Reverend Insanity

Fighting And Entering The Immortal Graveyard

Fighting And Entering The Immortal Graveyard

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Thunder rumbled ceaselessly. Immortal Zombie Giant Sun breathed out countless golden rays; Star Constellation Immortal Venerable emitted beautiful starlight; Fang Yuan's killer moves engulfed the battlefield.     

Worlds shook like huge pancakes, mountains and rivers continued to be destroyed completely.     

In such a battlefield, the three great worlds became food on a chopping board.     

Fang Yuan breathed out indifferently, endless sword qi flew out like lumps of clouds, blocking the starlight. He then pushed with his hand as another killer move shot out, akin to a divine wind that roared like dragons or tigers.     

Fang Yuan was not able to do anything more than that in combat.     

He had too many dao marks, his killer moves were also too powerful. He could only choose the weakest among those to use.     

In fact, although the fight between the three was filled with explosions, Immortal Zombie Giant Sun and Star Constellation Immortal Venerable were also like Fang Yuan, they were holding back.     

This was not Primordial Domain.     

They could show their skills fully in Primordial Domain, but this was the eighth layer. The Crazed Demon formation still needed the great worlds to act as clues and fuel, if this place were to be destroyed, it would definitely trigger Limitless Demon Venerable's retaliative measures.     

"But it doesn't matter, we only need to restrain Star Constellation Immortal Venerable." Fang Yuan was happy to accept this outcome.     

Both him and Immortal Zombie Giant Sun were delayed in the Crazed Demon formation, resulting in Heavenly Court's victory in the fight between the great worlds.     

With their return now, another change emerged in the overall battle situation.     

Fang Yuan and Immortal Zombie Giant Sun collaborated to obstruct Star Constellation Immortal Venerable, while Zhan Bu Du and the rest counterattacked.     

Qi waves surged as Demon Immortal Qi Jue ran rampant in the battlefield.     

The phantom image of the damaged Xi Land appeared above his head, facing Seven Fiendish Primeval Monarch and Shabi Ninety-five once again.     

Shabi Ninety-five roared towards the sky as it charged into the battle.     

Immortal killer move — Xi Xi!     

Demon Immortal Qi Jue was already prepared, immediately using his strongest method. Shabi Ninety-five's qi path killer move was absorbed by Xi Land, increasing Demon Immortal Qi Jue's foundation.     

Shabi Ninety-five got a huge fright, retreating quickly.     

If not for Xi Land being damaged and only thirty percent of it remaining, even some parts of Shabi Ninety-five's body would have been devoured.     

"Senior, let me lend you a hand!" At the crucial moment, an Immortal Gu House in the shape of a tombstone flew over.     

It was Gu Yue Fang Zheng in Demon Judgment Board.     

Immortal killer move — Blood Extraction Light!     

A scarlet blood red beam of light pierced the skies and shot towards Demon Immortal Qi Jue.     

"If not for my Xi Land being damaged and only thirty percent of it remaining…" Demon Immortal Qi Jue flew away, dodging this vast attack.     

Right at this time, a qi wall suddenly spread out and seemed to connect heaven and earth, it suppressed Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals.     

Qi Sea Ancestor had made his move.     

There was similarly a secluded domain of heaven and earth above his head, it was Hu Land.     

Using Hu Land as the core, his various qi path killer moves had boundless might and unparalleled vastness.     

The killer move qi wall was originally only limited to defending, but Qi Sea Ancestor did the opposite, spreading it to entrap enemies.     

Even Demon Immortal Qi Jue was surprised at such power.     

He took several glances at Hu Land specially, commenting in his mind: "Truly the secluded domain of heaven and earth that is comparable to Xi Land. It is just that Xi Land is good at absorbing, while Hu Land is specialized in releasing. If both lands were gathered and used together in a complete circulation…"     

Boom boom boom.     

On the other side, Zhan Bu Du wore the blood red cape and moved like a flash of red lightning.     

Everywhere he went, Heavenly Court's Gu Immortals were beaten badly.     

