Is that a Wisp?

Time to leave

Time to leave


Krune came back a week later. During his time battling outside against the Foundation Establishment Realm beasts, he got a lot of experience in the process, allowing him to finally control his human body to an acceptable degree. Although it wasn't as good as him using wisp body for battle, it wasn't without advantages. There might be times in the future where he might need to use weapons. Unlike in his wisp body, he wouldn't need to expend spiritual energy to grab things. In fact, his spatial ring was already on his finger.


His human body could also be considered as an additional layer of defense for his wisp core. His energy body definitely wasn't as strong as his human body made out of blood and flesh. So, in a situation where he couldn't avoid an attack, that would be a time where this body of his would come in handy.

Of course, the disadvantages were also very obvious. Unlike before, Krune's mind now also had to pay attention to where his body was moving and how it was moving. His control over spiritual energy wasn't that smooth either. He had to circulate the spiritual energy through his human body before being able to release it outside to use his skills.

Lakin noticed that his master was back and went out to receive him, asking.

"Master, how was it? How much stronger did you become?"

Krune laughed in response. Lakin was still much younger than him, and he had barely reached one year of age, so he was very enthusiastic.

"It's not bad, to be honest. I think any ordinary demon beast at the 3rd Stage of the Foundation Establishment Realm or lower is not my match. I can even fight 4th Stage ones head-on. If I return to my wisp form, I should be able to more or less fight against 5th Stage ones as well, but I haven't tried that yet."

Lakin was left in awe. His master is so powerful! He totally wanted to follow his steps, but he had long noticed that his talent with the Myriad Energies Technique was a far cry from his master. Krune took around half a year to get to the peak of the 9th Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm. On the other hand, Lakin was already practicing it for a year and could only reach the middle of the 8th Stage.

If others heard what Lakin was thinking, they would smash their heads against the wall! Bro, it takes us over a decade to reach the 9th Stage, maybe two even! What the hell are you complaining about?

"Master, do you think I should go create a Universe Foundation as well when I try to break through into the Foundation Establishment Realm?"

After hearing the question, Krune looked at him with concern. His Universe Foundation almost killed him. On top of that, he didn't want his disciple to pass through the Heavenly Tribulation as well. Then again, it was directly linked to his disciple's future achievements, so he couldn't come to a decision. In the end, he decided to leave it for Lakin to choose. Whatever foundation he would end up building, he would support him.

"I can't answer that, Lakin. That's a very personal question. Remember that Ruik said that everyone can build a foundation the way they like. Of course, you must remember that I was able to build the Universe Foundation because I witnessed your birth. I told you before. The way I operate spiritual energy in my Universe Foundation follows the same path as the spiritual energies that gave birth to you. Problem is, you weren't able to see it with your own eyes, so you don't have an idea of how it works. I also don't know any wisp who could remember how they were born."

Lakin could not help but feel a bit gloomy after hearing that. His master was right. He had no idea how he was born. All he knew was what his master told him regarding the process, but the feeling of that time wasn't something that can be explained with words. He still needed to witness it by himself.

But where would he find a place where a wisp was about to be born? His master had already commented that the number of wisps had been continuously declining, so his chances of witnessing such an event as of late were really low.

Krune noticed what he was thinking and said.

"Don't overthink it. When you reach the peak of the Qi Condensation Realm, you should be able to put up a fight against ordinary 1st Stage Foundation Establishment Realm demon beasts. You'll probably be even stronger than them, so you won't have any issues defending yourself."

"Also, just because you got to the 9th Stage, that doesn't mean you should go through your breakthrough straight away. You can take your time to think it over. Who knows, a wisp can be born anywhere. You might have the chance to witness it for yourself."

"I only ask you to keep thinking of an alternative. If by the time that you're already three years old, and you haven't found a wisp being born, you should consider using your second alternative. We wisps have very limited life spans, so we can't afford to wait much longer. Try to think about something better than the island in the lake foundation. Remember that the more complicated the foundation is, the stronger you will become when you reach the Foundation Establishment Realm. It's not because my Universe Foundation is powerful that other types of foundations aren't powerful as well."

