it.     

Lang Ya land spirit had already issued sect missions, the types of missions were mainly about guiding hairy man Gu Immortals to raise their battle strength.     

Lang Ya land spirit himself was not suitable for these missions, and Fang Yuan was the only suitable candidate.     

In these last few days, Fang Yuan guided many hairy man Gu Immortals and the response was extremely enthusiastic.     

Even when the hairy man Gu Immortals who came later did not receive good training, they did not blame Fang Yuan and instead found reasons caused by themselves.     

On one hand, Sixth Hair set an example, on the other, Fang Yuan knew about the information of these hairy men, and used his exquisite communicative skills to enthusiastically get along with them, making these hairy man Gu Immortals have a huge change in their impression of Fang Yuan.     

As for why Fang Yuan knew about the information of these hairy man Gu Immortals, that was because he had obtained a lot of intel about Lang Ya blessed land from his transactions with Shadow Sect.     

Fang Yuan calculated: "With this, my sect contribution points amount to over one hundred and forty. This is quite lucrative."     

Every time he gave guidance would provide Fang Yuan twenty sect contribution points.     

Previously, when Fang Yuan had lent Dang Hun Mountain, Luo Po Valley and other resources, he had only earned about three hundred contribution points.     

"These one hundred and forty sect contribution points are enough to exchange for some flowing light fruits." With such thoughts, Fang Yuan moved towards the first cloud city.     

In first cloud city, he saw Lang Ya land spirit.     

Lang Ya land spirit sized up Fang Yuan and praised: "As worthy of change form Immortal Gu! This hairy man Gu Immortal you have transformed into has almost no flaws, unless I use investigative Immortal Gu."     

When Fang Yuan was arriving, he suddenly had a brilliant idea, and used change form Immortal Gu to transform into a hairy man Gu Immortal.     

His aim was clear, it was to get into to Lang Ya land spirit's good books.     

Lang Ya land spirit held the ideology of hairy men rulership, and when he saw this appearance of Fang Yuan, he smiled happily and started praising change form Immortal Gu. In fact, he found his opinion of Fang Yuan rising.     

Fang Yuan, however, sighed and spoke with a bitter tone: "This transformation is still not complete, although I have change form Immortal Gu, I lack everlasting Immortal Gu. If I had everlasting Immortal Gu, I could completely transform into a hairy man and truly become a member of Lang Ya Sect! Lord first supreme elder, you might not know, but after these days of being in contact with other hairy man Gu Immortals, I am deeply moved. Human Gu Immortals are crafty and on guard against each other. But hairy men are forthright and sincere, united, warm and cordial, this is a true home. I already can't bear to part with this place."     

Lang Ya land spirit laughed heartily and repeatedly patted Fang Yuan's shoulder: "Fang Yuan, having such an awareness is good, very good!"     

If he knew Fang Yuan had transacted with Shadow Sect just some days ago and did not report the spy, he would flay Fang Yuan, this insidious fellow, alive!     

But what a pity, Lang Ya land spirit did not know any of it.     

"I have seen your actions over these last days. You have guided these children and raised their battle strength by a lot, especially Sixth Hair's! Good, good. These last days, I have heard a lot of good things about you from other hairy man Gu Immortals. Ah, what matter did you come for this time?" Lang Ya land spirit asked.     

"I wanted to use some sect contribution points to exchange for some flowing light fruits." Fang Yuan replied.     

"That's a small matter! As long as your contributions are enough, exchanging for flowing light fruits is no problem." Lang Ya land spirit waved his hand and said frankly.     

Fang Yuan pretended to hesitate: "I have a very slight opinion regarding Lang Ya Sect's development. I don't know if I should say it or not?"     

"Tell me about it, I'm listening." Lang Ya land spirit squinted his eyes and smiled.     

Fang Yuan spoke: "Over these last days of sparring with many hairy man Gu Immortals, I made some findings. Their battle strength needs to be raised urgently, but how to raise them is the problem. Because all of them primarily cultivate refinement path, and although refinement path also has offensive methods, it is inferior to the offensive prowess of other paths."     

Lang Ya land spirit nodded, Fang Yuan's words hit his core problems, he could not help but sigh: "This is precisely what I am worried about."     

Fang Yuan continued: "Actually, there is a good way to increase battle strength, that is transformation path."     

"Transformation path?"     

"Right." Fang Yuan slowed down, before continuing: "Among all the Gu cultivation paths, to speak of the one that can increase battle strength the fastest, that would be blood path. But blood path is extremely dangerous and is too threatening to others! Its reputation is vile and it is hated by everyone. Moreover, if one's blood path cultivation is even slightly high, their name will be added to Heavenly Court's Demon Judgment Board, and that would expose us. So, blood path won't do."     

"You are right!" Lang Ya land spirit approved.     

Actually, he was also apprehensive towards blood path. If hairy man Gu Immortals cultivated blood path, he was worried if it would lead to internal strife and conflicts in Lang Ya Sect.     

Fang Yuan spoke with assurance: "Besides blood path, the path that can increase battle strength the fastest is transformation path. The threshold for transformation path is very low, its immortal killer moves also don't require any planning, any kind of transformation is an immortal killer move. Normal immortal killer moves require at least a few years of trial and error, right?"     

"And in Lang Ya Sect, there are large numbers of Immortal Gu recipes which includes many transformation path Immortal Gu recipes. We have many Immortal Gu recipes but few immortal killer moves. If hairy man Gu Immortals cultivate refinement path primarily and transformation path as the secondary path, they can take advantage of the strengths and avoid the weaknesses."     

"The hairy man Gu Immortals are not hardened, to raise their battle strength would not be a day's work. If they transformed into desolate beasts, their bodies would become tougher, even if they make some mistakes in battles, it won't be much of a problem, they can fight back. It won't be like other paths such as fire path and water path, the body is extremely weak and without defensive methods, they would be in extreme danger in the battlefield."     

"Transformation path Immortal Gu recipes are easy to deduce and their immortal materials are easy to obtain, thus the Immortal Gu are easy to refine as well."     

"Hairy man Gu Immortals can transform into desolate beasts to fight, and it can also be a way to disguise their hairy man identities. Although Lang Ya Sect has deep foundations, the five regions are still ruled by humans. As long as we can do so, we should give as little chance to expose ourselves as possible."     

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