Qing Chou was already killed by Qi Sea Ancestor's Hu elevation, even if it were to be revived, it would need to recuperate for a long time in Divine Emperor City, and would not be able to participate in the battle for this period of time.     

Without Qing Chou and the fact that Star Constellation Immortal Venerable was unable to use her full strength, the bulky Zhan Bu Du once again became a headache for Heavenly Court!     

Zhan Bu Du tore through the sky, closing in on Duke Mei.     

"Duke Mei, careful!" Duke Tong shouted while hurrying from afar.     

Duke Mei shouted with fury: "Junior, don't be arrogant!"     

He activated his strongest method, his eyebrows and hair fluttered and grew tens of feet long.     

His snow white hair could become hard and soft, it was used for both attack and defense. The skillful series of moves even immobilized the violently charging Zhan Bu Du.     

Zhan Bu Du felt that he could not use his strength. His violent force was diverted and dispelled, it was very stifling.     

He immediately opened his mouth and roared, yellow lightning erupted from his roar, destroying the countless hairs in his surroundings like they were dry twigs.     

A part of the incomplete freedom transformation was thunder rush yellow bird transformation. This move was a fierce and powerful method that shot yellow lightning, its power was magnified several times in Zhan Bu Du's hands.     

Zhan Bu Du broke through the obstacles and arrived in front of Duke Mei, directly punching ahead.     

Duke Mei's killer move was broken, the backlash caused him to reveal a weakness. He dodged a second late, the punch broke his head like a watermelon, his brain matter splattering everywhere.     

Duke Mei died, but his phantom aperture that contained all kinds of Gu worms, immortal essence, and immortal essence stones flew towards the immortal graveyard.     

Zhan Bu Du tried to catch it but the phantom aperture passed through his palm like an illusion.     

Seeing Duke Mei dying right in front of him, Duke Tong shouted furiously: "Demon, you will pay with your life!"     

His muscles that were bulging and shining with brass luster rained down punches after punches. Every punch broke through the sound barrier and had horrifying momentum.     

Zhan Bu Du laughed fiercely: "Come at me."     

He charged head-on and fought Duke Tong in close combat without dodging.     

Bam bam bam!     

Punches and kicks interchanged, Zhan Bu Du just attacked without defending. Duke Tong's punches struck his body, the pain made Zhan Bu Du attack even more wildly.     

Soon, Duke Tong was unable to hold on and fell into disadvantage.     

Heavenly Court Gu Immortals hurried over to reinforce him, using all kinds of killer moves to attack Zhan Bu Du.     

Zhan Bu Du's movements slowed down immediately as he was attacked by lightning, golden spears, and so on.     

His robust body shook slightly, he endured it all and grabbed Duke Tong's hand.     

"You can't run away!" Zhan Bu Du laughed malevolently, exerting strength in his hand.     

Crack, Duke Tong's large and rough arm was broken completely!     

Duke Tong shouted in pain, his leg kicked like a whip, creating countless leg shadows that drowned Zhan Bu Du.     

Zhan Bu Du's eyes shone with a fierce light as he punched Duke Tong's chest.     

The two immortals staked their lives in attacking the other, blood and flesh splattered everywhere.     

Duke Tong kicked Zhan Bu Du's two shoulders again and again, Du's neck and face turned purple from a lack of blood flow. But while this happened, Duke Tong's rib bones were shattered, his heart that had no protection was also destroyed by Zhan Bu Du!     

Duke Tong's heart was destroyed, but he still roared and continued to attack.     

Zhan Bu Du gave an evil grin, he stretched out his hands like a bear and clasped Duke Tong's head.     

Zhan Bu Du pressed viciously; first, he pressed his thumbs into Duke Tong's eyes, squeezing the eyeballs till they burst. Shortly after, with a crisp crack, Duke Tong's head broke into pieces.     

Finally, Zhan Bu Du clenched his fingers, crushing Duke Tong's brain, his face, and the crushed head together.     

Only then did Duke Tong's attacks stop, his body fell while his phantom aperture flew away with his Immortal Gu.     