Lakin could not help but agree with his master's words, thinking that it was the best course of action. It's not that he couldn't try building the Universe Foundation without having witnessed the birth of a wisp like Krune. Sadly, the chances of success for that were just too low. It was not worth the risk.

After that, Krune entered the cave as he said.

"Let's go. I have some things to talk about with you, Ruik, and those little guys."

When Krune headed back inside, Ruik was sleeping as always. Krune then woke him up and brought the Lizard Dragons near them. Although the Lizard Dragons were only at the Qi Condensation Realm, their big brother had finally broken through the 9th Stage of the Qi Condensation Realm. He now had sentience, and with Lakin's help, it could already understand words and convene his thoughts through Divine Sense. With the big brother Lizard Dragon as an intermediary, the other Lizard Dragons could also understand the situation.

"Alright, guys. I've always told you this, so let me cut to the chase. I'll be leaving here tomorrow to head to the city."

Lakin and Ruik already expected that, while the Lizard Dragons were the only ones who didn't know. It wasn't because Krune didn't want to tell them, but because back then, there wasn't a Lizard Dragon capable of understanding Krune. As expected, as soon as the Lizard Dragons found out about it, they all roared in protest. They didn't want Krune to go at all. They told him that he should stay with them as their big brother even said he was strong now and would protect him.

Krune felt warm inside after hearing that. To think that not only Lakin but even the Lizard Dragons would also treat him like family. It even made him feel a hint of regret about the time he killed their parents, but what's done was done. The Lizard Dragons didn't mind it, though. They were demon beasts, and as demon beasts, they worshipped the strong. It's not like they haven't killed other demon beasts as well. They were carnivores. They had to eat after all.

"I know you guys don't want it to happen, but I need to go. I made a promise over a year ago, and I have to keep my word or die trying. The Katiu Forest can only bring me so far. Sure, I can still cultivate here for a while longer, maybe even reach the Core Formation Realm here. Unfortunately, I can't find much information here. The world outside is modern, several times more developed than our forest. Although it'll be more dangerous for a wisp like me to go outside by himself, I already have my human form. Unless I'm willing to show my true appearance, I'll be safe."

The Lizard Dragons still didn't like it. But Krune was their leader, so they had to obey. As for Lakin, he looked at his master, and he was determined.

"Master, I'll definitely reach the Foundation Establishment Realm in the future. After that, I'll definitely find you again."

Krune just laughed in response as he replied.

"Sure, I'll be waiting for you. By the way, it's not like I won't come back and visit you guys. I do intend to leave the planet one day, but before that, I will still look out for you guys."

Ruik, on the other hand, was pretending to be as calm as ever, even though he also didn't want to part with such a good friend.

"So much bullshit. A male has to explore the world! It's better to die trying than regret never trying in the first place. All Foundation Establishment Realm beasts and above who have achieved a human form have paid a visit to the human cities at least once. Although the majority comes back after some time, there's still a good amount who decide to live with humans. There's nothing strange about that. I haven't gone yet because I can't transform. Otherwise, I would go with you as well."

Krune was happy to see Ruik's concern for him.

"Ruik's right. I hope that before I become strong enough to one day leave the planet, all of you would have already grown strong enough to take your human forms. Who knows? I might even bring you with me when that time comes!"

After hearing that, a look of determination appeared in Ruik's eyes. Leaving the planet! He never thought of such a possibility, but with this heaven-defying wisp, maybe, just maybe, he might be able to do so.

Lakin also shone brilliantly in response to Krune's words. He was obviously hyped out! He would absolutely break through the Foundation Establishment Realm no matter what!

As for the Lizard Dragons, even their big brother didn't understand the 'leaving the planet' thing. Though, by looking at the current situation, it seemed like it was something very good. With that, he told his siblings that they should try very hard as well. Of course, he would ask Lakin about what leaving the planet meant later.

Krune decided that he would give Lakin the authority to pass the Myriad Energies Technique forward. Unsurprisingly, before doing that, the other party must sign a blood contract stating that if they tried to spread this technique, they would die. Also, he must trust them first before doing that. Lakin was also a wisp, and wisps were very intelligent by nature. With Krune's guidance, there weren't many people or demon beasts out there who could fool him.