Zhan Bu Du's gaze was vicious as he followed the phantom aperture, his gaze falling on the immortal graveyard.     

Just as he was about to charge into the immortal graveyard, an Immortal Gu House flew over and blocked his path.     

Divine Emperor City!     

Zhan Bu Du showed a solemn expression, he restrained his fearless momentum slightly.     

After all, Divine Emperor City had the strength of painting path, Zhan Bu Du could not defend against it, if he was careless, he would also be captured and sealed in painting world by Divine Emperor City.     

Star Constellation Immortal Venerable resisted Immortal Zombie Giant Sun and Fang Yuan while observing the whole battlefield, a trace of worry showed up on her face.     

Heavenly Court lacked manpower. They could have the upper hand if they just fought Fang Yuan or Longevity Heaven. But when these two sides allied, they were at a disadvantage.     

Especially now that she was tied up and Heavenly Court lacked pseudo venerable battle strength, Heavenly Court was being beaten back by Zhan Bu Du and the rest's crazed attacks.     

Immortal killer move — Humble Reciprocation!     

Star Constellation Immortal Venerable moved her left palm, a small phantom image of Book Mountain floated on it.     

Thousands of killer moves bloomed like fireworks or like a chaotic tidal wave as they poured out in a torrent.     

These killer moves had their respective target, each targeting their original owners. Demon Immortal Qi Jue, Qi Sea Ancestor, Zhan Bu Du, and the rest were 'taken care of', they had no choice but to divert their attention and focus on defending.     

Immortal Zombie Giant Sun was also engulfed by golden rays, he was also targeted by humble reciprocation.     

Undoubtedly, this move was truly suitable for the current situation.     

It was not that Star Constellation Immortal Venerable did not have powerful methods like Hu elevation, but if she used them, they would trigger Limitless' countermeasures.     

And humble reciprocation was only 'returning' the other Gu Immortals' attacks, the power of each move was not high and did not cross Limitless' bottom line.     

At the same time, these killer moves targeted their original owners and not the three great worlds. Their owners had to focus on defending instead, this greatly stabilized Heavenly Court's situation.     

Star Constellation Immortal Venerable was holding Book Mountain while pointing with another hand, stardust shot towards Fang Yuan.     

She needed to pin down Fang Yuan herself.     

Because Fang Yuan's killer moves could not be 'returned' by humble reciprocation.     

These killer moves were compound killer moves, only Fang Yuan with his sovereign immortal body could use them. So, Star Constellation Immortal Venerable had to target Fang Yuan herself.     

Fang Yuan gave a cold snort, suddenly using the compound killer move wind-light-fire-lightning wheel!     

This move was modified from fire-wind wheel, adding in profundities of light path and lightning path.     

Five rings surrounded Fang Yuan, the five rings rotated and carried him away rapidly.     

Fang Yuan had been secretly inspecting and discovered that the aura of Heavenly Court's immortal graveyard kept on growing stronger, it was extremely odd. With Book Mountain already in Star Constellation Immortal Venerable's immortal aperture, only the immortal graveyard was left outside. It was a vital area of Heavenly Court!     

Humble reciprocation burdened the mind and consumed too many thoughts, even Star Constellation Immortal Venerable was burdened.     

Fang Yuan retreated from the fight and charged towards the immortal graveyard, Star Constellation Immortal Venerable immediately experienced what Fang Yuan felt when she removed herself from the fight before.     

Star Constellation Immortal Venerable quickly moved to stop Fang Yuan, but Immortal Zombie Giant Sun noticed this. Even though there had been no communication, he decisively moved to stop Star Constellation Immortal Venerable.     

Fang Yuan's main body charged into the immortal graveyard alone.     

"Not good, this demon Fang Yuan is here!"     

"He finally discovered the immortal graveyard's secret."     

"That's fine, we don't have to keep on hiding here."     

Duke Mei, Duke Tong, and others appeared to block Fang Yuan with decisive and furious expressions.     

All of them had actually been revived!     

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