Fortunately, Krune had quite a few blood contracts with him. He came to understand that blood contracts were very common outside.

"Ruik, I will pass you my Myriad Energies Technique as well. Though, let me be frank first. I don't know how effective it is for demon beasts. Anyway, if you can create my Spiritual Energy Meridians, it should boost both your cultivation speed and your battle prowess tremendously. Just make sure not to spread it outside since it might bring you a calamity."

"Also, although I know that any race can cultivate my technique, they can't learn it as easily as a wisp. The wisps' sensitivity for spiritual energy is at a level that very few races can compare to, so don't rush it. You're different from us. You have a very long life span ahead of you, so you can take your time understanding it. If you have any doubts, you can always ask Lakin. I've passed all my experiences to him. He'll be able to answer your questions as long as it's something that he or I have gone through before."

Ruik looked at Krune with puzzlement after hearing that. He knew of the 'Myriad Energies Technique.' He had heard before that this was the most common cultivation technique outside. He even knew a few beasts that had a copy of it right here in Katiu Forest, so what was so good about it? Krune then explained to him that he found out that the cultivation technique wasn't actually complete. Its real use wasn't only to form nine Pseudo-Energy Meridians but to form real Spiritual Energy Meridians instead.

He then explained to him how marvelous the Spiritual Energy Meridians were. By the end of the explanation, Ruik was astonished! Was there really such a heaven-defying cultivation technique? Ruik looked ecstatic, and Krune wasn't going to make him sign the blood contract. After all, he trusted Ruik. But to his surprise, Ruik demanded a blood contract. It's not that he would slip his tongue, but that the blood contract would also prevent other forms of forcefully taking the information from him.

Krune then passed Ruik a blood contract for him to write the terms himself. From the terms, one would see Ruik was indeed a demon beast through and through. He was very ruthless in stating the terms of the contract about spreading the cultivation technique without permission.

"Isn't that a little bit exaggerated? I trust you, you know?"

Ruik simply snorted as he said.

"A male has to keep his words. This is just a security measure."

He then took a copy of the Myriad Energies Technique before heading back to his nest to start comprehending it.

Krune then turned to Lakin and asked him to follow him. When they reached outside, he looked back at him tenderly and said.

"Lakin, you are young, but you can already defend yourself. You're also a wisp, so don't be surprised that the other races look down on you all the time. But this isn't a bad thing. That's because I have always been looked down upon that I achieved what I did. This is not your defect. This is, this is our, the wisps' strength! Never forget that."

Lakin answered dutifully.

"Yes, Master!"

Krune continued.

"As a wisp, you have high intelligence, so you'll help the Lizard Dragons protect themselves. As for Ruik, he will help you if there's a need for it. Behind that prideful look of his, there's a soft heart. Just don't let him know that I told you that since he'll never admit it."

Krune and Lakin laughed at the comment as the latter replied.

"Be at ease, Master. I won't let him find out about that."

Krune nodded in response before turning back to his wisp form. He then approached Lakin until their cores touched each other. It was quite a beautiful scene when the energies of those spiritual energy bodies touched. They gave off a very warm feeling, though Lakin only felt confusion.


Krune simply said.

"You are my disciple. Also, I don't have parents, just like you. But, remember that I do consider you as my son as well. As long as I'm alive, Master will always support you."

Lakin felt like he wanted to cry, but since he was a wisp, he didn't have eyes or tears to speak of. He only felt extremely touched. He could only think that he would absolutely never disappoint his master, no, his father!

Krune looked back at him and went back to his human form. He was trying to stay in this form as long as possible to get used to it.

"Let's head back. I'll use this night to tell you everything I understand about my Myriad Energies Technique and my experiences with it. Later, if Ruik asks you, try to help him as well."

Lakin agreed, and soon, they headed back to the spiritual vein lake room. This would be the last night with his master for a very long time, so he had to cherish it.

The next morning, Krune left.

His destination? Kaley City!

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